A/N: Finally figuring out how I want to go with the final deadly sin and who to use for it. I hope you guys enjoy because it's taken quite a lot of creative thinking on my part to figure this all out! Here's the next update on Envy. :)

"I'm reaching up towards the heavens,
but I'm holding onto hell.
See, facing her in heaven would be far worse than the devil himself..."

Song by Justin Nozuka, "Woman Put Your Weapon Down"

Summary:There's just something about the martial artist that no one can quite put their finger on…Drabbles focusing on Tifa Lockhart and her interactions with each of the Dissidia cast members. May contain 012 spoilers.

Warning:May contain Dissidia 012 spoilers. Read at your own risk.

Je Ne Sais Quoi


Warrior of Light – Invidia

He doesn't know what he envies more; her skills as a warrior of Cosmos or the love she gathers from those around her...

He had to be brave. He had to be strong. Ever vigilant, ever the sign of hope in a desolate place and in the most dire of times. He would be the shining beacon of light for all to see. He would be Cosmos' sword and shield, all her strength. With his last breath, he would die fighting and protecting what he knew to be true. He would never give up. He simply wasn't allowed to. Not even when the lady he fought for believed defeat to be true. For if he gave up, then what would there be left to fight for? Where would the strength go for the next wave of battle? Honour and justice was what he had been taught. It was what he lived by. To take it away was to take away the very essence of who and what he was; a knight of the light.

So how was it that a single female made him doubt everything he believed in? She was dressed like no warrior he had seen before. Neither a mage, nor a knight, she was a stark contrast to everything around him. She was brash and yet feminine at the same time. Her method of fighting was that of a monk but with her own style and flare, leaving him still unable to read her moves. He found it most intriguing. At first, he doubted her skill for she was so delicate looking with her big ruby red eyes and cherry pink lips. But she had been quick to prove her worth to Cosmos and her allies.

He had been the one to test her, as Cosmos had requested. He had brandished his sword against the young female fighter and decided he would go easy on her, as he would have with any woman who looked like her. He had watched and waited for her to whip out her weapon of choice but instead, she had grinned and put up her fists, getting into a stance of a martial artist.

"Don't be gentle with me. It could be your biggest mistake." She had chided him.

Indeed, it was. He had misjudged her. She was quick and agile and hard to hit. She had successfully dodged each and every one of his blows and when she attacked, she was there one second and gone the next, completely out of reach. She used her feet and her fists and it was undeniable that she was strong. He was still reeling from a few of her blows despite his armor. She knew the weak spots and once she found them, every single hit landed where it hurt the most and did damage.

Once Cosmos had had enough, she called her knight to stop and both warriors backed off. He stood straight and tall and refused to let anyone see how much she had hurt him. To be slighted by a woman who was as beautiful as she was deadly seemed to hurt his pride a lot more than he cared to admit. He licked at the blood that trickled down the corner of his mouth, metallic and sweet, in an effort to hide his wounds.

Everyone seemed to be in awe and a few even cheered the brunette on after the brief battle.

Laguna had cried out, "That's our girl!"

Even the ever aloof warrior, Lightning Farron, smiled and nodded approvingly with her arms folded over her chest. She seemed to have an immense amount of respect for the martial artist named Tifa Lockhart. The pink haired swordswoman did not seem an easy one to please, either.

It was evident; everyone loved the buxom brunette. They all joined her and congratulated her shortly after, patting her on the back, their eyes shining with admiration and love. He stood back and watched in silence, not saying a word.

Tifa seemed to bask in it. Her face lit up with a smile and she suddenly became bashful and demure, so different from the woman who had only recently fought him. He tried to convince himself this was a good thing; she could be a key component in defeating the warriors of Chaos. But he could not help the feeling deep inside of him; it hurt watching it all. It hurt to see Cosmos smile at the girl and stroke her hair lovingly. There was pride in her ice blue eyes as she granted her the blessing.

Had she looked upon him in the same way? What would it take to get his allies to look at him the way they looked at her? He told himself it didn't matter. He had a job to do and he would do it. This was not a popularity contest. To think of such things was selfish and pitiful. And for the longest time, he had brushed those feelings aside as the war between Cosmos and Chaos raged on. He had been fine with it throughout the entire thing. He had put up with many challenges and confrontations with his allies until the very end. It wasn't until that the group had decided to make the ultimate sacrifice that he spoke to the brunette again. She had been the one who approached him.

"I just wanted to thank you." She had spoken shyly, looking at her feet with her hands bound behind her back.

He watched her and the feeling returned, despite thinking he had it buried and forgotten for all that time. Even now, Cosmos had believed in her over him. Even now, his allies had chosen to die next to her; an honor he did not think they would ever deem him worthy of.

"For what?" He asked, not understanding her.

There was some more shuffling, "For standing back and believing in us- for believing in me."

He still couldn't understand her, not really. She chuckled softly then and her cheeks flushed.

"This might come off as silly but, as some of my memories returned...I remember having this absurd childish fantasy of having a knight in shining armor save me when I needed rescuing." She said without meeting his eyes.

"I apologize but I do not understand." He stated formally.

She looked up at him then, brushing away a strand of loose chocolate brown hair from her eyes, "I guess what I'm trying to say is...you sort of fit that description quite perfectly."

"You believe I am a knight in shining armor?" He asked her in his cool and distant voice.

She nodded once before saying, "You certainly do look the part. The world I come from, heroes like you don't really exist...and all my life, I've had to take care of myself. I just thought...wouldn't it be nice if for once, someone else could be brave and strong for me? Just once..."

He stared at the ground and felt like a true failure, "You are mistaken then. I am neither brave nor strong enough to be the hero you speak of."

"Of course you are! You nearly gave me a beating the day we first met! And you were holding back, to top it all off." She laughed at the memory, a day that felt like it had happened years and years ago.

He looked at her then, shocked. Immediately, he felt terrible. He had tried to go easy on her but she had been tough and so he had to put up more of a fight.

"I do apologize, my lady. Under the circumstances, I was forced to attack you." He began to explain.

There was more feet shuffling on her part before she said, "There you go, being all noble and a true gentleman. Then you say you aren't the knight from all those fairytales...I'm having a hard time believing that."

He straightened up and thought it through; all his years as a child, he had dreamed of being like the brave and glorious men they spoke of in legend and stories. Never once had he been told that he was. Never once had he even believed it. Tifa Lockhart was standing before him and telling him that he was the man she dreamt of as a child. Even as the end was nigh for all of them, even though she knew her time here would be lost forever, she smiled at him like a bashful girl and told him he was a hero. He had failed her, failed everyone and yet she still viewed him in such a way.

He wanted to tell her that she was misled. That such was not the case. He wanted to say that even now, she was more of a knight than he ever was his entire life. He wanted to explain to her how envious he was of her skill and of the adoration she received everywhere she went. How even though he was so jealous, he also wanted to be a part of her life. How even he, the true warrior of light, was drawn to her uncomplicated and free nature. But one look at the shine of her eyes when she met his chilling gaze told him it was not wise to break her heart, especially at a time like this. She would not return from this battle and her sacrifice would not even be remembered by most. If the only noble thing he could do was lie to her, then he would give her that. After all, she needed this dream, this belief that he was what she had sought after all her life.

He bowed on one knee and said, "I am honoured, my lady."

He then took one of her hands in his and removed her glove. Soft, pale skin glowed in the moonlight and he noticed how small and fragile her hands were for someone so strong. He brought her hand up to his lips and placed a gentle kiss on the top. He heard her inhale sharply but she didn't move or fight him. When he stood up again, he took notice of the lovely blush on her cheeks and the way she brought the hand he had kissed to her own lips. She was no princess, not of royal blood. One would even say she was a slight tomboy in her personality. But she had the figure that would rival that of a goddess and the class of one of noble birth.

It was the last time he would speak to her. It was the last time he would speak to any of them before they ventured out to make their sacrifice. He almost wished she wouldn't go, he almost wanted to stop her. But it was not his decision to make; it was hers. Even before she headed off, he couldn't rid himself of the guilty feeling he had for letting her go to her own demise. But then she had looked at him with a beautiful smile and waved goodbye, as if she would come back after all of it. She smiled at him like they were good friends parting ways only for now; a promise of a future reunion. It was an empty promise but she wouldn't even allow death to break her spirit.

He was so incredibly envious of her, it burned him. He was so consumed with the feelings she evoked in him, it ate at his spirit. Before they all departed, she approached him one last time and stood up on her toes. She leaned in quick, so close to him he could smell the dizzying scent of her skin and her hair; lavender and pearls. Her lips were soft and warm when they met the skin of his cheek. She lingered for a moment and all time seemed to pause. And then she moved away and her skin was flushed. She could not meet his eyes but she was smiling shyly. And then she turned on her heel and ran off after her already departing comrades.

The Warrior of Light stroked the spot her lips had marked and stared after her disappearing figure. No one seemed to have noticed what she had done. No one but him. And maybe he preferred it this way; it would be his way of keeping her memory alive during the next wave, even long after she had gone. For the first time in a long time, he smiled.

Tifa Lockhart, the only woman capable of making him envious as a warrior and a lover. He would not forget her. Not even when he would return to his own world...


A/N: There you have it. All the seven deadly sins have been covered! I guess you're assuming that ends the drabble set. Actually, no. :) I'm also going to be covering the seven virtues and the virtues will be drabbles focusing on Tifa and her interactions with the leading ladies! :) Hope you guys enjoyed! All constructive feedback is welcomed.