Author's note: Hey all! So sorry for the dealy, but I am the definition of biting more than you can chew this semester. School has been kicking my butt. Anyways, here I am with a new letter. Thanks for the review and alerts. They make me VERY happy.

Special thanks to SunnyFreckles for the reivew, since the website wouldn't let me reply to it! Thanks a bunch, you were so sweet =)

Don't for get to read my note at the end, I'd really like your input.

Disclaimer: I own nothing related to Criminal Minds.

Garcia walked out of the elevator and walked towards her office on the BAU floor in a pensive mood. It was by no means a sour one, but she had yet to return to her usual bright and chipper self after the disturbing news of her long lost friend being alive. Her impending return was especially unsettling to the technical analyst. She was seriously torn, couldn't decide if she should welcome Emily home with open arms, bring her back to her lair and hug her until neither of them could breathe, or if she should be glad that she was okay but mad that she had never attempted to contact her family. Rationally, she understood Emily's predicament, along with JJ and Hotch's, but she still couldn't help but feel some resentment. On the other hand though, she thought she was dealing better than her Chocolate Adonis, who had been spotted around the bullpen looking glum and with a permanent scowl – directed especially towards their boss.

The mood around the BAU had changed even more since the first letter from their former co-worker had arrived 6 days previous. Now, the entire team was on edge waiting for the next one. Mainly, they all wanted to know who would be the second recipient of the notes. JJ had warned them that some letters might take longer than others but it still did nothing to calm the friends who eagerly awaited for tangible proof that Emily still thought about them.

As Garcia opened the door to her lair and automatically switched her many computers on, she didn't even notice the plain envelope sitting on her desk, neatly aligned with the edge of it - a clear sign that Hotch had been the one to leave it there. She did, however, notice one of her bright pink post-it notes glued to the screen nearest her chair.

The familiar handwriting merely stated:

JJ stopped by to give you your letter last night but you had already gone home. It's on your desk. I hope it brings you some peace or at least some understanding.

- Hotch

Eagerly opening the envelope yet careful not to rip the paper, the analys sat heavily on her chair and unfolded the piece of paper as if it were some kind of rare and precious work of art. Silently and with tears in her eyes she read.



I know that I kind of said goodbye to you before and even though I regret the way I did it, I ment every word. You are very much a goddess, PG. One that makes everyone around you feel good and accepted. You know I'm not the most girly or even the friendliest person but you made me want to be nicer and more open and – let's face it – you are probably the only person on earth that could make me have "girl talks". And, damn, I miss those. I miss you. So much so that every place I had to go, every new person I had to become carried a bit of color. I always kept one piece of clothing - like a bright yellow scarf in Spain - or furniture, such as the ornamented orange lamp in northern France. I had to have something to remind me of you, I needed to feel somehow connected to you so that I could remember to smile.

You taught me the importance of an honest smile when everything else is dark. I hope you realize that, PG. Because if there is anything that merely resembles magic powers in this world, that's it. You're it.

I am very proud to say that I once worked and got to be friends with the all knowing Oracle of Quantico/goddess of technology and all things glitter.

I envy your ability to express your feelings and your true self, Garcia. You are a genuine, authentic and beautiful person and you make it look like it's effortless. Over the past months I have imagined your reaction to my deceit countless times and I know I hurt all of you a great deal. Even knowing all of this I would like to ask you a favor: even if you think best not to see me once I am finally allowed back to DC I would like a picture of us – the whole team. I know you have at least one in your office, maybe the one from a night out or a birthday celebration. I miss seeing you and I had to give up even the pictures I had in my cell phone.

Penelope, I know you have a huge heart, but don't think for a second that because I know that I expect you to forgive and forget so easily. If you do wish to see or talk to me, I'd be happy to explain my reasons personally. And, mainly, give you the hug I've longed to give you since I heard your last voicemail message to me. You guys were my family and I miss you all. It was never a matter of lack of trust, I hope at least that much is clear.

From the bottom of my heart I wish you all the best.



By the time she finished reading, Garcia's mascara was running freely down her cheeks and chin. At that very moment, she could only think of one thing: hugging Emily Prentiss as if there was no tomorrow. And, just like that, the decision of how she would treat Emily once she was finally home was made for her.

Now, the only thing that still made her nervous was knowing that not everyone would come to the same realization so easily. Particularly not Derek Morgan.

AN 2: Okay, so who would you like to see getting the next letter?
I already know who is getting the last one, but until then I have no specific order in mind. So, if you have an opinion/suggestion on that (or anything else), please let me know.

M xx