Chapter One

"Mommy, Daddy. Can I go play?" Three-year old Harry Potter asked Lily and James Potter, his parents. "Have you gotten some blueberries for Fred yet?" Lily asked her youngest son coldly. "N-not yet." Harry stammered, unshed tears shining in his sad and lonely emerald eyes. "Then forget about it until you get those berries, and forget about eating for another day too." James said in distaste, giving his youngest son a kick in the ribs.

James and Lily walked upstairs to Hector Potter's room. Hector Potter, Lily and James Potter's oldest one. The Chosen One. The one destined to defeat Voldemort, the darkest wizard in this generation. Harry Potter's older twin brother. The one his parent's favored. So they spoiled him, making Harry Potter alone, lonely, sad and hungry.

Harry's stomach grumbled painfully. He hasn't eaten for over three days.

Setting off to the dangerous forest alone to retrieve fresh blueberries, Harry sniffled. No. He wasn't going to cry. He promised this to himself after Dumbledore announced that Fred is the Chosen One. He walked into the dark forest.


After two hours or so, Harry slumped against an oak tree; he was so hungry and tired. And he still hasn't found any berries.

Then he heard a hiss. "What is a young boy doing here?" Harry heard a voice hiss. "ShouldI eat it?" The voice hissed again, revealing itself as a snake.

"I won't hurt you."Harry hissed unaware to the snake language he was speaking in, Parsel tongue. "Oh. I see you are a speaker too, snake-child, there is only one speaker in the world now; I see you are a descendant of Master Salazar Slytherin. Just like Master."The snake hissed. "My name is Harry Potter, what is yours?"Harry hissed. The snake looked taken aback. 'A Potter out here? From the Light Side? And the child capable of speaking the snake language?' The snake thought. "I'm- Master calls me Nagini. I am his familiar" The snake- Nagini, hissed. "You're so beautiful." Harry admired in Parsel Tongue.

Wrapping her body playfully around Harry's thin and small body, she stroked her head soothingly against the boy's robes.


When Harry arrived home, he saw Sirius and Remus heading towards the Potter Manor. Harry almost forgot, today was Fred and his birthday. There's going to be a party for Fred, but once again none for Harry.

"Harry!" Remus exclaimed, seeing his godson all filthy, injured and tired.

"Uncle Moony!" Harry cried, running into Remus' open arms. Remus lifted Harry, but froze, Harry was too small and light, hasn't Lily or James fed Harry yet? "Where are your parents?" Sirius asked. "They're playing and feeding Fred." Harry said quietly, a look of pure hatred passed his face.

Sirius dashed into the manor without a word of thanks.

Remus lowered Harry on the ground and said, "Happy Birthday pup. Dumbledore called me for an Order of the Phoenix mission. So I got to go. Here." Remus handed Harry his first ever birthday gift. It was wrapped it red and gold wrapper.

"Thanks Uncle Moony." Harry said sincerely. "Bye Pup." Remus said dissapparating away with a 'pop'.

Harry looked at the sky thoughtfully. He could apparate. Although his parents knew this, they just told him not to do it because it could affect Fred's willingness to do magic because his younger brother was better.

Going into the manor, Harry walked upstairs to his room, which is the smallest bedroom in the house and one third the size of his parents' bedroom, and about one fourth the size of his brother's bedroom. Staring outside from his small and only bedroom window, Harry watched his father and brother play Quiditch without even inviting him.

And from a distance, Harry could see his mother gazing at them with a look of pride, warmth and joy. She looked up and saw Harry looking at them too. "Harry!" Lily said icily. "Get into your head into your room!"

Harry shot his head into his room and sat on his bed. 'No one loves me except Uncle Moony.' Harry thought sadly. 'I should just go away so no one would be sad. And there's only one person who would accept me.' Disapparating with a 'pop', even with the apparating shields, he managed to do it of his powerful magical core.

Voldemort looked at the child who just apparated into his Inner Death Eater meeting. "What are you doing here Potter?" He hissed at Harry. "I am here to join you, my Lord." Harry said quietly. "But you are a Light child." Voldemort said. "So what if I am a Light child. I hate the Light. They are stupid and worthless." Harry said coldly, evident anger obvious in his face. Voldemort looked at the child in awe.

'This is Potter, the brother of the Chosen One, who came to me into the Dark and wants to destroy the Light.' Voldemort thought. "Nagini."Voldemort hissed in Parsel tongue. "Yes Master?"A snake hissed. "Oh, Nagini!"Harry cried in Parsel tongue, oblivious to the stares of Voldemort and the rest of the Death Eaters who were in the Inner circle.

"Master, this is the other speaker I was speaking of."Nagini hissed. Voldemort looked at Harry curiously. "May I serve you, Dark Lord?"Harry asked, still continuing to speak in Parsel tongue. Voldemort looked at Harry and nodded.