*If I owned Vocaloid, why would I be writing fanfiction? This is (once again) a new fic XD what's with me? Well, I hope you enjoy!*

Kagamine Rin was doodling in her notebook, her large glasses were falling off. She re adjusted them.

Hatsune Miku, her best friend, was doing the same thing.

They were the school's unnoticeable girls, although new, they were harassed and ignored frequently.

But, they only used their appearances as a mask. Their true looks and selves would have gotten them in the "it" crowd in less than a minute. But they were scared, so they hid behind thick glasses, loose uniforms, and rigid personas.

Too bad they fell in love with two of the popular crowd.

"Mi-Mi?" Rin asked her teal haired friend. It was lunch time now, and they were sitting under the large sakura tree.

"Yeah Rin-Rin?"

"When will we confess our feelings and be our true selves?"

Miku sighed, "I don't know…but I hope it's soon! I need to tell Megurine Luka my feelings for her by the end of high school!" the teal haired girl remembered the way her pink haired crush treated her. It wasn't like everyone else. Rin's crush, Len, acted similar, but Luka's kindness was what reached her.

Flashback~ about three months earlier~

"No! Don't take that! That's precious to me! No!" Hatsune Miku was pushing her way thorough a large crowd, trying to find the last picture she had of her (late) twin brother, Mikuo. The teal haired twins used to have a strong relationship.

Rin was trying to fight off the crowd for a necklace given to her from her brother before he left the country and got married. He hadn't visited since, and they were very close.

The people continued to jeer, and when they were about to rip the picture apart, a voice stopped them.

"WHAT is going on here?" a pink haired girl, about a year or two older than the two friends, snatched the picture, "Who is the owner of this?"

Miku shyly raised her hand.

The girl handed Miku the picture.

"Who's the boy there? I'm just wondering…."

"Oh! He's my brother!" the teal haired girl had no idea why she trusted this person so easily.

And as they continued to talk, Miku now knew her savior was Megurine Luka.

Back to the present~

Miku had been chatting with Luka online (because the teal haired high school girl didn't want to ruin Luka's popularity) ever since.

Rin was now writing on a sheet of paper, "Yeah…but for Len….*sigh*"

Rin's situation was similar to Miku's. Except the blonds preferred hanging out during weekends and going to anime conventions.

"Rin-Rin, whatcha writing?" the other girl looked over the blond girl's shoulder.

"A To-Do list. Maybe we can do al these by the end of the year. Here, wanna write?" She handed Miku another sheet of paper.

A few minutes later, they had come up with many things and eventually combined their lists into one large list of things.

"Rinny~ Let's start tomorrow, shall we?" Miku giggled.

"Mhm!" Rin replied and as the bell rang for their next classes, they gradually thought of the reactions that they would get tomorrow.

That list was a result of boredom, sadness, and love. What would come out of it? Let's find out.

It was the next day, and the two friends were riding their bikes to school. People were commenting and complimenting them. One of the school flirts, Shion Akaito, had asked them to "go out with him some time". Yet, yesterday, he had been especially rude to them.

Two-faced much?

"Rinny! Wanna go to our favorite café once we finish our homework and shit?" Miku asked the blond as they were getting books out of their lockers.

"Sure! Besides…tomorrow will be a busy, busy day!" Rin giggled as they walked once again to class.

"Hatsune Miku?" the teacher was calling out roll, the usual routine of things.

"Here!" the teal haired girl shot her hand up with vigor. People gave "holy shit" looks and whispered constantly. Once the teacher moved on to the next name, she resumed her songwriting.

Last Night, Good Night

BY: Hatsune Miku

(You're) Dreaming
(That) profile of yours
(As I watch that) Unawarely
Dripped... Those tears (of mine/yours)
Down (my/your) cheek

Momentary beating-of-affections
Inside this chest(heart) I kept (them) hiding

Last night Good night
Last night Good night

This night
Your hand
I will hold (them) and
Sleep(,my dear)
Good night

Morning... once more
With you... if I could (only) spend...
Even such hope
(I/People) Think-and-hope-for... Miracles (that make this happen)
Nothing... telling nothing (about these miracles) and
Good-bye...? I can't say that

Last night, Good night
Last night, Good night

This voice
Even if it would dry-out
It (is a melody that) will last
(That is this) melody

Last night Good night
Last night Good night

(We) will meet
The last (moment)
I think of that (and caress)
To the night sky
I wish
Ever-green-leaves/Never-changing-rock(=Never changing) Smile
Good night

Happy about her new song, she cheerfully waited for the end of marking attendance.

"Kagamine Rin." Was heard a few minutes later.

"Heeeeeeerre!" she said with even more excitement that her friend and once again reactions were the same. Rin finished up her own song after the teacher knew she was there.

I like you, I love you

BY: Kagamine Rin

He-he-he-hey, hey, could you wait a minute?

If you're busy, sorry

Just a little, hey, a little while

I want to talk with you

What can I do? What's the point

Um..What game should be play?

Word games?

Daqui-"ri" .. "Ri"-n.

I'm sorry, I'm not very good at this

Are you hungry? Want something to eat?

Umm…I…..I don't have water

Take your eyes off the monitor

I have to stimulate distance

And yet I watch that idiot

My throat is dry and I can't speak

Sigh… What to do

I'm being honest, you see….

No good, it's as scary as ever

I want to convey my feelings

Why is it so hard?

He-he-he-hey, hey, could you wait a minute?

If you're busy, sorry

Just a little, hey, a little while

I want to talk with you

What can I do? What's the point

Um…ro-ro-rock, paper, scissors!

Rock, paper, scissors, iced coffee, I think

I'm sorry, I'm pretty boring

Are you hungry? Want something to eat?

Umm…I…..I don't have water

See, even if it's sudden

It's kind of a weird feeling, sorry

Maybe it's surprising

But, I wanted to hear, err…

Sigh… What to do

I'm being honest you see…

No good, it's as scary as ever

I want to convey my feelings

Why is it so hard?

I'm being honest, you see…

I-I, I, I, I, I

Hey, you are, um…

I, sorry, wait..I-I…

I, I, um…hey..

You're the one that I li…

Hey, honestly %*#, I, um

I, sorry, wait, he-hey

Umm, I….

You're the one that…!

Hey, I, you're the one that I..

Hey, I, you're the one that I..

I, to you…

Li, li, li, lli-li, li…li

Li-li-li-li, li, li, li, li

Lii, sigh…Sorry, I forgot


Li, li, li-li, li-li-li-li

Li-li-li-li, li..li..li..li

Li, li, li-li, li-li, li…li

Like, I love you!

She smiled as she finished. Right on time for the lesson to start. As usual, she did her homework in class. But it was different this time.

People were drifting to her. People who used to tease and bully them. Rin didn't understand, and Miku didn't as well. And eventually, they were dragged to the lunch table where their crushes sat.

Great? Or not so great?

*crappy intro, I know. But it'll get a lot better by the next chapter or so! Please read and review!*