Chapter 1: How it all began

Hey everyone this is Silver meaning of life and love and this is my new story. I have been going through a lot of stuff over the days, and so writing helps me take my mind off of things. Well, enjoy hope you guys like it. Everyone, please review, I try very hard so you guys can enjoy it. Please R&R.

Disclaimer- I don't GA, I only own Yuri Sakura. I also own the wonderful ideas lol.

Ch. 1 - How it all began

Mikan is a bright 15 year old girl, but she is very troubled. Her family doesn't have any more money and they blame her for what happened…... So Mikan and her brother Yuri were being sent to the famous Alice Academy.


Character info :

Mikan Sakura: Mikan is currently 15 years old. She has amber hair up to her shoulders and she has brown eyes. She hardly talks to anyone, but if you get her pissed beware your life is about to end. But other than that she is a sweet girl. Her alice is nullifying.

Yuka Sakura: She is 35 years old. She has short amber hair, and has brown eyes. She was once a sweet, kind woman but all that changed due to the…. incident. She has the stealing alice.

Yuri Sakura: He is 10 years old. He has spiky brown hair and bright green eyes. He is a very polite boy. He is shy, but when he has something to say he will speak up. He is very cheerful. His alice is to erase memories, and to change the moods.

Natsume Hyuuga: He is 15 years old. He has black raven hair and crimson eyes. He has a stoic face, but deep down he can be kind. His alice is fire.

Hotaru Imai: She is 15 years old. She is a cold hearted girl; she loves money. She has raven short hair and violet eyes. Her alice is to make invention.

Ruka Nogi: He is 15 years old. He has blond hair and blue eyes. He loves animals and is very nice. He has the animal pheromone alice.

Mikan and her brother Yuri were getting their luggage out of the trunk.

"Hurry up! I want to get out of here as soon as possible," her mother yelled.

"Shut up you hag!" Mikan retorted.

"What did you call ME?" Her mother questioned as she got out of the car.

"You heard me Hag! H-A-G," Mikan spelled it to her.

"You are an ungrateful bitch!" "Smack" Yuka stated as she slapped her daughter.

"Stop! Please stop! Onee-chan, Okaa-san!" Yuri pleaded through tears.

He ran to Mikan and his mother, but tripped. He started to cry.

Mikan walked over to him and petted him. "Its ok. We are finished."

Yuka was annoyed, she walked to Yuri " You little pest," she stated as she was about to step on him with her heels.

A hand grabbed hold of Yuka's shoe and she was thrown on her ass.

Mikan stood up "You'll never lay a finger on him again you bitch! Now get out of here before that heel goes up your ass!" Mikan threatened.

"Thank god, I won't see you two pests in my life anymore. My biggest regret was to give birth to you two," She began toward the car.

"Mommy, please don't go….. please don't leave me alone," Yuri kept pleading. "Please mommy I'll be a good boy from now on, but please don't leave me". Yuri's tears fell down his cheeks and fell to the ground. His eyes pleading Yuka to take him back.

She turned and she smiled "Good riddance" and got in the car and drove away.

Yuri stayed in shock; he kept replaying what his mother said to him.

Mikan saw what it did to him she picked him up "Yuri, its ok. We will be fine we don't need her anymore, just remember you will always have me," she stated with a smile.

"Yeah…. You're right Mikan-nee." he stated with a small sad smile.

They followed men in black suits and they were face to face with a teacher. He has black hair, old grandpa glasses and a frog on his shoulder; his name is Jinno-sensei.

"Listen here, you must wear these uniforms." he said as he handed the two uniforms. "The elementary quarters are in the north building up ahead, that's where your classes, Mr. Sakura, will be attending. As for you, Ms. Sakura, you will be attending the high school quarters which is across from the elementary quarters which is the south building."

"You are both special stars which means you will have your own room and –"

"Excuse me Jin-Jin- sensei but could it be possible we, my brother and I share one room?" Mikan pleaded.

"Ms. Sakura we do not give special treatment to students." Jinno- sensei informed.

"Please I will do anything…. Please!" Mikan begged.

"Well then since you put it that way you must do 50 community hour's each." Jinno-sensei smirked.

"Whatever …. Thanks".

Mikan and Yuri went to their room and started unpacking.

Mikan wondered if Yuri was mad at her, she turned and saw him with a picture of their father and they were all smiling.

Yuri started crying, holding the picture to his heart. He looked at Mikan and she burst into tears, she ran to Yuri and held him tight. "I'm sorry Yuri, it's my fault, if it wasn't for me he… would… still be here."

Yuri held her "Onee-chan it's not 'sniff' your 'sniff' fault.

They cried throughout the whole night.

"Mikan-nee, I still love you and Okaa-san even though she hates me." he grabbed Mikan's hand and put it to his heart. "No matter what, Mikan I will never blame you," he smiled at her.

Mikan smiled too, but hers was a broken smile, her smile was full, but through so much pain, guilt, hate; Mikan could not truly smile.

Tears fell down her face as she smiled at Yuri and she fell to sleep.

"No matter what anyone says, Mikan you are special and you are not at fault; hopefully there will be someone who will heal you and make you truly smile." Yuri stated as he watched his sister sleep.

Hi everyone, well that's it I hope you like it. This story means a lot to me, it really hits home. This could be happening to people you know right now! Sorry guys, just a little bit stressed. Please, review! I work really hard to write and update. Send you my love :) R&R

(revised 7/22/13)