To say that I was bored was an understatement, to say that I was slightly overly hormonal, well that was a whole other story.

It's only 10am on a Saturday morning and I am already lying in the middle of the damphir dorm room kitchen bored out of my brains. After a very uneventful Friday night and a very welcomed, yet annoying common, sex dream about my one and only mentor Dimitri, I had been awake since 7am, trying my very hardest to occupy my mind.

Run- check!

Shower- check!

Check on Lissa- defiantly didn't help check.

Shower again- check!

Randomly start talking to the poster on my wall- shamefully… check

Baking cup cakes while everybody started at you wide eyed as it's a once in a lifetime event- check!

Lying here trying to think of something other than a certain person starting with D- CHECK!

Nothing seemed to help and I was running out of ideas and god help me it was only early! Why did my mentor have to be so god like? With his Russian accent that could make anyone shiver, his amazingly muscled and tan body, his silky shoulder length hair that could only ever look good on him and his unfortunate age of 24, which only seemed to make me want him more!

It wasn't until I felt my eyes drifting shut and an imagination I was sure to be pleasant that my phone in my pocket buzzed. Speak of the Russian God.

From: Dimitri


Alberta and I need you to fill out some forms, meet us in her office in 10.


Oh great, paperwork. That's just what I wanted to do, but perhaps I could use it to my advantage considering a cerain someone would be there.

As I sat in the chair filling in the form for the upcoming excursion, I quickly glanced up to where Alberta and Dimitri were talking to catch his attention and I sure enough his gaze was already on me. I looked down and smirked as I could still feel his eyes burning into me and slowly put my plan into action.

I started by firstly biting the side of my lip, a habit I have currently started and found that Dimitri loves, then slowly chewing the end of the pen. With my best frustrated sigh, I racked my hands through my hair and gathered it up to the side furthest away from Dimitri, giving him a clear view of the flesh on my exposed neck and shoulder.

With a quick glance in the corner of my eye to still see if I had his attention, I slowly began to trail the end of the pen lightly down my neck and towards my cleavage. I could see Dimitri tense and gulp and when I closed my eyes to imagine it was actually his hand trailing down my body, I lost control and dropped the pen with a loud thud.

A small smile played on Dimitri's lips, and after picking up the pen and letting them know I was done, I quickly began to follow Alberta out of the room when Dimitri calling my name stopped me dead in my tracks.

Before I could turn around though the feel of his breath on my shoulder sent pleasurable shivers down my spine and his fingers looped into the belt buckle holes of my jeans to pull me closer into his chest. MY brain could no longer comprehend words as his thumbs lightly stroked my skin between my jeans and top on my back and I could feel his nose softly grazing from my ear down the slope of my neck and back again. MY whole body was tingling.

"That was a nice little show you put on before Roza, but you know nothing can ever happen between us."

With that he spun me around and moved in till his lips were just barely touching mine.

"No matter how much we may want it to." He said before leaving a lingering kiss at the corner of my lips and walking out of the room with a flash.

I stood there for a moment in a daze, my body feeling heated and flustered before a smirk began to form. He wanted me, and that was all I needed to get my man!

By mid afternoon I had searched all over campus for Dimitri when I found him sitting in a secluded corner hidden by the rows of books in the library. I gave myself a moment to stop and stare at the beauty of him looking so peaceful as he read his book before I went in to ruin it.

His eyes never left the book as I quietly went and sat as close to him on the couch as possible and I quickly went of the possible ways I could do this. I decided to be bold and jump straight in there with the element of surprise. In one quick motion, I grabbed the book out of his hands, tossing it some far away part of the floor and straddled him.

His eyes went wide with shock as I gave him my best man eater smile and I let my hands slowly trail under his shirt and up his chest. His eyes closed softly as he let out a quiet moan, so I decided to torture him more by lightly nipping his neck, cautious as not to leave a mark and raise suspicions.

The fact that he hadn't pushed me away yet only added to my confidence and turned me on even more.

I brought my face as close to his as I could so our breaths mingled, and I saw him glance around the room with a worried look.

"Roza, if someone sees's us.'

He looked back at me and I smiled, "Nobody will," I replied before catching his bottom lip between my teeth to nibble.

At that moment it was his phone that decided now was the time to interrupt and in a split second I was back on the couch and he was back in his 'guardian' mode.

I heaved an angry sigh as he turned away from me to take the call and stomped out of the library when I knew for sure the trance between us was broken. Looks like I'll have to find something else to do…at least for now.

After a nice lunch and chat with Lissa to distract my wondering mind, I was heading across the grounds towards my dorm when I say that the gym door was slightly open. Curiosity getting the best of me, I decided to check out who was in there this late in the afternoon and fate being my best friend lately, found Dimitri in nothing but his tracksuit pants beating the hell out of a punching bag. If this was how most guys let out their sexual frustration, getting all sweaty and showing off their sexy muscles with no shirt on, then hey, I was not complaining.

I walked into the room towards the table that held a stereo currently playing some sort of old music and leaned against it, just watching Dimitri and the skillful way he moved, something I had always loved about him. When he noticed my presence though, the only thing he did was stop and turn to face me, holding me locked in a gaze that intensified with every second. I could feel the room becoming hotter and the tension between us growing and I didn't dare once look away.

It wasn't until a particular type of song came on the radio and I snorted in disgust that Dimitri spoke.

"You don't like the tango Roza?

His question puzzled me and I stumbled out my reply, "Ahhh, well I can't say I know how to, sooo…."

He came closer to me then, a playful look in his eyes that made my stomach flip, and he placed one hand on my waist while holding up the other, the position I clearly new meant he was asking me to dance. "Well then," he said with a hint of a smirk, "I guess I will have o show you."

I was not going to protest the chance to dance with a sweaty and half naked Dimitri, so I placed my hand on his shoulder and the other in his hand.

"I didn't know you could tango."

"Guess there are a lot of things you don't know about me then my Roza."

And the next thing I knew he was leading me around the floor. His hands were all over my body, spinning me out and back in, twirling me, dipping me, and our faces were always in close proximity, as were our bodies as he pressed me close to him. I could feel his centre press to the place I wanted him most and the dark look in his eyes told me he wanted me then and there. I couldn't believe how intimate a dance could be and it left me wanting him so much I knew I would burst if I didn't.

But as it came to an end and he pulled me near once more, I could something new in his eyes. He leaned in close to my ear and spoke in a husky voice, "So what are you going to do now Rose?"

And that's when it hit me, this had become a game. A game between us to see who could push the other over the edge of control and give in to temptation, and damn him, he was playing dirty!

My witty reply was interrupted by the sound of a door opening and we jumped apart as quickly as we could and I took this as an escape. I had to get out of there before I caved in and I ran as fast as I could back to my room to clear my mind.

8:05pm…8:06pm…..8:07pm…..Ahhhh I couldn't take this anymore. Dimitri was the only thing on my mind and I was beyond the term horny to not give in to him, game or no game.

Checking myself quickly in the mirror to see if I looked sexy enough for Dimitri to not be able to resist in my short pajama pants and little tank looked, I headed out the door, but not before running back to grab something out of my desk draw and placing it in my shorts pocket with a smirk.

I made it to his room without any trouble and knocked on the door quickly. The door opened to reveal a once again shirtless Dimitri with wet hair, which only made him that more do able, and the moment he saw me a smirk came onto his face. He knew what I was there for and for the life of me he did not seem to care about turning me down. I gave him a seductive smirk back and after just staring at each other for what seemed like forever, i finally gave in and threw myself at him.

He caught me easily as we met in a hungry, passionate kiss as he kicked the door shut hard with his foot.

His hands were quick to get under my top, running up and down my back as my body tingled with delight. My legs wrapped around his waist and I pressed harder into him, gaining an animalistic growl to erupt from my lover. The feel of his hard erection pressing against my hot and already wet centre felt amazing and as our tongues danced their own tango, I racked my nails down his chest and felt him shiver in delight.

Dimitri began to back us up to his bed and I decided to explore my man some more.

As he worked his way down my neck, over my shoulders and towards half exposed breasts, kissing, sucking and nipping, my hands found their way inside the waist band of his pants. I heard him take a sharp intake of breath as I found his manhood, and let me put it this way, the size was to die for. I began to squeeze and massage him while making my mark on him at the top of his chest and I soon felt my hand become sticky and his breath ragged against my skin, causing me to smirk once again.

As we found the side of the bed, we kissed desperately again, with me still wrapped around him as he stood.

"God I want you so bad right now Roze," he said and that was all I needed to confirm that the self control he so desperately tried to maintain had flown right out the window….it was time to put my plan into action.

In record time, I kissed him again and reached into my pocket to pull out the object I had picked up earlier, then grabbing hold of Dimitri's hand and quickly bringing it next to the bed post, I skillfully handcuffed his wrist to the bed before he even had the chance to register what I was doing.

With that done, I leaned in close to his to whisper in my best seductive voice,

"I know you do Comrade, but you see when you play my game, the first rule is to never lose all of your self control."

With that, I jumped from his arms, gave him a lingering kiss and my best man eater smile, then slowly began to walk backwards. All the while never letting my eyes leave his bewildered face.

"Rose." I heard him sigh and I only gave him an innocent look in response.

I know what your all thinking, why would I pass up this opportunity when I have been craving it all day?

Because I'm Rose Hathaway and if there is one thing I love besides sexy time with the one and only Dimitri Belikov, its winning. And besides, I'm hoping that leaving a very turned on and ready to ravish me Dimitri which only ever happens once in a blue moon, will work out for my advantage.

I came to a stop when I saw his leather duster he loved so much and picked it to drape over my shoulders, "Mind if I borrow this Comrade, it's a bit chilly out?"

I turned to head out the door when I heard Dimitri growl at the realization I was being serious; "This isn't over Roza."

Looks like it had worked to my advantage and the thought of more teasing with Dimirti excited me.

"Looking forward to it Hot Stuff," was all I said before slipping out the door and leaving my mentor half naked and now sexually frustrated handcuffed to his bed.

Dimitri may be a skilled fighter, but this was a different kind of war and like I said;

I'm Rose Hathaway, and I always win!

Hey everyone,

Firstly, thank you for giving this story a chance, its my first one published and your feedback would be great :)

Secondly, i'm not sure whether or not to end it there or continue on, maybe a new chapter in Dimitri's point of veiw after these events?

i dunno but please let me know what you all think!
