Title: Domestic Bliss 1/1
Author: SyrupandHoneybuns
Pairing: Aidan/Josh.
Rating: M
Summary: Five times people misunderstood the nature of their relationship, and one time they got it right.
Warnings: Clumsiness and strong language. You have been warned.
Author Note: This story will probably be a series of one-shots. Being Human Kink meme

"Honey, I'm home," Aidan jokes as he walks through the front door. He shifts the brown grocery bag in his arms and kicks back his leg, closing the door behind him.

"Ha ha, very funny, Aidan. Did you get everything on my list?" Josh calls out from the kitchen.

"Yes, I did, dear, and I even made sure the labels on the back read Kosher, too," Aidan mocks as he places the grocery bag on the kitchen counter and begins unpacking the contexts.

He completely fails to notice Danny, who is leaning against the far wall by the refrigerator with an amused expression on his face and a beer in his hand. Josh rolls his eyes as he grabs the Honey Nut Cheerios cereal box off the counter and places it in the cabinet above the stove

"Its good to see you two have already settled in. Didn't I tell you this condo was perfect for couples?" Danny chuckles. He pushes himself off the wall and places his half-empty beer bottle on their kitchen table. Aidan purses his lips together and cocks an eyebrow in Danny's direction. The guy sounds like a shady used car dealer.

"Oh, no, we aren't a cou-'' Josh begins to utter but is cut off by Aidan, who places his hand on Josh shoulder and mumbles that it's okay.

"Are you two not together?" Danny asks, dumbfounded. His head is slightly cocked to the side with his eyebrows furrowed together in confusion.

"No, we're just roommates," Josh says sullenly. He never fully understood why everyone thought he and Aidan were knocking socks together or whatever euphemism kids had for gay sex nowadays.

"You know I would have signed the lease over to you regardless of any race, religion, color or sexual orientation," Danny says. Sally felt like she was about to bust a gut up at the top the stairwell. She had her hand covering her mouth in a desperate attempt to cover her giggles.

"Look, I know how it seems. Two twenty-something-year-old guys sharing an apartment together –"Aidan begins to say, but is cut off by Danny.

"Look, you don't have to explain nothing to me. My cousin back in Toronto, she's in the closet, too." Danny makes a big show of rolling up his sleeve and glancing at his watch, "It was fun, you guys, but it's getting rather late, and…." he trails off. He thanks them for the beer and awkwardly pats Josh on the shoulder.

Josh locks the door after Danny leaves and leans his forehead against it. "He didn't believe us." Aidan pats Josh back reassuringly and walks over to the coach. He flops down on it and clicks the television on.

Josh sighs, pushing himself off the wall. He plops down next to Aidan, then snatches the remote from him and flips to Project Runway on Lifetime.

"This is why he thinks you're gay."

"Shut up, Aidan, plenty of straight men can get excited over fashion too and not turn out to be flaming homosexual," Josh whined.

"You're excited, all right," Aidan says, with a leer in his voice as he gestures with his hands to Josh's crotch.

"Shut up, that's not from the fashion." Josh shoves Aidan playfully in the arms.

"No, that's from Heidi Klum," Sally yells out from the stairs. Mortified, Josh hides his face in the palm of his hands and pretends that he can't hear Aidan laughing from beside him.

Author notes: I got the idea from Aidan/Josh Prompt Post on Live journal.