A/n: After playing the Pokemon Black/White games, I just can't resist this. N/Touko has been a muse of mine since he first was introduced in the game! I just couldn't hold back. XD There's no real order to any of these; I'm just writing them as I go, according to my muses. All are N/Touko though, and while some go with the events/timeline of the games, some are just... random. Hope you'll enjoy.

Disclaimer: I own nothing.

01. Ferris Wheels
Location: Nimbasa City Amusement Park

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"It's quiet, isn't it?"

Touko looked to N, blinking. She had been looking out the window of the Ferris wheel with such awe, she had barely heard him speak—she wasn't even aware that he'd said that same phrase three times already, only to be ignored for the sights below.

"It is," Touko agreed, grinning. "I love this thing. It goes so high, but it's different than a flying Pokémon…" She chuckled a bit. "They don't have anything like this anywhere near Nuvema town." Touko looked out the windows again, this time more casually, relaxing her cheek against the cool glass.

The last time N had brought Touko up here—under the guise of looking for Team Plasma grunts—it hadn't been as quiet or as pleasant as it was this time.

Last time, he'd confessed to being the king of Team Plasma.

Last time, she and her Snivy had been so infuriated with him, they'd nearly jumped out of the compartment—both were impulsive enough to do it, too, if he hadn't tried to calm them a bit. They at least had agreed to not jump then, but it had been a sad conversation followed by incredibly awkward, uncomfortable quiet. It had been a bit painful to see Touko so angry and frustrated, irrationally feeling betrayed by him—a practical stranger—and completely not understanding his dreams for the world.

Now, things were different.

They were both stronger and more open-minded. They were closer—friendlier. N could talk to her just as well as any Pokémon, and knew he had gained her trust. Maybe he hadn't won her over to his side of things yet, but he had her understanding and respect.

"Thank you for bringing me up here, N," Touko said suddenly.

N nodded, tipping his hat slightly. "My pleasure, Touko," he responded politely. He couldn't deny that he'd brought her here for his own selfish reasons; seeing her smile at him reminded him of his goal, and he subtly scooted closer to her. "You did enjoy it last time, so I thought…" He trailed off a bit, blinking.

What had he thought? Besides that this could possibly be a romantic spot to…

"N, are you still with me here?" Touko laughed, waving her hand in his face. He blinked, jolting slightly. "Haha, welcome back to Unova, N! You look like an Emolga shocked you!" She teased him, leaning forward. He felt his face heat a bit. "Is something on your mind?"


"Actually, yes." N cleared his throat, rolling his shoulder nervously. "Touko… You know how people say that whenever two trainers come together to battle, it's to understand each other and their Pokémon?"

"Yeah," Touko nodded. "I also know you really don't like that belief."

"I don't." N nodded back, looking up at the ceiling awkwardly. He was being very careful with his words right now; the last thing he wanted was to give her the wrong idea and hurt her. He didn't want to sound ridiculous, either… "Well, I think I can understand the idea now, at least. I don't believe in it, but maybe I'm growing to."

"Oh? How come?"

"Every time we've come to battle, we've learned about each other." He explained slowly, voice quiet. "I've realized that without those events, as small as they may seem, we may not have ever been able to be this right now."

"Huh? 'Be this'?" Touko tilted her head.

It wasn't uncommon for her to be confused by what N was saying. She found that even if his complex theories and talk of formulas didn't overwhelm her tired mind, she'd lose herself in his words, his voice, or his eyes. Even his smile, if it was present. N had always had this way of charming her—melting her even, on occasion—and she could absolutely call him kingly. From the first time she saw him after that Team Plasma speech, Touko had been interested in him; from their first battle, she knew he would be a challenge for the rest of her life—one she'd look forward to. When she would get to meet him, whether they battled or not, it was a treat. Her feelings of interest, attraction, and even those of competitiveness grew with each meeting.

Touko had grown to care for N more than she anticipated.


She jumped a bit—it was her turn to be a space cadet, it seemed. "Yep?"

N smiled a bit. "By 'be this', I meant… being as we are now. Friends." He leaned towards her, and she noticed his hand on hers. "I like this feeling. It's different from being friends with Pokémon."

"Humans do tend to be different from Pokémon…" She reminded, eyes widening slightly.

"But, I'm just as comfortable with you as I am with Pokémon. I don't know why." His brows furrowed a bit; he looked cute frustrated, Touko noted.

Touko's face heated a bit. "Maybe you're growing up…"

"Maybe you're just growing on me." N countered with a chuckle, before leaning in and taking her lips. Touko resisted jumping away, internally melting at the action.


It was definitely different than the last time they were up here.