I've written WAAAAAAY too much fanfic about the Unseelie Court. Okay, I wrote three, that's lot, right? :P Anyways, here's a fanfic about the Seelie Court and of course, PUCK! Pretend that Ash and Meghan are together again, and living happily ever after somewhere else. Puck comes home to the Seelie Court, and this is his story.

My name is Rinna. Everyone calls me Rin. I'm a hunter and a spy, and somewhat the Summer king's favorite. I have two unusual gifts: I'm immune to iron, and I can't be found if I don't want to. I live alone at the edge of the wyldwoods, between the summer palace and the wyldwoods, and away from the swirling mass of red, gold, and yellow that surrounds the palace. Up until a few years (or maybe decades?) ago, my best friend was Puck. Then he got all cozy with Meghan, and I don't know anymore.

It was on a warm, lazy afternoon when it all began. I woke up to the noon sun beating down through the window and winced. I'd just slept away half of a perfect hunting day. I tugged at my long, straight dark red hair and tried to pull a few stray strands of hair into the proper place. Emitting a frustrated groan in defeat, I tugged the red hair into a low side ponytail. Rubbing sleep out of my dark green eyes, I shrugged into a black shirt, large green hoodie, black jeans, and black hunting boots.

Pixies buzzed around outside the window, pressing their tiny faces against the small faery glass of the windows. Grabbing an apple, I slid a dagger into each of my boots, I hid a gun and a pack of iron coated bullets under my hoodie. Then, after I made sure that none of my weapons were visible, I grabbed a bow and arrow and headed out.

Squinting my eyes through the hazy yellow light, I bounded through the wyldwoods. The wind tousled my hair and stung my eyes in a familiar gesture, but the sound of screaming ravens and deafening roar of… something else wasn't familiar.

I stopped. The road before me was littered with black feathers, and scorched thoroughly with fire. I looked up at the leafy canopy of dark green trees, most of which had escaped the fire. The roaring and clashing of swords drifted closer, and I scaled a nearby tree, bow and arrow drawn out. A large, hideous green and brown dragon lumbered past, breathing barrel loads of fire at a familiar red haired fae. Puck.

I gasped, and nearly fell off the tree. The rustling sound startled Puck, and he whirled around, just as the dragon brought its claws down on top of him. There was a sickening sound of tearing flesh, and I released the arrow.

The dragon hissed as the iron tipped arrow sank into its side. I released another arrow, and another, and soon the dragon was reduced to a small, wiggling ball of fire breathing dragon scales. Puck looked wildly around, daggers drawn out, his face splattered with blood. When his back was turned to me, I dropped out of the tree on the impulse to scare him. He turned around slowly, then took in my hair, eyes, face, bow, and arrow.

"Holy shit. Rinna?" Puck asked. I nodded, somewhat stiffly.

"What?" Puck asked at my hostility, then stopped.

"Sorry?" Puck said, making it sound more like a question than an apology. I crossed my arms, and shifted my weight from one leg to the other. He reached out and touched my arm. I blinked. This was totally unlike the Puck I used to know.

"Either you forgive me, or you're having ravens dropping things on your head until you do," Puck drawled, returning to his normal self. I rolled my eyes.

"Yeah sure whatever," I said. Then, without warning, I shoved him hard in the chest.

"That's for ditching me," I kneed him in the stomach , "That's for making me worry," I punched his gut, "That's for scaring me." He staggered backwards, then a smiled drawled out across his face.

"I feel the love," He said, placing a hand dramatically over his heart. I rolled my eyes and shoved him again.