DISCLAIMER: If I actually owned Doctor Who, or Buffy, I'd be spending my time on much more important things than writing FANfiction...

Note: I am well aware that the new Doctor Who had not yet started during the time of Buffy. Lovely thing about fanfiction. It's actually supposed to be different. Incredible isn't it?

Alexander Harris walked towards Ethan's Costume Shoppe with a single and simple purpose. To buy a toy gun. Now, to others, such a goal would seem weird or childish, but to Alexander, it was a necessary and definite goal.

"Let's see now, twenty bucks to spend, fatigues at home, no weapon. Unacceptable, what sort of soldier walks around without a gun?" Such was Xander's thought process as he walked through Ethan's front door.

"Right then… Where's the weapons…" Alex quickly began searching though the store, looking for not only a weapon that would match his intended costume, but also any alternative costumes that would fit in his price range. "Robot… too simple, Magneto… too expensive, Vampire... hell no!"

It was as Xander walked past yet another isle on his way to the weaponry that he came across a Tan overcoat and pinstripe suit hanging off a hook on the wall. The set of clothing itself was nothing extraordinary, however, the silver penlight that was clipped to its front quickly caught Harris' attention.

"*whistle* That's the new Doctor's screwdriver isn't it? Dang, way too expensive for me. Shame, it'd be nice to be able to wear THAT to Halloween…" Xander's musings were broken by the approach of the shop keeper. "Excuse me, are you interested in buying this costume?"

Reluctantly Xander declined the offer "Sorry pal, as much as I'd love to I'm afraid I'm a little strapped for cash at the moment."

Ethan seemed to frown at that comment "Ahh… I see… Well, I'd be most happy to make a deal with you in return for allowing you to hire this costume for the evening. In fact, I've already made one such deal with a young blonde lady who came in just before you did. I'm sure we can work something out…"

Alex raised his eyebrows at the shopkeeper's apparent eagerness for him to wear the suit, but decided to explore the offer anyway "No point in looking a gift horse in the mouth". "Well, if you're sure. I mean I've only got twenty dollars to spend but if you're willing to give it to me for the night…"

"Wonderful! Now, I'll just bag this up for you but the only condition is that you must tell everyone just where you got your costume from. Is that fair enough?"

Alex's eyes all but burst from their sockets "Fair enough? Is he mad?" "Absolutely, Mr Rayne, it'd be a pleasure."

Ethan seemed to rather pleased as he finished bagging the suit and coat, as he handed them over and Xander payed he almost seemed to chuckle. "It's been a pleasure helping you. Have a great Halloween."

Alex replied with the same as he left the shop. "Score! No Mr. Plain Xander tonight! Now, time to get home and changed in time to watch all those little monsters go around pilfering candy."

The ripples from this simple choice of a different costume would start small. But it was this simple act of defying the path already set and choosing his own that would eventually shake the heavens, and make the demons tremble in fear.

Alexander walked down the street, proudly watching as the children placed under his care utilised his lessons to the maximum and claimed a bounty of chocolate like none other. It was relaxing, he decided, that for at least one night out of the year it was safe to walk the streets of Sunnydale. "After all, no one ever tries something on Halloween. Too 'commercialised' for any self-respecting demon. Just one night of fun and candy, nothing to go wrong."

Of course, had Alex been his usual aware self, he would have instantly realised just how wrong things were about to get.

Elsewhere, a pulse of magic ripped out from a bust which was followed by an exhausted chuckle. "Let's see just how 'gone' Ripper is."

The Doctor walked up the walkway towards the console. Gone was the usual boisterous and energetic bounce, it its stead was something more sedate, determined, resigned. It was as he was about to take off his coat that it happened. Raw unaltered pain and energy coursed through his body. Even the Time Vortex could learn something from this chaotic maelstrom of change and potential. Yet, just as quickly as it begun the pain stopped and no longer was he in the TARDIS preparing for his regeneration.

The Doctor spun around, his eyes widening in shock and horror as monsters and demons and things-that-definitely-shouldn't-exist clashed in open warfare in the streets of some unnamed town that definitely WASN'T the TARDIS.


"Xander!" The Doctor turned to the new voice, shocked as a… well… a ghost floated towards him.

"Oh Xander! I've been looking for you everywhere!"


"Xander are you okay?"

The Doctor turned around and saw his reflection in the window of a house.