If your reading this, I'm either dead or somebody stole my di-uh, I mean, journal. If it's the first one, read on, I probably won't give a crap where I am now. But if not… you have five minutes to put it back or something very bad will happen to you. You're probably rolling your eyes and such, but I mean it. PUT IT BACK.

Now, if you don't care about an adventure filled with danger, tragedy, and romance… go ahead, read on! Because this story doesn't have that…most of the time, but if you like bending the facts of the universe by being absorbed into a video game, and all the wacky adventures and crazy "free Pokemon" nuts that you can stand? Bingo, ding, ding, and ding! You just won a brand new car! And if your looking around for said car, you're crazier than I am.

And that's saying something.


Guess we'll start at the beginning. I know, they're terribly boring, but you got to have back-story! Without a back-story, this shit doesn't make any sense whatsoever! So please deal with this for a few paragraph's. It was a cool March day in a sleepy little beach town by the coast. The only game store in town was about to open, and little girls and boys (some not so little) were eagerly awaiting the release of what was sure to be the next big blockbuster for a company called Game Freak. Yes folks, you guessed it, the day had finally arrived. The only thing separating eager players from a whole new region of thrills and spills was a thin glass door.

But, I was not with these eagerly awaiting gamers, some of them fledglings; others full game addicts searching for the next high-score. No, I was patiently waiting, and by patiently, I mean ready to tear my hair out.

"I promise not to play it!" I begged my parental unit.

"Sorry, kiddo." The ole' man replied.

"…Please?" I shot up the 'big blue eyes'.

"…" He continued to read the paper. Damn him. Well, no, if he was dammed into the pits of Hades I wouldn't be able to get my game. Mom had left in the wee hours of the morning to visit an old college friend, catch up and talk about the days before they had stretch marks.

"Dad, I swear that I will not play this game until after my History exam." I am a truthful person, and the big lug knows it. He looks up at my pleading eyes, knowing that once again, he'll fail to see through to the calculative mind hidden behind.

"…Fine. I'll take you to the game store, why do you want this game so much?" He questioned.

"It isn't just a game, it's Pokemon Black/White!" I announced. Dad looked unimpressed.

"You still like Pokemon?" He pronounces 'pokemon' like 'poke-eee-mon' to show his disdain.

"I do well in school, I don't smoke, I don't go to wild parties and I'm relatively good kid. Let me be a nerd in peace." I deadpanned.

"Fine, fine. But Kid," His blue eyes behind thick glasses very similar to mine appeared serious. "No playing it until you're tests are over. Got it?"

"Got it." I said, before hugging my Dad, he's a really a big softy at times.

"But first, we need to run a few errands!"



So, by the time I had reached the SINGLE game store in the ENTIRE town, it was already mid-afternoon, and I was dropped off to look for the meager pickings left behind. Please let them still have Pokemon Black, please, oh please… was my thought process at that time. I'm sorry, but I'd rather have stronger pokemon and a better Legendary, I was never good at completing Pokedex's, and when I did, it was only so I could reach National Mode if I hadn't already after defeating the elite four.

I entered Game Stop, a light ding signaling my arrival, and walked over to the counter top, where there was a guy maybe in college that I would chat with from time to time when I came to get a game. I waited patiently in the now small line to get my game. The college guy smiled at me and I smiled back. I had come in to get an event thing a few weeks ago; he and his friend said they liked my dsi. …Well, it's a nice compliment, okay!

"Pokemon Black, please." I asked the cashier, who's smile quickly turned into a frown.

"Sorry, it's… kind of sold out."

I frowned at that as well, but heard the loophole.

"…What'd ya mean, by 'kinda'?" I inquired.

"Well, we have one Pokemon Black and one Pokemon White left in the store before we need to wait for another shipping…"

"So? The last Black Version hasn't been bought yet, right?"


"Or pre-ordered?"

"Well, no, but…"

"So, I'll take it." I smiled. My cashier friend sighed, before heading over to where the remaining Black/White merchandise was stocked, bringing the last two games out. White Version seemed to be in mint condition, but with Black, there were weird smudges in certain places, and the whole plastic wrapping had been ripped off.

"What happened to it?" I said.

"We're not sure, it could have been someone tried to steal the game before it came to us and was caught, or faulty shipping, the case may not look as pretty anymore, but I'm sure the game is safe," Mr. Cashier replied, inspecting it, before looking at me. "If you have your heart set on the game, I can lower the price a little."

My eyes flicked back and forth. This really sucks, I wanted Black so badly… there's nothing stopping me from getting White, but…

I stared at the case for a while.

The game should be fine… and if it isn't I can just return it and get a refund!

I made my decision.

"Pokemon Black, please." I repeated, giving the cashier my money, while he gave me the game in a bag and my change.

"Happy gaming." He said to me, though with a weird sheen in his eye. I nodded, before exiting the store. Must've been a trick of the light…


Fast forward to nighttime. Hours of studying completed, shower done, in nice, comfortable pajamas and a full hour before bed. I was sitting on my bed, my DSi and the case of Pokemon Black beside me. Debating on whether to open the case… or wait. I promised that I would wait… if Dad found out, he'd take away the game and my DS until Spring Break, but…

The game's case felt cool in my hands, almost urging me to open it. If I don't find out now, who's to say that if it doesn't work, they won't take the game back, warranty and all that crap, right? …Right!

I smiled, opening the case to find the inside intact, now switching of handbook or warning guides were out of place, and the game perfectly snug in it's holder.

…But I had to check if it was playable, just in case.

Just in case…

Just in case… My mind chanted as I put the game into the consol and opened up the game menu, finding a familiar pokeball insignia. I pressed it with my stylus and waited for the opening preview and credits… but they never came.


Instead, the screen was pitch black, white words were typed onto the screen.


Maybe it's supposed to be a new opening sequence when you first play the game. I foolishly thought. So I typed in my name.



Ugh, I always hated that part, my name can really only be a girl's name…

I pressed GIRL.

The screen became black again, and a whirring sound came from the stereos.

Are you ready?

Okay, this is starting to freak me out…but it's just a game, right?

I pressed the only possible button for me.


With that, the screen turned bright white; I could here two roars pounding at my eardrums.

One final scrawl in black:


The room seemed to shake, like when we would have earthquakes from time to time. As the room started to shake more, I tried to walk out of my room, but the door slammed shut. I started pounding on it. "Mom! Dad! Help me!" I screamed, but it was no use, nobody came, and shaking was growing faster and faster. I jumped back on my bed, trying to turn off the power of my DSi, anything to make this stop! "Stop it! STOP IT!" I screamed. books and clothes fell to the floor from their perches. Things were crashing all around me in the cluttered room.

And, for a second, it stopped. The screen of the game consol glowed eerie white, I looked down to face it, before the whiteness blinded me, sucking me towards it, than I realized what was happening.

I'm being sucked into the game.

Well, it was a little too late now to realize that.

Now I was falling, cold air whipping my legs, arms, and face. I shut my eyes, not wanting to look at how high I was, knowing I'd hit something sooner or later. Why couldn't I die from something boring, like old age? I thought, still falling. Before I heard a weird, disembodied voice.

Open your eyes.

"Like hell I'm doing that!" I screamed.

Trust me, open your eyes.

I shook my head and covered my ears.


"Gah! Alright, alright!" I yelled back, opening my eyes and being welcomed to the view of about to be landing in some very flat plain of grass. "AAAAAAHHHH!"

I covered my eyes again, hearing the voice sigh, and after a moment, I noticed something.

I wasn't falling anymore.

"Oof!" Was the sound I made when I was dropped the rest of the remaining three feet, and belly flopping in the dirt. "Ugh…"

Nice landing.

I looked up and was ready to give that voice the bird when I noticed where I was exactly. "Where… am I?"

You'll have to figure that out yourself.

"What? And gross… I just took a shower…" I groaned and the red streaks of dirt on the front of my t-shirt and bare legs. "I just had to wear shorts to bed…"

Find your Dsi, it's the first step that will guide you on your journey…

"Hey! Wait a minute, where are you! How do I get out of here?"

Good bye, Celeste, good bye…

"YOU GET BACK HERE, VOICE!" I yelled, walking around, before tripping over a log and falling on my face, again. "Gravity, why do you hate me so?"

I looked up again, my vision slightly blurry because of a little thing called near-sight. What a night to not have glasses…

Until I saw something move in the distance, a pair of gleaming red eyes staring. I squinted, trying to see well, it. It looked… like some cross between a raccoon and chipmunk, it was a creature I have never saw before in my life, even on weird nature shows.

…And it was holding my Dsi in its mouth.

"Alright little buddy. Why don't you just give that back to me…" I said in a slow voice while creeping closer to the chipmunk… thingy. Its eyes turned to face me, while it's nose quivered. "That's right, I'm not gonna hurt you, just stay there…"

I was just a foot away from getting my game. "Maybe I'll put in a good word with the voice thing after it sends me back, yeah?"

Then it ran off, heating my face with its fuzzy tail. "Ugh! Come back here, you fucking oversized rodent!" I snarled, getting up and running after it, trying to ignore the feeling of loose rocks and what I hope were dirt clods on hitting my bare feet, following the bobbing white-tip of the Dsi thief. Until, the bobbing tail stopped. "Hah, got yo-wah!"

I tripped over another conveniently placed log. "I'm really starting to hate that…" Then I felt pressure on top of my back, I looked up to see it was another one of those rats. "Get off me…" I groaned. Before I started to feel more weight pile up, and stubby paws grab at my ankles. "Let me go!" I kicked and kicked as more and more jumped on me, the one who had my Dsi seemed to give me an evil grin, before… Oh God, the rat put my game in its whole mouth.

That's disgusting… I thought, before they all started to chat with each other, some of them that I could see pointed at me, gesturing, before the lead rat, the side of its cheek squarely jutting out so I could see my Dsi, pointed onward. A moment later, I was lifted by ten or more of those things and taken away, but not before one of them whacked me hard with its tail and knocked me out.


When I woke up, it was very dark, and dusty it seemed, I coughed out any dirt that had got in my mouth, before lifting my head up more and hitting it against some kind of ceiling. "Ow…" I moaned, before hearing something strange, it was… barking? "Huh?"

The barking got a little bit louder, along with the sound of paws digging into the dirt floor, then a whine. I began to crawl towards the sound, hoping I didn't meet any more of those rats…

I found a dirt covered scruffy ball of fur with big eyes looking at me.

"Um, hey there," I replied, the scruff ball barked back, before motioning with it's nose towards its leg, it appeared the small wall seemed to have collapsed on the limb, but it was to much dirt for the poor baby to dig. I began to carefully move dirt away and excavated for a few minutes before its leg was freed. The scruff ball seemed to shake off any excess dirt from its coat, before running over and licking my face in gratitude. I couldn't help but smile at its antics; scratching scruffy behind the ears and seeing its tail move dust particles in the air.

"You seem alright. Much better than those overlarge chipmunks, how'd you get stuck down here?"

The scruff ball pointed at the remaining dirt cave in, than took a few steps forward, while motioning its head in a searching motion.

"You got lost?"

Scruffy nodded in response.

So I have a smart scruff ball on my hands. I thought. "Now that you're free, do you think you could lead us out?"

It listened for a few seconds, before lifting it's head up into the air to take a sniff, than barking and wagging its tail.

"Lead the way."

I followed Scruffy through the tunnels, which surprisingly were actually pretty diverse, sometimes Scruffy would come at a fork and lift its head up in the air to sniff, then walk quickly in the other direction, one time I dared to look back and found a rather nice lavatory. "Gross." I muttered; it smelled worse than a broken sewer line! I began crawling in the opposite direction. Soon enough, through the scruff balls outline I saw the night sky. "We're almost out!" I cheered, or would have, if Scruffy hadn't started whining. "What's wrong?"

Scruffy motioned with its nose, slowly inching up the tunnel entrance, I followed suit. Once both of us could see just above the ground line, I really wished we hadn't. Those chipmunks seemed to be having some kind of ritual; each emptying some food from its cheeks in front of the one who's left cheek had a square imprint…

"That fucking rat." I hissed. Scruffy turned towards me with a silent yap. I sighed. "Listen, thank you for helping me, but…" I looked at how the head rodent emptied my Dsi on top of the small hill of food; slick with what I believed was saliva. "Both of us need to get home now."

The scruff ball tilted its head in confusion, while I smiled and rubbed its head one more time, before shimming out of the hole and crawling towards some bushes. The head rat started to chatter, while the others I could see listened. It made big motions with its hands, jumping in front of the food pile and seeming to scare any of the smaller one's that got to close.

What a bully. I thought, shimming ever closer to the game consol, until I was right behind the pile of food, I could still hear the rat chattering away. I inched my hand upwards towards the top of the pile, until feeling the still smooth, but wetness of my game consol. just as I was about to bring it down, a screeching noise came from behind.

Four sets of reddish eyes were on me; I yanked the Dsi the rest of the way, seeing my rodent chum fall down the little food hill and at my feet. That's when the screeching got higher-pitched. They could all see me now. I ran, the Dsi in my hand, and got a few feet before five of them launched up at me, their stubby paws seeming to turn sharp in an instant as they ripped at my shirt and pulled my hair, I went down on my stomach and covered my face, the feeling of a thousand little rat claws ripping at my clothes and legs was the single most nauseating experience in my life. (Though I'm sure there are plenty more to come!) After a few minutes of trying to get to my face, they stopped, a few of them pushing me onto my back, while the head rat landed on my stomach, seeming to giggle in glee, holding my Dsi up for the entire group to see, then turning its eyes back down on me. The look in its eyes held utter contempt, before opening its jaws wide and mashing down. My eyes widened.

Its gonna bite my face off.

I started to struggle again, but the rat's lackeys held me down, preventing me from escaping. One last giggle escaped its mouth, before mashing down again, only this time closer. I squeezed my eyes shut and turned my face to the side. Shit, shit, shit…

Just as its breath hit my cheek, the sound of its voice squealing deafened my ears and the weight of its body was shoved off me. I opened my eyes once my furry restrainers squealed as well, running away or diving back down into holes surrounding the area. My Dsi was on the ground, and I lunged to pick it up, hearing the sounds of a struggle. I looked up to see the scruff ball biting and holding on to dear life to one of the Rat's arms, while it flailed, trying to get free. "Wait a go!" I crowed.

Just then, the Rat began to shine. Scruffy released its hold and ran to me as I watched with awe. The rat's whole body seemed to stretch, becoming more elongated. And as the shine died off, its fur got redder, along with golden swipes on it chest, belly, and two on its tail. By the way it had its arms crossed, Rat reminded me of a referee.

"Did it just… evolve?" I gasped.

It's gaze turned on us, now seeming even more manic than before.

"Oh, shit." I muttered. Scruffy seemed to think the same thing, and ran away, I followed.


(Normal POV)

The newly evolved leader nearly dragged its subordinates out of the den, before running after the thieves. It had found that shiny food fair and square! It was there's! When it found those thieves, especially the human, it would show no mercy.

S-sir! One of the subordinates squeaked.

Yes, have you found them?

W-well, sir, uh, we kinda, sorta…

WELL? The leader roared.

L-l-lost their t-trail. The weakling fainted, as it should, while two other soldiers quickly carried the pokemon out of its sight.

The leader slapped its tail to and fro, squealing out into the night.


(Diary Entry)

I woke up to the sound of waves crashing on the beach and water lapping at my feet, the warmth of Scruffy's small and light body curled up on my middle. The sky was still slightly dark blue; it looked to be just before dawn. I slowly lifted the top half of my body up, looking around. Scruff ball led us to a stream earlier, which I waded in while carrying it and my Dsi out of the water, until we reached the mouth of an ocean. I remember putting both Scruffy and the game consol down before taking off my clothes and jumping into the water.

Dear God, I didn't care anymore if it I was naked in a possibly public place or that the water was freezing, it felt so good to wash all the dirt and sweat off. After finishing my impromptu bath, I waded out of the water, tried to flick off as much water as I could, before putting back on my clothes and curling up next to the warmth of the scruff balls coat.

I looked around some more, noticing that my Dsi was gone. My heart started to beat with panic, before noticing what was left behind. Because where I put my Dsi, there now laid a backpack. I inched closer and un-zipped the black material to see a bunch of little compartments, one had a small, leather bound journal next to a slightly bigger and smaller, yellowish orange notepad, along with a map. Another had some food and supplies that you would probably use for camping. The others… are where it got freaky. One small pouch had a few weird looking berries, one's that I had never seen before in my life, but looked familiar…

I went into another one, where it got even weirder, there were two little bottle-like things, silver and purple in color, along with a few spray bottles that were more compact. Then there were six of these little balls I could roll back and forth in my hand, until one of them enlarged. My mouth dropped.

It was a pokeball.

I clicked the middle to un-enlarge it, and put everything back into its proper place, before I noticed another pile close by. Scruffy gruffed in its sleep, and in the light, it looked… well, more like a Scottish dog, instead of a scruff-ball. I quietly lifted it off, before walking over to the bundle, where there were clothes. Black skinny jeans, a white v-neck with one red stripe trimmed along the collar and straight down the middle, along with a turquoise jacket with big white flaps at the opening and darker blackish pockets and shoulders.

This ensemble ended with bulky red and black shoes, tucked into one of them was a pair of socks and card, while the other had two devices. One looked like a cell phone with a blue and black pokeball insignia, the other a watch that had some kind of screen.

I gulped. No, it can't be… it can't!

On the watch, there was a note, written in a scrawl. Turn on.

Like the curious idiot I am, I did.

One side of the screen showed my bewildered face, while the other showed a figure in shadow.

"Greetings, Celeste. Welcome to the Unova Region." A voice said, slightly computerized to make it unable to decipher.

"This… this is…"

"Impossible? Must be a dream?" The voice said in a bored tone, like it had heard it before.

"Batshit insane." I deadpanned, causing a gruff chuckle to escape the shadowed figure's lips.

"Heh. We might just get along. I'm guessing from your night's activities, you'd like to go home, yes?"

"Uh, duh." I replied.

"Well, you can't."

I growled. Of course I can't.

"I got my fucking Dsi back from those rats that nearly bit my face off, I did what you voices asked, now. Let. Me. Go. Ho-"

"Go to the Dreamyard in Striaton City." The voice stated.


"If you go to the Dreamyard, you'll be closer."

"Closer to what? Getting home?"


That voice was starting to get on my nerves, even if it was computerized, it had an English accent, how original. NOT.

"…Fine." I muttered.

"Nice choice." The voice said. "My suggestion is to gather more Pokemon, you've seemed to have already befriended a Lillipup. It's a start."

"So… I have to catch Pokemon and stuff like that? Just like the game?"

"If you don't want to get attacked again, like with those Patrat." My eye-twitched, I rubbed the side of my head.

"Thank you, anything else?" My mouth oozed sarcasm.

"Yes, you might prefer to put on the clothes I acquired for you. Salt water doesn't really help a white t-shirt."

I looked down to find my pajama shirt was now very see-through. My face turned bright red as I covered my chest.


"Hey! I want to talk to her!" I higher computerized voice said as another shadow appeared.

"I said you could do it next time-! Hey-!"

"Hello? Hello? Oh, Hi, Celeste! Hope to talk to you soon. And don't worry, he's just mad because he ran out of cigarettes."



And with that, the screen turned black as I stared at it blankly. Before shaking my head and looking around to find the sun rising over the horizon, along with some grayish bird Pokemon flying through the air.

"Well, at least it's pretty here…" I muttered under my breath, before starting to get dressed and ready for what I'm sure would be a very long day.


(Normal POV)

"Ten year olds but into every thing." A male voice muttered under his breath.

"Nate, I'm FOURTEEN. FOUR-TEEN." A female voice, this one without a British accent replied, before sighing. "You sure it was okay to take those clothes?"

The male swore under his breath. Yep, no cigarettes left. "Does it look like we're some kind of bank, Em? Those people won't miss it."

The female sighed.

"Come on, we have to report back to Anna." The male voice replied, hoping there still would be some cigarettes and whisky left hidden...


"Hey, Mom?" Cheren enquired from his Mother when he woke up, who was humming as she made breakfast.

"Yes, dear?" The woman smiled.

"Where are my traveling clothes?"

"Oh, I left them on the clothesline to dry yesterday. I thought you brought them in?"

"…I didn't." Cheren deadpanned.

"…Oh dear."


"Black is going to love them…" A pretty woman said as she went to the super secret hiding place. (AKA, wedged between a little plant and a wall.) But was surprised to find the box of running shoes she bought had vanished.

"Oh, no…" A frown appeared on her face, before snapping her fingers. "Good thing I got that two for one deal! Now…" She looked around her house. "…Where did I hide those extra?"


DONE. *presses the 'Save' button*

You're all probably thinking that I am insane. Well, you would be correct. Yes, I've added ANOTHER STORY to my bunch of still unfinished creations. I would appreciate it if someone would put the dunce cap on my head, because I can't move my hands anymore.

Cakes and cookies for the people who guess correctly (though I made it painfully obvious) who the two 'voices' were, (Hint: They are regulars on TiNa *This is Not a Forum*)

Once I fully introduce them, I'll put them down below, but for now

Celeste: Me (MrMissMrs Random)

Disclaimer: I own nothing else but the plot.

Yeah, so, if you read. Review… and stuff.