Several days passed and Tony was sinking into a deep depression; barley eating and barley sleeping. The teams' attempts to pull him out of it weren't working. Gibbs has tried to be nice and understanding but it isn't doing any good so he is through being nice.

Gibbs walks up the stairs and knocks on Tony's open door. Tony doesn't even bother to look to see who is there.

"That is it DiNozzo. You are going to get out of bed and have breakfast at the kitchen table like a normal person. Afterward, you are going to take a shower and come with me to work."

"I am still on sick leave." Tony answers starring at the wall.

"You can do desk duty and see Duck for a physical or I will take you to the hospital for an IV to be put in you. I will call an ambulance if I have to."

Tony finally looks at Gibbs. "You wouldn't."

Gibbs gives him a glare that says "Try me."

"Fine, you win. But I am taking my shower first." Tony agrees.

"You have 15 minutes to be downstairs dressed and ready to go; or I am calling that ambulance." Gibbs orders as he leaves the room.

Tony comes downstairs dress ready for work. He wants to say something; tease, crack a joke. Something, anything; but he doesn't. He wants to be what the team expects him to be; what he has always been. But right now, he can't muster enough courage to be that person. He never had to wear a mask with Max.

"Tony, no one expects you to be anything more than the person you want to be. We all want you to be happy as you were when Max was here. Everyone had seen the true Tony; the person that you hide behind the mask. We all wish that you could be that person without Max here." Gibbs points out as he put a plate of eggs, bacon and sausage in front of Tony and grabs a plate for himself. "Eat!"

Tony stares at him as he picks up his fork and begins to eat. He wasn't really hungry, but he doesn't want an IV and he will do whatever he could to avoid being hospitalized with an IV sticking out of his arm.

Gibbs watches Tony eating knowing that he is only eating to avoid the hospital. He wishes that Tony could be as happy with him and the team as he is when Max is around.

"Tony, would Max really want to see you like this? Or would he want you to be happy."

"He would want me to be happy; really happy not mask happy. I just don't know how to do without him. I was so scared when I entered RIMA, I was afraid that I couldn't do it. I just wanted to go home even though I knew that I didn't have a home anymore. I had been in and out of boarding school for 4 years by then, but military school is nothing like the boarding schools that I had been in and I knew that I wasn't going to make it. But if they kick me out, I had nowhere to go. My father didn't want me and he was all I had. Max was in my barracks; he helped me. I would never have gotten through RIMA without him. He was a lifesaver. For the first time in my life someone wanted me around; but then he joined the Marines. I knew he was going to, he was just waiting for me to graduate. When he left, I felt so alone. I hadn't felt that way since my mom died. My mask was the only way I survived college. I had been hoping that Max would come with me to Ohio State; I needed him."

"Do you still need him now as much as you did then?" Gibbs asks.

Tony looks down and stares at his almost empty plate of food. Gibbs knows that Tony is thinking about his question; really thinking about it.

"I guess not. I know that you guys all care about me. I just don't know how to do it without him." Tony finally answers.

"We will take it one step at a time; one day at a time until you are confident enough around us to be without the mask and without relying on Max to survive. We will all help you and Max will be back.

"I guess I could try but sadness and withdrawal may be more common than not while I try. I was withdrawn my first several weeks at RIMA. Max was teaching me how to do things the way that they expect; but I couldn't do it. The more I tried the worse I was doing. Max was patient and he never gave up on me and as time passed I became less and less withdrawn." Tony explains.

"Fine as long as you are trying. Don't forget that we are all here for you."

Tony nods.

"We should be going." Gibbs orders.

Tony nods again as he stands up to put his plate in the sink and turns on the faucet.

Gibbs drives to the Navy Yard with a quiet Tony sitting next to him. Tony follows Gibbs into the bullpen. Abby sees Tony and excitedly runs towards him. At first Tony tenses when she hugs him; but after a few minutes he relaxes and hugs her back. She steps back and Tony gives her a half smile it doesn't reach his eyes but it is a true smile.

"You are going to be okay Tony; I will make sure of it." Abby whispers in his ear before giving him a kiss on his cheek.

I wish I could believe that. Tony thinks.

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