Disclaimer: I do not own any part of Stargate Atlantis or the awesome characters but I enjoy keeping the series alive.

I appreciate your reviews and look forward to your feedback.

A/N: No beta on this story so all mistakes are mine alone.


Chapter 1

Jennifer Keller loved her job … absolutely loved everything about her new life in Atlantis. She'd been working for Dr. Beckett for several months now and regretted she hadn't been able to accept his earlier offer.

She'd worked for Carson during her internship at a research hospital in the states. He'd contacted her a year ago asking her to come work for him but she didn't want to commit to a long contract with her dad fighting a lingering illness. Now with her father gone she eagerly accepted Beckett's latest offer even when informed it required a three-week trip on a spaceship just to reach the facility.

She hadn't made many friends yet but that wasn't unusual. Regardless of her desires, she was comfortable in solitude. Working in the infirmary afforded her the luxury of meeting quite a few people living in the city but she was the first to admit friends would be much nicer than acquaintances. The exception was the strong bond she'd forged in short time with Marie, the head nurse in the clinic. Truth be told, Marie pretty much ran everything in matters concerning the infirmary and Jen found her a wealth of information on everything Atlantis learning a lot about the personnel.


Ronon paid no attention to the new recruits, military or civilian. Why waste his time when a large percentage of them never stayed longer than six months. He also paid no mind to the female population who were a part of the expedition. He'd no desire to start over with hopes of a mate and family. That had died years ago along with his home, culture, friends and fiancé all at the hands of the Wraith. Now his only desire was to kill Wraith until the Pegasus galaxy was purged of the scourge the Ancients left behind.

The first few times he saw the young healer he thought nothing of her. He thought nothing of her easy manner or soft flowing hair, not to mention her sweet laugh or spunky attitude.

Ronon rarely caught sight of the new doctor her first month on base making it easy to ignore her smile. And she did smile every time she passed him in the hall or saw him in the infirmary. Of course she smiled at everyone but still, when their eyes met he was sure she was sincere.

When the Daedalus returned then left again for Earth without her, Ronon became irritated with her presence. For some reason this beautiful young woman from Earth was distracting him and keeping him awake when the moon was full. He couldn't afford to have her invading his dreams at night. He wasn't a very patient man but figured she'd only last till the next supply run and then she'd be running for home … he could wait that long.

Looking over the roster for his next training class, Ronon spotted Keller's name. To say he was annoyed was an understatement. Why was he stuck with the source of his distraction? He knew he was being unreasonable but the more he thought about her the more angry he became, and he thought of her a lot. At least the classes didn't start for a couple of weeks giving him time to put this all out of his head.


Jennifer and Marie sat at the last available table in the crowded dining hall enjoying a rare lunch together.

"So, Dr. Keller, how are you enjoying Atlantis?" Marie asked glancing around the room.

"Please, call me Jennifer," she asked. "At least when we're out of the infirmary," she added seeing the discomfort in her request.

"Okay, I'll try if you'll continue to call me Marie all the time," she laughed.

"Deal," Jen grinned. "So what's with that guy, Ronon?" Jen asked spotting him sitting a few tables over.

"Ah, our resident Satedan. What do you want to know," Marie asked arching an eyebrow.

"He just seems so brooding and hostile all the time."

"He's had a difficult life but his bark is louder than his bite especially with those who've been on Atlantis for a while … he doesn't bond well with strangers," Marie explained rolling her eyes.

"I've tried to engage him in conversation but he seems really angry and not interested in pleasantries," Jennifer said frowning.

"So, are you interested?" Marie smirked. "You wouldn't be the first. I think every female in the Pegasus galaxy especially those that come through here have tried their hand at calming the savage beast."

"Me? No no no, I'm just curious. I'm not that seasoned in relationships and I'm not about to start with him," Jennifer huffed. "Besides, I don't think he likes me."

"I don't think it's you, he doesn't pay much attention to anyone of the gentler sex except Teyla. He's very protective of his teammate."

Major Evan Lorne wandered into the dining area with his tray looking for an empty spot to eat his lunch. Finding team Sheppard he turned to head that way when he spotted Marie sitting to the side with one of the new doctors. Lorne enjoyed Marie's company and decided to join her.

"Good afternoon ladies," Evan greeted bowing slightly with his boyish grin.

"Hello Major," Marie answered shyly.

"Mind if I join you?" he asked never taking his eyes off the nurse.

"Sure, have you met Dr. Keller?"

"No, can't say I've had the pleasure yet," he said holding out his hand.

"Nice to meet you, Major," Jennifer smiled shaking the man's hand.

Several tables over Ronon sat watching Jennifer's every move. He couldn't help but scowl when Lorne sat down but quickly realized his attentions were mostly focused on the nurse. Good, he thought to himself, he liked the Major but didn't like the idea of him getting involved with the new doctor. Lorne spent a lot of time with their team and he didn't want to have to put up with Keller if the two of them hooked up … at least that's what he'd convinced himself.

Lorne enjoyed his lunch with Marie and the doctor but all too soon it was time to get back to work.

"Are we still on for movie night?" Lorne asked Marie as he stood to leave.

"Looking forward to it," she smiled feeling very self-conscious.

"Say, Doc, you should join us tonight … I hear it's a chick flick," he said grinning.

"Thanks for the invite. I'll think about it," she answered smiling.

The women finished up their lunches heading out the doors back to the infirmary.

"Rats, I forgot my pack, I'll be right back," Jennifer explained stopping dead in her tracks. Quickly turning she charged right into Ronon's broad chest.

"I'm so sorry, did I hurt you?" she asked nervously.

"No," Ronon smirked. "You should watch where you're going," he growled.

"Ronon!" Teyla reprimanded.

"He's right, I wasn't watching where I was going. Again, I'm sorry," she mumbled walking around him. She was so embarrassed and couldn't help but blush at the whole incident.

Jennifer had never met anyone quite so unsettling before, bordering on offensive. Hopefully he would lighten up once he got to know her or at least got use to seeing her around especially since she had no intention of leaving.


Marie met the men as they entered the infirmary directing them to different areas for treatment.

"Colonel, would you like to explain?" she inquired frowning.

"Sorry, we were working on some new moves for demonstrations tomorrow and got a bit carried away," he said sheepishly. "Lt. Russum took the brunt of the abuse but not before he got in a good jab at Ronon with the rods. Mine is just a scratch."

"Well, settle yourselves and I'll see what I can do for Ronon," she instructed leaving to find Keller and Cole.

"Dr. Keller, I hate to ask this but could you help Ronon with a cut forehead? He will probably need stitches and I'm afraid he can be rather hard to deal with," she apologized. "Dr. Beckett usually treats him but unfortunately he's off world today."

"Not a problem, Marie. I'll just grab a treatment tray and be right there," Jen smiled hoping to put the nurse at ease. It amazed her how one man could put the whole staff in an uproar just by walking in bleeding.

"Hey Ronon, how are you doing today," she said setting down the suture tray to get a better look at his cut.

"I'm fine," he growled. "I don't need anything."

"Sorry, but it might need a few stitches," she explained grabbing some gauze to wipe the cut clean.

"I'll wait for Beckett," he barked slapping her hand away.

"Excuse me …" she scowled, "Dr. Beckett is off world today so you're stuck with me."

"I don't want your help, I'll wait till he gets back," he growled again.

"Stop it!" Jennifer stated firmly as she blocked his hand slapping it away.

Ronon stared at her surprised at her aggression. He'd never had a doctor, or nurse for that matter challenge him.

"Please lay down, I can reach you much better if you're lying down," she instructed firmly.

Ronon stubbornly sat up a little straighter making no move to do as she asked.

Jennifer busied herself preparing the injection to numb the area around the cut. Setting the syringe aside she opened and readied the implements she'd need for the wound. Turning back to her patient she found him still sitting obstinately where she'd left him.

"Oh for pity's sake," Jen mumbled. "Don't move," she scolded as she left for the supply room. She returned quickly carrying a small step stool placing it in front of the injured soldier. Taking the sterile gauze and cleaning solution she stepped up on the stool to clean and examine the cut.

"Okay, this is going to need stitches," she repeated. "Will you please lay down and make this easier on both of us?" she asked sincerely. Jennifer stepped back to the floor and removed the stool waiting for Ronon to comply.

Slowly he lowered himself to the bed getting comfortable. "I don't want any pain killers or numbing stuff," he said gruffly.

"Why?" she asked as she began working on the cut.

"Makes me feel funny. I don't mind the pain it's not that bad," he explained.

"You must have a high tolerance for pain," she said talking softly as she stitched him up. "I'm just the opposite," she chuckled. "I make a horrible patient too," she added smirking.

Ronon was trying his hardest not to engage in conversation with the woman. He'd already decided he didn't like her but her gentle touch and relaxed manner were making it difficult.

"You're done and free to leave," she said placing a bandage over the stitches. "Try not to rip the stitches or get it too wet," she added watching him walk away.

That went well, she said to herself sarcastically. Jennifer was stumped at how to get through to this guy. She'd had her share of unpleasant confrontations in her school years but in the real world most peers tended to mask their true feelings however, not this guy. He easily expressed his contempt and it bothered her tremendously that someone openly didn't like her. Her dad had insisted you attract more flies with honey than vinegar but this guy just brought out the worst in her. She was having a hard time seeing what the attraction was for all the other women on base.