My Dearest Sarah,

In the first, I would like to apologize. I fear you have misunderstood my intentions and this troubles me, for I would do anything to please you. I would move the very stars if it would but make you smile.

And what a beautiful thing it is - your smile. It astounds me with its endless display of forms - the sly smile that tugs so entrancingly at your lips as your mischievousness shows, impish and youthful and bright; the smile of affection that softens the corners of your eyes and pulls up a little bit of your soul to shine through, that makes the very air around you glow with sincerity and warmth; the incandescent smile that is nearly blinding in its genuineness, so pure and vibrant that it could reduce any artist to tears to witness it; the heavy-lidded heated smile that reflects your desire and burns hotter than any flame could hope to emulate, unwavering and intensely beautiful in ways mere words were not meant to describe…

I could write for days about the nuances of your smiles, precious thing, and hope to one day be the cause of them. It pains me so to be kept from your company, and I am at a loss as to the reason; I wish you nothing but happiness, and have the power to grant it to you. Whatever you would have of me, I would give; simply name a desire and it shall be fulfilled. Let me be your slave.

Everything around you is drawn, moth like, to that flame you carry inside you and I am no more immune than any other. There is something that radiates from you, something warm and alive and vibrant and undeniable, something that makes me nearly believe I could live within you. To call you my home wouldn't be a terrible stretch - after all, you already have my heart. Nothing captivates me quite the way you do, consumes me quite so wholly, wraps me up and tangles me quite as thoroughly. You are, quite simply, the one I wish for. Please let me come to you, Sarah.

Eternally and irrevocably yours,
