I know I haven't updated in a while, and for that, I apologize. I hope this chapter will make it up to you guys. Enjoy! Sincerely, Silver meaning of life and love.

Normal POV

Mikan gasped to find her father staring at her. She couldn't believe this. She though she was going crazy.

" How can you be here? You're supposed to be dead. I killed you. You can't be here. I'm going crazy. It has to be that. My conscience is giving me a taste of my guilt, served on a silver platter." She tried to reason with herself.

" Mikan, it's me. I'm here. I know this must be a shock, to see me alive and all, but I need your help. We can deal with the strangeness of this situation and the never ending list of questions that you have about me, but I need to you focus; it's about Yuri," he exclaimed.

That's when Mikan froze. Everything faded away, except for her need to save her brother.

" What do you need?" she asked.

Seeing his daughter focus and get down to business made him very proud. He looked into her eyes and said, " Apparently, the Academy knows about Yuri and his powers. They have been using him for missions against the AAO. We have to get your brother out of this school. We can't let this academy take away his humanity. Once he continues on this path, he won't be the same person that you know and love. I know this is a lot to take in, but we have no time to lose. I have his mission right here." He proceeded to pull out a file.

Mikan looked over the file and was astonished. The targets were little kids. Yuri would have to erase their memories of their parents and loved ones. They would literally have a blank slate. These kids have incredible gifts and the Academy want to use them as soldiers. This is completely crazy.

" Let's go."

Mikan quickly changed into a black tank top, black tights, sneakers, and a sakura petal mask. She was prepared to stop her brother and save him from himself. She turned to her father and asked him, what his part would be in the rescue plan. He let her know that he would be transportation. He would make sure Yuri would remain safe, away from the Academy. Knowing the facts, Mikan knew this would be the last time she would ever see her brother. It broke her heart. He was her world. Ever since that day, she has been a mother, friend, sister, and basically a family for Yuri. How can she be able to cope with this plan, when she knows that she will lose him forever. She wiped her tears and headed to the destination. Her father placed a bracelet that will transmit that she is in the Academy, when she is actually at a different location. This is to not raise suspicion.

Mikan arrived at the abandon warehouse. She canvassed the area. She tiptoed inside and hid behind some crates. She observed how all the guards were lying on the floor unconscious. She walked further into the warehouse and was amazed at the cages the kids were living in. There were at least a dozen of them. She was about to make contact with the kids, when she saw two figures appear. She retreated back into the darkness, as she heard them speak to one another.

" Do we really have to do this? They are kids, they should be able to keep their memories." The shorter one with the gray mask stated.

" It doesn't matter what we think, Persona cares about results, so do your thing." That voice. Mikan recognized it. She remembered the warmth and chills she felt whenever he spoke.

"Natsume?" She peeked out and asked.

They both turned and looked at the mysterious figure. They tried to understand who this person was, and why she was here.

"It's you, isn't it?" She questioned again, and took a tentative step forward.

"Stay back!" the Black Cat warned.

He formed a fireball, but it quickly disappeared. He looked questioningly as his hand, then back at the girl.

"Did you do this?" he was bewildered.

Mikan proceeded to ignore Natsume's question and looked over to Yuri.

" Yuri, we need to leave now. We don't have much time left. We need to hurry. I will explain everything as soon as we are far away from this place. Will you come with me?" Mikan pleaded.

The young lad took off his mask and stared at the masked girl.

"I can't. I can't leave my sister behind. She's all I have. And, if I don't complete this mission, they will come after her. I will not let them hurt her. I'm sorry, but please leave," Yuri begged.

Mikan took off her mask and smiled a broken smile and said, " Will you go with me now?"

Both the Black Cat and Yuri were surprised. Natsume removed his mask and stared in surprise.

Yuri ran toward her, while Natsume stood his ground.

She hugged Yuri and cried. She was so happy that he was safe.

"Yuri, you need to get out of here. Our father is waiting for you. He's outside, ready to take you away from this world. You will be safe with him. "

"You're not coming?" he cried, while looking at her brown orbs.

She shook her head and said, " I can't go with you; it's safer if you went by yourself. No matter what, I will always love you. I will find my way back to you, but we need to go our separate ways for now."

Yuri cried and cried. " Don't leave me alone. I need you. You are my family. Come with me. Please! I can't live without you."

Mikan smiled, "You know that we will always be connected. It doesn't matter if we are miles apart, we will always share this strong bond. I need you to be brave and look after father. Don't worry about me; I can take care of myself."

Yuri wiped away his tears and silenced his sobs. " You promise we will meet again?"

Mikan had to hold back her own sob. "I promise, we will meet again."

Yuri gave his sister a strong hug. He held her so tight that she could hardly breathe. He turned back to Natsume.

"It was you, all this time. You, who made me do such unforgivable things. This is all your fault. I will make sure you forget everything about my sister. You don't deserve her."

Yuri ran toward Natsume, but Natsume evaded him easily.

"I wasn't the one behind the orders, and you know it. Persona was the one who ordered me to recruit you. Don't you think I know how fucked up this is? I'm not in control. Persona has something over me, just like he has something over you. I care about your sister, but the person I care about is in grave danger. If I don't do what he says, he will kill her. And I wont let that happen, ever. You can hate me all you want, but you know I'm merely a pawn."

Natsume kept blocking Yuri's punches, while Mikan freed the kids and told them to run as far as they could. Yuri used this to his advantage. Natsume created a barrier of fire, to prevent the kids from leaving. Yuri attacked Natsume. And Mikan blocked his power.

"Yuri, this isn't you. I wont let you turn into a monster. You didn't want to erase these kids memories, so why do you want to do the same to Natsume? I know. Natsume has messed up, but he's not the mastermind. He is just protecting someone he loves, by any means necessary. Isn't that what you've been doing this whole time?" Mikan held Yuri's hand and stopped his power.

Yuri was bright red with anger, betrayal and sadness. He wanted to make Natsume pay, but his sister was right. He's changing, and Mikan didn't like the person he was becoming. He nodded and headed out the warehouse.

Mikan turned back to Natsume. He looked angry.

"I know you're mad that I foiled your mission, but this is more important. I had to get him to safety. You guys knew about his gifts, and we couldn't let you guys use him to destroy the world."

Natsume looked confused. "What are you talking about? We only know that he is able to erase memories and change moods."

Mikan ran toward the exit. The last thing she saw was her brother tied up and her father driving away.


The last word she heard, before she faded into the darkness.

Did I leave you guys in suspense, again? I'm terribly sorry for the delay, hope you guys can forgive me! I'll try to update more frequently! I look forward to your reviews.

Sincerely, Silver Meaning of Life and Love.