A/N: Just so everyone knows, your criticism does not bother me at all. All I have done throughout this entire story is talk about how much this fic sucks. :) Please, do not let this piece of writing reflect on your opinion of my writing. This is my worst story, by far, and I would really appreciate if you gave my other stories a shot. They are absolutely nothing like this one, and most of them are strictly Jisbon, with hints of Van Pelt/Rigsby.

Now that I have rambled, here is the last chapter to my wrongly-titled story, Flashbacks.

Disclaimer: Not mine.

13 years later

Lily's POV

It's amazing how your life can change in just the blink of an eye.

My life took a major turn thirteen years ago, not that I can actually remember any of it. My dad was the one who told me all about my awful past, the terrible accident that occurred when I was just a month old. I finally understand where I get the unmistakable red tint in my hair, and the brown eyes, and the never-ending hunger streak that always makes me want to eat practically everything in sight.

It didn't take me long to figure out that my parents weren't really my parents. About two years ago, I began to question my father why I looked nothing like him or my mother. I never understood why they both possessed blue eyes while mine were a deep, chocolate brown. I didn't know why my hair was a light, wavy auburn, while my father had curly blond hair, and my mother was a brunette. Why was I fair-skinned and muscular while my parents were tan and medium-built?

I could never quite understand why I had such an unusual middle name. Why on Earth would my parents choose Rigsby for my second name? I used to always lie every time someone would ask what my middle name was. "Marie," I would tell them. Lily Marie Jane. That sounded so much more reasonable than Lily Rigsby Jane, don't you think?

It was only until I discovered the truth about why Mom and Dad had chosen the name. It used to be my surname, until my biological parents died.

Right after my father revealed the truth, he gave me a picture of my biological parents, who were apparently very good friends of his.

My mother was absolutely gorgeous. She had long, stunning red hair that flowed down below her shoulders. Her eyes were a liquid brown, like mine, and she had the most beautiful smile I had ever seen.

Dad says I get my eating habits from my father. I am not overweight, nor was my father. He was a smiley, goofy man with big, hazel eyes and huge biceps. In the photo, he had his arm wrapped around my mother tenderly, a sign that they truly loved each other.

Aunt Teresa, who I truly believed was my dad's sister until very recently, tells me so much about Wayne and Grace. She tells me that they both had gigantic, warm hearts. She tells me that they were so happy together. She tells me that they loved me more than anything on this planet. She tells me that they would be so happy to know that my dad, Patrick Jane, adopted me.

Life can change in a blink of an eye. In the split second of one car colliding with another, I lost two people who vowed to love me unconditionally, through thick and thin, forever. Fortunately, they left behind several people who promised the same.

Every Saturday night, our family comes over to our house for dinner. Uncle Kimball, Aunt Elise, and their ten-year-old son David usually arrive first, followed by Aunt Teresa, Uncle Ben, sixteen-year-old Avery and twelve-year-old Zane. Each Saturday night, I look around the dinner table. I see Aunt Teresa with her head thrown back in laughter at my mom and dad, who are arguing about something completely ridiculous. I see Kimball and Ben discussing basketball and football. I see Zane and David arm-wrestling, even though Avery and Elise are scolding them.

At the dinner table, I look over at my mom and dad, who have eventually given up on their stupid argument and were laughing along with everyone else. They look over at me, grinning, and I just can't help but grin back.

Dysfunctional as it may be, family is family, and I wouldn't trade mine for the world.

Jane's POV

I hear the front door open, and I peer around the corner of the dining room and glance down the hall. I see my daughter hanging up her coat, shaking the snow out of her long, auburn hair.

"Hey, sweetie," I call out, sipping at my tea. "How was it?"

Lily laughs. "Avery sucks at ice skating."

I chuckle. "She always has. I tried teaching her when she was a little girl, but she was just too stubborn."

My daughter walks down the hall toward the dining room, plopping down in the chair across from me. "She fell, and she pulled me down with her. It was so embarrassing."

"Sounds like Avery."

"Where's Mom?"

I glance at my watch. "Out with Teresa. She should be home any minute."

Lily nods. "Avery said her mom got shot at today by a suspect, and that she really needed to unwind."

I sigh. "Teresa is way too overprotective."


"Her team members."

Lily gapes. "Did she jump in front of you again?"

I shake my head. "No, this time, she bolted in front of Emily." Emily Cassidy was the rookie of the team, eager for any job her boss threw at her.

Lily and I both turn our heads when the front door opens again and we hear boots clomping down the hall. My wife, Sadie, smiles at us both. "How was ice skating, Lily?"

"Avery sucks."

"That's what her mom said."

My daughter laughs. "Her mom was right."

I watch Lily dive into her story about my niece falling on her face, grabbing Lily, and tugging her toward the ice. My daughter laughs as she tells her mother how Avery stumbled, nearly saved herself twice, but crashed to the ground instead. Sadie bursts out laughing.

I met Sadie at a tea parlor in downtown Sacramento. I wasn't necessarily looking for a relationship, despite Lisbon's blunt request, but suddenly I just... found a relationship.

I told Sadie about Lily on the first date, just to get it over with. I explained to her my situation, who Lily's parents were and that they left her with me. I told her that it was my intention to adopt the little girl, and sometime soon.

I figured that Sadie would run when I told her this. I wouldn't have blamed her. It's a lot to take in on the first date. If the tables were turned, I probably wouldn't have been a hundred percent comfortable with it either. But Sadie surprised me by simply taking my hand across the dinner table and telling me she thought it was great how I selflessly took in my friends' daughter.

The first date turned into a second date, and the second date turned into a weekend in Santa Monica. We strolled on the beach for hours, exchanging life stories and views of the world. I worked up the courage to tell her about my Angela and Charlotte. She was quiet while I told her everything, silently taking my hand without knowing that a rush of electricity was shocking me. When my story was finished, Sadie dove into the story of her teenage son's suicide, the grief that was shared between she and her husband, and finally, the heartbreaking divorce.

I proposed to Sadie a year after I met her. She was the person who stood next to me throughout absolutely everything. The birth of Ben and Teresa's son. The adoption of Lily. The birth of Kimball and Elise's son (who finally resorted to surrogacy.) Sadie has been there through it all.

Now, I look at my wife and daughter, laughing together, and realize I couldn't ask for anything more.

Finally. The end.

A/N: Originally, this was going to be a Jisbon story, I swear. But then I got to thinking about Avery. Even though she is a fictional character, I just couldn't separate her parents. My own parents went through such a nasty divorce, and I knew that just writing about it would be hard for me, as stupid as that sounds.

So, basically what I was aiming for was Jane getting his tender heart broken. Then Lily and Sadie come along to fix him, but the story didn't exactly tie together like I was hoping. Believe me, it was just as confusing to write it as it was to read it.

Thanks anyway for reading. I swear my other stories aren't as dull as this one. Most of them are very, very Jisbon. Blind Date is romantic, cheesy, and completely centered around Jane and Lisbon, and it seems to be my most popular fic. I have started another one that I am hoping to publish soon, which is strictly Jisbon. ;)

Until next time!

XO, Em.