Author's Notes

Red: Well. My second fanfic. This was inspired by getting three yaoi fangirls together for a Saw marathon. We came up with this while laughing at our commentary of the movie ^-^


Red: ... Yeah -_-; ... We're going to hell for this, aren't we?

Stitches: Yeah, and I'm driving the bus.

Red: *sigh* Well. I hope you enjoy this! Star, do part one of the disclaimer.

Star: YAY, I GET TO BE USEFUL! Disclaimer: RedSmarties does not own Yu-Gi-Oh! or any of it's characters.

Stitches: She doesn't own the Saw francise, either.

Red: Nor do I own the songs "Bad Boy" by Cascada or "My Favorite Drug" by Porcelain and the Tramps.


Ryou Bakura was an easy-going teenager. He had very simple taste, a very simple life. His apartment was lower-middle class at best and he had never done anything to displease those around him. The one thing, though, that sealed Ryou's fate was simple. He was attractive. Scratch that- extremely attractive. Men, women, and even some animals were always throwing themselves at him. Why, his pet cat Jerry just last week- ah-hem, terribly sorry, that is besides the point.

This beautiful boy had everything he could ever want except one thing: love. With the random assortment of men, ladies, and hermit crabs throwing themselves at him, he never had the chance to find true love. A lover that would not only love him for his body, but for his soul. This, Ryou did not know, was probably impossible.

"This... This is all according to plan." A hand rose in the air. "Porcelains!" Fingers snapped. "You nee- OH MY FUCKING GOD, OW!" The figure clutched its hand in pain.

"M-master? Are you alright?" a figure behind asked in worry.

"Yes, yes, Star, now be silent and fetch me an ice pack! I may have sprained my thumb..." The original figure shook its hand in the air, trying to clear said appendage of pain as the one called Star bounced off to find an ice pack.

"Master Red?"

"Yes, Stitches?" the one called Red replied.

"Well, will the plan be sent in motion soon? I..." Stitches trailed off.

"Yes, yes, Stitches, I know about your cravings. Elementary school, remember? You will have what you desire soon enough." Stitches bowed and exited, leaving Red alone. Her eyes twinkled, and an evil grin spread across her face as she laced her fingers together. "Let the games begin."

"Be my bad boy, be my man, be my weekend lover, but don't be my friend~!" The white-haired youth danced around his apartment brandishing a bottle of Pledge and a rag. The slight frills on the dusty apron he wore fluttered with each movement. At the moment, he wore no pants, save for the baby blue boxers that the apron barely covered.

The song changed and Ryou changed with it. His dance steps became a bit of slower to match the tempo, and his movements took on a slightly sexy feel.

"What you get is what you see, it won't take much to get hooked on me~!" It was a tantalizing sight to those who were lucky enough to see it. After quite a while of this, the teenager finally plopped down on the couch. He stretched out his lithe body as doe-brown eyes began to droop. Soon enough, he was asleep.

Cold sweat on pale skin woke the boy from his deep slumber. Something was... Off. Wait... Hadn't he left that lamp on? And weren't the digital clock's numbers supposed to be permeating the endless darkness that surrounded him?

Ryou decded to do the most stupid thing anybody in a dangerous situation could ever do. He decided to make the mistake every single person in every bad horror movie makes.

"Hello?" his meek voice called out. "Is anybody there?" He emptied the couch of his weight and cautiously tried to peer into the darkness. One step, another, and yet another led him to a wall. He tried to get a mental picture of his apartment, but failed miserably when he felt the full effects of fear clogging his brain.

Maniacal laughter cut through the silence, making Ryou jump about a foot into the air. The laughter made him feel as if he was in a graveyard at night, surrounded by a murder of crows all cawing at the same time.

"Who are you? What do you want?" The laughter continued and it seemed to ring in his ears. The lamp in the corner suddenly came on. Ryou nearly shit his pants.

Standing there in the light of his lamp, was a tall figure. A tight, black, jumpsuit covered her(the form was obviously female from the shape) body. The jumpsuit had a green stripe running from her left shoulder, swirling around her body all the way to her left ankle. Her face was covered with a doll-like mask. The lips were heart-shaped and the eyes were wide and lifeless. There was a stitch-like pattern running in a slant from the top left of her head to the bottom right of her chin. The woman(doll? Thing? Feminine man? Ninja goldfish?) proceeded towards him, walking like a cat.

The boy did not notice that he was being backed into a corner. "W-what d-do you w-w-want?" he stuttered. The woman cocked her head, almost as if she was smiling under her mask.

"I just want you to answer a question." Ryou's eyes widened in surprise.


"Yes. One little question, and that's it." They were very near the corner. A new voice met Ryou's ears.

"Does this smell like chloroform to you?" A rag was pressed against his face, and in his surprise, the teen gasped. That was it for him. Everything went black.

Red: Hope you like chapter one!

Stitches: We'd love your reviews. It makes us(Red) write faster.

Red: *pats their heads* I love my little muses.

Stitches: -_-; I'm taller than you.


Star: STOP THIS FIGHTING! Can't you see that it's tearing us all apart?

Red and Stitches: O.O

Star: *giggles* Hehe, I'm a muse!