So this is the rewrite of The Plan to which I will make every chapter longer and better then I did the first time.

Disclaimer: I do not own Naruto.



'Inner Sakura'


Sakura was sent flying back and hit the tree that was only a couple feet away.

Now today was supposed to be a normal day for Haruno Sakura. Get up and get ready then go train with Tsunade, after that go see how Sasuke has recovering since Naruto and her whipped his ass back to Kohona about 4 months ago- and this was where she was when the pissed off heiress hit her in the face- then after a good long argument with Sasuke about whether he was healthy enough to leave- which he lost every time- she would go play sogi with Shikamaru then after beating him once she would try to convince Neji (again) that she could be a good training partner till Tenten got back since she was away for the next 5 months in the mist doing a mission, visit Lee and see if he wanted to train since Neji would turn her down (again), then go get ramen with Naruto and Kiba and ever since Hinata and Naruto started dating she would join too.

They had been 4 months and Naruto and Hinata seemed happy. With a blushing Hinata and a laughing Naruto, I mean you would think they were a happy couple, but when you have the blue haired Hyuuga coming quite literally out of no were and just punch you in the face and scream that you're a slut for stealing her you have to wonder... if this is a normal day at all.

"Hinata..." She got up carefully watching the defensive stand Hinata was in and preparing for another attack. "...I didn't steal your boyfriend. To be quite honest I have no idea what your talking about." 'And why would I steal her boyfriend? Do I really look like the type that would do that?' She thought angrily of being judged.

'Prolly the pink hair...' Her inner self chimed and she had the urge to roll her eyes at her own inner thought. Hinata pale eyes welled up with unshed tears to which she quickly wiped furiously and .

"Really? He said he wanted a break!" Sakura's eyes widened from this proclamation and she felt a loss for words. 'Naruto... I thought you were in love with Hinata...

"I'm really sorry Hinata but I really don't understand how this deals with me" she said honestly.

"He said he wanted to see other people... not because he didn't like me or anything but cause he is in love with someone else... and he didn't want to hurt me later on... now tell me who is the only girl that has ever held Naruto's attention from the beginning?" She said her voice filled with hate and jealousy something Sakura had never heard from the once timid girl.

Sakura was quiet she knew the answer to this one. She had always known he had cared for her and liked her... but love? She always felt like Naruto just had misplaced feelings for her. That he actually only saw her as a sister but the lack of love and attention growing up made him think that what he felt was something more. That is why Sakura had always blown off advances... but to leave someone like Hinata because he supposedly felt something for her.. now she didn't know how to feel about that. She turned to Hinata with a frown as a memory was coming to mind.

"I didn't steal your boyfriend... and I don't know who it is that he loves now... but... It's not me... he told me before he asked you out that he saw me as only a sister." Though it didn't show somewhere deep in side she didn't want to remember that memory.


Sakura was sitting on top of the monument staring down at the village. She sighed softly into the gentle breeze that blew thru her hair. 'It's been a week since we brought back Sasuke-kun... he's still in the hospital in deep coma that he hadn't come out of yet... I still haven't gotten the courage to see him after the battle... Naruto has but not me. I just.. cant right now...' From what felt like out of nowhere she felt the loud mouthed ninja sit next to her. She smiled gently but didn't acknowledge his presences yet.

"Hey Sakura-Chan! I've been looking for you!" He said happily. She smiled at his greeting feeling her small depression slowly melting away.

"Someone's happy today hm?" He laughed at her statement and rubbed the back of his head.

"Ya Sakura-Chan...can you keep a secret?" He said leaning in a little to her and getting serious. Sakura turned hesitantly towards him

"Uhh yeah... what about?"

"Well... Umm I'm going to ask this girl out I like today..." he said smiling. She gave him a stern annoyed look.

"Naruto... if it's me... you already..."

" nono..." He said cutting her off. "Not you Sakura-Chan... I don't like you like that anymore... I mean your pretty... but... I didn't save that bastard for you for nothing" He stopped and turned away for a second and turned back with his normal foxy grin and his eyes closed. "I only see Sakura-Chan in a sisterly way now." She was shocked and gave him a soft smile but she felt her heart clench a little but ignored it thinking it was because he finally recognized what he felt for her was just friendship...

"So who's the lucky lady who gets your attention?" Naruto blushed a little and rubbed the back of his head again.

"Hina-chan" Sakura almost fell over.

"OHMYGOD! FINALLY!" She screamed almost blowing Naruto away. He rubbed the back of his head and laughed. "I mean we all wondered when you finally get she likes you!" Naruto stopped laughing and blinked.

"She likes me too!... Wow this will be easier then I thought!" Sakura just sweat dropped. After a couple of minutes of silence he got up.

"Well I got to go Sakura-Chan... I'll see you tomorrow and tell you how it went." He started to walk away. The pink haired woman watched him go.

"Treat him well Hinata... he deserves the best." She turned back to look at her village and let her previous thoughts of Sasuke consume her.

End of flashback

She shrugged her shoulders in attempt to shake the memory that had seized her.

"Hinata.." She carefully took a step towards the girl and reached a comforting hand towards her and pulled the purple haired girl into a hug. "I'm sorry. I have no idea what that idiot is thinking, but I'll find out even if I have to beat it out of him!" She pulled back and looked into her friends eyes with all sincerity. The heiress smiled one of her gentle smiles and Sakura felt her heart clench for her friends pain.

"Thank you Sakura-chan... I'm sorry I hit you and just assumed you would do such a thing."

"It's probably the pink hair" Sakura said pointing at it hoping to lighten the mood. Hinata just smiled awkwardly. "Well... umm, I'm going to go find that idiot... I'll catch up with you about what he has to say for him and give him a good punch in the face!" She waved and ran out of the woods towards the blonds favorite ramen stand.

Hinata leaned against the tree that she had hit Sakura into and waited till the pink haired woman was out of sight. After she was sure she was she pulled a walkie talkie out of her pocket and clicked the button on the side.

"This is Blue Rabbit...over" She calmly said into it. After a moment a mans voice came over the speaker.

"This is Black Tiger, whats the status, over." She took a deep breath and calmly spoke.

"Stage one is complete. Pink Cat is looking for Orange Fox."

"Good, I'll tell the others to start stage two."

"Over and out" Hinata replied. She smiled as she walked away. Who ever said Hinata wasn't a good actress? She was one of the best around.

This is Chapter one. Short I know but It was just the opener.