A/n: Written for Emzy, aka Vampire Note 13.13.

04. Room
Location: N's Castle

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"So this is your room, huh..?"

N nodded absently, comfortably sitting cross-legged in front of the train set. "When the castle rose, this must have gotten messed up…" He mumbled mostly to himself. Touko watched as he fiddled with it seriously—that look of determination with the ever so slight hint of amusement was so innocent, it reminded her how childlike he really was. She looked around a bit as he worked. "You're uncomfortable," he pointed out. "Why?"

"It's just…" Touko didn't dare look back at him for a moment, carefully planning her words. "It's just… I'm not sure whether to be sad or happy."

He blinked once.

"It's N's world. I'm happy to be invited in, but…" She frowned. "This room feels very sad."

"…I guess it is." N frowned a bit, looking back to his trains. His cheeks were slightly pink. "But it's not so bad. It's nicer now."


"There's someone to share my toys with, I mean."

Touko flushed, smiling.

"I see."