"It is good to see you safe, young ones." Master Fung said as the 4 monks, Dojo, and Chase walked up to him.

"It's all thanks to Chase." Rai said, gesturing at the warrior.

"Yeah, thanks a lot, Chase, we owe you one." Kimiko agreed.

"Yeah, sure, whatever..." Chase muttered. He wasn't used to this positive feedback.

He turned and headed for the entrance.

"Hey, where ya going?" Rai asked.

"Home, where else?"

Hold on a sec."

Chase stopped but didn't turn around.

The monks huddled and were whispering something. They nodded, then faced Chase.

"Hey, Chase, what would you think about joining us?" Kimiko asked.

Chase went rigid. "What?"

"We talked it over, and we'd be most grateful and honored if you did." Omi put in.

Chase was silent, so Kimiko spoke up again.

"Omi's said it before, there's still good in you. Today proved that more than any other day."

"...I think that volcanic smoke's still getting to you..."

"No it's not. I'm serious. We all are."

"You'd be an awsome member of our group." Rai put in.

Chase had half turned to face them.

"Chase," Master Fung started, approaching him, "You were once a Xiaolin warrior, and once one has become one, it never goes away. Despite the fact you've been on the Heylin side for centuries, there is still good chi deep down. No matter what, it never vanishes, as I'm sure you noticed in Omi and Raimundo."

Said Warriors grinned sheepishly.

"Besides, I heard you've grown a little fond of us." Kimiko said with a smirk.

"Where'd you hear that?" Chase asked quickly.

"A little bean told me."

Chase grumbled under his breath, and they heard a 'I'm gonna kill him...' somewhere in that.

"So what do you say?"

Chase looked at them, then out at the surrounding mountains.

"Even if I did join you, do you honestly think I would fit in here?" he asked skeptically.

"Dude, do we look like we fat in when we first showed up?" Rai asked.

Chase glanced at them.

They were all grinning widly, except for Dojo, who was drinking a soda. Raimundo slapped the back of his head, and he quickly joined in the large grinning group.

Master Fung held out his hand. Chase looked at it, then at him, then at the monks.

He thought about all the times they'd fought, everything he'd done to them, and the trouble he'd gotten them in today. All that and they were offering him a place on their side?

Somewhere in him, he felt a twinge of happiness. The thought of being a Xiaolin warrior again was pleasing to the good still somewhere in him.

He'd known there was always some good left in him, but he'd figured it would simply vanish in time.

Maybe...maybe deep down, he'd always wanted to return to the side of good. He'd helped the monks when they needed it, and he always stayed true to his word in a showdown, unlike other villians they'd fought.

He looked at Master Fung again, then, a little hesitant at first, shook his offered hand.

The Xiaolin monks cheered and gathered around him.

"Yeah, group hug!" Dojo yelled.

"Try to hug me, and I will throw you half way down the mountain." Chase growled.

"Ok, no group hug."

They backed up a little.

"This is great, with Chase on our side, we'll have a complete advantage over Wuya and Hannibal." Kimiko said.

"And maybe teach us some things we don't know?" Rai directed at Chase, a questioning look in his eyes.

"I don't know, that's a pretty long list..." Chase replied, smirking at they're annoyed expressions.

"Now that that's settled, I'm sure you all need rest. You are welcome to stay here for the night, Chase." Master Fung offered.

"I'll stay tonight, but I'm heading back tommarow."

"Ok, let's eat, I'm starved." Rai said.

Everyone agreed, and headed for the main temple.

Meanwhile, watching them from above, Hannibal sat on Ying Ying's back.

"So, Chase is back on the Xiaolin side, eh? This'll make things interesting..." he mused.

Ying Ying turned and headed for the mountain range.


Alright, so Chase is back on the good side, but don't worry, he'll still keep his usual attitude, he'll just be a little nicer towards the Xiaolin Warriors.

And what is Hannibal planning? Stay tuned to the Chase Young Saga!