The boys had just been given their next assignment. It was a girl. Koenma wanted this girl for something, but they didn't know what. All the spirit detectives knew about her is that she is a full demon of only one breed. All they knew of her looks was that she has hair and skin the color of snow, and that her eyes change color. Her size? She's smaller than Hiei by about eight centimeters. The team was sent in to Makai with rope, nets, and a pair of spirit cuffs. This girl is a demon; can't she rip through rope and nets?

The portal dropped the boys off at the small island where she had been sighted. It was a summer island, the weather warm and pleasant, and the land full of greenery. It should be easy to find a girl with white skin and hair.

The two idiots immediately suggested the troupe split up to search the island. The fire demon rolled his eyes, but turned to search the north side of the island anyway. There was a large snow-capped mountain was in front of Hiei, pointing directly north. It made it easy to keep his direction.

Crimson eyes saw everything and overlooked nothing, but a rustle of the brush surprised him. The male froze, before slowly moving to grip the handle of his katana. Ruby eyes narrowed as they scanned the forestry.

Another movement a head of him and he took off, quickly following the sound. He saw a flash of white hair and stopped.


{Yes, Hiei?}

{I found her. Base of the mountain.}

{We're on our way. Keep her in your sight}

Hiei took off after the girl, but she seemed to have disappeared. He was cautious as he exited the forest, finding himself in a clearing. High in a tree on the edge was a large, elaborate tree house.

A ladder led to a large wrap-around porch. Windows looked out over the clearing.

Sitting on the roof, was the girl. Her eyes were watching the clouds, and she hadn't noticed the fire demon yet. He hid himself behind a tree across from hers, suppressing his energy to non-existent, almost.

He couldn't see her clearly, but she was small, and very pale.

"Is that her?"

Hiei glanced at the idiot behind him. "Who else would it be?"

"So, we need a plan. We have to somehow get the spirit cuffs on her, but we don't know what kind of demon she is," Kurama lay out.

"If we knew, that would make things a whole lot easier." Yusuke sounded confused as well.

"She can't be that strong, or Koenma would have given us stronger items for capturing her." Kuwabara held up the net and ropes.

"You actually thought of something smart." Yusuke was surprised.

"Why thank- Hey." The boy glowered.

"Shut up you two. She'll hear us." Hiei looked back at the girl, his eyes narrowed.

"Yusuke and Kuwabara, go set up the net so it is stretched across the exit of the clearing. Make sure it's ready to give at the slightest jar. Be ready to tie the girl in to it. Hiei and I will chase her in," Kurama devised. "You have five minutes."

The two idiots ran off to complete their orders.

"Think they can actually do it?"

"No," Hiei said plainly.

Silence filled the area.

"Let's go." Kurama entered the clearing, the fire male following right after him.

The girl sat up, her eyes following us. In the blink of an eye, she disappeared. Then there was the slam of the door of her tree house. Hiei glanced at Kurama. He seemed just as bewildered as the half-koorime was. They quickly climbed the ladder that led up, and snuck along the side of the house, avoiding windows. They stood on either side of the door. On the count of three, two well-placed kicks knocked it open, but a flash of white knocked them back. They quickly got to their feet and looked down at the bottom of the tree, seeing the girl staring up at them. She disappeared again.

A moment later, there was a serious of yells and the sounds of ropes being strained. Then a piercing female scream broke through the noise.

"Guess they caught her."

"It would seem so," Hiei agreed.

The pair headed over to exit of the clearing, finding Yusuke and Kuwabara fighting to lock spirit cuffs on the girl's wrists. The girl was putting up a good fight, her thin arms almost able to slip out of Kuwabara's clumsy grip.

It was easy to make out her features now. Her eyes were light silver, almost pure white around the pupil. Straight white hair fell to her waist, tangled from neglect. Her skin was white as well, making her look like she was made from the purest marble, if she hadn't been screaming and thrashing.

Her eyes landed on the fire demon, and she froze. Yusuke took the moment to clamp the cuffs on, picking up the girl.

"Vous devez executer! Oc ils vont vous aussi! (Translate: You must run! Or they'll get you too!)" she screamed, struggling to get out of Yusuke's grip. Kurama looked from the confused half-koorime to her, finding the language familiar to one had learned in school.

"What is she saying?" Kuwabara asked.

Hiei shook his head, not knowing.

"Tu ne comprends pas! Ils vont vous tue aussi! (Don't you understand! They'll kill you too!)" she yelled again. Yusuke clamped his hand over her mouth so she wouldn't be screaming anymore. Her eyes shifted their colors, so they were silvery-white around the pupil, and orange on the edges.

"What are her thoughts saying, Hiei?" Kurama inquired.

He listened.

Why isn't he leaving? Doesn't he understand? They are going to catch him too...

The fire demon relayed this to my comrades. They seemed as confused as him.

"Koenma, we got her." Yusuke snapped shut the communicator just before the portal appeared. Yusuke had let go of the female's mouth in the process.

The girl's eyes changed again, back to the silvery-white. "Non! Ce n'est pas le miroir! Maman entra et ne revint jamais! (No! Not the mirror! Mom went through and never came back!)"

Yusuke clapped his hand over her mouth again. "Shut up, will you?" The girl stared at him in fear, then thrashed wildly. The hanyou managed to keep a grip on, but only just. Hiei rolled my eyes and followed through the portal after his teammates.

"Welcome back. That was done quickly," Koenma said with pride.

"Whatever. What do you want me to do with her?" Yusuke tightened his grip on the squirming female.

"Sit her down there." The prince gestured to the chair that had spirit shackles on the legs and arms.

"Will it be able to hold her?"

"Of course."

The girl was placed in the chair after the spirit cuffs were removed, and her wrists and ankles were firmly locked in. Yusuke finally let go of her mouth, but she said nothing. Her silvery-white eyes looked over everyone in fear.

"Qu'est-ce que tu veux de moi? (What do you want with me?)" Her voice was soft and scared.

"Can you understand me?" Koenma questioned. She nodded. "What is your name?"


"How old are you?"


Koenma looked slightly shocked. "You four are looking upon the oldest known, and last-living, full-blooded speed demon. She is 234 years old."

Yusuke let out a low whistle. "Now we know why you wanted her."

The girl's eyes turned to the silvery-white and orange again. "Qu'est-ce que tu veux de moi?" she repeated.

"We want to help. We have heard of attempts that are going to be made on your life," Koenma answered.

"What language is she speaking?" Kurama inquired.

"It's a similar form of human's French."

"That's why I can understand it. But what I don't get, is why she was yelling for Hiei to run." The fox looked confused. Hiei couldn't help but pay closer attention at the sound of his name.

"She did? When?"

"When we first grabbed her."

"She might have thought that Hiei was a speed demon as well. Females never grow taller than 142 centimeters. Males never grow above 152. Hiei is small enough that she might have thought of him as another speed demon," Koenma clarified.

"S'il vous plaît ne pas parler de moi comme si je n'étais pas lá. Je peux entendre tout ce que vous dites, (Please do not talk about me as if I was not here. I can hear everything you say.)" Miyuki said softly. Her gaze was trained on the ground in front of her. Her hands were clenched in to fists. Hiei decided to take a peek in to her mind. He couldn't understand what she was angry about.

How could I have been so stupid? I should have known the male was not like me. There are none left...

"Miyuki, look at me." The girl obeyed, her eyes meeting Koenma's. "These are good people who want to help you. If you stay here, we can keep you safe. Are you going to stay?" The orange faded from the girl's eyes, leaving only silvery-white. She nodded.

The locks on the chair released her wrists and ankles. She carefully rubbed the sore areas, wincing as her fingertips touched the raw areas of skin. She left the office, heading out in to the hallway. Her steps were silent and light as she walked with grace unknown to man.

"Boys, never leave her alone until she gets used to things here. If she wanders out of the house in Ningenkai, it could cause mass panic. She has never left that island, and knows nothing of modern technologies," Koenma warned. The four detectives agreed. "Go and make sure she finds her room, and the girls don't scare her." The four males filed out of the office, following the speed demon toward the large room where the portal home lay.

A scream echoed off the walls and there was a flash of white heading toward us. The female stopped in front of Kurama. "Vous avez dit que vous me comprenez, non? (You said you understand me, right?)"

"Oui. Qu'est-il arrivé? (Yes. What happened?)" Kurama questioned.

"Grandes créatures bleues avec de longs cheveux blonds sont á venir après moi! (Big blue creatures with yellow hair are coming after me!)" There was the sound of running up a head and the girl squeaked, dashing behind Kurama. "Ils viennent! (They are coming!)" Her silvery-white eyes stared down the hallway.

Kurama was laughing. "Ne vous inquiétez pas. Ils sont les ogres de travail justes pour Koenma. (Don't worry. They are just ogres that work for Koenma.)" He patted her head like you would a small child. She nodded but still didn't move from hiding behind Kurama.

They're expected to take care of a child? The thought infuriated Hiei She was twenty years younger than him, yet she acted like she was fresh from her mother's side.

A pair of ogres came sprinting down the hall, and Miyuki hid completely behind Kurama. "Koenma said give this to you." One of them threw an envelope in Hiei's hands before continuing past the boys. "Where did she go? I swear she went this way."

I shook my head slightly before opening the letter. It looked like it had been quickly scrawled out:

This is the results of some research that was done on speed demons many years ago. It should help with understanding Miyuki:

Name: Miyuki

Age: 234 years

Breed: Speed Demon

Note: Eye color changes with mood.

White – Fear
Red – Anger
Pink – Love
Yellow – Happy
Grey – Pain
Orange – Confused
Blue – Calm
Dark Blue – Guilty
Light Green – Sick
Dark Green – Jealousy
Brown – Violated
Black – Someone else is in control

Note: She is able to combine colors in her eyes.

"This will help a lot in understanding her," Kurama mused, having pulled the letter from Hiei's hands.

"Her eyes were white and orange when we captured her. It makes some sense now," Yusuke pointed out.

Hiei glanced at the speed demon. She was standing at the window, watching the rain hit the glass and slide down.

"Hey, if the ogres scared her, then how is she going to react to the girls?" Kuwabara pointed out.