The second chapter is here everyone! Hope you'll read it :DDDDDD

Sacrificing your happiness for the happiness of the one you love, is by far, the truest type of love.

Chapter Two::: The Sacrifice

2 weeks later. . .

The Hyuuga household was eerily quiet. So quiet that Aoi couldn't even cough because it might echo throughout the house. Her parents were sitting across from her in the dining room, eating their food while casting worried glances to their son. But her brother didn't even lift a finger on his steak as he just sat there and stared off the window, through those dark clouds and the tiny, sparkling stars in the cold night. His raven hair was in disarray like he just woke up, which was totally true since he was locked up in his room all day reading mangas or having his stereo in full blast that their father, Higarashi, needed to drag him out of his room to eat. But he wasn't eating anything.

There were dark circles under his crimson eyes that seemed to be dull and lifeless. He got a bit thinner considering that he wasn't even eating properly because he only eats junk foods and sodas in his room. He really looked. . . haggard. And their parents were starting to get deadly worried for his health.

Aoi sighed beside her brother and gathered her courage to speak up. "Onii-chan, you have to eat." She only got silence as response but she didn't give up.

Aoi knew what happened to Natsume that made him like this. She knew that Mikan broke up with him. And the confusing part was she broken up with her brother because of an arranged marriage. Mikan would never allow something trivial as that to break her relationship with Natsume. She loved him to much.

The said lass was about to fish out her cellphone from her jeans' pocket when there was suddenly a constant doorbell.

"I'm gonna get that," Aoi told them. She stood up and opened the door only to face with a red-faced Hotaru Imai, Mikan's best friend.

"Where in the fucking hell is your stupid brother?" she boomed with rage. She barged into the house and started mumbling incoherent things.

Aoi was flabbergasted. She then rushed out of the living room to the dining room where a slumped Nastume was poking his steak with his fork lifelessly. Aoi then shook his shoulders as she tried to say a understandable statement to her brother.

"Hotaru-chan!. . . She. . . looking. . . She's looking for you!"

Natsume could only knit his eyebrows in confusion but nonetheless he somewhat understood what his sister meant. He slowly strolled out the living room and was about to enter the living room when his head suddenly got thrown downwards and he almost faced flat on the floor.

"What the fuck?" he cursed as he raised his head to see the culprit.

"You! What the fuck is wrong with you, Hyuuga!" Hotaru snarled.

Apparently, she hit Natsume's head with her newly bought Coach mini bag. She was twitching in frustration and her fists were itching to punch someone, which might be Nastume.

"What the hell are you doing here?" Natsume hissed.

"I can't believe you! You're probably the most stupid person living on the earth!" Hotaru exclaimed. She was obviously loosing her cool, ever since she stepped onto Natsume's house. She was shaking in fury and her eyes were blazing with fire. Hell, she looked like a demon in Aoi's eyes; that was why she hurriedly went to fetch her brother from the dining room.

"What in the seven hells are you talking about? Are you here because Mikan told you so?" Natsume half-yelled.

"No! You pigheaded idiot!" Hotaru took deep breaths before facing Natsume again and hauling Natsume out of the house by ear. She then settled down on the porch and rubbed her aching forehead.

"What's the matter with you, woman? Have you lost your mi— "

"Mikan is in the hospital."

Natsume's eyes went wide. There was something that stirred in his heart and his stomach gave out a violent flip. He lost the color in his face as Hotaru continued what she was saying.

"She broke up with you because she doesn't want to be a burden to you. Mikan loves you a lot. She loves you so much that she decided to endure the pain that she's going through right now because she doesn't want you to get hurt."

"What. .. What do you mean?" Natsume asked, fear seeping through his body as he trembled in mishap.

"Mikan has an eye cancer."

A tear dropped from Nastume's eyes. His lips became pale as his fists started to shake more. His heart was thumping loudly in his chest; roaring inside of his ribcage. His knees became weak all of a sudden and before he knew it, he was already kneeling on the ground as more tears came out from his eyes.

"Wh. . .What. . .?"

Hospital. . .

Cries. That was all he heard as he stepped in front of his beloved's room. What Natsume could only do was stop his tears from falling, too. This was too much for him to handle but he knew that he had to face it.

"Mi-Mikan. . . It's Nastume."

The cries then turned into muted sniffles as Natsume slowly pushed the door open and let himself in. He could only see her back but all he wanted to do now was to embrace her and never let her go. He walked closer to her and each step seemed to weigh a ton. Just like his heart.

"Why didn't you tell me?"

Mikan didn't look at him but she answered, "You're not supposed to know."

Disappointment. That was he felt when he heard her say that. And sadness.

"Why? Because you're thinking that I can't take care of you?" Natsume's voice was horse. He couldn't take it anymore, he might explode any minute right now. But he wouldn't let that happen because if he cries, Mikan will only distance herself from him.

"Maybe I'm being a masochistic here. But I don't want to be a burden to you," her voice was filled with loneliness.

"But nobody told you that you have to endure it alone," Natsume said. He then stopped in front of her and turned her face towards him. Her face was tear-stained and her lips were quivering. Natsume enveloped her with a warm hug that they both missed.

"Natsume. . . I wouldn't be able to see. . . I don't want that to happen. I want to see you everyday. I don't want to be useless," Mikan sobbed.

"You don't have to do anything, Mikan. Just stay beside me," Natsume said, brushing his tender lips to her silky brunette hair.

"I'm so sorry that I lied to you. But I have to do it because I know that you won't let me go if I didn't let go first," Mikan explained. She was holding Natsume tightly as if she was afraid that he might disappear soon. "I'm so sorry. Natsume, I don't wanna die."

When Natsume heard that, he replied too quickly, "The tumor will be removed, Mikan. You won't die. I'll make sure that you won't."

"But I won't be able to see again. I won't be able to see you. . . not anymore," Mikan continued to cry.

Natsume then brought Mikan's face away from his chest as they both gazed to each others' eyes. But for Mikan, everything was blurry. She couldn't even see properly now and that what hurts the most.

"Whatever happens, I'll always be watching over you, Mikan. I'm not gonna let anything happen to you," Natsume said his oath. For the first time that he came face-to-face with Mikan, he let his tears escape from his eyes.

"I love you, Mikan. No matter what happens, always remember that."

He sealed that promise with tender kiss with Mikan not knowing that it would be the last.

That night. . .

A silver Volvo sped passed the cold winter night. It was already mid of February and the winter dragged on. It was slippery outside due to the several inches of snow and it was very dangerous driving fast. Traffic lights were blinking green, orange, then red, while the drivers made their way to their destinations with caution. However, one car was standing out from the rest. It slid past the other cars and they started honking at the car but the driver seemed to not notice or he didn't really care at all.

Natsume gripped the wheel and stepped on the gas further. He saw the traffic lights blinking orange and he hurriedly went past it in the last second before it turned red. He could hear his heart thumping loudly in his chest, adrenaline shooting up to his nerves. His ears were filled with noises from the honks that he got from the other drivers so he turned his radio into full blast that the outsiders could hear it from a good distance. He was so sure that a police would be coming chasing at him and demanding him to pull over and it wouldn't be in a less than five minutes when that would happen.

When you love someone you'll do anything
You'll do all the crazy things that you can't explain
You'll shoot the moon - put out the sun
When you love someone
You'll deny the truth - believe a lie
There'll be times that you'll believe
You can really fly
But your lonely nights have just begun
When you love someone

Desperation, sadness, loneliness, and raging fear was stirring in his heart as he swiveled the wheel to the right turn but he neither stop nor slow down. He continued to drive faster even when he already passed the red lights. He fished out a handkerchief from his pocket.

He then slowly inhaled and exhaled.

He slowly brought his hands from the wheel to his face.

He closed his eyes and tied the handkerchief around his eyes but he didn't stop pressing his foot on the gas.

He then whispered the words, "I love you, Mikan. Please. . . take care of my eyes."

He then gave out a smile. For one last time.

When you love someone you'll feel it deep inside
And nothin' else can ever change your mind
When you want someone - when you need someone
When you love someone
When you love someone - you'll sacrifice
You'd give it everything you got and
you won't think twice
You'd risk it all - no matter what may come
When you love someone
You'll shoot the moon - put out the sun
When you love someone

A screeching sound from another cars' tires, the screams from outside, the loud crash; those were the things that he heard before everything went black.

That night, a sacrifice was made.

The morning. . .

The doctor said that there was a miracle that happened. There was a donor for Mikan and she was surely ecstatic. She couldn't wait to tell Natsume about it but when she saw Ruka's face earlier that morning, she couldn't help but felt something tugging on her heart like it was telling her something that she couldn't figure out. Hotaru was also there when the news came and she was also happy for her best friend. Her family also came and they all gave her wishes for her operation.

But Natsume wasn't there. And there was that dreadful feeling running on her veins as she thought that something might have happened to him. But she shook it off and thought that maybe Natsume had overslept for the fact that he never left the hospital since yesterday til almost midnight.

"I will be able to see again and Natsume and I will surely live happily after this operation," Mikan told herself.

That day, Mikan was sent to the operation room while the doctors busied themselves removing the eye that has tumor and prevented it from scattering more. And that was also the moment when they let Mikan take the eyes from a certain someone. An it was all too late when she noticed that her eyes would be brown-reddish from that day.

After the day that Mikan was operated, a letter in on her table was placed neatly near the vase of white lilies.



You can probably see more clearly now the time that you read this letter. I'm sorry that I'm not there on the day of your operation but I wanna tell you something, Mikan.

Please, take care of your eyes.

I'm sorry if I'm not gonna be physically present in your side, but didn't I promise to you before that I will always stay by your side? I will still fulfill that promise, Mikan. Because you're probably the only person that's inside my heart til my last breath. You may think that it's foolish of me to sacrifice my own life but I didn't think so. Because I'm doing this for the one and only girl that I love. I know that if I became your donor, you'll probably refuse and blame yourself for making myself go blind. I don't want that to happen. That's why I only thought of this one way.

I have many things to tell you but probably this will make it short.

Mikan, I loved you. I love you. And I will love you, forever and always.



The song is "When You Loved Someone" by Bryan Adams

Oh. . .my. . . god. . . Did you know that I was crying my eyes out while typing this. It was so awkward since my mom was like five feet away from me, sitting on my bed. LOL xD but I made my friends cry because of this story and they were blaming me for that! xD

Anyways, I actually just wanna share and make you cry with this fanfic that suddenly came up to my mind in the middle of the night xD Btw, it will be much appreciated if you read more stories of mine ;D lol
