Title: From the Heart

Author: Seiki

A/N : It's 3:50 p.m. here, it's hot and definitely summer, no doubt about that, and I don't really know why I'm writing this story while, or rather, when I can just sleep. Oh well! It must have something to do with my OVER persuasive and impatient friend, and also, my curiosity. Anyway, it's my first time writing a story about Draco and Hermione, so bear with me if I may sound boring or if the story isn't convincing or if it's so ooc. Just enjoy my not-so-good literary skills and use your imaginations to help you out. ^-^ (no offence!)

p.s. please R/R! I need at least 5-10 before I post the next chapter (just to know if you like it or not!)! ^-^

* Hermione's Thoughts

* Draco's Thoughts

Chapter 1

Hermione Granger sat on the back porch of their backyard reading a book. Why is that that most ladies in books lead more exciting lives than I do? she wondered. True enough, Hermione's life was exciting, considering the fact that her friend was Harry Potter, who was, and still is, being chased by Voldemort for the past six years of their school life. Considering also the fact that they'd had lots of adventures together and escaping death almost every time. And, one fact she should never skip is that she is a witch and was studying at Hogwarts. I envy Lavender and Parvati; they get to spend their summer holiday together in California. With a sigh, she stood up and stretched her arms. Then she saw something that caught her interest. Was that a broomstick? she wondered. She wasn't a gossip, but she couldn't help but peer over the fence and see. There, she saw the most surprising sight. She saw two girls, about her age, riding on a broomstick. Actually, both of them weren't on the broomstick, only one of them was, the girl with auburn colored hair. The other one was sitting on the grass, laughing and shaking her head, which was covered by her raven colored hair. The raven haired one saw her and smiled. "Come here!" she said. Hermione, driven by her curiosity, climbed over the fence and cautiously walked toward them. "I noticed that you were looking at us." she said. "I'm Victoria Noelle Moon. That one, on the broom's my classmate, Cassandra Kay Nott." "Feel free to call me Cassie." the one on the broomstick – or rather – Cassandra said. "You're Hermione Granger, aren't you? Top student every year, Harry Potter's friend, and is in Gryffindor House?" "How did you know?" Hermione asked incredously. "Don't you remember me? I was also a prefect last year!" Cassie said. "Oh! That Cassandra! The one who put bubblegum on Malfoy's seat!" she said. "I remember you! You're in Ravenclaw aren't you? But your hair's gotten shorter!" "I got it cut. Victoria here's in Hufflepuff." Victoria nodded. "Don't tell me that you live together! Wait — you must be visiting!" Hermione said. "Sort of --" Victoria replied. "I live on the house on your right. Cassie lives here." All this time I've neighbors who were witches?! she (Hermione) thought. "How come I've never seen you guys then?" she asked. "It's either you were in some other place at that time, or you weren't paying much attention, or you didn't know us then." Cassie simply replied. "Anyhow, wouldn't you mind joining us? It gets so boring sometimes." Victoria said. Mind?! Of course I wouldn't! I'm also practically dying of boredom! She thought inside. "Sure. I wouldn't mind." She replied with a smile.

* * *

Draco Malfoy sat on his bed, reading the latest letter his older sister sent him. It read:

Dearest Draco,

How are you? Hope you aren't dying of boredom in there.

Dying of boredom? In fact, he was practically battling it by running around the manor's garden everyday. He thought sarcastically.

Life in the Resistance is hard nowadays. We have to practically burrow deep underground to escape Voldemort.

Draco flinched at hearing the dark Lord's name. True, he wasn't afraid of the Dark Lord, but he was taught never to say, not to mention to write, his name openly and without respect.

Just yesterday, I saw a group of death eaters pursuing a group of female muggles and using magic against them. Many of them died. It was a gruesome sight.

He stared at the wall for a moment, not knowing what to feel. To tell the truth, he had never seen the death eaters kill people. Sure, he had seen them torture muggles, but only by using the crutacious curse. His father had never allowed anyone to let him see how the death eaters killed. And, he was so used to hearing the people scream that sometimes, actually, most of the time he didn't mind it. Lately though, he became a little bit . . . queasy at hearing it.

I hope you do think very hard about becoming a death eater. I'm not telling you not to become one, but I'm also not telling you to become one.

I have learned from experience that forcing other people to do your will might lead to unpleasant circumstances.

He wondered if that was also the factor that made her sister turn her back on their father and join the resistance.

So, I'm just advising you to think very hard about it. I'll send you an owl soon.

Godspeed, little brother.

Yours truly,


He folded up her letter and kept it in the box where he kept all of her letters. Then, someone knocked on his door. "Who is that?" he asked. "Master Malfoy, your father requests your presence downstairs." A voice – no mistakably Dinky's – answered. "Yes, tell him that I'll be coming down." he replied. Oh boy, he thought, what is this about now?


For Hermione, the next few weeks passed by like golden beads of the year. She had lots of fun with Cassandra and Victoria, forming an unbreakable friendship within a short while. She learned a lot about them, like how Cassandra liked eating bitter gorge, hated people who used other people and is an Aquarian. Victoria, however, disliked eating bitter gorge, loved swimming, and is a Piscean. She felt happy having new, close female friends. It gave her a sense of belonging. And, for the first time in her life, she felt safe and sure with her friends.

A/N: Sorry if I left it hanging with that sentence. It seems inappropriate. Anyhow, just like I said, bear with me. I am an inexperienced writer. Warning though, I really wanted to rate this pg 15 but I don't think there is an existing rating. ^-^

Disclaimer: All the characters are owned by the great writer J.K. Rowling. The only things in here that are mine are Cassandra, Victoria, the plot, the pc I'm using and. . . . I can't think of anything else! ^-^