Disclaimer: I do not own Ouran or any characters.

The sun peeks through the dusty window and shines down on the books next to me. Very soon it will be shining on me. I look forward to that moment every day.

It reminds me of when the sun always used to shine on me.

That was a long time ago. Perhaps twenty years, I'm not sure, it's hard to tell time from a shelf.

She was five when she stopped playing with me – much too young. Her mother played with me until she was ten – a much better age. I understand why she stopped playing and I try not to let it bother me, but it still makes me sad.

For a while, she used to take me down and dust me off, maybe twice a year. I loved those moments.

She'd always give me a hug and place a kiss on my cool, china face before putting me away.

She hasn't done that for awhile now.

The last time I saw her, she was donning a simple white dress. I think she was getting married. That was years ago.

I've given up hope of her ever coming back.

Now the sun is shining on me and if I could, I would let my red china lips curve into a smile. The sun reminds me of her.

My most cherished memory is when we she was four, and we had a tea party with her mother. I could tell she felt so grown-up in her duck-print kimono that matched mine.

Who knew that a year later she would put tea parties, ducks, and me behind her?

Ah, he's stirring. I suppose, I also enjoy watching her father get ready in the morning. He's funny when he's half asleep. He talks to me when he's getting ready. I think talking to someone helps him clear his mind and focus his thoughts. He can't do that with her anymore, so he uses me as a substitute.

I don't mind, it makes my existence a little less empty.

Standing up he yawns while scratching his head.

"Good morning, Ahiru. It's a lovely day. You know why?"

We both know I cannot respond; we both like pretending I can.

But I really do want to know why.

"Today is Elise's first birthday. My little grandbaby is a whole year old!"

Ah, his grandchild; her daughter. I wish I could meet her.

"Do you know what I'm going to give her?"

I can't imagine, but it's probably not me. I'm old fashioned. No one plays with china dolls anymore especially ones in ducky kimonos.

"I'm going to give her you!"

Wait…me? You're going to give her me?

I wait patiently in my little shaft of sunlight as he gets ready for the day. When he's ready he takes me down and cleans me, just like she used to.

I only have one thought right now.

Finally, my loneliness is over, my happiness has returned.

Author's Note: From music room#3 on LJ. Theme was Doll

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