Joci: Hello everyone, just wanted to address you all with the minor details and changes I've added to the characters of the Frontier season.

1) Takuya is younger than Kouji and they are approximately 2 years apart in age. Takuya now 16 and Kouji 18. (Here in the US, at age 18 you can apply for a motor cycle license)

2) The story takes place 2 year's after their return from the digital world. (In my story i imagined them to be 14 and 16 when they first entered the digital world)

I can't really think of anything else at the moment, except the fact that I do not own any characters up to this point in the story.

I have this posted on DA account (you can find the link on my profile page), my art site where I post mostly pictures, so you can actually go to my profile, go through my gallery and find pictures that I've draw for the story.

I hope you like this as much as some members of DA have posted. Enjoy, and comments are encouraged or updates may not happen for long periods of time.

Now I present to you, A New Adventure Awaits…

Chapter 1

"Takuya, get up! You're going to be late again!" Yelled Mrs. Kanbara to her elder son.

"Taki's going to be late!" Laughed Shinya as he hurried past Takuya's bedroom door.

In the dim lit bedroom, said boy groaned and coughed. "Damn, what did I eat last night?" He wondered as he sat up clutching his stomach. He stepped out of bed only to collapse on his hands and knees. 'W-what's happening to me?' He thought as his vision clouded and for a moment he though he saw that his hand was a claw before it turned back to his hand.

A beeping chirped on his cell phone and he crawled over to his nightstand and grabbed it. When he and the other digidestines returned to the human world, their D-Tectors shifted back into their cell phones they once had. "H-hello." He said.

"Takuya, it is time to return to the digital world."

"Lady Ophanimon." Said Takuya. "Lady Ophanimon, what's happening to me?" He asked.

"You must return to the digital world Takuya. You remember how to get there, don't you?" The transmission faded and the once lit screen faded to black.

Takuya sat on his bedroom floor as everything seemed to go silent around him. 'Why must I return to the digital world? It would be nice to see our friends, but will I ever be able to return to the others, my family for that matter… or Kouji?' He thought in wonder.

"Takuya! Come downstairs now!" Hollered his father.

Takuya got up from the floor and quickly changed into his yellow and red shirt, tan capri's and red sneakers. He quickly ran out of his room and grabbed his school bag. 'I'll have to pretend I'm going to school, for my families sake.' He thought as he ran into the bathroom and combed his hair and brushed his teeth. He then quickly ran back to his room and grabbed his hat and goggles lying on his desk.

He took a moment and paused in his bedroom. "I may never be able to come back to this." Standing in his bedroom, he quickly pulled out his cell phone and dialed Kouji. "Please pick up."

The dial tone beeped repeatedly till it stopped and went to Kouji's voice message. "Sorry I'm not able to answer the phone at the moment, but if you leave a name and number I'll try and get back to you."

"No, Kouji." Takuya sighed as he waited for the tone. Taking a steady breath, the phone beeped, "Kouji, this is Takuya. You may not believe this, but Lady Ophaniemon's contacted me… I have to return to the digital world, and I don't know if I maybe coming back this time. If you could, please tell the others for me, and notify my parents if you could… I guess, I also should tell you, th-that I love you… I've loved you since the moment we met back at the train station… Please don't come looking for me, I'll be okay. Bye Kouji." Takuya ended the call and left his room.

"Finally, I was about to go up and-" His mother stopped as Takuya embraced her tightly. "T-takuya, you all right sweetie?" She asked as she checked his forehead.

Takuya smiled up at her, "I'm just fine mom, I just wanted to give you a hug before I left for school." He said as he stepped back from her.

"Oh, thank you sweetie." She bent down and kissed his cheek, "you're a very sweet young man. Now if only your younger brother could be the same." She sighed and Takuya laughed. "Oh my, you're going to be late!"

"Oh, Right! Bye mom, I love you!" He called out as he adjusted his backpack and ran out of the house and down the road. Once he was a good distance away, he slowed down and headed toward Shinubi station.

*Earlier that morning*

Kouji stepped out of the bathroom with a towel wrapped around his waist as he held a smaller one to his head, drying his long hair. "Kouji, you done in the shower?" Asked the woman he refused to call mother.

"Yes." He said as he opened his bedroom door.

"I heard your cell phone going off while you were in the shower, I think it was one of your friends that called." She said as she stepped out of the laundry room with a basket of folded sheets.

"What song did you hear?" He asked.

"It was a love song. Let me think…" She hummed it to herself for a moment, "Listen to my heart, can you hear it sing, telling me to give you everything. Seasons may change, winter to spring… But I'll love you till the end of time…"

'Takuya.' Thought Kouji as he hurried into his room closing the door on his step-mother. Rushing to the burro he grabbed his cell phone and went straight to his voice mail.

"You have one new voice message. New Message Beep Kouji, this is Takuya. You may not believe this, but Lady Ophaniemon's contacted me… I have to return to the digital world, and I don't know if I maybe coming back this time. If you could, please tell the others for me, and notify my parents if you could… I guess, I also should tell you, th-that I love you… I've loved you since the moment we met back at the train station… Please don't come looking for me, I'll be okay. Bye Kouji… Beep To repeat this message, press one, to delete press seven, to return senders call press either, to save, press nin-" Kouji hung up the phone and rushed to his closet, grabbing his cloths and throwing them on as he put a quick brush through his hair. He then quickly tied it back and secured his sacred Bandana to his head and gathered his shoes.

"Kouji, is everything okay?" Asked his step-mother at the door.

"Yea, I just have to go pick Takuya up. His parents won't give him a ride into school this morning." He informed her as he tied his shoes.

"Oh, okay. Drive carefully when you go." She said and walked away from the door. Kouji quickly packed a small bag and hurried out of his room grabbing his helmet as he went.

"I'm heading out!" He called out.

"Be back in time for dinner tonight!" Hollered his father as Kouji ran out the front door and to the garage. Securing his helmet on his head, he pulled off the cover that protected his motorcycle from the nights rain. Making sure his bag was secure on his back, he hopped on his bike and revved it up before he made his way out of the driveway and sped to the train station.

'Takuya, please wait for me, I'm coming.' Thought Kouji as he quickly merged onto the highway to get to the station faster.

*At the train station*

"This is it." Said Takuya as he walked inside and purchased a ticket, though not intending to take the train, rather the elevator to the digital world. He clutched his stomach in pain, grinding his teeth and panting at the pressure on his stomach. 'Please let this be not much longer.' Takuya started to make his way up the stairs not knowing of the close presence of Kouji.

Kouji arrived at the station and saw a blur of brown and red enter the station. 'Takuya.' Kouji quickly looked around and found the closest parking garage and parked his motorcycle inside paying the needed fee and hurried across the street to the station. Kouji purchased a ticket and hurried for the stairs hoping to catch up to the brunet.

Takuya stood by the elevator waiting for it to open its doors for him. He clutched his side as another throb of pain wracked his body. He grunted and squeezed his eyes shut till he heard the familiar ding of the elevator's arrival. The door opened and a little bit of smoke floated out unnoticed by others passing by. "I guess this is it." He said and took a deep breath to calm himself before he stepped inside and waited for the doors to close.

Kouji sprinted up the many flights of stairs to the boarding platform and looked for the brunet to see him stepping onto the elevator. "Takuya!" He called out and ran for the elevator, pushing past people rushing to board the train. He saw the doors closing on him and he grunted as he jumped out and caught the door with his hand mere inches before it closed, forcing it to open for him.

Takuya looked up startled that the doors didn't close and gasped when he saw the panting blunette. "K-kouji. W-what are you doing here?" He asked as Kouji stepped inside letting the elevator doors close behind him.

"What do you think, I came after you, you idiot." He growled as he grabbed Takuya's arms and pushed him up against the wall of the elevator. "You leave a rushed message on my cell phone practically asking me to tell everyone your basically vanishing for who knows how long and proclaiming your love for me and running away before I could tell you how much I loved you back." He growled.

Takuya gasped as he looked up at Kouji's face, "Y-you l-love me, Kouji?"

Kouji released Takuyas arms and wrapped his own arms around his slender waist bringing their bodies close. "Yes Takuya, I love you, probably the same time I laid my eyes on you on the train two years ago as you did." He said as Takuya started to tear up and clutch his cloths tightly with his hands.

"Kouji." Takuya cried as Kouji patted his head affectionately. The elevator jolted slightly and they looked up and noticed they were descending deep below the earth's surface. Another jolt of pain wracked Takuyas body and he cried out as he nearly collapsed to the floor if it weren't for Kouji catching him.

"Takuya! Takuya, what's wrong?" He asked as he cradled the younger boy in his arms. Takuya continued to cry, unable to hold himself up anymore cause of the pain and clung to Kouji tightly as the elevator came to a stop. The doors opened and the mist cleared revealing Agunimon and Lobomon beside the lone trailmon that waited for them.

End Chapter 1

Joci: And the hating begins… *smirk*

I had to stop this at some point, you all know that, I can't give you EVERYTHING, or else you won't have anything to look forward to later.

Well, until next time, I expect to hear from you all pretty soon.