New Orleans; Louisiana

Anna walked with her head high down the streets of New Orleans. Even though she was trying to portray a picture of confidence, she couldn't hide her the way her eyes glanced about nervously. It was silly, she should be enjoying herself more. For heaven's sake she was nineteen years old, on vacation, in New Orleans. Looking down the street Anna saw some rough looking guys. And this was part of the reason she wasn't having the best time in the world. "Why did I not agree to wait and come here with the girls?" Looking back she couldn't answer herself. As she was walking down the street at that moment the only thing she was sure of was this. She didn't want those guys walking up to her. Looking up Anna saw she was directly in front of a bar and lounge, called La Jardin Mysterieux. Quickly she ducked inside of the bar, ignoring the fact that she was to young to enter. As soon as she entered the rough looking guys vanished from her thoughts, the place was awesome. There was muted lighting everywhere, card tables throughout the lounge and amazing jazz music drifting down from the band. The bars name was appropriate "The Mysterious Garden."

Anna didn't want to go back out there just yet. The guys may still be out there, which she didn't really want to deal with. So she drifted discreetly to a corner of the room to people watch until she felt safe to leave. Her gaze kept returning to the same card table. Cards were dancing through the air one by one and in streams. But always landing perfectly in the throwers hands.

Anna's POV I had no idea how he was doing it but it was incredibly hypnotizing, watching the cards jump between his hands. Suddenly he stopped the cards falling into a perfect little deck in his right hand. Slowly without rising or even raising his hat from off his eyes he raised a hand and used it to beckon me over. I was standing behind him so I had no idea how he knew I was watching him.

When I didn't come he turned in his chair to look at me, I still couldn't see his eyes for that hat. But now that he was actually looking at me I pointed at myself with a questioning look. The man smirked and nodded then beckoned me again with his finger. Now I wasn't sure, my parents did raise me right, you know don't talk to strangers and all. But I was beginning to feel like an idiot standing here doing nothing. So slowly I walked over to the table. As I did the small crowd that had gathered around the table was dispersing, seeing clearly that the show was over. When I reached the table I was still uncertain, I didn't even sit down. Still not removing the hat the man smirked again, and then gestured to the seat across from him. "Why not take seat d'er chere?" The man's accent was distinctly cajun. I didn't immediately sit, in lu of asking a question. " To whom am I speaking?" The man smiled taking off his hat finally and bowed his head to me slightly. "My name be Remy LeBeau, chere." Only after this did I sit. Then he started dealing cards to me and himself blackjack style. "I don't have the money to play." I told him, I was thinking to myself "great he just got me over here to hustle me into a game." However with that same grin he told me. "No money chere, Remy got enough money, just wanna talk. You seem a might lonely." His grin screamed , cat what ate canary. So I replied "And you seem a might cocky, Monsieur LeBeau." His grin just got bigger, "Je suis que Je suis chere." This time I grinned back "I am what I am." He leaned back looking impressed "You speak french chere?" "A little."

We sat at that table playing cards talking back and forth for hours. Remy was a great at holding conversation, smooth as silk. Slowly I felt my barriers coming down, I started answering his questions and asking my own. I thought I might be boring him, but if I was he was good at hiding it. Soon though it had to end, the waitresses started going around with the classic line "Don't have to go home but, ya can't stay here." I glanced away from the cards and Remy and to the clock. It said 2:00 A.M "Dang, I didn't realize how much time had past." Remy gave a fleeting look to the clock as though time was of little matter. "This New Orleans chere, time is always slippin away." I laid my cards on the table and stood up Remy followed me with his eyes "Where is it you goin chere?" He seemed surprised that I would even contemplate leaving. I chuckled slightly "Tu es rigole? Il a faut pour moi dormir."(Are you joking, sleep is necessary for me). He gave a look that said of course and then he stood putting his hat back on his head and shrugging on a black leather duster. "Vous quels sont faisant?" He chuckled "You still stuck in french chere." I realized he was right and reverted back to English "What are you doing?" Remy answered me as he picked up a cane with a jewel at the top "What it look like? I walkin' you home. Or to your hotel which ever come first." I was about to argue but then remembered the characters that forced me in here to begin with. "You know that actually sounds like a good idea." Remy smirked and held out his arm. That made me reel for a second, wasn't that like an ancient custom? But I decided to bite the bullet, and I allowed him to cradle my arm in the crook of his elbow.

The streets seemed safe now that I was traveling with someone. We didn't talk much as we were walking but it wasn't awkward it was comfortable. I took the opportunity to study my companion. He was tall but not obnoxiously so. He was also in shape, not like a body builder, but he had well developed muscle. He had longish brown hair that fell to the tops of his shoulders. He also had deep hazel eyes. No denying that he was a handsome son-of a gun. Remy suddenly glanced at me and caught me staring. "Like what you see chere?" The darn smirk was back. I decided to call his bluff, " Somewhat." His head whipped back in my direction so he could gauge how serious I was. I looked at him steadily with one eyebrow raised. He looked impressed "Nicely played chere." I smiled and then realized that I was leading him straight to the place where I was staying, him, a total stranger. It just now struck me how dangerous this was. I stopped in the middle of the sidewalk. "This is far enough, Remy. It's not much further to my place." Remy faced me with a half sad smile. "No need to worry chere, I understand. You don't want ol' Remy knowin where you live just yet." I gave a disappointed sigh, "I hadn't realized I was being so transparent." Remy gave a laugh, "I be hopein to meet you again chere." Then he reached forward and stroked his fingertips down my cheek. With that he tipped his hat to me and walked away. I wanted to call after him but once I blinked he was gone.

The Next Morning

I woke up slowly from a great sleep, I got dressed and then stepped to the window of my hotel room. I looked down over the city and sighed a big sigh. The city was every bit as beautiful as the movies and stories made it out to be. At night, it was non stop music, gambling and dancing. But in the early morning, it was quiet, almost lazy , and fresh like a new picked fruit. It almost seemed that the city was refreshing it's self for the coming night, just like a vain woman. "Goodness I'm turning into Shakespeare." Then scanning the streets I saw people going off to work, bums slumping home half drunk. Then on the corner looking up at my hotel I saw Remy LeBeau. He was lounging against the building with the same blasted hat sitting on his head. "You've got to be kidding me," I shook my head as I pulled on some shoes and got ready to go outside. "I be hopein to meet you again chere." I imitated. "This guy needs a hobby, other than playing cards and meeting strange women." I went outside and walked as quickly up to the corner where Mr. LeBeau was fingering a single playing card. He heard me coming cause he looked up and flashed me that cocky smile. "What are you stalking me?" His grin grew bigger. "Do I detect that the notion is slightly appealing to you chere." I rolled my eyes. "Do I need to notice how you never call me by my name. It's only been chere." Remy pushed himself of the wall and sighed. "Perhaps Remy wouldn't have to call you chere, if the lady would be gracious enough to give Remy her proper name." I thought back to our conversation and realized that he was right. I never once gave him my name. "Well forgive me Remy, but my parents taught me to be cautious with strangers." Remy didn't once lose his confidence "Well after our conversation last night I would hardly classify us as strangers. We be more of aquatencies." Despite myself I felt my mouth curl into a shy smile. "Alright Mr. Lebeau, my name is Anna Bailey." Remy gave a comical sigh of relief. "At last." He took my hand and pressed his lips to my knuckles. Then he released me and smiled, not a smirk but a real smile. "Now Miss. Anna now that we seem to not be strangers no more, how would you like accompanying old Remy to an early lunch."

I wanted to say no, there was something so strangely compelling about this man. Honestly it frightened me, but the universe must hate me because my stomach voiced it's opinion. Remy glanced at my stomach and the accursed smirk was back. "I'll be takin that as a yes."

A minute later I was cluching his arm again walking down a street to a little private diner. He was even more gentlemanly than he was last night. Asking a lot of questions without getting personal. Around him I felt vastly out of my depth. It turns out that lunch turned into a full blown tour of the city. And then he walked me all the way back across town back to my hotel. When we reached it I finally said "Goodnight Remy, thank you." Remy shook his head with his smile. "If you want to be thankin Remy then I guess I'd be settlin for a good night kiss." I reeled a little at the suggestion, thinking that he was messing with me. "That is not funny Remy." His brow furrowed a little. "What ain't funny chere?" "You messing with me to have a laugh." I started to storm off, but someone grabbed me. I was pulled around until I was facing Remy. He had his hand on my arm and he looked... mad?, offended? "Why would you be accusin moi of tryin to hurt you." I couldn't even look him in the eye. "Because this doesn't happen, some handsome man I bearly know just doesn't spend all his time with me and then ask for kisses." Remy looked like he only heard about half of what I'd said. "So you believe that I'm handsome." I wanted to smack the smirk off his face.

"I'm gone." I tried to walk away but Remy still had a hand on my arm. "Let me go, Remy." He just smirked wider and pulled me closer. "Not without that kiss, you still owe me for my amazing tour." I must have still had mad look on face that said I wasn't moving. He leaned toward my face, "Don't make me beg chere." My face was red hot and my throat was dry. I decided that the quickest way to get free was to placate him. So I leaned in closer to give him a peck on the cheek. But at the last minute the jerk moved his head so our lips collided. My brain was fried I couldn't think, or move. Remy backed away and released me, I opened my eyes. He wasn't smirking any more, in fact I couldn't place his expression. He looked almost torn. He released my hand and backed away from me "Until later chere." With that he was gone, disappeared. And I was left feeling very confused. I stumbled into my room feeling slightly tipsy, why? I had no idea, but I kept thinking about that kiss. I couldn't get it out of my mind. Eventually I exhausted myself and fell into bed, sleeping a blessedly dreamless sleep. Mardi Gras was getting under way within the next week and I was still in New Orleans. I had spent nearly everyday in the company of Remy Lebeau, and I felt myself grow a lot of affection toward him. We hadn't really shared any more kisses since Remy's goodnight kiss. On Monday afternoon we were walking side by side down Bourban Street watching everyone putting up decorations and getting together costumes for the beginning of the festivties tomorrow. "Goin be your first Mardi Gras huh chere?"

"Yep, it's kind of the reason I was so anxious to visit, you know at this time of the year."

"Well you couldn't choose a bettea time. The festivals, the parade's, but the masquerade's are the best." Remy looked sideways at me. "You plannin on goin to a masquerade chere?" I smiled at him. "Boy I would love to, but you've got to know someone to go to one of those." Remy swerved so he was facing me, walking backwards. "Well I can help you chere. You know me and I know someone."

"You know someone that could get you into a masquerade?" I said doubtfully "Well" he consceded, "I know someone that owes me a favor." He said it with such confidence that it was hard to doubt that he'd make this happen. "And if I deliver on this I would be very much honored if you'd accompany ol'Remy." I gave a suspicious look "As appealing as that sounds, I couldn't, I don't have anything to wear to a masquerade. Heck I don't even have a mask, to wear to a masquerade."

Remy got his clever smirk again and winked. "Remy's got that covered for ya to, I got a friend that's receiving your measurements as we speak." I couldn't even find the words to respond, I was literally speechless. Then I did find the words. "That's too much Remy, way to much."

"I'll be decidin when its to much chere." Remy smiled triumphantly at me. I felt my annoyance grow. "How did you even get my measurements?" Remy gave me a mischievous look. "That's for Remy to know."

He stopped in front of a small shop. "Hold up chere, I'd like to stop here. The owners a friend of mine."

"How many friends do you have Remy Lebeau?" I asked with an eyebrow raised.

"That's for Remy to know."

Inside the shop it was dark and very full of atmosphere. There were talismans and herbs hanging from the ceiling, and scented candles burning on every flat surface available. "Is this a voodoo shop Remy."

"Depends who you ask," Remy answered me with a tone that said he was only half listening. "Hey Tante you home?" The cajun walked toward the back like he was right at home. Leaving me standing there not knowing what to do with myself. I busied myself looking at the bookshelfs. Although I never showed have bothered nearly all the titles were in weird ancient languages.

"Child" A smooth voice spoke behind me. I whipped around startled. There was a woman, she looked creole, older, slightly pudgy. She looked nice enough, like someones mother. But the air around her was strange it set me on edge. "Sorry ma'am, I didn't realize anyone was in here with me." The woman smiled at me showing perfectly white teeth. "Quite alright child, I saw you come in. I am the owner."

"Oh, I think the man I came in with is looking for you." The lady made a tutting sound. "I know Remy Lebeau. Let him worry himself a bit, helps keep him honest." I laughed a little at the lady flippent tone. Then she held out her hand. "Come child allow Tante to tell your fortune." I was going to protest, but instead I took her hand. Letting her lead me to a small cluttered table.

She pulled out a stack of heavy cards. I recognized them as tarot cards, or fortune telling cards. "Oh my dear child." I leaned forward to look at the cards, but the strange symbols and pictures meant nothing to me. "What is it." The lady gave me a strange look. "This cards mean that your life is going to change forever."

"In a good or a bad way?" She gave me a sly look. "Hard to say. One of these card indicates, a terrible choice, one that will hurt you yet help others." She picked up a certain card that had a big heart and two people, a man and a woman on it. " This one however tells a different tale. A love; a very passionate love." Her eyes twinkled as she said it. Like a mother teasing her teenage daughter. Anna's cheeks went red as her mind jumped to nights ago and Remy's goodnight kiss.

BANG! The spell was broken I looked up. Remy was there in front of the door he had just slammed. He saw the woman and broke into a thousand watt smile, separate from the arrogant smirk he normally gave me. The lady Tante smiled back warmly and rose from her seat. She held out her hand to him, which he graciously took and placed a kiss on it.

"My Tante it has been to long."

"Indeed Monsieur Lebeau. I've just been having a stimulatin conversation with your new lady friend." She grinned naughtily at Remy. "If I were you I wouldn't let dis one get away." I swear I saw Remy blush, but that might have been me.

"Now Tante I just come about that request I made a year ago." Tante's face fell a little. "Ah yes, one of your little check-ups, well nothings changed yet." Remy smiled "Tante your a good woman"

The lady laughed loud and long. "And don't you forget it you devilish snake charmer." Remy nodded to me. "Time we was goin chere, Bye Tante." She smiled as Remy placed a kiss on her cheek. The she turned to me with a fond look. "You take heart child." Then Tante kissed my cheek, and we went on our way.

"What was it Tante said to you while I was gone?" Remy asked carefully. I thought about it. "She told me that my life was going to change forever." His head whipped in my direction with an eyebrow raised. "That don't sound good." Then I raised my eyebrow, "It's just a silly fortune." But Remy was already shaking his head "Chere when a woman like Tante gives a fortune, its in your best interest to listen." Then his mood broke and he smiled. "Hey tomorrows Mardi Gras, here." He handed me a card that was made of heavy expensive paper. "This is your invitation to that masquerade I mentioned, the address is on the card and your costume will arrive in the morning."

"Oh," I know I sounded pathatically disappointed. "Why the sad face?" He asked as I tucked away the card. "I thought that we were going together." I said quietly feeling a blush heat my cheeks. Remy smirked "Don't you worry chere, I meet you there. I got an errand to run right before this is all." He walked me to my hotel and we said our good-nights. Alone in my room I laid my head down and shut my eyes hoping for a good-nights rest. I didn't get my wish.

It was cold and dark. I was scared alone, helpless. I was running away from something. I don't know where I'm going. I'm tired something grabs me. Claws scrap my neck. I scream.

I bolted up right, gasping for breath. The sheets were soaked with sweat and so was my hair. That was the worst nightmare I could ever remember having before. I placed a hand on my chest feeling my pulse, it was wild and erratic. As I attempted to calm myself there was a knock on the door. "Who could that be?" I glanced at my side clock which said it was only 9:00. But I did finally get out of my very comfy bed and answered the door. There was a bell hop holding a dress bag I signed for the dress. Then I opened the bag to inspected the dress. It was in a word, gorgeous, and expensive looking. It was a ballgown, fairly modest full skirted. With off the shoulder straps and a corseted top that tapered into the skirt. The skirt and shooulders were made of black feathers. And in the bag was a mask also made of black feathers.

I glanced at the card Remy had given me last night. It said that the party started at six clock, I set the alarm for four o' clock and went back to a gratful sleep. This time I dreamed a little sweeter.

I was warm, safe and warm, but not air warm. I felt arms around my waist holding me firm to a warm body. Then there was a voice whispering sweetly in my ear. The voice was deep and husky, the feel of warm breath on my ear made heat rise to my cheeks. "Ma belle cherie, J' adore tu." A pair of lips pressed themselves to my neck gently moving. Then nipping making me jump. I raised my hands bringing them to rest on a pair of strong solid shoulders. The arms tightened around me pulling me closer. A moan rose up from my throat.

RING, RING, RING. I woke with a start, again I was panting and sweat. But this time wasn't out of terror. I looked at the clock and hit the alarm shut off. And got out of bed, into a shower. I spent the next two hours grooming and primping. Actually trying to look perfect. After I got my hair tamed and styled I got into the gown. Looking at my reflection in the full length mirror. I didn't even recognize myself. My eyes sparkled and my normally frizz red hair was shiny and full of volume. The black of the gown set of my skin making it look like porcelain. And the dress hugged my curves in the right places, making me look trim and tall. When I put the mask on, it was like I became a stranger. Like the swan princess in that story I loved as a child.

KNOCK, KNOCK. I opened the door and there was Remy Lebeau dressed in dark satin looking very dapper. Wearing a black mask that covered half his face, with his hat topping it of. He looked at me for a moment and then smiled his adorable crooked smile. "Wow chere, you are beautiful. Ol' Remy's gonna have ta punch every man in the room to keep em of ya." I blushed and ducked my head. "Thank you," I answered shyly. "And you look very handsome Mr. Lebeau." He chuckled deep in his throat. "Oh chere, you gonna make Remy blush, then he won't be lookin so hansome." Remy took his finger and pulled my chin up to look me in the eye. It was like time stopped then gravity switched direction. It was like Remy Lebeau was drawing me in my eyes shut of their own accord. Then... RING, RING. Remy growled in his throat, pulling out a cell phone. "This had betta be o' extreme importance homme." Listening for a moment I saw his eyes widen slightly. Looking at me he gave a look. "Sorry chere I really need to take this." I nodded understanding. Remy took a few steps down the hall and start what sounded like arguing. He was rattling of French so fast I couldn't follow. After a while he hung up and walked back to me.

His eyes were empty, cold, and distant. Also his refused to meet my eyes. "Chere I gotta go."

"What? Is something wrong." Remy nodded a few time and his jaw grew stern and he looked at me with anger in his stance. "Yeah, this was a mistake. I shouldn't even be here." I didn't know what to do I had never been spoken to like this. "What's going on Remy."

"Whats goin on is I'm leavin." With that Remy stormed of stomping down the hall way. It was like the air had been punched out of me. In a daze I went back into my room and sat on the bed. I don't know how long I sat there dabbing my teary eyes but soon there was a knock at the door.

I yanked the mask of my face before answering, and there was Remy. He was sweaty and out of breath. "What..." I didn't get to finish. The boy shoved his way into the room shutting and locking the door. "Now Chere I know I'm the last person you wanna see..." My hand flew of it's own accord and smacked Remy Lebeau across his cheek. We both froze Remy with his head snapped to the side, and myself hand in the air mouth agape. But surprisingly Remy nodded his head, feeling of his stinging cheek. "Remy probably deserve that."

"Darn right you deserve that. What the heck is going on." Remy considered then sighed. "Chere look out your window at the entrance. Tell me what you see." I narrowed my eyes to see if he was joking, he wasn't. So I walked to the window and waited for my eyes to ajust to the low light. Looking down at the entrance I told Remy what I saw. "I see two men. One is an asian stiff in a suit. The other is a tall guy in a long jacket."

"That's right chere. Those men are here to take me away."

"What did you do?" I was practically yelling. "I did no do nothin!" Remy replied just as loud. Then Remy went stiff, and the door was kicked in. The loud crack resounded in the room, and there was the asian man I'd seen. Holding two twin pistols in his hands. Couldn't help it I shrieked. The man behind the Asian ran at me faster then any I'd ever seen. He had my arms checked, and my body pressed against his so I couldn't move. The man's claws digging into my flesh. And saying claws, I mean claws. His nails were thick, long, and pointed; more feline-esque then human.

My breath caught in my throat. I looked at Remy and he was holding, not a knife, not a gun, but a playing card of all things! But it made the Asian lower his guns. The man holding me finally spoke. His voice was low and ruff, and it made blood go cold. "Drop it Gambit, Or I'll have to hurt your little girl." Remy practically growled at him. "Creed you hurt one hair on her head I'll kill you slowly." Creed, as I assumed he was called chuckled in his throat. I felt one of his hands move to my throat, his claws lightly scrapping the skin of my jugular.

My mind jumping to that horrid dream, my body screamed at my. Fight, Fight like a wildcat you ninny. So still wearing my ridiculous heels I stomped on his foot as hard as I could. I don't think I hurt, just surprised him. His hand went away from my neck and he turned to look at me. Next thing I new something exploded by my head in Creeds face.

I was dropped to the ground and I saw Remy spring. He round-housed the Asian and grabbed my hand hauling me into the hallway at top speed. I almost lost my footing, and pretty sure that