There she was. In the library, predictably.

I wander over to her; she's hiding behind a bookshelf looking intently at Wright and Sarah.

"Nice job." I say, knowing that Rose would love to be congratulated on the couple finally spending time together.

"Scorpius?" She looks at me incredulously, like she can't believe I'm standing in front of her.

"Er…hey Rose." I say awkwardly, trying to figure out what to say.

She blushes faintly and returns her attention to the awkward couple a few metres away.

"Aren't they so cute?" She squeals.

"I don't think there's any way for me to answer that and still sound like a dignified person." I retort.

I'm serious, too. If there's one thing have a girl for a best mate taught me it is that they're all absolutely barmy and you should agree with everything they say, even if your manhood gets mutilated in the process.

"Of course you do! You say, 'Yes, Rose whatever you say because you are the loveliest person on the earth!" she chides, half jokingly.

I flounder around for something to say but I can't think of anything and we sit there in awkward silence for a moment.

"We have to talk." I tell her and her face tightens just a little bit.

I wonder what she thinks I'm going to say.

"Right, um, hold on, I'll tell them I have to go talk to you. They'll understand. Hell, they'll probably be happy that I'm going to leave them alone!" Rose rambles nervously, walking quickly back to the table.

I go to wait for her by the library door. She says something to Sarah and Wright and I admire her backside as she leans down to pick up her bag from the ground.

She walks up to me and we exit the library, walking through the hall in silence. It's a companionable silence, or so I thought until Rose says something.

"Scorp?" she looks at me questioningly, probably wondering what the hell I want to talk to her about.

"Come on, we'll go into the empty Charms classroom again." I tell her.

I pace a little, nervous, trying to figure out just what I wanted to say. I had talked to Lily about it, for lack of anyone else to go to.

"Lily, you have a good relationship."

Lily looks up at me, a little shocked maybe. I've just cornered her after dinner.

"I like to think so." She smiles lovingly in Derrick's direction.

"Right well, I need your help." I confide.

She looks up at me with her hazel eyes, shocked.

"Is this about Rose?" she questions.

I glance around uncomfortably.

"Tell me the whole story, I'll tell you what you need to do." Lily says with a tone of finality, leading me over to a secluded spot. "I've been waiting forever for this!"

"Rose," I say, "you've been driving me crazy.

"You need to tell her why you love her, Scorp. Boys fall in love with their eyes, but girls fall in love through their ears. You have to tell her everything that goes on inside your mind—well maybe toned down a bit. How beautiful she is, the affect she has on you…everything."

I stare at her incredulously and Lily shakes her head condescendingly.

"Flattery will get you everywhere. Trust me."

"How so?" Rose questions.

"Well, you kissed me and then ran away! And then I couldn't find you and then I kissed you and then…we got into that huge fight and I lied."

"Tell her what you feel. Tell her everything that the guys would make fun of you and use for blackmail if you ever told them."

"What did you lie about?" Rose wonders out loud.

"What did you lie about?" I retort, wincing internally the minute I say it.

"Whatever you do, don't try to get in a fight with her. Don't say any of those stupid boy-competitive things."

"Which time specifically?" Rose asks, looking away from me.

Wait so she's actually lied to me?

"Do you remember what happened during that party a few months ago?" The question is out of my mouth before I even realize I'm saying it.

"Do not rely on your instincts. You are stupid. They will get you hurt. She'll probably smack you, so make sure to be out of arm's length."

Rose blushes. "Technically I don't remember anything…" she trails off. I must have looked less than impressed at her feeble attempt at a lie because she continues. "But Em might have told me that I straddled you in order to get my book back…"

"You've known this the whole time?"

"Hah…um….maybe?' She looks around nervously.

"And what did you think about it?"

"You should be the first one to confess. Girls, especially Rose, love it when guys tell them all about what they like in them."

"What if I tell her all of that and she rejects me?"

Lily rolls her eyes.

"Is that what guys are always worried about?" She asks, shaking her head. "Ridiculous," she mutters quietly. "Rose won't reject you. Nor would any other girl. Generally if you give a speech they'll give you a shot."

"Well what did you think about it?" Rose counters.

"You drove me crazy. And then you didn't talk about it! It thought that I might have dreamt it!" The speech that I had prepared in my head is leaving me, so I'll just have to swing it. "And then you started snogging that prick Lutfy and I thought that maybe it was all one sided on my part. But then you were so happy when I rescued you from your bad date with him and I thought that maybe I had a chance. Then you drove me crazy ten times over because you made me pretend to get off with you, and you were sober. And you were moaning my name. I thought I was going to lose control."

I shake my head, reliving the memory. I sneak a peek at rose who is staring at me, mouth hanging open like the words I'm saying are her lifeline. Maybe this might actually work.

"What if it doesn't work?" I ask hesitantly.

"Of course it will work, you imbecile. It's my plan. And it's Rose. She loves you."

I take a step closer to Rose. She doesn't push me away so I continue getting closer, until I'm just centimtres away from her.

"And then you kissed me," I continue. "And it was fucking amazing. I thought that we would…but then you ran away! So I had to kiss you because you wouldn't talk to me. And then I stupidly told you that I didn't know if I wanted to snog you. I obviously lied. And now we're ignoring each other again and I have no fucking idea why because I don't want to ignore you. I just want to…"

I trail off, leaning my head in towards her but she cuts me off.

"Wait she says holding up a hand.

If Lily got this wrong I'm going to murder her in her sleep.

"I just want to explain myself." Rose says decidedly and I step back, trying to figure out what the hell she's going to say.

"I straddled you. Before I had always thought you were cute, but what we had was just a friendly thing. Then I straddled you while I was drunk and I had no idea how you would react so I pretended I didn't remember it at all. But then you were shirtless and we had that tickling fight and I just…couldn't stop thinking about you. I still can't stop thinking about you. And then you were there for me when Em and Hugo were together, with a slice of chocolate cake. And you helped me escape Hank and all I wanted to do was just snog you! But I couldn't because you were my best friend!"

So, my being shirtless affected her. Heh.

"Rose I—"

"I'm not finished! Anyway, so then I go and do the stupidest thing ever—I kiss you. And I thought that you would me mortified because you only like me as a friend and you have all those slags…so I ran away."

She looks down, wringing her hands together uncertainly. Well I can't have that.

"Rose, those slags, they're not…" I try to think of the right words to say. "They're not you."

And then she's in my arms, snogging me furiously. I wrap my arms around her waist, pulling her closer to me. I just can't get enough. I outline her bottom lip, begging for entrance and she grants it to me, moaning. She presses me up against the wall, but I flip her around. I kiss down her neck, inhaling her scent, kissing her soft skin. She gasps in pleasure and I grind myself into her, just wanting her to moan my name, for real this time. I bring my lips back to hers.

"I think we should try to have an us." She says, breaking the kiss.

There sure has hell better be an us if she's going to snog me like that. I smile at her and feel like a complete idiot. Like a five year old.

"I think we should try to have an us too." I say, continuing to smile like a complete idiot.

"Good because even if you said now, I would try and convince you." Rose says, smiling at me.

Maybe I'm not the only one with an insane smiling syndrome.

"And how would you do that?" Not that she'd need to do it anyway.

"I would kiss you." she smiles at me again.

"Oh, really?"

"Every." She presses her lips against mine. "single." Kiss. "day." Kiss.

"I think you should give me a kiss every single day anyway." I say honestly.

"Even if I'm sick?" she jokes around.

"I'll kiss you better when you're sick." Where the hell do I pull this stuff from?

"Just not on the mouth," she chuckles. "I don't want you getting sick too!"

"It'd be worth it." I smile. It really would. "But if it really worries you that much, I'll kiss you on the forehead." I say, kissing her on the forehead. Quite the brilliant demonstrator, I am.

"What if we're mad at each other?"

What if we are? My parents fight. Merlin knows her parents fight every day. I bet make up sex would be great…"We should make up as quickly as possible. No more of this avoiding each other. But if we're mad at each other a kiss on the cheek should do it." I kiss her cheek.

"What if I'm old?" She asks again.

"Girls like to be reassured, remember that. And you better fucking reassure her every single time otherwise I'll know that you're a complete idiot."

"I'll still kiss you." I say, laughing. "I'll even use tongue."

"Just don't dislocate my dentures!" She giggles.

This is why I love this girl. Who thinks of making out so intensely that it would dislocate her future dentures?

I bring her lips to mine, showing her just how I would kiss her if we were old and I was trying my hardest to snog her senseless but keep her dentures in place all at the same time.

"Promise?" She asks me, looking up with her innocent blue eyes.


"Promise." I kiss her once more, just because I can.

"We should probably head over to the joint common room; I told Al and James that we would meet them in there tonight." She says, breaking our couple time.

Eurgh. I have no desire to go see them. I sigh reluctantly and take her hand, loving the feel of her small one encased by my large hand. Mine.

We enter the common room and immediately Emily shrieks at us.


"You couldn't have waited another year?" James growls, handing his mate Josh a galleon. "And don't, even think about it I'm telling Uncle Ron first!"

My blood went cold. We have to tell her father. Holy fucking hell! He's going to castrate me! I feel a slight pressure on my hand and look down to see Rose looking at me, kind of frightened. I wink at her reassuringly. If Mr. Weasley tried to castrate me, I'm sure someone would stop him.

I catch Lily's hazel eyes and mouth 'Thank you'. She giggles happily at me and squeezes Derricks hand as Emily comes up and starts talking to Rose.

"I just don't want to have to see you snog!" Al complains.

I smirk at him and look at Rose, it seems like we have the same idea. I kiss her full on the lips, in front of her family.

After all these mixed signals I'm glad we finally got one thing straight: we're going to fucking kiss each other every single day.

A/N: And so, the end of an era. *sighs quietly*

I have a confession to make: I don't think I'm going to do the sequel. I don't know, maybe you guys will change my mind, but I'm not motivated for it. I thought I would have some pretty good ideas about what to do in the sequel now...but i don't :( I might do just a one-shot of the future or something...I'm sorry for any readers who I may be disappointing, but I hope you enjoyed this one and My Best Mate is Extremely Attractive.

Go to the author's note on My Best Mate is Extremely Attractive for a more detailed explanation!

Let me know what you think of this ending!
