Doesn't Know

Author's Note: I felt like writing in a pattern, so although I think it gets repetitive, I'm hoping to capture Tori's emotions in this fan fiction. Thank you to those who've read my stories. I appreciate it!

Disclaimer: I do not own Victorious…or Beck Oliver3.

The wide grin she suppresses when her arm wipes the brown away from his shirt.

He doesn't know.

The skip of a heartbeat when her eyes fall to his.

He doesn't know.

The tingle traveling through her body when their lips meet...and linger.

He doesn't know.

The green monster of jealousy possessing her body as she watches a stream of black take him away.

He doesn't know.

The gulp she holds back as he looks incredibly cool leaning against a locker near hers.

He doesn't know.

That she wants their hands to grasp after he waits for her to catch up to him.

He doesn't know.

The wish she utters to a shooting star...that he'll be hers, if not forever, then for a day.

He doesn't know.

The hurt she feels when his morbid companion taunts her and he fails to defend.

He doesn't know.

The doubt raised in her mind when he escapes from the dark on a childish whim. Or is it?

He doesn't know.

The rush of emotions she feels when he finally makes another move.

He doesn't know.

The tears she contains when his dark brown eyes speak to the bright light with more love than they did for the night sky.

He doesn't know.

The butterflies surging through her stomach as he beautifully orchestrates his lips to hers.

He doesn't know.

The safety she feels when the brilliant blue alert on her bedside wishes her a message of sweet dreams. Only from him to her.

He doesn't know.

That she spent three days on selecting an outfit from her closet just because he always looked so right and she wanted to do the same for him.

He doesn't know.

Her desire to never leave his side when they get to talking late in the night.

He doesn't know.

Her understanding that she can't live without him.

He doesn't know.

The dream of their future that relaxes her into a peaceful rest every night.

He doesn't know.

The word 'yes' about to escape her mouth as the overdreamed proposal is said.

He doesn't know.

That she loves him.

He just found out.