Hey! This is our first story uploaded so comments are greatly appreciated! Okay, so this is the Prologue for the first "book" we're writing. The rest will be out soon!

- 3 Echosong


"Yellowfang! You'll never believe it!" Spottedleaf yowls as she and Bluestar race to the old medicine cat.

"What? What?" Grumbles Yellowfang the ever grumpy.

"I've found her! I've found her! I found Hollyleaf."

Yellowfang looks as though she is about to have a hernia, as she demands, "Where? In the Dark Forest?"

"No! In the tunnels she's alive!" Spottedleaf yowls joyfully.

"She's also crazy as a starving fox." Bluestar mumbles. Spottedleaf stares at Bluestar in astonishment.

"Because of us." Yellowfang growls, "What did you do for her?"

"Well I realized that all the trouble came from her knowing too much. So I had a rock hit her in the head and give her amnesia, all the way back to before she heard the prophecy. She can go home know!" Spottedleaf explains, staring at Yellowfang and glowing happily.

"Perhaps, but would that be best for ThunderClan? They've almost gotten over the shock she brought."

"But some are to broken to live without her." Whispers Spottedleaf, "And as you said it's all out fault. We have to put this right! We owe them! All of them! I'm going to do this with or without your approval!" Bluestar stares in shock at the young medicine cat, but Yellowfang dips her head to Spottedleaf,

"Bold words young one. Yes you are right. We must put this mistake right. Send the dream to Jayfeather. Make him think he went there on his own, we mustn't have him think we still have power." Yellowfang rests her tail on Bluestar's shoulder as Spottedleaf races away, "I know you're upset old friend but we must do this. We have learned from our mistakes and we will not make the same ones again."

"This is a risky gamble Yellowfang. How can we be sure it will not turn out the way it did before?"

"Anything worth doing is a risky gamble, you know this as well as I. The proof of it sits in RiverClan, a strong leader, much like her mother before her." Taking comfort from her friend's words, Bluestar nods and the two starry cats leave the small clearing behind.