A/N: Well. This story has been on hold: NOT ANYMORE. I've been traveling around India and such so I have had massive brainwaves. Again, I am SO SORRY for not updating... feeling so guilty ...

Please forgive me with this chapter :



As Liam drifted to consciousness, he became evident of an agonising pain in his side. With a groan, he rolled over, only to be greeted by a loud splash and he was plunged underwater. His swimming skills immediately took over and he kicked desperately until he emerged from the depths of the freezing cold sea to a dark, starry night, the moon still high in the sky. Liam reached out, grabbing hold of the piece of wood that had been his raft, hauling himself back on. Once sitting on the damp, rotting, makeshift transport, he pulled up his soaked shirt, grimacing at the gathering blood. He'd been sliced by a sword. He could recognise that type of wound. He carefully pulled his shirt down again and examined the board of wood. It wasn't going to hold him much longer. Liam found himself hoping that land wasn't very far away. Slowly, memories were returning in flashes. A loud boom of a cannon, a bullet shot following soon afterwards and then a long, silence, before the clattering of Navy boots and sudden, yells and protests. Liam frowned, trying to remember what followed that. Nothing. Just pain and blackness. Although the moment that Liam's sword was knocked out of his hand, sort of began his spiral of downward events. He'd had to dodge swords, guns, captors, try to avoid the pirates seeing him and at the same time, make a failing attempt to find Calder, who had completely disappeared.

To Liam's relief, he saw the outlines of land ahead but as they appeared, a loud creaking noise began the second he moved to stand up on the wood. He sighed. 'Don't stop,' he told himself sternly. 'Even if the pain gets to you. You've got to get to land.' And with that, he dived into the water.

As soon as he raised his head to take in a gasp of air, he was suddenly aware of how close land actually was and was inwardly very relieved. He could tell from the outline of the land that it wasn't Shipwreck Cove and also guessed that he'd been unconscious for approximately six hours, which meant he would've drifted far away from the battle site. He swore as a rippling pain shot through his torso again. 'Please let this be Tortuga,' he murmured, ducking under the water and taking another few strokes towards the beach. Soon, he got into the familiar rhythm of not being able to identify any pain as he swam. Before he knew it, Liam was stumbling onto the beach, coughing out salt water. He flipped overgrown, brown hair away from his face, a sudden realisation occurring to him. The Lords and the Navy were sure to know who he was...him being the Pirate prince and Long John Walker being on their side, too. Liam groaned. He was going to need a massive make over to disguise his identity.

There was a loud shout and Liam jumped, startled. He glanced over towards the voice and the moonlight highlighted a figure...a boy about fourteen, who had skin almost as black as the night. He had clear, blue eyes and he was nearly completely naked apart from a loincloth. He had a spear clutched in his hand but he was alone and didn't look like he was attacking. He asked something in another language and Liam shrugged, helpless, unable to answer. The teenage native approached him, carefully touching Liam's side where his shirt was stained with blood. With sudden understanding, Liam nodded, lifting up his shirt. The teen's eyes widened and he gestured towards the forest. Liam guessed he had someone who could bandage up his wound and clean it, so he followed, swallowing, hoping somehow this would lead him back to his family.

A/N: Am I forgiven? Please review!