Part 1- Steve

Chapter 1 : Where Wally falls flat on his ass!

Wally was dying. He was suffocating. There was no room to move and no room to breathe.

Robin elbowed him in the chest and he whimpered.

"Dude move! I can't get the door closed!"

"Mmph!" Wally would have replied, if there wasn't you know a furry gag in his mouth.

Robin shuffled and then they were wedged together even tighter between the various hairy coats and hangers.

"Phew! Yuck that was-"

"Shhhh!" And Robin was glaring at him a hand across his just freed mouth.

"Do you want Bruce to find out I snuck you in?"

Wally shook his head urgently.

Somewhere in their sprint into the upper unused levels of Wayne manor and then the frantic stuffing of themselves into the old wardrobe, Robin had lost his sunglasses. Icy blue eyes glared at Wally daring him to make a sound.

In retrospect it was a very bad idea to trick Dick into bringing him home, especially when the Dadman err- Batman decided to come home early.

The again hiding in a decrepit old wardrobe ranked pretty high on Wally's list of bad ideas that day.

"Robin there is no way we can both fit in here with all these old coats!" Wally whispered frantically but Robin just struggled to pull the door close behind him again.

"I'm telling you if you close that door you'll be defying physics, let just give ourselves up to-"

There was a click and a chilly draft from somewhere. Then the wooden back of the wardrobe behind Wally suddenly wasn't there anymore, and they were falling.

Robin landed with an "Oof!" his head buried in Wally's stomach. Wally's head cracked hard a floor with a thunk that really didn't sound all that wooden.

About a second to regain his breath and another few for the throbbing in his head to stop before Wally opened his eyes to a green canopy of fleece.

Robin was getting up shakily and not particularly careful which vital organ he was very well stabbing.

"Watch it man! Those elbows and knees could cut through steel!"

He tried sitting up but Robin gasped and then started- crawling up his body.

"Hey- wait- ow- knee, knee- knee to the groin!- Ouch!"

And then Robin had crawled right over and behind Wally, who by the way had his eyes screwed tight during the whole excruciating process.

"I knew it. I knew it wasn't a dream!" Robin was whispering behind him in wonder, as Wally sat up.

"Warn a guy before you activate a false back yeah?" Wally grumbled rubbing the back of his head.

As soon as he got to his feet Robin had a hold of his wrist and was pulling him around and further back into the wardrobe, coats thwacking him in the face.

"Dude where-"

And then they were standing in between pine trees and there was a fine layer of snow under their feet. Wally glared around, and then looked back at the coats. He could just see the wardrobe door. He turned back to the forest.

Robin was standing stock still staring around in wonder, he still hadn't let go of Wally's wrist. If anything his hold had tightened.

Wally punched him in the shoulder with his spare arm, "Warn a guy before you shove him in a secret Zeta bean closet yeah?"

Finally Robin turned to face him.

"I didn't Zeta beam us here Wally! It was the Wardrobe! I think it's like a magical doorway or something." His eyes were wide as he looked around, the escape Batman plan completely forgotten.

"Rob? I think that maybe we should go back and let Bats know that there is a dimensional anomally in his spare room.

"No!" Robin let go of his wrist only to grab hold of his collar and shake him. Well as much shaking as a puny little thirteen year old could employ on a gangly fifteen year old.

"We could get into so much trouble! You have no idea how long I'd be grounded for!"

"I still don't think it's a good idea wandering around a trans-dimensional space pocket." Wally gently detached Robin from clinging to his collar.

"No! We'll just stay here long enough that he'll be gone to that overseas conference then we can go back!"

When Wally still looked sceptical he turned on his puppy dog eyes "Come on Wally let's explore! It'll be fun!" Somehow his pleading was much more effective without his sunglasses and sighing Wally relented.

"Fine fine...but only a couple of hours."

"Well then come on! I'm sure that lamppost was around here somewhere!" And Robin was dragging him along again.


Done for a prompt on the Lj Young Justice Prompt meme. Will probably update once a week. Just a funny little side project I wanted to do.

Reviews make my day you guys! ^_^

Also I am hoping to start a big AU Wally/Dick fic soon. M rated. Would anyone be interested? It's another prompt that kind of ate my brain and became a monster! :P