my faithful viewers! i knew i could count on you! we have got here with 68 reviews (*tear tear* im so proud) anyways, here is your last and final chapter to this story. after this, im ditching to make dinner..


Nkcandygirl - thanks because they are all good!

discb - well, it was made in the 70's, that era is not best known for its thinking... i heard the 80's were good.

FRIENDS: Would ignore this.

BEST FRIENDS: Will repost this crap!

Jennifer stared open mouthed at this. "We never did anything like that! Right Rae. Rae? Rae!"

Rachel laughed at her friend's reaction. "I have no idea what you're talking about."

"We've never asked a guy if he was gay! We never said that we were going to do what we did to get ourselves in jail! We've never called a guy just to say 'Seven Days' to him! We never got lost from bad directions! We've never moved bodies!"

"Are you sure? You might have just hit your head a little too hard..."


Richard butted in. "Jen, I'm pretty sure you guys did most of those things. You see the 'Looking like an idiot in public'? I'm pretty sure the video of your two dancing to The Time Warp would work pretty well for that one. Or when I bailed you two out of jail." He said, glaring at Jen, having a good feeling it was her idea in the first place.

"Jennifer, I agree with Richard-"

"You have to, he's your husband." Jen muttered, earning a glare.

"-That we have done everything on this list."

"I don't believe we have..." Jen scanned the list for a second. "Kidnapped a band." She said, crossing her arms and head held up high in victory."

"Nope, we've done that. Your idea too." Jen sulked. "So we are 29 out of 29, a perfect score."

"Wow Jen, the highest score you ever got in your life!" Exclaimed Richard, a large smile on his face.

"Shut up Dick."

"Well you two argue, like always, I'm going to send it out to someone else so they can see if they have wonderful memories like us." Rachel said, clicking the SEND button.

A minute later, a black haired teen, the age of 13 came walking into the room. "Mom, why did you send me an email?"

ok my friends, it seems that we are done here. this is our story... or drabbles. but we had fun, a few laughs, and it only took 1 year and 10 months... wow, and part of that time i wasn't even working on this story (SORRY!) but this is the end, and far well. might see you at my other stories... maybe if your a Raven/Slade fan, or Raven/Robin with a side of Slade fan. of Harry Potter/Hermione Granger or my new favourite Hermione Granger/Severus Snape (friends are to blaim for that one but i love it now) if not, i'll think of something in the future... maybe.

ps, in the near future i will be editting this and taking out the A/N and having it look all pretty like. in the summary i'll be saying if its edited and when.

i had forgotten to post 2 chapters in the middle, chapters 8 and 9 are them now. give me your opinion on them!