I do not own anything. All rights, characters, story lines, etc belong to CBS. I write only for entertainment - mostly mine :)

OK, I have never written for this fandom and this will only be my third story ever.

I have wanted to write slash before, but this story will be my first attempt. I have actually written this in it's entirety. As I re-read it I will post it. I just couldn't walk away from this idea in my head. I kept trying, but it made me write it. I haven't seen all of the episodes, but will do my best. It's more about the guys than the show...So like I said I needed to write this. I hope that some of you will enjoy it. Let me know by reviewing. I didn't use a beta because it takes me so long as it is, I was afraid it would take me even longer. So I apologize for any issues with my writing. They are mine and mine alone

Steve had just finished his swim. Danny was due any minute and they were going to go over some paperwork that they needed to finish. Danny had dropped Grace off after his night with her. She had a birthday party sleepover tonight so their weekend was cut short. The partners both wanted to finish up the paperwork from the last case so that they weren't starting the week behind the eight ball again.

Steve was walking up the beach toward his house when he noticed something moving in the distance. His SEAL senses went on alert. Something was wrong. There was some tall grass and he couldn't be sure, but then he saw it again. He continued his route toward the house, but his body was in full alert. He was still dripping wet as he had only lightly towel dried off, he was barefoot and shirtless. Then he saw a sliver of light reflecting off of metal. It was unmistakable. He dropped to the ground with his arms over his head as he heard the gunshot. Now he knew he was definitely up against a gun at the very least. Steve was able to get a quick visual of the guy. He didn't recognize him. He figured he was a hired hand for someone. Steve knew he had a lot of enemies. He was unarmed and the closest weapon he had was in the house. His phone was in his pants, but those were back at the house too. Going for them he would be a sitting duck.

Just then Steve heard the Camaro pulling up. The gunman did too and knew that he had to take another shot or else he may loose the chance. Steve dropped and narrowly avoided the bullet again. Then he jumped up and ran after the fleeing gunman.

Danny was walking to the front door when he heard the gunshot and ran to the back of the house with his gun drawn. He hadn't had it on him originally since he had been with Grace, but had put it on when he got out of the car and walked toward Steve's house because with a partner like Steve you just never knew and Danny liked to be prepared. Guess this time it paid off, he just hoped that he wasn't too late. He hadn't been able to see Steve yet so he didn't know if he was injured, shot or even...He couldn't think about it. He walked out cautiously onto the beach. Danny caught sight of Steve taking off and grumbled, but followed.

Steve chased after the gunman. He knew Danny was going to kill him for this since Danny hated these chasing pursuits, but not only that, Steve knew that running on the beach was going to give Danny's knee hell. He didn't want to put Danny at risk so he had started the chase knowing full well that Danny would be a good distance behind him.

The gunman had a considerable lead and was just as quick as Steve. He had the added advantage of having a gun and shoes as they were running on the uneven gravelly terrain as they got further from the water.

Steve couldn't gain on the gunman. The adrenaline was coursing through his body. The gunman was fast and he was in good physical shape. Steve had just come off of a run and swim before this started so he didn't have a lot of reserves. He thought quickly. He needed to outsmart the gunman. He saw a little hill. He was going to use it to his advantage. He signaled to his partner to keep going. Steve climbed the hill skillfully and gracefully ignoring the terrain that was ripping at his feet and the brush that was scratching at his body. He was up the hill in 2 or 3 giant steps. He continued running and then stopped to look over the bluff to see how he was going to tackle the gunman when he saw something that made him want to be sick. He took a deep breath and ran his hands through his short hair trying to contemplate what he was going to do next.

He saw Danny. He saw Danny with a gun pointed at his head in a choke hold by the gunman.

I know it was short, but I promise the rest will be longer, just wanted to see if there was interest...review and let me know.