disclaimer: I don't Own Black Butler

Dante entered the briefing room and he sat down next to his father, Johnathan, Axel and some of the King's soldiers. Everyone was wearing same outfit he was. The King walked in dressed the same as his men. His hair was sinister as ever tied back in a high ponytail.

He laid down a map of the castle where the mothers were being kept. He had got the all the information from Madeline and he had found out where they should be. "Look all of you are hand chosen for this mission. It is security matter and cannot reach the public. Anyone who leaks information is death by holy injection." Everyone nodded knowing their king keeps with his promises. "Now we divided and take down. Any slaves you encounter secure them and bring them outside. Any of Victor's customers you encounter, tied up and knockout. Any hostile ones, kill. You have your groups and orders men. Move out"

Everyone went into their groups and head towards the Bitter north of the realm to complete their mission. In 4 hours of traveling, Dante's face harden when they came up on to the castle's grounds.

Madeline woke up to a cold bed. Dante's side was ice cold meaning he was gone after she fell alseep. Madeline rolled over and headed to the bathroom and emptied her stomach of food and lack thereof. When she was done she had cleaned herself up and walked downstairs to find Gwen, Libby and Missy sitting down in the kitchen.

Missy had handed her some tea and flavorless crackers. Madeline took them gratefully and sat down to the table. Gwen and Libby started looking at baby catalogs for their nephew. Madeline was reading a book on hybrid pregnancies that Axel left for her. She was nearly done when Axel came home still dressed in his battle gear. "We got them and they're doing great. They are stable and in my clinic." Gwen and Libby ran pass him to the clinic with demonic speed. Madeline was about to follow when Axel stopped her. "Dante has a surprise for you in the garden" Madeline didn't even know her mate was back. She walked out to the garden and saw Daniel talking to a boy.

He was tall but no taller than Dante's elbow. His hair was like hers but he had his father's curls. His skin was like a good mix of both of them. Dante pointed at her and the boy turned around and smiled so wide. He had mixed matched colored eyes, one brown eye and other was a black eye. His face had freckles and dimples. Madeline burst into tears when he cried out Mommy. Finally Mother and son was reunited. "Now Xavier knows that we have his son. You really to fight?" Axel asked Dante whose eyes switched over to pink.

"I know I'm going to kill this son of a bitch and deliver his head to Maylene on a sliver platter."

It was about an hour before Madeline had to calm down. Seeing her son was nearly too much for her. He was 10 years old and was in the Reaper's junior school for Boys. His Granny always told him stories about her. How beautiful she was, how much she loved him, how strong she was. He told her that he wanted to be like her when he grows up. "Antony, you've met my mate, Dante , right?" Antony nodded his head.

"Dante is your Daddy" his eyes got bright with joy. Dante's was more of a father then Victor could ever be.

"Really Mommy?"

"Yes and guess what?"

"What Mommy?" Both of his mix match eyes glowing.

"You're going to be a big brother in a couple of months" Antony hugged his mother and rubbed her tummy in a careful manner. Dante walked into the room to be hugged by Antony. Madeline sighed for now everything was okay only if Xavier was dead.


Vlad watched his wife sleep. They had found her tied in a room dehydrated and poisoned. Cassandra is the same way. The two girls Xavier showed in the message was two slave girls who were found beheaded, they had looked just like their mates. Johnathan was in the room next door watching over his own mate.

Libby walked in and gave Vlad some coffee. "How is Madeline doing?"

"Fine Father. How is Mother?"

"Axel said she'll wake within a couple of days. He had to give the women anti-biotics to help the regeneration rate. The King wants to see them when they wake up, if they give him good information then he wouldn't have to interview Antony. Antony is such a sweet child, I doubt he will know anything about this."

"I hope not. He just got reunited with his mother and his new father." Libby said as Harriet breathing was the only thing beside the concerned silence. Johnathan was another story.

He was holding Cassandra's hand ever since they got her settled in. He would fluff her pillows every 25 minutes. He tucked her in and fixed the sheet every 10 minutes. Then he would kiss her forehead and fixed hair. He just couldn't believe she was here. His first love, mate, and other half of his soul. He kissed her hand and held it. Gwen watch her father become a nervous wreak. She knew they had to prepare for the months of healing to come. Madeline already started to heal by mating Dante. Gwen went to grab some coffee for them both since it was going to be along wait.

The wait carried on into the crack of dawn when Harriet woke to her mate sleeping uncomfortably in a chair beside her. She smiled and then she realized that she was free. Her first concern was Victor playing a trick on her. She started to move out of her bed, by the time her foot had hit the ground Vlad woke to see his mate struggling to keep herself upright. He moved from the chair and walked around to help her. When Vlad grabbed her hand Harriet knew it was her mate and this wasn't a trick. Vlad placed her back in the bed and covered her over. "Vlad, darling" her voice was weak and Vlad's heart swelled at the loving look she had in her eyes.

"It's okay, sleep Love. I will be here by your side until I die." Harriet closed her eyes and slept peacefully.


The sound of breaking wood, glass, and even metal sounded out loudly throughout the mansion. The girls in the lower levels could hear his rage and shook in fear. Ash was dead and to make matters worse, one his most profitable houses were captured and his girls were taken. The King was cracking down him fast and hard. Madeline was mated to Dante, his sons are in their possession. Victor looked at himself in the broken mirror. He smiled so crooked his face looked like it wanted to spilt in two. That was okay if they wanted a war…they will get a war. Victor called a friend of his and in the morning he was gone to the Colonies to get help.

Time Skip a month

Cassandra and Harriet was finally able to heal completely. They had a meeting with the king to tell him everything about Victor. The king had several highly trained squads of demon to take down Victor and his customers. All the women that was rescued was placed in secluded places to recover. Every customer that was captured was interrogated beyond morals. The king realized with Victor's disappearance his whole sex-slave kingdom was starting to crumble. Fiona was at large for several reasons, mainly because she seemed like Victor's puppet.

Dante came home after taking down another brothel of Victor's. Madeline was in the kitchen making dinner for the family. Her parents were upstairs…re-mating. Axel, Gwen, and Libby were is working with the women that was rescued. Dante followed the delicious aroma. He walked into the spacious kitchen to see Madeline glowing. It has only been a month and she looked like she was at least 5 months pregnant. Everyone was unsure of when she was due since neither of Madeline's other children weren't full demon or reaper. Dante walked up to her quietly and snaked his arms right over the baby. Madeline can sense her mate as soon as he walked into the house. "How are you guys feeling today?"

"Well, how was your day?" Madeline asked as Dante washed his hands and started cutting up vegetables.

"Very good, found and took down more houses. Some of the women remembered you and kept asking me ask about how you were." Dante said starting some tea for her back pain. A perk of having a brother as a Doctor. Antony rushed from outside to hug his father. Dante embraced him and it warmed Madeline's heart to see her family…her family the right one she deserved. Antony began to tell Dante about his day and Dante listened while making dinner with Madeline. Madeline was just finishing dinner as her parents came downstairs glowing. Anthony ran to his grandfather to show him the cool thing he found during his day.

Cassandra smiled as Sebastian greets her was a strong cup of medicated tea. She was done after having so many children. She just wants to be a grandmother to current grandkids and her future ones as well. Missy created the tea to stop the body from making fertile eggs without unbalancing the body's hormones. Missy's batch of tea are helping every women they bring in to stop unwanted pregnancies. "Mom, can you help me with this recipe?" Madeline ask, snapping Cassandra out of her thinking.

Johnathan had Anthony on his lap and was telling him war stories. Dante was helping the women with the cooking. It was only an half an hour later that dinner was served. After dinner, Dante took Madeline and Anthony over his parents' home to have dessert and a long needed discuss of battle plans with his father. Walking there hand in hand, Madeline watch her son walk ahead of them talking about can't waiting to see his Grandpa Vlad. Dante looked and saw Madeline's face twist in pain for a second before she let out a sigh. "Madeline, are you alright?"

"I'm fine it's just the growth of Ramiro. Axel did warn me about my body trying to care for the baby and the chances of me maturing at the same time. For now everything is alright." Dante made a note to talk to Axel, even though the child isn't his, he'll love him like it is. They reached the house and Libby opened the door. Antony hugged her legs and she smiled as at the happy boy.

"Anthony would you be a gentleman and help set the table?" Libby asked as Dante gave him the okay. Once Anthony was in the house, Libby led them to where Vlad and Harriet was planning. Vlad was standing, looking down at a circular table that had a giant map laid out with markings. Markings of where Victor could be, where other houses where, and what houses they have busted. Harriet was talking to a mirror, there was another person on the other side. Both were in a heated conversation as his mother's cheeks were red from anger.

"Look if your husband has been seeing any of Victor's Victims. He will die by my hand and I will burn your land down to the ground. Good day Mrs. Watson." Harriet finished the conversation with a wave of her hand. Harriet sighed heavily and rubbed her temples. Dante placed his hand on her shoulder and Harriet looked into his eyes. "Oh, Dante it's so nice to see you and you brought Madeline with you." Harriet said as she hugged her son tight and then Madeline. Vlad had patted his son on the back and smiled broadly at his daughter in law.

"Can you take my Mother downstairs while Father and I talk?" Dante thought to Madeline. Madeline nodded and she told Harriet about Anthony who wanted to see his other Grandmother. Harriet was gone within seconds. Madeline giggled about whispered something about Grandmothers and went downstairs. Dante turned to his father who had place another map on the round table and he began to explain several things he and the King went over. The end conclusion: Victor was going down.


Everyone was eating some French chocolate. It was bitter for Madeline because of the memories of her human friends. However seeing Anthony enjoy his Grandma Harriet and Aunt Libby made the Chocolate sweet. The suddenly become cold around Madeline as Fiona appeared behind her. Fiona got ready to swing before the women could stop her from beheading Madeline. Her hand was suddenly dismembered in midair. Anthony had his reaper weapon in his hand. His weapons was large compared to his size, it's a Molotoch, The Slayer Sword. Madeline looked at her son in surprise. Fiona hissed in pain and glared at him. Dante and Vlad came downstairs to find Libby and Harriet on top Fiona, holding her down. Fiona laughed before she had disappeared in a cloud of smoke. "A Spirit Clone, that demon witch." Libby said in hate.

Vlad picked up the dismembered hand and looked at Anthony that was hugging Madeline. Dante looked at Anthony and saw one thing that would give them the upper-hand.

Victor would lose everything.