Whaaat? Another chapter already? Looks like I'm back for business baby Hope you guys enjoy and remember to drop me some reviews. I need fuel for my new inspiration.


Chapter 14

Nick sighed as he parked his car in the parking lot. He leaned his face against the wheel and took a deep breath. He couldn't lose it yet, not tell he had his boys safe in arms again. He just couldn't understand why Richard just couldn't leave him alone. All he wanted was for things to go back to normal. He sighed and climbed out of the car, quickly making his way into the building.

"Hey," he greeted the receptionist as he clocked in. The girl smiled sadly at him and laid a hand over his hand. "I heard what happened, Nick. Don't worry, you'll find them soon."

He sighed and pulled away gently. "I sure hope so," he said as he walked towards the elevator, quickly arriving at his floor.

He spotted Grissom standing next to the desk, talking quietly with Hodges. "Hey Grissom," he called, moving to stand next to him.

Grissom smiled sadly and rested a hand on his shoulder. "Hey. We were just about to watch the video again," he said as he led Nick into the AV room. Warrick, Catherine, and Sarah were already there.

Warrick moved to stand next to Nick, resting a gentle hand on his shoulder. "How you holding up?" he asked softly.

Nick sighed heavily and ran a hand over his face. "As well as could be expected," he said gently, relaxing under Warrick's gentle hand. He was the only one who didn't look at him with pity.

Warrick nodded, expecting the answer. "Well, we'll find him, and things will go back to normal in no time."

Nick looked up at him. "That's what you don't understand. Things will never go back to normal, even after I find them. My family will always have the memory of what happened."

Warrick sighed and gripped his shoulder a little tighter. "I know, but in the end, as long as you have each other, than you guys will make it. I have faith in you Nicky, Greg and the kids couldn't have asked for a better man.

"Thanks," he said, a little choked up. Nobody had said that to him and for the first time, he was starting to believe that everything was going to be okay after this. Warrick just smiled and nodded his head a little, pulling his hand away when Grissom began to speak.

"Alright, we're ready." Grissom nodded to the tech boy and he put the movie in, pressing play. Nick clenched his fists tightly, fingernails digging into his palms. He was really not ready to see this; he didn't want to see this. It wasn't fair that he and his family had to go through so much, just because some sick bastard had an obsession with him. Nick had seen lots of videos of violence, it came with the job title. But it was so different when you actually knew the people on the other side of the screen, when you love the people more than anything else in the world and all you wanted was for them to be okay again. He sighed heavily as the video began to play.

Jace whimpered as he was roughly pushed into the room, his hands still handcuffed behind him, and growled at the man. "Is that all you got!" he yelled, stepping in front Seth's smaller form. Seth moved out of the way to stand next to Jace, not wanting to seem weak in front of their kidnapper.

Richard smiled evilly and stepped up to the boy. "Feisty I see," he said with a smile. "Just like your father. I'm sure he'd love to see this," he said, tapping the side of his camera. He looked up at the boy cowering beside his brother and smiled.

"Well aren't you a pretty thing," he said, stroking the side of his face. Seth flinched and pulled back whimpering slightly. "Damn it," he thought. "Why do I have to be so scared."

Jace growled and pushed Seth further behind him. He'd worked to hard to keep him safe from all the horrors they'd seen, and he was not going to let the bastard lay a hand on Seth "What's your problem?" he asked harshly, trying to keep the man focused on him. "What kind of sick pervert likes to touch little boys."

Richard snarled and gripped his chin tightly. "Listen to me you little whore," he said pushing him down. "I know all about what you've done. And I know how much you love the older men you've been but in the care of."

Jace grunted as he fell to the ground, and looked down. There's no way he could know about what he had done in his past. "You don't know nothing."

Seth frowned and looked over at Jace. "What is he talking about?" he asked softly, he had no idea what the man was talking about.

Jace closed his eyes tightly. 'I will not cry, I will not cry," he chanted silently in his mind. "Don't worry about it Seth," he said softly, looking up at the man. "He's just trying to throw you off your game.

"Oh, so he doesn't know?" Richard smirked. "Well then this'll be fun."

Jace growled up at Richard from the floor. "You don't know anything," he snarled, trying to stand up.

"Oh on the contrary," he said, easily pushing the boy down with his foot. 'I know everything."

Seth closed his eyes tightly, his wrists rubbing painfully behind him. He didn't know what their kidnapper was talking about, but that wasn't important right now. He needed to get a message to Nick, that's what was important. He looked around the room frantically, trying to think of a way to signal to his dad where they were. His eyes fell on the open window and the sight across the street and he gasped, quickly looking over at Richard to mask his sound.

Richard looked over at Seth with a frown. "What the hell is wrong with you?" he asked, taking a step towards Seth. He looked at the boy strangely, it looked as if Seth had a plan, and if he did then that would just ruin his. Seth looked straight at the camera, and then flicked his gaze to the window where he could just barely make out two street signs. They must have been in a corner house. He looked at the camera again before bringing his gaze back to the window, praying that his dad understood what he was trying to do. He needed his dad to understand.

Richard looked at Seth questioningly and took another step. "What are you cooking up?" he asked softly, wondering if they boy had a plan.

Jace sensed that Seth had figured something out and he knew he needed to get the man away from him as fast as possible before something went terribly wrong. He kicked out at Richards legs and mad him fall, nearly crushing the camera in the process.

Richard growled and pushed himself to his feet, slamming his foot down on Jace's stomach. Jace gasped and curled on himself, trying to protect his stomach.

Seth growled and pushed him away with his head, making him fall again. "Leave him alone," he yelled, pushing back his fear as the urge to protect his brother came over him.

Richard growled and pushed himself up easily. He pushed Seth down next to Jace and smirked. "This could have gone so much different," he chided as he brought his foot down on Seth's stomach. "Now I'm going to have to teach you to a lesson," he said with a smile.

He pulled back slightly with a small frown. "I still can't tell you boys apart." He sighed and looked sad for a moment before he shrugged. "Doesn't matter, I can still beat you." He lifted his foot and brought it down hard on Seth's wrist, smiling at the loud crack that resonated through the room. Jace growled and tried to protect Seth at the same as Seth tried to protect Jace, which only made it easier for Richard to attack.

Sarah clicked of the X on the video quickly, ending the painful cries of the young boys. "That's enough of that," she said softly, rubbing a hand over her face tiredly. She remembered them as scared little kids, and seeing them like that brought back memories of when they had first got the boys.

Nick's gaze was trained downwards and he shook his head, deep in thought. Something about the video was bugging him. "No," he said softly, looking up at Sarah with wide eyes. "Play it again. I need to see it."

Catherine frowned and laid a hand gently on his shoulder. The last thing that Nick needed was to be tortured by the images of his sons being tortured. "You don't need to see that again."

Nick shook her hand off. "No. I need to see it again," he said stepping up to the computer and pushing play on the video. Sarah laid a hand over his hand gently. "You don't need to see that again, it'll only make things worse."

"No," Nick growled as he pulled his hand roughly away. "You don't understand." He skipped through a few minutes of the horrifying video and pushed pause on a specific spot. "Right here," he said, pointing at the screen. "He looked at the camera and then back at something that we can't see a few times. He was trying to tell me something, I want to know what he's looking at. It had to be something to give away they're location."

The tech guy nodded with a small smile. "Well that's easy," he said, rolling his chair in front of the screen. "All you have to do is zoom in over his eye and you should see the reflection of whatever he is looking at." They guy clicked his mouse a few times and quickly did just that. He concentrated for a moment before realization hit him. "Elm and 2nd," he said with a small smile. "The two signs read Elm and 2nd." He rolled out of the way so Nick could see for himself.

Nick squinted to read what was in his eyes. It was hard to read because the image was a little blurry but after a few seconds he could faintly make out two white words on green signs. "Elm and 2nd," he said with a nod.

He gasped and pulled away, recognizing what he was looking at almost instantly. They could easily find them now. "It's a street sign," he said softly, eyes going wide. "It's the fucking street sign." He now knew where his boys were, and he wasn't gonna waste another second in finding them.

Grissom's eyes lit up as he looked at the picture on the screen. "That boys a genius," he said with a smile. "A freaking genius." He turned to Nick and clapped a hand over his shoulder. "Let's go get your boy."

So that's not exactly what I wanted to happen, but I think it'll do for now. I'm gonna try to get this updated soon guys. Only two more chapters to go and I think you'll like 'em. :)