HEY! I'm sorry for the long wait X_X I feel bad because I know how it feels! Anyway, this chapter is really long. I'm sorry I didn't mean to make it soo long but hopefully it will make up for the chapter being late ^_^

It was Friday night ad the day had finally come. Oddly for Cassie, Rodrick has been trying to talk to her but she just ignores him. On top of that, lately Heather has been hanging out with Rodrick. Cassie couldn't help but feel a pang of jealousy in her heart. Every time Cassie would feel something like that she would quickly shake the thought away. If Heather wanted to be with Rodrick then by all means she should. They were a perfect match anyway.

Cassie pulled up in the Heffley's drive way and sighed. She didn't exactly tell her parents that she was babysitting. As far as they know she is going to tutor some poor kid in science. She got out quietly and walked up the steps.

She regretted wearing heals the moment they clicked loudly as she walked up to the door…they sounded to loud. She ringed the doorbell…


"I want both of you boys to sit down." Mrs. Heffley said. Rodrick and Greg sat down on the couch slowly.

"Listen, I just want you to know-" Rodrick began.

"No. I need you to listen. Throwing that party was really irresponsible."

"Your mother and I think that you can't handle the responsibility of being the baby sitter for your little brother anymore." Mr. Heffley said.

"So what? You're going to hire a babysitter to watch me and the twerp?" Rodrick chuckled.

"Yes." Mrs. Heffley nodded with her hands folded. "I decided to have-"


"Oh no." Rodrick said as he jumped up and ran to the door. He knocked over a lamp on the way over. He swung the door open to see Cassie standing there with her arms folded.

"Hi." Cassie said, "Was the party worth it?" she smirked.

"No!" Rodrick said about to slam the door but Cassie put her foot in front of the door before it could close.

"Good to know it wasn't worth it." She smiled as she let herself in.

"No! I meant no to you! The party was worth it!" Rodrick said, "Susan. I can't have her babysitting….me."

"Too bad. You threw a party when we said not to." Mrs. Heffley said," Now Cassie, Rodrick's grounded so he's not allowed out of the house."

"Of course. Everything is under control." Cassie smiled. Rodrick just glared at her.

"Ok well-"

"Wait! Didn't you say a boy named Rowley was coming over?"

"Yes! He should be here soon." Mrs. Heffley smiled. "Well we have to go. We can't miss our train." Mrs. Heffley smiled as she picked up baby Manny. She took Mr. Heffley's hand and led him out the door.

"Be good kids!" She yelled over her shoulder before leaving.

Cassie turned to Greg and Rodrick. Greg stared at her wide-eyed while Rodrick just crossed his arms.

Rodrick looked right at her. He wasn't as mad anymore. This was a perfect opportunity.

"So since we are going to be spending time together, we should at least make this weekend useful." Rodrick said smiling and putting an arm around her shoulder.


I wanted to smile but I couldn't. I knew that if I did. I might actually start having feelings for him. I shrugged away from his shoulder and walked toward the kitchen. Rodrick caught my arm and looked at me.

"Come to a party with me this Saturday." he asked.

"I can't." I said walking into the kitchen. " I have to practice for the school musical."

Rodrick laughed "Seriously?" he asked. I felt him watching me as I pulled out my script.

"Ok, fine. How about we go to a drive in movie?" Rodrick asked.

"Rodrick Heffley," I asked a bit shocked "are you asking me out?"

"Um...yeah. I guess." Rodrick said uncomfortably.

"Tonight? Well who's gunna watch Greg and Rowley?" I asked and then finally my senses kicked in. I can't leave! That's reckless and Rodrick's grounded! I think Rodrick could tell by the expression on my face.

"I can't...you can't." I shook my head.

"But you just said you wanted to and so what?" he laughed, "I sneak out all the time."

"No...I just said 'Who's going to watch your brother and his friend'. Also that's really stupid of you. One day you're going to get caught."

"Will you just please let me take you out. You and I both know that you are in need of a vacation. You need to get away from it all." Rodrick said as he took the script out of my hand.

"...you're making his really hard-"

"Then don't try to fight the decision! Go with your gut feeling." Rodrick said "That is lesson number one."

I sighed and thought about this. I wanted so badly to do something different, so I mean why not? I nodded slowly. My gut was telling me to go with Rodrick.

"Alright!" he smiled. "So we need to ditch the little losers and-"

"Rodrick even though I am going to do this with you...I, well you're mom paid me to watch you guys."

"Heather! She can baby-sit. She'll do it for free because she's like your best friend." he said, ignoring what I was saying.

"We aren't talking." I said sadly. I had so much I wanted to tell her but couldn't because her and I are on non-speaking terms.

"Just try." he asked.

"I can't! My parents don't even know I'm here."


"Well they don't exactly like you..."

"Yes! Well then thank god...I mean you're already going behind their backs." Rodrick said. I nodded and then reached for my cell phone.

"What do I tell her?" I asked.

"Ask If she could baby-sit."

"Ugh, ok." Cassie sighed and dialed Heather's number.

The phone rang for a few seconds.

"Cassie-" Heather began. Ok maybe I should have blocked my number...

"Okay here me out...right now I'm at your new boyfriends house and-"

"Boyfriend?" Rodrick exclaimed. "I'm not Heathers boyfriend."

"Whoa wait you're at Bens house?" Heather asked nervously. Ben? What the heck? Who's Ben?

"Whoa wait who's Ben?" I asked getting a bit upset. I mean I'm gone from my best friends life for a week and she already has a new boyfriend?

"Ben? Like Ben 'the lead vocalist from my band' Ben?" Rodrick ask looking as about as confused as I was.

"Ben is...uh well-" Heather began.

"Okay never mind. I don't want to know." I said, getting mad. Since when did she start liking anyone in Rodrick Heffley's group? "You know just forget I called you." I said about to hang up the phone. Rodrick snatched it out of my hand.

"Heather, it's Rodrick." He said into the phone. I laughed as he looked at the phone weirdly. I don't know how Rodrick didn't realize it but the phone was upside down. I took it from his hand and turned it right side up.

"Oh." he said as I bursted into laughter. Rodrick just glared and began talking to Heather.

I heard the doorbell ring and walked over to open it. A little boy stood there. He looked up at me and smiled.

"Hi!" he waved enthusiastically.

"Hey Rowley!" Greg smiled and jumped from what seemed like out of nowhere. "Rowley this is Cassie Farrell. She's going to be my babysitter this weekend."

"Wow that's cool..." Rowley smiled,"Oh wait did you say Farrell? Like patty Farrell's big sister?" he asked with wide eyes.

"Um...yeah?" I said. Jeez did my little sister just torment everyone?

"I know it's hard to believe they are related, huh?" Greg said.

"Did my little sister do something to you or…?" I asked. I closed the door behind Rowley as he walked in.

"No it's just usually your sister has a snooty attitude." Rowley said uncomfortably.

"Oh I'm sorry to hear that. If she's ever rude to you guys please let me know. I don't like violence and if Patty is acting other wise I would like to know. Besides you two seem like such sweet guys. I have no idea why Patty would be a bully." I said.

"I will." Rowley smiled. He seemed to be blushing. Greg smiled "See I told you she was a cool baby sitter." he said as he pulled Rowley away from me and up to Greg's room. I turned into the kitchen and saw Rodrick looking through my script.

"Why?" he asked.

"Why what?" I asked back a bit confused.

"Why would you voluntarily do something like this!" he said holding up the script. Hm...Voluntarily, big word for him.

"Because it makes my parents happy!" I said snatching the script back from him.

"But it doesn't make you happy?" Rodrick asked crossing his arms.

"The first few plays were fun but it just kind of gets boring." I said.

Before he could respond the doorbell rang.

"That's heather!" he said jumping off the kitchen counter and ran to the door. I followed Rodrick over to the door. He opened the door and there stood Heather. There was an awkward pause and then finally Heather spoke.

"Hey girl!" Heather said as she hugged me. I hugged her back, I missed her.

"Hey!" I smiled. We let go and then she turned to Rodrick.

"Don't hurt my best friend, okay?" Heather said pointing at him. She walked in and closed the door.

"I wouldn't dream of it." Rodrick said dryly.

I sighed "Are you sure you can do this?" I asked.

"I'm positive!" Heather smiled.

"I promise to give you your share of the babysitting money when I get it, Kay?" I said with a half smile. I suddenly had butterflies in my stomach.

"Okay well we're leaving!" Rodrick said grabbing my hand and opening the door. My heart started to speed up. I couldn't tell if I was scared or excited about what was going to happen.

He closed the door and we walked over to his van.

"You expect me to get into that van? I'm going to die!" I said. I mean really if you seriously saw this van.

"Cassie just go along with this...ok?" Rodrick said getting into the van.

"Right sorry." I said. I agreed to do this so I may as well listen to Rodrick.

3rd person POV

Rodrick and Cassie sat in the van awkwardly as the movie was about to start. Rodrick then smirked and looked right at Cassie. He moved close to her and put his arm around her.

"You do know what people do when they come to these drive in movies right?" Rodrick asked.

"Um…watch the movie?" Cassie asked nervously.

Rodrick sighed, "No…do you want to make your parents really mad?"

"Um…" Cassie turned her head toward Rodrick, "I-" Her words were cut off when Rodrick's lips connected with hers. He broke away from her. Cassie sat there for a moment. Not really shocked just scared to make the next move.

"What do you say?" Rodrick asked. Cassie sighed and then remembered what Heather said 'Do whatever you think I would do'. Cassie decided to do just that. She sighed and without even thinking she got on top of Rodrick and started to kiss him. She could feel him smiling underneath her kiss. He placed his hands on her hips and kissed her. Her hands moved from his chest to his hair.

Rodrick decided to take the next step and licked Cassie's bottom lip. Cassie turned hot and could feel herself blush but she pushed that feeling aside and opened her mouth and let Rodrick in. Rodrick slid his hand up Cassie's skirt. Cassie caught his hand and broke away from the kiss. Finally reality was catching up with her. They both had to catch their breath.

Cassie pushed Rodrick's hand away from her leg. "You don't want to save that for the next date?" Cassie asked looking down. Rodrick smiled at her.

"Congrats. You just passed your first exam. See? Being rebellious wasn't too hard?" Rodrick said.

Cassie's phone rang and she quickly got off Rodrick and back to the passengers seat. She picked up the phone.

"Hello?" Cassie said trying to sound like nothing unusual just happened.

"Cassie?" Mrs. Heffley said on the other line.

"Oh! Hello! How's everything going with you?" Cassie asked shaking a bit. Rodrick looked at her weirdly. Cassie pointed to Rodrick and mouthed 'mom'. Rodrick raised an eye brown and started the car.

"Everything is fine. However, I called the house to see how things were going and no one answered." Mrs. Heffley said uneasy.

"Oh, I was babysitting and then Greg and Rowley ran out of popcorn and I figured it wouldn't be too much of a hassle to just go out and buy some so I left them in Rodricks care for a few minutes since he's grounded and can't go anywhere. Sorry." Cassie said lying. She couldn't believe how crazy she was acting tonight.

"Hm, I wonder why no one answered the phone." Mrs. Heffley said a bit worried.

"When I left Rodrick was in the garage playing his drums really loud so the boys turned up the volume so they could actually hear the movie."

"Is that it?" She heard Mrs. Heffley laugh a little, "I just…sorry. I was just assuming…well…"

"Um no! Whatever you were assuming or worried about, you don't need to be. Really, I have everything under control." Cassie said.

"Ok. Well thank you for running out and buying the boys popcorn. Tell Rodrick to take it easy on the drums, I don't need Greg or Rowley to do deaf. I'll call you tomorrow and ask for an update on how things are going."

"Sure thing!" Cassie said.

"Ok well bye." She heard Mrs. Heffley hang up the phone. Cassie hung up the phone and took a deep breath. Tonight she was almost caught. Her heart was still beating a thousand miles a minute. She couldn't tell if it was because of Rodrick or because she almost screwed everything up with Mrs. Heffley.

Right then they arrived at the house. They both got out of the car.

"Everything go ok?" Rodrick asked. "I heard you lie." He smirked.

"Yeah. Everything is all straightened out…" She said quietly.

I hope you all enjoyed the chapter! Tell me what you think ^_^