Now & Always For Ever & Ever

Summery: It had been two days, just two days sense we started going out and here I am fidgeting uncontrollably at the kitchen table with Momma Knight hoping that she doesn't hate me for falling in love with her only son...

Disclaimer: Don't own Big Time Rush...this story is completely fictional and came to me one night while I was trying to sleep.

Author's Note: This is my first ever completed fanfic and I am posting it here for your enjoyment...hope you like.

It had been two days, just two days sense we started going out and here I am fidgeting uncontrollably at the kitchen table with Moma Knight hoping that she doesn't hate me for falling in love with her only son...Kendall Knight. Two weeks ago I finally admitted my feelings for him in my journal after laying there most the night watching him sleep. And two day's ago he confronted me on the couch while James and Carlos were down at the pool and Moma Knight and Katie were out running errands that was most likely going to take the majority of the day and evening, money had been left for pizza.

"Logan?" Kendall started as he sat down on the couch right next to Logan.

"Yeah Kendall?" I asked while closing my medical journal I was reading.

"The other night..." Kendal started but trailed off.

"What about the other night?" I was curious as to what he was talking about, my mind was coming up with nothing that would need a further discussion.

"Wha...what were you writi...writing while you were watching me?" Kendall managed to get out even though his face was turning a nice shade of deep red.

"I...I...I um..." Logan wasn't getting anywhere no matter how hard he tried to think. It was like his brain was on the fritz. Kendall was watching him intently, he knew he had to try again..." I was writing in my journal abou...about well about my feelings for...for Ken...Kendall." Logan's face was redder then a tomato and he couldn't wait to hear Kendall's reaction for fear of being hated by his best friend and the object of his desires sense he was twelve hears old so he jumped off the couch as fast as he could and ran into his and Kendall's shared bedroom. Kendall was in a state of shock but when Logan jumped off the couch and all off a sudden the heat from his side was gone he returned to the land of the living and ran to the bedroom after Logan.

"Logan..." Kendall whispered as he entered the bedroom seeing Logan sitting on his bed leaning against the wall with his knees pulled up and arms wrapped around his legs.

Logan didn't move due to his deep fear of loosing Kendall's friendship after everything he had just admitted.

"Logan." Kendal repeated in a more normal tone this time hoping Logan would hear him and look up so they could have a conversation.

"I...I'm sor...sorry Kend...Kendall." He said as tears started to form in his eye's.

Kendall moved to Logan's bed and sat down on the edge reaching out to Logan and lightly grazing Logan's cheek..."You don't have to be sorry for anything Logan. I...I'm glad you told me abou...about your feelings. It means I can do...' Kendall scooted on the bed closer to Logan and caressed his cheek very tenderly, leaning in so Logan could feel the breath from Kendall's mouth on his lips..."do this..." he whispered as he leaned in the rest of the way and pressed his lips to Logan's.

Logan couldn't believe that Kendall's lips were pressed to say he was shocked was an understatement. Kendall stated to pull away sense Logan wasn't returning the kiss but before he had the chance to separate himself from Logan...Logan brought his arms up and wrapped them around Kendall's neck pulling him closer and finally kissed back. Within moments a tender kiss went from just that to a heated passion filled kiss that neither of the two were expecting.

Two days...two gloriously fun filled days with just the two of them left alone in apartment 2J while Moma Knight and Katie ran wild all over town for some reason or an other and Carlos and James were trying to convince all the girls of the Palm Woods that they were worth dating...deciding to use this time wisely they were siting on the couch topless engaged in a heavy mind blowing make out session with the occasional hip grind causing moans of explicit pleasure from both Logan and Kendall when all of a sudden they here Katie say..."Way to go Big Brother!"

They jump apart with Logan landing on his butt on the floor. Moma Knight hadn't spoken a single word sense her and Katie returned early from signing Jade Swayer, an up and coming new model to Katie's management company (Knight Management) that has finally taken off sense she got Russell Brand to sign her on as his manager...until she remembered Katie was standing right beside her.

"Katie please go to your room." Moma Knight's face was still very flushed as was Kendall's and Logan's. Nothing worse then your parents walking in on you while you're getting it on with your boyfriend or girlfriend, and your little sister seeing, Kendall felt like he was gonna die.

"But mom I wanted to watch tv. Sooo not fair." Katie pouted as she stormed off to her room but before she was out of site she turned to Kendall and Logan saying..."I'm happy you guys finally realized you liked each other more then just friends."

"Tha...thanks Katie." Logan and Kendall manage to get out at the same time.

"Boy's I think we need to have a talk."

Logan finally gets himself off the floor and sits back down at Kendall's side on the couch. "Ar...are you ma...mad mom?" Kendall asks in a low voice unable to look directly at her.

"I'm not mad at you boy's but we do need to have a talk. Logan I'm gonna go talk to Kendall in your guy's bedroom, I would like you to wait out here and when I'm done we can have a little talk as well ok." She waited a moment before following Kendal into his bedroom.

Logan was going crazy not knowing what Moma Knight was saying to Kendall, fearing the worst. His mind was forgetting how just minutes ago she had told them both that she wasn't mad at them. Tears started to form in his eye's as he feared he would loose Kendall forever. His thoughts were interrupted by his tummy rumbling loudly. He got up from the couch and made his way to the kitchen in search of a snack fearing he wouldn't really be able to eat while being so nervous.

Half an hour later (although to Logan it felt like hours and possibly days) Moma Knight made her way into the kitchen where she found Logan sitting at the table with a plate of left over chicken nuggets on it.

"Logan honey, are you ready to talk with me." she asked as she took the seat next to his.

And here I am fidgeting uncontrollably at the kitchen table with Moma Knight hoping that she doesn't hate me for falling in love with her only son...Kendall Knight. "I...I uh...yeah." He stumbled around for the right words to say.

"I want you to know I'm not mad nor am I disappointed in either of you two." She felt the need to reassure them of her feelings.

"I...I just feel like you have the right to ha...hate me." Logan spoke in a tone just a little higher then a whisper but not a normal talking voice.

"Why would I hate you Logan, honey I love you as much as I love my kids, Carlos and James as well. And you make my son happy, what else could a mother ask for?"

"For her son to get married, to have kids...all things I can't give Kendall. That's why I thought you would hate me...he...he can't give you grand kids if he's with" Logan replied still looking down at the table and not at Moma Knight.

Moma Knight brought her hand up to Logan's chin and gently tilted his head up so he would be looking at her. "If the two of you choose to get married one day I know you will find a way, like they always say 'if there's a will there is always a way' and as for kids, there's always adoption or surrogacy, so you don't have to worry."

"I...I never thought of that...I just...assumed that sense...I wasn't a girl you would prefer him with someone like Jo."

"I just want him to be happy and from our little talk I can see that you really do make him happy." hearing Moma Knight say that made Logan's eye's sparkle like she had never seen before and he couldn't stop the smile from spreading across his face.

Now that she had reassured Logan that everything was ok she decided that she would move forward with the conversation..."How long have you been in love with my son?"

Logan's face started to flush a bright red color once again..."Honestly...we...well...sense I...I can rem...remember. I...I don't know when it happ...happened for sure but I know he is the only person I...I ever dre...dream about. He makes me feel unlike anyone else ever has. I reme...remember back in Minnesota when we were eight years old and we were at the park eating ice cream and mi...mine fell to the ground and...and Kendall gave me his even though mine was al...almost gone and he only took...two bites." Anyone listening to Logan talking would be able to tell just how in love the sixteen year old boy really was.

Smiling at Logan's words..."Kendall said the same thing. I hadn't realized that these feeling went that far back."

"Wha...what do you mean you did...didn't realize?" Logan questioned in a shocked voice.

"Well like Katie's said 'you guys finally realized you like each other more then just friends'. I would say it was noticeable to those close to you although I never actually thought that it was more then a best friend turned brother kind of thing..." Upon seeing the look on Logan's face at her words she quickly added..."I see now that it's not a brotherly's a real love."

"Tha...that means a lot me Moma Knight." Logan relaxed a little.

"I have to ask this, please don't get mad but have you told your parents?" Logan visible paled at her question.

"I...I don...don't think I ca...can tell them."

"I can't force you to but I think if you do you would feel a weight lifted off your shoulders that you may or may not have realized you have been carrying around with you."

"I just don...don't think that they would understand...I know they like my friends but they do...don't like me being distracted from my studies...and the fact that it's Kendall tha...that I lo...Love...I don't think they would except it."

"I have known your parents for years, went to school with your mom...I can't speak for them but I know they love you and I don't think this would ever get in the way of how they feel about you."

"You're a great parent Moma Knight. And easy to talk par...parents aren't really like that."

"When you decide to tell them you know you will have us for moral support. I never want you to feel like we aren't going to be here for you. you got that?"

"Yeah Moma Knight...I got it." He leaned in and gave her a hug.

After separating from the hug..."Now about the...sleeping arrangements..." Logan's face fell once again...he just knew that she was going to make him and Kendall switch bedrooms so that one would be sharing with James and the other with Carlos.

"Your sixteen...I'm not going to make the two of you switch rooms but I do want you to keep in mind that you need to be safe and that you are not the only two that live in this apartment. I do have one rule for starters, no sex while Katie is home." Logan was afraid the red would never leave his face.

"Than...thank you. And is that your on...only rule?" He really wanted to make sure that he didn't do anything wrong.

"For now. I think you two are responsible enough to know what you should or shouldn't do and I trust the both of you."

"Tha...that means a lot to me."

"Me too Mom..." They both look over to see Kendall and Katie standing off to the side.

"How long have you two been listening?" Momma Knight asked.

"I came out right after you left me in the bedroom...I...I couldn't leave Logan alone."

Logan's eye's lit up. "I just came to get something to eat." Katie added heading to the fridge to get stuff to make a sandwich.

"Kendall honey, you shouldn't have done that. I needed to talk to Logan like I talked to you."

"And you did Mom, I just got to listen in in case he needed me. I'll always be here for him." He looks to Logan and then slowly starts to walk toward him..."When we get married it won't matter if it's legal as long as I'm with you..." he is now right in front of him pulling him up from his chair..."and when we have kids weather its surrogacy or adoption...I will love them just the same and I know you will too..." he reaches his hand to his cheek and gently caresses him..."and if you want me with you when you tell your parents...I wouldn't be anywhere else. And if and when you want to come out to the public I'm right beside you the whole way." Then he leans in and kisses him.

"Whoa..." everyone looked over to the living room area seeing James and Carlos with wide eye's and dropped jaw's staring back at them.

"Hey guys!" Kendall said as if nothing was out of the ordinary.

"Wh...when?" James asked

"Why didn't you tell us?" Carlos asked at the same time.

"It ju...just happ...happened guys." Logan managed to get out.

"And because we love each other." Kendall added answering James' question.

"Like you didn't see it coming." Katie through in from her spot at the counter while eating her turkey sandwich.

"Are you two ok with this?" Logan asked hoping his friends wouldn't turn around and hate him.

"Of course we are!" Carlos shouted in an excited tone as he ran over and hugged them tightly making sure they knew he really was ok with it.

"Yeah...I...I just didn't really expect it to happen. I knew there were feelings and all but I never expected it." James said as he too made his way over to his friends to congratulate them on their relationship.

"Thanks means a lot to us." Logan and Kendall both say at the same time.

"So does this mean I can date Camille?" James asked Logan with a monumental grin on his face.

"Sure if you want, go right ahead. You have my blessing." And everyone cracked up laughing including James himself.

"So who all wants a sandwich?" Moma Knight asked as she stopped laughing and stood from the table making her way to the counter where Katie had left everything.

"I do..." Came the mutual reply from all four boy's.

Five weeks after accidently coming out to the people they care most about Logan and Kendall were sitting in their bedroom while everyone else was out at the movies including Momma Knight, so the two could have some alone time, having a conversation...

"I think I...I wanna come out to my parents."

"When did you decide this?" Kendall asked as he continued to rub circles on Logan's lower back.

"Last Night...after we made love and we were laying were sleeping and I just couldn't stop myself from think...thinking. I...I've decided that I would rather tell them and face whatever they throw my way then to hide the part of my life from them any longer." Logan replied as he leaned into Kendall's touch.

"I'll be with you every step of the way, you know that right?"

"I know...and Kendall..."


"I Love You for it." Logan leans in a little further and presses his lips to Kendall's.

Needing air they pull away from each other..."I Love You too Logie."

"You know pretty soon I'm sure the whole world will know." Kendall added after a few minutes.

"What makes you say that?" Logan asked looking into Kendall's eye's.

"Gustavo and Kelly were never really good at keeping secrets and now that the whole Palm Woods knows I just have this feeling that it will be out before we know it."

Logan took a moment to contemplate this new information..."What if we announce it at our next concert..." pausing to think for a moment but speaking again before Kendall has the chance to reply..."Ok so I got it...this weekend when we fly home for the big hockey game between the Minnesota Wild and the San Jose Sharks I will tell my parents...with you by my side...and then in two weeks when we give the benefit concert for the Make-A-Wish Foundation we tell our fans sense it will be televised nation wide."

Kendall couldn't believe this was the same Logan who freaked out when their friends around the hotel started finding out...major turn around from wanting to wait to tell everyone to wanting to come out on national tv in front of hundreds of fans.

"Anything for you and always."

"For ever and ever." Logan finished as he pressed his lips to Kendall's once again and pressing his body to his begging for more contact.

The End...

...Or is it?

Author's Note: Not sure if there will be any more to this but if there is I hope it turns out as good as this.