I tried to work on this chapter as soon as possible and I have done it.

*cheers of victory* XD :)

Thanks guys. I'm really thankful to you. Your reviews made me update sooner. Thanks again.

I hope this new version of 'All Because Of Sleep talking' is better than the previous one.

So, on with the story . . .

Next Morning . . .

It was a Sunday morning. The sky was still pitch black. Mikan rose from the bed and opened the window. She felt hot. A nice breeze engulfed her. She could smell the woody scent indicating that it rained last night. She turned to look at her husband who was still sleeping. She guessed that he slept late last night or else he would have waked up earlier than her and taunted her that she was a heavy sleeper.

Of course this statement did not apply here as she woke a little bit too early; it was four o'clock in the morning.

Little did she know that he slept really late trying to guess who 'Youichi' was. She stared at his (not forget to mention) handsome face. He looked peaceful and cute. He did not seem like the bad boy he usually was. He did not like anybody calling him cute, so if he was awake, he would have grunted to her that guys did not like to be called 'cute '.

His raven hair looked messy. She wanted to run her hand through his soft hair but restrain herself from doing so in fear that he would wake up.

As she felt sleepy again, she lied down on the bed and rested her head on Natsume's chest and soon fell deep asleep.

Natsume woke up about two hour later than the brunette. He opened his eyes, which revealed a beautiful crimson colour, and was greeted by a mass of brunette hair. He glanced down and saw Mikan sleeping on his chest. He smiled before he remembered last night event. He had not had mush sleep. He had chewed his mind, trying to guess who that damn 'Youichi' was. His smile turned into a frown and he again tried to guess who that guy was. And each time he did so, his guesses became worst. He showered, hoping that it would help him. However it had the opposite effect. He stopped dead when he concluded that 'Youichi was the brunette's affair. He finally snapped and went downstairs, trying to take his mind off that guy, but in vain. At last he got fed up; he jerked the door open and stalked his way out. A loud clack echoed the house.

The girl awoke at about nine o'clock. She found no Natsume on the bed, so she guessed he was downstairs. She took a shower and got dressed. She searched the entire house but found no one. 'Natsume, where're you?' she wondered. She did not see him the entire morning. She called Ruka and asked him whether he saw Natsume.

"Ruka, is Natsume with you, right now?"

He laughed and said, "No, he isn't, I'm in Hong Kong, Sakura-san. You forgot. But what happened, Sakura-san? You seem tense."

"Opps sorry, I forgot. Hehe. Tense? No, I'm not. Forget it, tell me instead, how's your honeymoon going on?"

"Sakura-san!" He exclaimed, blushing.

Mikan heard Hotaru, who was saying she would baka gun-ed her when she would come home.

"Oh sorry! I guessed I disturbed you," Mikan stuttered, blushing.

"No, it's not that, we were just. . ." Ruka trailed off.

"Sakura-san, Hotaru wants to talk to you," He said nervously.

"No, no, it's alright, I have to go. . ." she did not get time to finish her sentence.

Hotaru snatched the phone from Ruka and said to her best friend, "What happened, Baka?"

"Nothing . . . Really. I should leave now. I'm disturbing you, aren't I?"

"Yes, you're." Hotaru said flatly.

"Bye then," Mikan said nervously.

"Baka, don't think I'll forget you. You still need to tell me what the matter is with you." the raven blackmailer said.

Without waiting for Mikan to reply, she hanged up.

Mikan thought, smiling softly, 'What a best friend I have?'

It was already afternoon. She was sitting on the floor watching some commercial ads when she heard the door slammed. She sighed in relief when she saw Natsume entering the room. She walked to him and hugged him. She mumbled against his chest, "Where have you been? I called you again and again but you didn't answer?"

He broke the hug. Mikan looked closely at his face. His eyes were cold like ice. However he did not say anything. He just climbed up the stairs and went to his room. Mikan followed him upstairs. He was leaning against the balcony rail, eyes closed. Mikan did not want to disturb him, especially when he looked so peaceful but she had to know what the matter was with him.

"Natsume, what happened? Tell me."

"Go away," he said coldly.

"Natsume, why are you behaving like this?" Mikan whispered, feeling hurt.

The raven lad looked at her and instantly felt bad. He looked away from her and left the room.

Mikan's watery eyes overflowed. She wiped her tears with her sleeve and lied on the bed. Yesterday had been great. He was arrogant and pervert. He was his usual self. At least with her. She hid her face in her pillow and cried till fatigue caused her to sleep.

Downstairs. . .

'Shit, I'm really an ass. Natsume thought. 'Why can't I just ask her who the hell that Youichi is?'

'You're too proud and you're afraid that your wife has an affair with him.' another voice in his head said.

'I'm not. Well maybe a little.' Natsume replied.

He then shook his head and muttered, "Great I now talk to myself."

He was lying on the couch when the doorbell rang. He made his way lazily to the door and opened it. He saw a guy of about the same height as him, his eyes a combination of grey and green. He said to the bored raven lad, "Is Mikan here?"

"You're?" Natsume asked.

"I'm Youichi. Is Mikan here?" he asked again.

Natsume glared at him. He stepped forward and grabbed hold of his collar.

"What the hell do you want from her?" he hissed dangerously.

"Hey, what's wrong with you? I just came to. . ." he was cut when he saw Mikan entering the room. Natsume turned around and saw the brunette. He pushed Youichi hard against the wall and said through his teeth.

"Don't you dare look at her." he growled, punching his jaw.

"Natsume, stop it!" Mikan hurried to them and tried to unwrap Natsume's hold on Youichi.

"Natsume, stop. You're hurting him."

"What? It hurts you that your bloody boyfriend is hurt?" Natsume dropped him on the ground and looked at his wife. She kneeled to Youichi's level on the ground and found him unconscious.

"What's wrong with you? He's unconscious." He clenched his fists while glaring at her. She then remembered what he said.

"What? Natsume, what are you talking about?" She whispered confusedly.

"Stop your innocent act." He gritted, grabbing her forearms.

"He's your boyfriend, right?" he pinned her against the wall, gripping her tightly. He neared his face to hers and stared at her with angry eyes.

"Natsume, stop. You're hurting me." She said while trying to pull out of his grasp.

"You're mine." He whispered before pulling her in a deep kiss.

Mikan pushed him and stared incredulously at him, "He's not my boyfriend, Natsume. I love only you."

"Then why the hell were you saying his name in sleep?" He retorted, calming a little.

"Oh, that." She muttered. She was not surprised. She knew, she sleep-talked.

"What's 'that'?" he said in a cutting tone.

"Um. . . I'm thinking of baby's names", she said shyly.

"You're pregnant?" he asked surprised.

"I'm not sure, I mean my period is one month late and I feel dizzy sometime. But I'm telling you, I'm not sure."

Natsume stared at her for a few second and the pulled her into his embrace and carried her to their bedroom.

"Hey! What are you doing?" The girl asked.

"You said you weren't sure, no? Well I want to make sure, now."

The girl blushed while the lad smirked. While making his way to their bedroom, he whispered to her," And I'll make sure it's a baby girl and not some 'Youichi'."

"Speaking of 'Youichi' shouldn't we wait that he's conscious again?"

"No, I like him better that way."

"So you like him before."

"That kid's kinda like me."

"Yeah, I thought so too"

"You didn't tell me, what did he want from you?"

"Oh, I lent him some books and he came to return them to me, I guess."

He captured her lips in a roughly passionate savage kiss and closed the door behind them.

Author's POV

Poor Youichi, He's gonna get the surprise of his life if he ever wakes up and hear sounds he shouldn't have heard. May God protect him . . .? ^ ^

The End