hello lovelies its been a looooong while. if youre just finding this story now, welcome to Fag Drag! to my dearest readers fom years ago, welcome back! im finally rewriting and finishing this after three years (some chapters are pretty much the same and some are brand new!) main pairing is AkuRoku with a side of RenoRoku and maybe some other things as well. warnings are as follows: minors having sex, drugs, smoking, swearing, rape, angst. if you read my story and like it, please show your love and support and write me a review. enjoy.

"You know you're not allowed to smoke on campus."

With an unlit cigarette resting between his lips and a lighter in his right hand, Roxas looked up irately at the person who was speaking to him. His English teacher loomed over him, arms crossed. Roxas closed his eyes, and lit his cigarette. He took a long drag and used his index and middle finger to pull the little white fag from his mouth. Counting to ten, he left the toxic air fill him, mixing into his lungs and washing over him like a calming wave. He exhaled watching the smoke linger for a second before dissipating into the air, "I know." The blonde stuck the cigarette back in his mouth and held it between his teeth as he spoke, "So what?"

"So you could get in a lot of trouble," his red-headed educator snatched the cigarette from his student's hand.

"Hey! Don't be a dick! That shit costs money!" Roxas stood immediately, reaching for the cig.

His teacher slipped the cigarette between his lips and sucked hard. He let out a large puff of smoke, "Not a chance. You shouldn't be smoking, little one."

Roxas's middle finger shot up, flipping the redhead off, "Fuck you. Don't call me that." The blonde pulled a new cigarette from the pack he kept in his back pocket, placing it into his mouth.

"I'll take those from you all day."

The blonde groaned, sliding down against the wall to sit back on the ground, "What do you want, Axel?"

"I told you before, little one, it's Mr. Lea. You don't call me 'Axel'."

Roxas clicked his tongue at his teacher's emphasis on the nickname and lit his second cigarette, "Just leave me alone."

Axel sat beside his blonde student, taking his cigarette once again. He ground the first cigarette into the cement, "Why aren't you in class? You that eager to see me?"

"Fuck! Will you cut that out?! I just don't wanna go, okay?! I don't need a reason," Roxas shifted his weight and reached for his back pocket for the third time. "And don't think for a second that I wanted to see- HEY!"

Flicking the second fag into the grass, Axel reached over to the back pocket of the blonde's skinny jeans, retrieving the pack of cigarettes that resided there.

"Come on! Give it back!" Roxas crawled over his teacher, reaching for his pack.

The redhead laughed with closed eyes. He grabbed Roxas by the wrist and held the pack just out of his reach.

When Roxas suddenly stopped struggling, Axel stopped his laughter and opened his eyes. He found his student's calm face was very close to his own. In a heartbeat, Roxas had his lips over his teacher's. His tongue slid with ease through his instructor's lips. Roxas's tongue ran over Axel's tongue and teeth, taking in the taste of bitter tobacco and menthol and Axel released the kid's hand to cup the back of his head. The blonde's small hands worked up and down the older man's body, sneaking up the white button down shirt that Axel never seemed to close completely. His other hand made its way to the redhead's crotch. Roxas rubbed his teacher's jeans passionately, moaning into their kiss. Axel ran his hand down the boy's back from his neck to his hips, fingernails lightly raking the skin through his shirt.

The moment Axel pulled Roxas around the waist, his student pulled away, breaking their kiss, "You fag." Roxas pulled a new cigarette from the box with dramatic motions as to show off his victory before holding it between lightly clenched teeth, "You're just so easy, it's not even fun anymore."

Axel laughed, "Ah, but that, little one, is where you're wrong."

Roxas's eyes widened and his jaw dropped, the cigarette falling to floor as he examined what his teacher held before his eyes. A small, see-through baggy housing three colourful pills was now in his teacher's possession. The teen fumbled for his pockets, patting them and wiggling his fingers into them, "Why- when did you?"

Again, Axel laughed, "I'm always one step ahead of you, dear." He closed his fist around the bag and brushed Roxas's golden fringe away from his forehead with his knuckles before kissing it gently. "Don't worry; I'm not going to tell on you."

The blonde pulled away and wiped his head with the back of his hand, "Give those back. They're… not mine." It wasn't a total lie. At the moment, they were certainly in Roxas's possession, but he had them to pass along, not to take.

"Right, right. Of course, they're not," Axel rolled his eyes, giving the little baggy back to its owner. Then, all of a sudden, his face got stern, "You know…" He grabbed Roxas's wrist, pushing the boy's sleeve up, "You're going to seriously hurt yourself."

Roxas eyed the scars on his arm; the ones he gained from sticking syringes loaded with heroin into his veins. His teacher was probably right; add the cigarettes and the very occasional cocaine to the mix, and you had yourself a recipe for disaster. Roxas pulled his lips into a tight line, "I know."

"Roxas, this is serious. You need help."

The blonde looked up at Axel, "No. I don't. I could stop if I wanted."

"I'm not talking about the drugs; I'm talking about you wanting to throw your life away. That's why you do it. I know you don't have a drug abuse problem and I know you can quit whenever you want. I've seen you do it."

"I only did it because it was for him."

Axel winced at the last statement. He knew exactly who Roxas was referring to.

Reno was Axel's older twin brother. He was all of Axel's bad traits –self-centered, cold, and uncaring to name a few- to the extreme.

Three years prior, when Roxas was only a freshman, Reno came home with the boy from some party. Axel had already known Roxas from school, but never did he expected to see him with his brother.

At first, the two were quite casual; Roxas had a girlfriend at the time and Reno had never been big on dating, but still being friends with each other came with… benefits. Everything was fine until Roxas started developing feelings for Reno. And Reno, being the manipulative bastard he was, played with the boy's heart, pretending their love was mutual.

The man was a medical student, studying to become a doctor, so he didn't like Roxas doing all those drugs and smoking. So just like that, the boy immediately quit everything. Without a second thought he just stopped because, suddenly, he had something worth living for.

Roxas laughed, "But in the end, all he did was give me an even another reason to hate my life."

Axel looked at the boy with concern, "Roxas, you shouldn't take your life so casually."

"No one would miss me, Axel. Who would honestly care?" he scoffed and plucked the forgotten cigarette off the ground and slid it into his mouth. He lit the end and took a short drag, "You know, Mr. Lea, if I wanted a lecture, I'd be in class right now. Please don't give me this shit. Otherwise, I'll find somewhere else to smoke," Roxas passed the cigarette to his teacher who, without a response, took the fag and placed it his own mouth before inhaling deeply.

The redhead sighed, smoke escaping through both his nose and lips at once, "Fine. Let's just drop it." Axel passed the cigarette back and stood. He stuck his hand into his pocket and handed Roxas a folded piece of paper.

"I'm not gonna call you."

"Ha-ha," Axel faked a laugh. "You're so funny sometimes. Here. You got a detention. No wait… it's even better than that, you got a Saturday detention."

"What the fuck, Axel?!" the blonde snatched the paper from his instructor's hand, scanning it many times as if it would change if he stared at it long enough.

"Hey, don't look at me. It's from the office." He shrugged, "I'm just passing it along."

"FOURTY SEVEN ABSENCES? I don't have forty seven absences!" Roxas protested.

"You're right! Something must be wrong. I mean clearly someone like you must have at least eighty three," Axel with mock astonishment.

"Shut up," the blonde stood, taking a long drag from the cigarette in his hand. "Who's in charge of Saturday school this weekend?"

Axel smiled, "Oh you are just gonna love this one; it's me."

"Oh fuck me!" Roxas groaned, lifting his foot and grinding his cigarette against the sole of his shoe.

"How hard, baby?"

"However you like it if it means not coming on Saturday," Roxas grumbled, still staring at his detention slip.

The redhead smirked. He leaned down to Roxas's height, curling a slender finger around the belt loop on his student's jeans, "Oh you'll be cumming alright."

"Really?" Roxas batted his eyelashes and gave a small, sweet smile, "'Cause I really just can't wait." The blonde wrapped his arms around his teacher's neck. He stood on his toes and pressed his lips over the man's.

Axel pulled the boy closer around his waist, sliding his hands down the back of Roxas's pants. The blonde moaned into their kiss and shivered under Axel's touch. He twisted his fingers into his teacher's hair.

"Not gonna work, babe," Axel said smiling against Roxas's lips. He squeezed the boy's butt before pulling away.


Axel laughed. He turned his back on the blonde, heading back for his classroom, "See you tomorrow, cutie! Maybe if you suck on something besides those cigarettes I'll turn my back when you ditch detention!"