Hi! I'm back! Long time no see. How is everybody? I hope your year is going well. Mine is. Well, I've decided to do the 1890's fic, but sad to say that it won't be as long as "Don't Be Scared." This may not be as good as I hoped, but who knows, maybe it will. You guys and gals be the judge. Warning though, some of the characters will be OOC. I had to have them that way. Their attitude goes with the time period. Anyways, THANK YOU TO ALL WHO REVIEWED "DON'T BE SCARED!" I was so happy with all the reviews I got. ^_^ Anyways, I hope you people like this story just as much or maybe more then "Don't Be Scared."

Note: I just love the introduction of the story. I'm very proud of it! ^_^ I think it's Kawaii!!! *_*

Disclaimer: You know this baka disclaimer thingy always brings me down. I don't own any Cardcaptor Sakura character.

A Right to Love

Chapter One:

The Difference Between Rich and Poor

By: Cutie Blossom

The year was 1890. Our story takes place in the spring of that year in New York City. The time when there was a gap between the rich, who lived in glory, and the slums, who had to work hard to survive.

This story is a tale of two lovers, where one is rich and the other is a slum, who find themselves deeply in love. Their love will be challenged by many obstacles in order for it to survive. The most difficult of the challenges for the lovers will be to ask themselves if they should be loyal to their friends and family or if they should follow their hearts to each other. Will their love survive is up to them and them alone.


A young auburn haired girl exited through the doors of the Ritz Hotel and into the sunny blue-skied morning.

"Good morning, Miss Kinomoto," the bellboy said as he held the door open for her.

The young girl smiled at the boy. "Good morning, Joe. Wonderful day isn't it?"

The bellboy nodded. "Yes, it is."

The young girl walked down on the red carpet to the street, where a tall young man with jet-black hair stood in front of a gold colored carriage.

"Hello sister," the man said, holding his hand out to her.

She smiled and accepted her brother's hand.

"Hello," she said to him as he helped her into the carriage. She sat on one side as her brother sat next to her.

"Are you going anywhere tonight, Sakura?" her brother asked her.

Sakura nodded her head. "Yes. Dave is taking me to dinner tonight."

The man smiled. "I like that boyfriend of yours."

Sakura turned and looked out the window. "I do too, Touya."

'I must make my family happy,' she thought. 'Even if I am not happy myself.'

Sakura Kinomoto, who is twenty-one, is the daughter of millionaire Fujitaka and Nadeshiko Kinomoto and is sister to Touya, who works with their father at the family bank called Gilly's. Sakura and her family live in the northern part of New York City where all the prosperous families lived. Sakura is currently dating billionaire Dave Futo who owns another bank at the age of twenty-three. He also lives in the upper part of New York City. The two have been going out for four months now.

The carriage stopped not long after. Sakura and her brother stepped out of the carriage to see a tall building standing in front of them. Together, Sakura and Touya walked into the building that had a sign at the entrance that said, "Glory's Restaurant." A waiter, who was wearing a black tuxedo, greeted Sakura and Touya.

"Mr. Kinomoto and Miss Kinomoto!" he exclaimed. "So nice to see you again!"

Sakura smiled at him. 'He means it's nice to see our money, not us.'

"Thank you," Touya said to the waiter. "We're here to have breakfast with Miss Daidouji and Mr. Tukisiro. Have they arrived yet?"

The waiter nodded. "Yes they have, sir. I'll lead you to them," he said and started to walk farther into the restaurant. Sakura and her brother followed the waiter. She saw her best friend, Tomoyo, and her brother's best friend, Yukito, sitting together at a table talking to one another. The purple haired girl saw Sakura and Touya walking towards them first.

"Sakura!" she called out to her best friend. The girl rushed over to embrace her young friend.

"Hello Tomoyo," Sakura said, hugging her.

Tomoyo Daidouji is the daughter of billionaire James and Sonomi Daidouji. Her family owns a very highly popular clothing store. Tomoyo, herself, is a single woman of the same age of Sakura.

"How are you?" Sakura asked Tomoyo, as she released from their hug. The two took their seats at the table. Touya and Yukito started to enter a conversation of their own.

Tomoyo smiled. "Great! You?"

"I'm fine."

"You've got a date tonight with Dave, don't you?"

Sakura smiled and nodded. "Yes I do."

Tomoyo squealed. "Oh! Let me make your dress, please?"

Sakura sweatdropped. "Of course you can, Tomoyo."

Tomoyo giggled with happiness.


"Syaoran! There's another ship coming in!"

A chocolate haired boy groaned. "Okay. More cargo to unload," he muttered as he walked over and stood next to a purple haired male.

"Long day, Syaoran?" the male asked.

Syaoran nodded. "Like normal, Eriol."

Syaoran Li and his best friend, Eriol Hiiragizawa, live together in a small apartment in south New York. Both men work at the docks and work sunrise to sun down. The two men work hard unloading cargo from ships that come into the bay. Syaoran and Eriol both work hard trying to stay alive, but with the pay they get, which was a dollar a week, they pass by barely.

"Only around ten more hours, my friend," Eriol told Syaoran.

Syaoran sighed. "Yep."

Once the ship arrived at the port, the men went straight to work.

"Syaoran, are you going up town tonight?" Eriol asked as he stacked a box on top of another.

"Yep," Syaoran said as he put a large box down and went for another box on the ship. "I'm supposed to go see my cousin who works at some restaurant up in the richer part of town. Did you want to go with me?"

Eriol grabbed another box and started to take it down where the rest of the boxes were. "Nah, that's okay. I'll pass. I can't stand going up to that part of town."

"Way too many snotty people for ya, Eriol?" Syaoran asked.

Eriol wrinkled his nose. "Way too many! They make me sick to my stomach."

Syaoran smiled. "I'll bring you back some dinner."

"Please do!"


Sakura turned around while looking down at the dress Tomoyo made her. The dress was of a dark blue color, which looked great on her. The sleeves on the dress went as far as her elbows and the bottom dragged slightly on the ground.

Sakura smiled. 'Tomoyo has out done herself once again.'

Sakura heard a knock on the door and her father, Fujitaka, entered the room.

"Dave is here," he told her.

Sakura smiled. "Thank you," she said as she walked over to him and gave him a hug. She grabbed her purse and exited the room. She entered the room where Dave was waiting and saw him sitting next to Touya on the sofa.

"Here's my darling," Dave said as he saw Sakura. He got up and walked over to her.

Sakura smiled and kissed him on the check.

"Are you ready?" he asked her.

Sakura nodded and the two of them left for the restaurant.

Dave took her to the most expensive restaurant called Gatsby's. They were served right away and the two began to talk, but not long after, friends of Dave's interrupted them.

"Mr. Slate!" Dave said as he shook the guy's hand. "So nice to see you!"

Mr. Slate was a handsome man. He looked to be a tad bit older then Dave. He had brown hair with dark eyes and looked just plain rich.

The man smiled at Dave. "You too, Mr. Futo. Mind if my wife and I join you?" he asked, gesturing to a short blonde haired lady. Dave smiled at her and she smiled back with a sparkle in her eye.

Dave was rather quick to answer. "Of course we don't mind! Pull up some chairs and join us for dinner."

A couple of waiters brought over a couple of chairs for Mr. and Mrs. Slate to sit with Dave and Sakura. Mr. Slate sat right next to Sakura. If you asked Sakura though, he was sitting a tad bit to close. She looked over at where Dave and Mrs. Slate sat. They looked like they were sitting a tad bit close, but Dave didn't seem to mind.

Sakura glared at the two when all of a sudden, she felt a hand on her knee. Sakura felt uneasy feeling going up her spine.

"So Miss…?" Mr. Slate began.

"Kinomoto," Sakura said, slapping his hand away. That did not discourage him. She felt his hand on her knee again.

"Don't try to be frisky with me, doll," he whispered close to her ear.

Sakura stood up. She wasn't going to tolerate this a moment longer.

"I think a rich man like you could at least come up with a better name to call me besides 'doll' since you obviously lack the manners that a man should have, you selfish pervert," she said. She looked over at Dave for some help. "Aren't you going to help me? This man was trying to make a move on me and you aren't even going to try and protect me?"

(A.N.: I don't think a person from the 1890's would be so open when they are talking, but I thought that it was necessary here. -_-' Sorry!)

Dave stood up and looked at Sakura. "You're a woman. Women don't have rights. I could care less about what he does to you!" Without another word, he slapped Sakura right across the face.

(A.N.: Sorry, but I have to say this. It is a given fact that husbands could slap their wives legally. Women had NO rights back then. Men, don't say that you wish that it was that way now or I'll be very mad. Put yourselves in our shoes. Okay, I'll shut up now.)

Sakura put a hand up to where Dave slapped her.

'I don't believe this!' she thought. She looked down and saw Mrs. Slate was smiling at her in an evilly way.

Sakura grabbed her purse and rushed out of the restaurant with tears coming to her eyes. She turned into a dark alley and bumped into someone. She braced herself for impact with the ground, but the person grabbed onto her wrist to keep her from falling. Sakura opened her eyes to see that it was a man. She immediately held arms up in defense.

"Please don't hit me or yell!" she sobbed.

"I would do no such thing!" she heard the man say. "I would think a man would have better manners than that, Miss."

Sakura put down her arms and looked at the guy. He was one of the many slums of New York City. She could tell just by the clothing he was wearing. Other then that…he was kind of cute. He had beautiful amber eyes and brown hair that was disheveled.

The man gasped and put a hand to Sakura's cheek where Dave had slapped it.

"Looks like somebody slapped you," he said with a soft gentle tone. "No wonder why you were scared I would hit you."

Sakura backed away from him. "Yes I was slapped," she said.

The guy frowned. "I'm not going to hurt you," he assured her. "I wouldn't dare strike a lady."

"You're very kind, sir," Sakura said as she started to walk away.

"If you'd like," she heard him say, "I'll walk you to where ever you are going."

She turned to look at him. "Why would you do that, Mister?"

The man smiled. "To make sure you get to your destination safely, Miss. If you would also like, I'm a great listener. You could tell me everything that happened."

Sakura considered the man's offer. "I thank you for you kind offer, sir, but I have no business with a man like you," she said and started to walk away again.

The man sighed. "Be discriminate if you want, Miss, but we, 'slums' like you wealthy people like to call us, think of you just as rudely as you do to us."

Sakura turned back around. "Then why would you like to help me with me problem?"

"Just to be kind and so both of us could have a bit of company on our way home," the man said smiling. "Even though the other doesn't like how the other lives."

Sakura thought about the man's offer again.

"What is your name?" she asked him.

"Syaoran Li," he answered. "And yours is…?"

"Sakura Kinomoto," Sakura told him. "I accept your offer. I need someone to talk to whom I don't know tonight. Thank you for your offer."

Syaoran smiled. "No problem," he said walking up to her. "So what happened?"

Sakura and Syaoran started to walk and talk, but they didn't take the main streets. They took the dark streets where no one could see them.

"And after I told Mr. Slate to stop, Dave said that women have no rights and he…and he slapped me!" Sakura sobbed. She felt a hand on her shoulder causing her to look up into the amber eyes of Syaoran.

"You don't need him," he told the crying female. "Heck, he's lucky to even lay his eyes on you!"

Sakura giggled and stopped her crying. "Thank you. Anyways, enough about me. How about you?"

"What do you want to know?" Syaoran asked.

"Why were you up in the northern part of town?"

Syaoran sighed. "Well…my cousin works at Daisy's, a restaurant on…"

"…on the corner of Wall and Fourth," Sakura finished for him, smiling. "What does he look like?"

"Well…" Syaoran began, "first of all, he's a she…"

Sakura sweatdropped. "I knew that."

Syaoran smirked. "Sure you did. Anyways, she has black hair and ruby red eyes."

"Do you have any other family?"

Syaoran shook his head. "No, but I am living with my best friend, Eriol Hiiragizawa. He and I work together also."

Sakura frowned and looked down at the ground as they continued to walk. "I'm sorry."

Syaoran smiled. "Don't be. Eriol and I have had the best times together."—Sakura looked up at him—"That's one thing your social group and my social group think differently on. You see, Sakura, you don't have to be rich to have a good time."

Sakura stopped walking and looked up at him confused. "You don't?"

Syaoran nodded and stopped walking also. "You don't. In fact, I think lower class people have more fun because we get closer to our friends and family. We also have fun that doesn't cost even a dime. Being poor can be sometimes better then being rich."

Sakura looked down. "I see."

Syaoran continued. "I have heard that you rich people really don't have a choice on who to marry either."

Sakura nodded. "That's basically true."

Syaoran shook his head. "I disagree with that belief of your social group also," Syaoran said. "I believe that even though people control almost everything in your life, Sakura, you should have the power on who you want to marry. Even if everything else goes wrong in your life, I believe everyone should have a chance to really be loved not because of the person's money."

Sakura thought about what Syaoran said.

'He speaks the truth,' she thought. 'I wish that my father and brother wouldn't have a say on who I should date or who I should marry. I want to be the one to choose.'—She looked up at Syaoran—'He's starting to prove to me that poor guys have more manners then rich guys do. I hope that I'm right. We need nice guys in the world somewhere.'

She and Syaoran continued to walk. They arrived at the Ritz Hotel not long after.

Sakura turned to Syaoran. "Thank you for walking me. I must say that our talk brightened up my evening."

Syaoran smiled. "I'm glad."

Sakura turned and started to walk towards the hotel. Once she reached the entrance, she turned around for one last glance at Syaoran, but he was gone.

'I wish I could see him again,' Sakura thought. 'He was a sweet and kind guy.'

Syaoran took the back way down in southern New York. The whole way there, he couldn't keep his mind off of the girl who he just met.

'I never would have imagined that being rich was so hard,' he thought. 'I feel sorry for the girl.'

Syaoran walked into a dirty looking building and climbed a couple flights of stairs. He walked down the hall a ways and stopped a couple doors down. He entered into a room that had a small bed on one side of the room and the rest of the room was bare. He saw a figure laying on the small bed.

"I'm home, Eriol," Syaoran said to the figure.

"I sure hope it's you, Syaoran, or else I'd be in trouble," the figure replied, not moving.

Syaoran laughed. He reached inside the pocket of his shirt and pulled out a brown sack. He threw the sack at Eriol.

"Here's your dinner."

Eriol sat up quickly and started to dig for the contents in the bag.

"Thank you," he said as he started to eat. "Tell your cousin thanks the next time you see her."

Syaoran nodded as he sat down next to him on the bed. He looked like his mind was on another planet.

"Something on your mind, Syaoran?" Eriol asked as he took another bit of the food.

Syaoran nodded.

"Well, what is it, buddy?" Eriol asked.

Syaoran hesitated before answering. "I met this girl tonight. Her boyfriend slapped her on their date and she was really upset about it."

"How terrible!" Eriol exclaimed.

Syaoran nodded. "At first she sort of treated me like crap, but once she got to know me, she turned out to be very kind to me."

"That's nice."

"Her name was Sakura Kinomoto. You never would have guessed that she was rich."


"SHE WAS WHAT!?!?!?!?!?"

Syaoran winced. "Rich."

Eriol groaned. "Syaoran, how could you? You didn't fall in love with her did you?"

Syaoran shook his head. "Heavens no! I just felt sorry for her. That's all."

Eriol shook his head. "I can't believe you talked with our moral enemy."

Syaoran laid back on the bed. "You act as though I committed a murder or something."

"It's in the same flipping category, Syaoran!" Eriol yelled. "Heck, it should be considered a crime! Poor people aren't supposed to talk to rich people. That is just how it is and always will be!"

Syaoran sighed. "Doesn't matter anymore. I won't see her again. Her mind probably went back to being a snob once she entered the hotel doors."

Eriol nodded. "Most likely. Let's get some sleep. We've got to go to work bright and early tomorrow morning."

Syaoran groaned and tried to get comfortable on the small bed. "Work equals torture."

Eriol nodded sleepily. "I couldn't have said it better myself, my friend."


Sakura awoke the next morning by a knock on her door.

"Who is it?" she asked as she rubbed her eyes.

"It's Tomoyo!" she heard from the other side of her bedroom door.

"Come in," Sakura said.

Tomoyo entered the room. "So how was your date last night?" she asked as she sat at the end of Sakura's bed.

Sakura groaned and laid back down. "I don't think you want to know, Tomoyo."

Tomoyo frowned. "That bad?"

Sakura nodded. "Yeah, but the best part of my night happened after I ran out of the restaurant crying."

Tomoyo blinked. "Boy, when you said it was bad, I didn't think it was that bad."

Sakura smiled. "No. I met a sweet kind young man about our age. His beliefs were very truthful."

Tomoyo smiled. "Tell me more about this man."

Sakura sighed remembering the amber eyes that her young escort to the hotel had last night. "He was worried about me when he saw the bump on my check where Dave slapped me."

Tomoyo gasped. "Dave slapped you?"

Sakura nodded. "Yes, he did. Anyways, this young man had the most beautiful amber eyes I've ever seen. He also had messy brown hair."

Tomoyo sighed. "He sounds gorgeous."

Sakura smiled. "He was. There's just one problem though."

Tomoyo gasped. "Don't tell me here's married already!"

Sakura shook her head. "No he isn't…at least I don't think he was. He was a poor."


"HE'S WHAT!?!?!?!?!?" Tomoyo screamed.

"You heard me," Sakura said. "He's poor."

Tomoyo groaned. "No! You feel in love with a poor man? Sakura, how…how could you?"

Sakura blushed. "I didn't fall in love with him! I just found him sweet and kind."

'I would like to see him again though,' Sakura thought. 'He makes me feel all happy in side.'

Tomoyo sighed and pulled the covers off Sakura. "Come on," she said. "I'm taking you out for breakfast. You need something to clear your mind."

Sakura frowned. 'Tomoyo acts like Syaoran would have killed me,' she thought. 'Syaoran's too sweet to do something like that.'

Sakura got dressed and Tomoyo took her to down Wall Street. It wasn't until they sat down when Sakura realized where Tomoyo had taken her. They were at Daisy's, the restaurant where Syaoran said his cousin works at.

Sakura smiled and started to look around the restaurant.

'Black hair, a female, and ruby red eyes,' she thought, remembering Syaoran's description of his cousin from the night before.

"Sakura, what are you doing?" she heard Tomoyo ask.

Sakura didn't look at her. She just answered, "Nothing," and continued with her search. She spotted a skinny black haired girl serving a male his food.

Sakura stood up and told Tomoyo that she'd be right back. She started to walk over to the waiter, hoping that she was Syaoran's cousin, and once she reached the girl, she tapped her on the shoulder.

The girl turned around to face Sakura. The girl had ruby red eyes.

Sakura's heart jumped. 'It has to be her!' she thought.

"May I help you?" the waitress asked.

'Oh I hope it is! Then, I'll find out where Syaoran lives.'


Sakura sweatdropped. "Um…sorry if I was staring," Sakura said. "Can I ask you something?"

The girl nodded her head. "Yes."

Sakura's heart started to speed up. "Are you cousins to a man named Syaoran?"

The girl frowned. "Yes I am. Is Syaoran in trouble?"

'Great!! Now I'll just ask her where I can find Syaoran again,' Sakura thought.

Sakura shook her head. "No, he isn't in trouble. Um…can you tell me where he works or where I can find him?"

"He works down at the docks," the waitress answered. "May I ask why you want to know where my cousin works?"

Sakura sweatdropped. "I bumped into him the other night and would like to thank him for being so kind to me."

The girl blinked. "Oh, well…if that's all."

Sakura nodded. "Can I ask of your name?"

"Are you sure you want to know that?"

Sakura's face saddened. "I would like to. My name is Sakura Kinomoto," she said, bowing.

"I'm Meilin Li."

"Nice to meet you, Meilin," Sakura said.

Meilin smiled. 'Maybe rich people aren't so bad after.'

"I better go," Sakura said. "Thank you for the information!" Sakura walked back over to the table where Tomoyo was sitting.

"What were you doing?" Tomoyo asked as Sakura sat down.

"Talking to the waitress," Sakura answered, sounding as if she's done it a million times before. "I can't stay long. I have to go somewhere."

Tomoyo narrowed her eyes. "Where?"

Sakura sweatdropped. 'How am I going to get tell her?'

"A place. That's all you need to know, Tomoyo."

"Why aren't you going to tell me, Sakura?" Tomoyo asked.

Sakura shook her head. "You don't need to know."

Right before Tomoyo tried again, a waitress arrived with their food. There was no conversation during their breakfast nor did Sakura want any. Although, she would had invited Tomoyo's conversation more then their unwanted guest that arrived towards the end of their breakfast.

"Good Morning, Sakura."

Sakura turned to see David standing next to her.

"Good Morning and by the way, the name is Miss Kinomoto to you," Sakura said. "I'd rather not talk to you, Mr. Futo. Good day."

David growled. "Don't talk to me like that, Saku…"—Sakura glared—"…Sakura."

Sakura looked away.

Dave stomped away. 'You just watch. I'm going to win you back.'

"How could you do that, Sakura?" Tomoyo hissed. "He was willing to have you back in his life and you just pushed him away like he was last week's garbage!"

"I never did like that creep."


Sakura stood up from the table. "I must go, Tomoyo. Thank you for breakfast." She walked out of Daisy's and towards the Ritz Hotel.

'She's up to something,' Tomoyo thought. 'I better keep a watch on her.'

Sakura walked into the Kinomoto's penthouse hotel room.


Sakura turned around to see her brother walking out of his bedroom. Sakura's heart sank.

"Yes Touya?"

"I got a call from David," he said, walking closer to her.

Sakura gulped. "Brother, he was flirting with another girl and then he slapped me! Please don't be mad at me for sticking up for my rights!"

Sakura's eyes filled up with tears. Touya walked over to her. Sakura shut her eyes, prepared for a slap, but it never came.  She felt herself pulled into a hug.

"I understand," Touya said.

Sakura opened her eyes and looked up at her brother. "You mean…you actually believe in what I say?"

Touya nodded. "I'd trust my sister over any person."

Sakura hugged her brother. "I wasn't sure if you'd believe me or not."

"He didn't tell me the whole story," Touya said as they released their hug.

Sakura smirked. "Wouldn't doubt it. I have something to take care of. I'll see you later." Sakura started to leave the penthouse.


Sakura turned around to look at her brother again. "Yes Touya?"

The blacked haired man smiled. "If you ever need help with a man, you know that I'll always offer my help, right?"

Sakura smiled. "Yes, I do," she said. She walked over to him and gave him a kiss on the check. "Thank you, Touya. Bye!" With that said, Sakura left the penthouse. She exited the hotel and entered the carriage.

"Take me to the docks, William," Sakura told the driver. The driver nodded and started in the direction of the docks.


Syaoran yawned as he put another box down. "Is it just me or is this work day longer then it used to be?" he asked Eriol.

Eriol shrugged. "They always seem as though they get longer each day we go to work."

Syaoran yawned again and nodded. "Guess you're right."

"Are you Mr. Syaoran Li?"

Syaoran turned around to see a man standing not to far from him. He was a tall blonde hair man and looked as if he was in his thirties.

Syaoran nodded. "Yes I am. May I help you?"

The man bowed. "My name is William. I am the driver of the Kinomoto family."

Syaoran felt his heart catch in his throat. 'Kinomoto? Wasn't that Sakura's last name?'

"You don't say?" Syaoran said. "What is your business with me then, William?"

"Miss Sakura would like to see you again," William said. "She sent me to ask you when would be the perfect time to meet."

Eriol glared at the man. 'Sakura? Isn't that the girl's name that Syaoran met last night? I do not like this.'

Syaoran felt his heart jump. 'She actually wants to meet me?' he thought. 'I don't believe it. Why would she want to meet me again?'

"Mr. Li?"

Syaoran shook his head clear of his thoughts. "Um…tell her that tonight, around eight, in the park at the water fountain would be best."

The man bowed again and walked off.

Syaoran turned around to start work again, but Eriol stopped him.

"You're going to meet with her again?" Eriol asked.

Syaoran nodded. "Don't start with me, Eriol. I know what you're going to say."

Eriol growled. "And what am I going to say?"

Syaoran rolled his eyes. "That she's rich and is our moral enemy."

'I was going to say that,' Eriol thought.

"She's probably planning a trap," Eriol said.

Syaoran sighed. "Whatever you say, Eriol."

"Fine if you're going to act that way, I'm going with you!" Eriol declared.

Syaoran turned to look at him. "You're what?"

"Going with you."

Syaoran shook his head. "No you're not. You have no reason to be there."

"Yes I do," Eriol said. "To make sure that my best friend is not going to fall in love with some snotty rich girl who lives in upper New York. The relationship has 'disaster' written all over it!"

"Who says that there's going to be a relationship?" Syaoran asked. "Maybe she wants to thank me for what I did the other night."

"Doubt it," Eriol said. "Girls like that don't say thank you for anything."



Sakura waited impatiently for William's return.

'I hope he meets with me again,' she thought.

She saw William walking towards her and rushed over to him.

"What did he say?" she asked quickly. "Did he say he'll meet with me again?"

The man bowed. "He said he'll meet you at the water fountain in the park at eight tonight."

Sakura had to restrain herself from jumping up and down. She bowed to the man. "Thank you."

"You're welcome, Miss Kinomoto," William said.

"Drive me back to the hotel?" she asked.

The man nodded and helped Sakura into the carriage. He got in the front seat and started to drive the horses in the direction of the Ritz Hotel. When the carriage arrived at the hotel, Sakura was greeted by Tomoyo, who didn't look to happy.

"Is there something wrong, Tomoyo?" Sakura asked as she stepped out of the carriage.

"Is there something wrong?" Tomoyo squeaked. "Where on earth did you go?"

Sakura winced. "Keep it down, Tomoyo!" She grabbed her friend's arm and dragged her into the hotel. Sakura took Tomoyo up to the Kinomoto's penthouse and into her room. Sakura sat on the bed and Tomoyo sat down next to her.

Sakura smiled. "I'm going to go see him tonight."

"I hope you don't mean that slum," Tomoyo said snottily.

Sakura frowned. "Syaoran's not just a slum. When I talked to him, he talked with so much truth," she said with a sigh.

Tomoyo smirked. "Yeah right. With all the knowledge a slum has, then there probably was not very much truth in it."


"Well, it's the truth!" Tomoyo said. "Well…if you must go…I'll go with you then."

Sakura frowned. "You have no need to go with me! Syaoran is a very nice man!"

"I'm going with you," Tomoyo repeated, sounding determined.


For Sakura, eight o'clock seemed to take forever to come around. Unusually, Tomoyo didn't make her a dress for her to wear to meet Syaoran in. Sakura found this funny though and didn't mind. When it was time to meet Syaoran, William took both girls to the entrance of the park. When Sakura and Tomoyo came in view of the water fountain, Sakura could see two tall male figures.

'Syaoran must be one, but who's the other?' she thought.

When they got closer, Sakura could make Syaoran very clearly and the other guy had purple hair and looked as if he was the same age of Syaoran.


Syaoran turned around to see an auburn girl walking towards him and Eriol followed by a purple haired girl that looked the age of the auburn haired girl.

Syaoran smiled. "Sakura!"

The girl smiled at him. "So nice to see you again."

Syaoran smiled at her. "Nice to see you again also. I must say though, I was very surprised when your driver said that you wanted to meet again."

Sakura looked down. "Well…I wanted to see you again."—She looked behind Syaoran at the other male—"I see you brought a friend also."

Syaoran sweatdropped. 'If you call it brining…'


Sakura walked up to Eriol and bowed. "My name is Sakura Kinomoto."—She gestured behind her at Tomoyo—"This is my best friend, Tomoyo Daidouji."

Tomoyo didn't bow and Eriol didn't say anything.

Syaoran smiled. "Hello Tomoyo. I'm Syaoran Li and this…"—He gestured to Eriol—"…is my best friend, Eriol Hiiragizawa."

Again, Tomoyo and Eriol didn't do anything.

Sakura smiled at Eriol. "So nice to meet you, Eriol."

Eriol glared at her. 'She's going to break Syaoran's heart. I won't let her do this!'

"I wish I could say the same."


That's it until next time! ^_^ So…how did you guys like it? I hope you liked it. I'm happy with it. This story isn't going to be as long as "Don't Be Scared." I wish it would be though. Anyways, I left you guys at a sort of cliffhanger. I already have the next chapter typed so it won't be long till the next chapter is posted. I just need to edit it. So there will be no doubt that I'll post it on Friday.

Till next time!

Ja ne!

Cutie Blossom