Tony figured he shouldn't have been surprised to find Gibbs at his doorway when he woke later that night; but the man had a knack for sneaking up on people and Tony jumped all the same. Gibbs moved to the bed, and Tony stayed perfectly still. He wasn't sure if Gibbs would still be mad about the incident earlier. It wouldn't be the first time a boss of his had decided to rectify a grievance in the dead of night. Gibbs reached out a hand towards Tony's neck. The injured man couldn't help flinching, but Gibbs was persistent. He stilled his movements, and Tony eventually calmed. Gibbs' fingers ran over the bruise blossoming around Tony's neck. Light sparks of pain flittered through Tony at the contact, but it wasn't enough to cause discomfort. Tony looked at Gibbs' face, but the older man was focused entirely on the wound. A sudden guilt washed over Tony as he observed the look of worry on Gibbs' face. It was his fault that look was there. Moving slowly, Tony wrapped his hand around Gibbs' wrist; pulling his hand away from Tony's neck and resting it on his cheek instead. Gibbs finally looked into Tony's eyes, and the younger man almost forgot to breathe. The look was so intense; pinning Tony in place.

"I'm sorry," Tony whispered, a dismayed expression forming. Gibbs offered a small, wry smile.

"I know." Gibbs began to run a thumb over Tony's cheek, and the younger man let his eyes fall closed. The feeling of acceptance that washed over him made Tony smile softly. Slowly, the mood shifted, and Tony was rendered breathless by the look of desire that formed on Gibbs' features. Gibbs seemed to feel it too, as he tried to move his hand from Tony. The younger man moved his hand away; giving Gibbs the space he needed to sever the contact. It didn't happen. Gibbs continued to stroke Tony's skin; his hand moving back down to Tony's neck.

"I should go," Gibbs said, making no move to follow up the statement. Tony nodded. He could do nothing else. Gibbs eyes remained locked with Tony's for a few more, eternal seconds before the older man looked away; breaking the spell. Coughing softly, removing the roughness the moment had caused in his voice; Gibbs made himself stand up.
"Goodnight, Tony." His voice was quiet, but it still beat Tony; whose voice had completely failed him. Instead, Tony offered a weak smile and watched as his boss left him alone.


Tony awoke the next morning with a soft smile playing on his lips. He could still feel the touches from the night before, and it stilled something inside him. With a soft sigh, Tony pulled himself out of bed. He couldn't go on like this; he knew that. The way Gibbs had looked at him last night made him never want to look at another person again. Tony was just glad he was off work for the next few weeks.

For the first time in about twenty years, Gibbs didn't know what to do. He saw Tony enter the bullpen, looking surprisingly well rested and happy. A thought crossed his mind that it was due to him, but he pushed it away. Tony caught his eye, and the smile he gave was blinding. Gibbs couldn't help smiling back, but Tony noticed the tense set of his shoulder and sighed internally. Nobody else ways around, which emboldened Tony somewhat. The younger man wandered over to Gibbs desk; smile still in place.

"You look tense, boss," Tony's voice was flippant, but Gibbs could see the genuine concern in his eyes. "Bad night?"

"Something like that," Gibbs replied noncommittally. He didn't want to draw the attention of anyone who may be listening in. With a wicked little smirk that Gibbs knew was entirely intentional, Tony rounded the desk to stand behind his boss.

"Here," Tony's voice was pitched low as he let his hands fall to Gibbs' shoulders. "Let me help." Gibbs was about to protest, but then Tony dug his thumbs into the muscles underhand, and Gibbs' head fell forward of its own accord. Tony worked efficiently; feeling the muscles bunch and release beneath his skilled fingers. Gibbs didn't make a sound, but the fact that he hadn't stopped Tony spoke volumes. The massage drew on, and too soon Tony found there were no more knots to work on. Gibbs' breathing was slow and even, which made Tony smile. Carefully he patted Gibbs' shoulder.
"Better?" He asked. Gibbs made a noise, but didn't really answer. Tony took this as a huge compliment. The moment was broken by the sound of the elevator's ping. Tony looked up; visibly paling at the person he saw.

"Are you Mr. Gibbs?" The man asked. Gibbs felt Tony tense behind him, but nodded all the same. "I'm sorry to bother you; I'm Matthew Crews, I booked Tony out yesterday?" The pieces fell into place for Gibbs, and he stood abruptly. Crews seemed to be expecting this, and he smiled apologetically. "Mr. Gibbs, I want you to know how sorry I am. I got carried away. You should be proud of Tony; he handled the whole thing very professionally." Crews turned his gaze to Tony.

"I'm sorry about what happened." Tony just nodded; it wasn't his place to say anything. Turning back to Gibbs, Crews looked at a loss.

"I'd like to pay for Tony's injuries," Crews started awkwardly. "I understand he won't be able to work for a while, and how much of an inconvenience that must be." Gibbs visibly bristled at the word 'inconvenience' and Tony put a subtle hand on his shoulder. Tony's heart flipped when Gibbs calmed under his touch. "I want to make this right, Mr. Gibbs." Slowly, Gibbs stood up. Tony took a step back; unsure about what the older man would do. Crews seemed equally worried, but to his credit he didn't break eye contact with the clearly annoyed Marine. What Gibbs said next surprised both men.

"It was a simple mistake," Gibbs' voice was clipped, but Crews didn't seem to notice. "There's no need for you to pay for it. I appreciate the apology, Mr. Crews. You can go now." Gibbs seemed calm, but Crews quickly noticed the stiffness of his stance and the clear dismissal in his acceptance. With one last, apologetic look to Tony, Crews excused himself. Tony and Gibbs stood there for a moment longer; Gibbs not ready to move or speak and Tony not sure what to do with himself. Eventually Gibbs was moving, and Tony automatically followed.

The elevator doors closed behind them, and Tony wasn't surprised when Gibbs pulled the emergency switch. Tony looked over carefully and saw Gibbs openly staring at him. He was about to say something when Gibbs moved. He backed Tony against the elevator wall; effortlessly invading the younger man's space.

"I don't like this," Gibbs spoke simply. "The thought of Crews or anyone else touching you. It…" Gibbs stopped for a second, watching Tony's expression. "Unsettles me." Gibbs concluded, and Tony swallowed visibly. He had a good idea where this was going, and Gibbs' hand on his arm only confirmed it.
"Tony, I'm not your boss right now," Gibbs' voice was soft, and Tony had to force himself to keep his eyes open. "I won't force anything on you. If you want to keep working, you can. I just want you to know…" Gibbs stopped again. Tony wasn't surprised. This was the most he'd ever heard the man speak, and it couldn't be easy to lay everything out like this. Tony tried to give Gibbs an easy out.

"You want me." The statement was simple, but it hurt a little to say. Gibbs laughed softly, and Tony couldn't help relaxing at the sound.

"It's a little more than 'want' Tony."

"Oh." Tony didn't know what else to say. He wasn't sure what Gibbs wanted from him. Gibbs seemed to read his mind.

"I won't ask you to give up your job, if that's not what you want," Gibbs' voice was low now and, Tony thought, just a touch desperate. "But you can't have it both ways. If you're with me, then you're mine. I won't let anyone touch you. I want you to think about this; because I've been told I'm not the easiest person to live with. I've got three ex-wives who'll testify to that." Tony couldn't help smiling at the self-deprecating smirk that formed on Gibbs' lips as he spoke. "It's your decision," Gibbs continued quietly. "And I promise, if you say no, it won't affect your work." Tony studied Gibbs' expression carefully. Slowly, he raised his hand to the back of Gibbs' neck. It rested there for just a moment, before Tony built up the courage to move. Stepping closer to Gibbs, Tony pulled their heads together and placed a soft, inquiring kiss on Gibbs' lips. Gibbs was pliant beneath him; clearly trying to let Tony keep control of the situation. The sparks that flew between them were immediate, and Tony pressed in harder, encouraging Gibbs to take part. Jethro didn't need to be told twice, and soon his tongue was snaking out to meet Tony's. A soft sound escaped Tony's lips, and they parted reluctantly. For a moment both men were speechless.

"Boss?" Tony whispered after a moment. The title scared Gibbs a little, but he didn't show it.

"Yeah?" He asked; both men still panting softly. Tony smirked wryly, running a hand down Gibbs' neck.

"I quit." Gibbs couldn't hold back the laughter that came at this. He pulled Tony in and kissed him again. The younger man reciprocated eagerly; reaching out to hit the emergency switch off without breaking the kiss. He didn't care if the team saw them when the doors opened; Gibbs was his now and they'd just have to get used to the sight.

The End.