Hello, faithful readers! If you're reading this right now, you have the patience of a saint. Unfortunately, I bring only bad news. Frankly, I've been incredibly busy since the new school year started up… My absence over the summer has no excuse at all, besides my recent involvement in several roleplay forums. Anyway, because I am a junior in high school, everything is coming down to this, and having to keep up with multiple threads as well as being an admin on one of the forums is incredibly stressful. I'm so so sorry, really, I'm just lazy. I don't have very good excuses…

But the most heartbreaking news has yet to be revealed: my flash drive, on which I store all of my writings, both for school, fan fiction, and roleplaying…


I actually cried for a good twenty minutes; that thing has everything on it, literally. It even had a ten-minute long video project on it that was due the next day. Luckily, I managed to find it on the computer, but I can't say the same for any of my unfinished stories, chapters, and character applications.

This is incredibly disappointing and depressing for me, because I thought a good few of the ones I'd started on would be decent stories that I'd get to when I got to them, but… That's just how my life is.

((Although, I probably wasn't going to finish many of my chapter fics anyway… The Ameripan one is the only one I'd really want to continue.))

I'm going to see if anything on it can be recovered sooner or later (since I'm too lazy to drive into town), since I'm not sure in what way it is broken, but I'm really not expecting a positive reply back on it.

I am so so sorry this happened, I wish I could have prevented it. Well, I know better than to save everything on one old, likely worn out jump drive now.

However, I have been kind of planning out and thinking about a new fan fiction idea involving (surprise, surprise) Hetalia, and more specifically, Poland. Since he's my favorite and deserves all the love in the world. Yet in the story, I plan to completely and totally break him and make him cry and oh I really want to write this. Except at the moment I just have random dialogue and actions and description all chat-speak-ly written. xD Like "/looks at with astonishment, face going pale." Mostly because it's on my iPod's Notes application and I suck at writing on it, but.

So look out for that in the likely distant future! It'd be pretty long, since it's going to be all dramatic with multiple pairings though I'm not quite sure how it'll end yet. I should just be a jerk and end it with Poland being forever alone. 8D Actually no my Polandmuse would get all depressed, which makes me all depressed. :c

I also may do a little miniseries of drabbles and stuff since they're easy and I still want to write something, even if I can't afford to focus on big full-length fics.

Wish me luck with the flash drive, and I hope to upload something sometime soon for y'all!

Also thank you for reading all of that. xD This A/N is longer than the actual stories, ahahaha! Mostly because I like to complain about my life. And talk.