Look at me.

rated M. romance. you've been warned. if you don't read M rated fanfic. don't proceed further.

By GCG23

Hi. This is my first fanfic ever. I've been reading fanfic for a while and finally got the urge to write one of my own. So please go easy.

I can however say that I am a dedicated fan to the TV series Chuck and most definitely chuck and Sarah.

Okay so here goes. And please read and review.

This story is based after the end of season 4 and beginning of season 5. This idea just jumped into my head after the rumors of Zachary Levi getting the role of The Flash, came about. So here is what I think should happen if he does. Totally AU. Well there is always hope.

By the way I really hope he does get the part. He is a phenomenal actor.

I don't own chuck or anything relating to it.

Please read and review.

End of season 4 in Castle

"Mr. Bartowski, I have some bad news. As of yesterday it has become unfortunate that you can no longer be part of this operation." The sudden news shot Chuck, Sarah and Casey of guard. They had just completed their recent mission with almost no hiccups and now Beckman was giving them a death sentence. "What, General! I don't understand I thought we, well I at least was performing perfectly. I mean look at the last few missions we've been on. I flashed on time and was able to extract the team out in time." Chuck tried profusely to plead his case. He could already feel Sarah tension up next to him. For all he knew she probably was planning another awoll escape.

Beckman raised her hand forcing Chuck to calm down. "Chuck relax. I have not finished. Now the next bit I'm about to tell you is from high up, even I tried to reason with them and they would not listen. So unfortunately there is no negotiation." Chuck, Sarah and Casey braced themselves for their final blow. "Chuck, it is the chief's request that you attend full boot camp in Panama." The gang let out a sigh of relief, for a moment they thought the situation was nuclear. Then suddenly Sarah's wife mode kicked in. How was she ever going to be away from Chuck? Especially since they've only been married for six months. They both got so used to being around each other that they could never imagine less than a few hours away from one another. Beckman continues,

"… for six months, maybe more." Sarah let her head fall a little; she knew this was going to happen. Chuck tried to argue back, "General, I don't understand. Why are they doing this?" Beckman seemed almost as distraught about the situation as the rest of the team. Then suddenly Casey stepped in, even he seemed worried.

"Why Panama? Don't they know Bartowski won't last? Or maybe I should accompany him?" Beckman just shook her head and said no.

"Agent Bartowski you ship out tomorrow at six. Get enough rest and be ready for the worst. Chuck, be careful."

Casa Bartowski

Chuck and Sarah hardly said a word on their way home. Sarah was trying to figure out how she was going to get him out of this. She considered various possibilities until Chuck brought his suitcase out of the closest. She stood in front of him and said,

"What are you doing?"

"What? I'm packing I've only got few hours till I leave." Sarah could not believe him. She stood in front of him, hands on her hips and with a sour face.

"We're not gona even talk about this? Are you serious?"

"Sarah I know this is hard. I don't want to leave you but these are orders." Sarah looked at him with a mock expression

"Since when do we obey orders?" she asked. She turned to walk away, with that Chuck reached out and grabbed her hand. He pulled her into a tight embrace. She screamed out," Chuck let me go now… or else!" he still held onto her and whispered into her ear," Never Sarah. I'm never ever going to let go. Not now, not tomorrow, not even in six months." With that Sarah melted into his arms and began to sob against his arms that were crossed over her chest.

She pleaded with him through the sudden crying that overtook her body," Promise me that you'll come back. That you won't get hurt or even change. That you'll always be my chuck."

Chuck kissed the side of her head to seal his promise to her. Sarah turned around to find him with his head down and in his own world. She used her index finger to lift his chin up. He looked at her with seriousness and a bit of pain crossed over his face. Chuck asked her, "Sarah do you think I'll survive? I mean do you think I'm cut out for this? Casey even said that Panama is brutal." Sarah cupped his cheeks in both her hands and held him so that they were eye to eye.

"Chuck you are the most amazing, courageous man I've ever known. You have a heart of gold and a mind that is full of innovative ideas. You will last and you'll pass every test they throw at you. You may not do it their way, but you'll do it in your own Chuck way. Which is even better."

Chuck let out a small smile. He stared deep into Sarah's eyes, then placed his forehead against hers and said, "Sarah, I love you so much." She began to tear up again. With their lips almost touching she whispered back, "I love you too Chuck. With all my heart."

With that their lips met with every bit of emotion each of them could pour in. Lips, teeth and tongue met all at once. All thoughts of packing and the inevitable that was to approach flew out of the window and all that was left was the both of them.

He granted Sarah entrance, as her tongue seeped through his lips and met his own tongue. Nothing could ever compare to this feeling, thought Chuck. How was he going to manage without seeing or touching Sarah? He gathered her into his arms and lifted her so that her legs were tucked neatly behind his back.

Soon they were approaching the bed. He carefully placed her on it and just marveled at the way her swollen lips parted for air. He just knelt over her and stared.

"What's wrong?" she asked.

"Nothings wrong. I'm just going to miss seeing you like this. I'm gona miss the way your lips swell and redden when we kiss." He began to glide his finger over her lips. "I'm gona miss the way your body shivers when I touch you." He slowly placed his hands under her shirt and smoothed over her skin. Sarah's eyes slowly closed as she dipped her head back and enjoyed the feel of his hands on her. "I'm gona miss your sweet scent that has never changed from the very first day we met." He lowered his head to sniff the side of her neck. He pulled in a deep breath and slowly exhaled against her skin. Sarah's body was beginning to climb an extreme amount of sexual pleasure.

She knew that only Chuck could make her feel this way, and she also knew that only she could ever make him feel the same. As he met her lips with his, all the sense of who he was became infused within her. He poured his heart and soul into the kiss. The feel of her tongue soothing over his, sent electric shockwaves through Chuck's body. He slowly unbuttoned her shirt and slipped it off her shoulders with ease. Kissing his way down her neck to her shoulders, he had finally made his way to the edge of her pants. Sarah's breath caught as he wetly kissed the spot where her hips joined her legs. Chuck released her of her pants in record time.

As he stared at her almost naked form, that look crossed his face again. The same look he gives her whenever he sees her body. You'd think that after almost two years of them having sex that that look would fade. Well not with Chuck, it was like he was falling in love with her all over again. Sarah smiled at him, and then placed her hands under his shirt. It was his turn to shed some clothes, thought Sarah. She slowly glided her hands against his body. She loved the feel of his skin; its constant warmth overwhelmed her. She also always loved his body too. It was not very muscular but ever since he'd gotten the intersect 2.0; he had been growing in size.

She pulled his t-shirt over his head and his pants followed soon after. He fit perfectly between Sarah's legs. With one hitch Chuck lifted her left leg from under her knee. The sudden feel of Chuck pressed directly against Sarah elicited a guttural moan from her. They both reveled in the feel of each other's body. Sarah felt so safe under Chuck that she held on to him so tightly she thought she might break his bone.

After plenty of kissing and foreplay Chuck looked at her and asked, "You ready?" Sarah could not exactly form words at this point so all she could do was nod her head up and down. Chuck smiled and then positioned himself to enter Sarah. With one final thought he looked up at Sarah to find her eyes tightly shut. He stopped himself and placed a hand on her face saying, "Hey, I need you to do something for me." Sarah looked at him with a perplexed look on her face. He continued, "Sarah look at me, don't close your eyes. I want to see them. So I can save this memory of you at this point. You know every time I look in your eyes, I fall deeper and deeper. And I just want to have that with me."

Sarah could not believe, firstly how he could be talking at this point and secondly how he could capture her heart with just his words. She let out a whisper of a yes. The condom wrapper was ripped opened and placed gently on Chuck. With that Chuck entered her with such ease. Their eyes were trained on each other. There was no blinking or eye movement of any kind. Chuck buried himself to the hilt within Sarah. Both let out soft moans of undeniable pleasure. As they continued to look into each other's eyes, a single tear dripped down Sarah's face. Chuck caught it and even in their current position managed to softly kiss the trail it left down her cheek. He moved in and out of her continuing to hold their gaze.

He dipped his finger down to her clit and slowly massaged it. Sarah was not expecting that so what followed was a series of loud moans escaping her. She cried out Chuck's name and all that did was make Chuck cry out hers. She'd never experienced such an intimate moment with him ever before. Sure they had sex and Chuck was by far the best lover she'd ever had, but this was so different. It was so natural, so real and so pure. And through all this they still managed to keep constant eye contact.

With a final entry they both came around each other. Sarah lifted her back of the bed as the feeling of extreme ecstasy overtook her. Chuck grabbed hold of her back and held them there to both ride out their high.

After they both reached maximum pleasure, Chuck collapsed next to Sarah. Once their breaths regulated Sarah turned to Chuck and placed her hand on his face saying, "I promise we will survive this. No matter what, it's always gonna be you and me." Chuck reached for her hand and kissed the ring on her wedding finger and said, "I promise, Mrs. Bartowski."

Six months later

Chuck had been away six months exactly to this day Sarah thought to herself as she made her way home. It was just like any other day. She got up went to Castle, was briefed on her mission, which she undertook with Casey. They were done and completed with the mission by 4 o'clock and now it was time to head back to the apartment. Ever since Chuck left for training, Sarah never ever felt so alone. She could not understand, before him she spent months and months alone in some distant hotel during a mission. But somehow now it just felt unbearable.

She needed him. She craved his scent, his touch, his smile that could constantly make her swoon.

Sure she was not exactly alone. There was Ellie, Awesome, beautiful Clara and of course Morgan. She would regularly visit Ellie, as she was always invited for supper. But then she'd have to go back home and wallow in sadness and loneliness. The agency made it perfectly clear and impossible for Chuck to have any communication with the outside world. Sometimes Sarah would sit on the couch thinking about what he must be going through. She recalled her training and how extensive and pressurizing it had been. She remembered times where they had gone three days without a single wink of sleep.

Sarah knew Chuck was strong but at the back of her mind she had a constant worry for him and his well being. But there was one thing for sure; the camp did, could and would change you as a person. You do, to some extent become little cold hearted to the world. But this was Chuck, he was and will never change, Sarah thought to herself.

She entered the apartment and as usual went straight to the fridge. There was some leftover sizzling shrimp take out from yesterday, when Morgan, Alex and she hung out. She smiled to herself as she ate her early supper. Sarah then turned to the usual ritual she adorned ever since Chuck left. She went to the closet and took out one of his t-shirts he'd left behind. From the very first day he left, Sarah wore one of his shirts every night to sleep in. To her it felt like he was holding her and sleeping and she felt wrapped in his scent.

Tonight she chose to wear one of his favourite. She picked out his black t-shirt which had the word "nerd" written on it. She had no idea where he'd got it from but it was for sure one of his favourites. She paraded around the house in just the shirt and panties. She could only imagine Chuck's response if he could see her. Sarah smiled to herself as she decided to turn in for an early night. She slipped wedding ring off, kissed it and put it down on her dresser next to her bed.

Seven hours later Sarah wakes to a soft noise erupting from the apartment. Due to her spy skills she picked up the disruption which most people deep in sleep would have never heard. But Sarah is most certainly not most people. As her senses suddenly heighten, she slowly climbed out of bed and picked up her gun on her way out of the room.

She opens the bedroom door with precise accuracy as to not make the intruder knowledgeable of her presence. Gathering all her spy skills of sneak attacks, she approaches the disruption coming from the kitchen. Wow, this robber sure picked the wrong house to burgle, Sarah thinks.

She quickly approaches the entrance of the kitchen and for dramatic effect, she cocks the gun. She finds the burglar with his head stuck in the fridge. She then talks in a serious tone, "Hey, buddy I hope you know what you getting yourself into. You sure picked the wrong house to burgle. Now either put your hands up and get up slowly or this will not end well for you." Sarah watches in anticipation as he slowly gets up from the fridge with his hands in the air. Then he says, "Okay I'm getting up. I have a box of sizzling shrimp in my hands so don't shoot."

That voice seems to jolt Sarah as she suddenly looks upon the face of the intruder. With her gun still raised at him she whispers, "Chuck?" He looks at her, sizzling shrimp in hand, and just says with his trade mark smile plastered on his face, "Hey honey."

With that all Sarah can register in her mind is – Chuck. Need. To. Feel. Him. If. This. Is. Real.

Then Sarah drops her gun onto the countertop and leaps into his arms, engulfing herself in the actual feel of him. She holds onto him thinking that he might leave or maybe it is just a dream so she needs to make use of every second. Chuck is so taken aback that he suddenly swallows the small piece of sizzling shrimp he still had in his mouth. She whispers into his neck, "Chuck, oh my God! I can't believe it's you." She's almost laughing and crying at the same time. Sarah's heart is racing as she tries to somehow to get closer to him by hugging tighter than ever. She nuzzles her nose into his neck and what she can smell is the same Chuck she remembers. His scent overwhelms her and feels like a somewhat euphoric drug that she suddenly becomes so addicted to.

Through all the commotion Sarah did not even take a moment to have a proper look at Chuck. When she finally floats back into reality and the tears stop streaming down her face. She suddenly feels Chuck and she realizes that he does not feel like how he usually does. She registered the feel of his body ever since she first properly held him and that would have been that morning in Barstow.

She feels this Chuck and she realizes that this Chuck is more muscular and has a larger built than the old Chuck. He takes a deep breath from her neck and speaks against her skin, "Sarah, I really missed you. I can't believe I'm finally home, here with you. Hmmmmmmmmmm." Sarah untangled herself from him as she took a full look at him from head to toe. She's shocked at what she sees. His biceps are bursting out of his black shirt. His ridiculously shaped six pack is pressing against her body. He is overall completely buff. Chuck is too busy relishing the feel of Sarah to even notice her scanning him over. She stutters out a response, "Umm Chuck, where did all of this come from?" She points up and down his body. Then she places her hand over his stomach and feels the defined abs that has taken place there.

"What? It is not such a drastic change," he tells her. Sarah gives him a mock/sarcastic look. Then slowly she proceeds to lift his shirt over his head to get a better view of the change. Suddenly Chuck's shyness overtakes him as her tries to break free of Sarah's assault.

"Sarah, what are you doing?"

"What do you mean? I just want have a look. You owe me that, don't you think?" she retorts as he tries to walk away from her. He tries to fake pass her. "Chuck, don't think that now because you have training you can win by passing me."

"Oh really Agent Walker, let's just see if my training has been good enough." Chuck fakes to the left then to the right, but Sarah follows his pattern. He suddenly fakes left again and ducks to slide under Sarah's arm, but Sarah does eventually catch on leading her to grab hold of the end of his shirt and literally rip it over his head. Chuck trips and falls against the wall.

They both stand there in utter shock. Well at least Sarah is. What she sees is only found in movies, she thinks. Guys only get this neatly ripped in the movies, because of some expensive personal trainer. She's stands in front of him with the torn shirt in her hands and gazes at Chuck's body. She steps back a little and cock's her head to the side to show her state of confusion and awe. Chuck's body is utter perfection, she thinks to herself. Sarah unknowingly licks her lips as she watches Chuck's muscles flex. He watches her as she slowly approaches him, dropping the piece of clothing in her hand onto the floor. There is a sense of fear and playfulness crossed upon Sarah's face as she walks towards him. At each step she takes closer to him, he straightens his body up against the wall. She glances at the dog tags hanging around his neck, with the name 'Charles Carmichael' engraved in it.

Sarah stands flush against his body; she raises her fingers and slowly glides it over the abs on his stomach. The sudden feel of her fingers on his skin send electric jolts throughout Chuck's body. Sarah lightly glides her fingers all over his body. From his abs, to his chest, biceps, shoulder's and then brings it up to his face. She slithers her fingertips to his lips, tracing out the line around them. Followed by his cheeks, nose, ears and then eyes. She raises her body to gently kiss each of his eyes, his forehead, and then the tip of his nose.

As she approaches his lips, she hovers there for a second. Chuck jolts forward to capture her lips but Sarah pushes back. She then stares at him to say.

"Wait. I need to do this, please. Just let me take my time… to fully remember this moment Chuck, please." He just looks at her and nods. Sarah now arches forward and leans on her tippy toes. Her stomach is plastered to his, and she relishes in the feel of his abs imprinting on her flat stomach. She slowly raises her hands to place both on either side of his face. Her eyes are trained on his lips as her fingertips leisurely trace its outline. Sarah thinks to herself how much she's missed the taste of his lips and right now all she wants to do is savior this moment.

Chuck is completely silent as he watches Sarah almost hesitate to kiss him. A part of him wonders why, but another part of him just stares at her utter beauty. She has no makeup; her hair is a little ruffled probably from the few hour sleep she's had and to him she's never been more beautiful. His hands are placed securely around her body, as he revels in the feel of her falling into him as his back is against the wall. She fits so perfectly, Chuck thinks.

Sarah shivers a little as she approaches his lips. It's painfully slow and grueling. Suddenly her eyes dart up to his. There she sees him so patient and understanding. To her, she knows he understands why she needs to do this and at that moment the feeling overwhelms Sarah. Finally, after the excruciating wait she meets his lips. At first it's a light brush against the lips. Sarah's heart skips a beat. Their lips part and for that moment their breathing the same air.

They both shut their eyes and attack each other with such fervor and passion. As Sarah meshes her lips against Chuck's, his tongue brushes over the top of her lip gently asking permission for entrance. Sarah gladly grants Chuck access. He slowly glides his sleek tongue inside to meet Sarah's. They both can't believe this moment is here. Hands fly to the neck as they both pull each other in and push each of their tongues right inside one another's mouth.

Sarah suddenly raises her leg to the side of Chuck and he quickly grabs it from under her knee. At that moment Sarah instantly feels Chuck's erection as it brushes against her. The sudden movement causes Sarah's breathe to hitch as she squeezes her eyes and detaches her mouth from Chuck's to get some sort of air.

Sarah can still feel the warmth of Chuck's body, at least that hasn't changed she thinks to herself. With one swift move Sarah jumps up to allow Chuck to get better hold of her. He holds her from under and he can feel her panties riding up. The t-shirt she's wearing somehow beings to ride up as Chuck tries to hold onto her ass better. She offers one notion by pulling Chuck of the wall, now he knows that what she wants is to head to the bedroom. She pulls the metal dog tags over his head and drops them to the floor with a thud.

Sarah can feel his arms tighten as he carries her. The muscles seem to be bursting out of his skin as he tries not only to hold her but to caress her at the same time. He also seems quite confident as he walks with Sarah in his hands, kissing at the same time, to the bedroom. Through rapid kisses he utters, "By the way. You look…. amazing in my… shirt." Chuck can feel her smile against his lips. Sarah can barely breathe out a response, "Well, I just had…. a feeling to wear your favorite."

Chuck enters the bedroom and takes one glance only to find that nothing had really changed. What he does see is a pile of his t-shirts slumped over the chair in the middle of the room. All he can think is that she really missed him, as much as he missed her.

He places her on the bed and her body bounces a little causing the t-shirt to rise a little higher. Chuck slips of his signature shoes and places himself over her. He works his way from the leg up.

"You wanna know what my favorite really is to see you in?" he asks her whilst placing delicate kisses on her legs and inner thighs. Sarah slowly breathes out, "What?" Chuck works his way up and slithers his hands under her shirt. He brings his mouth to her ear and whispers, "Nothing!"And he slowly nibbles at Sarah's ear. As he does so his hands bunch up the shirt and pulls it over her head.

What Chuck sees may very well be the best sight in the world, to him at least. Sarah lays in front of him in just her panties and a huge grin on her face. It's sexy, naughty and nice all rolled into one. Her breasts are perked up in all its stoic glory. Sarah watches Chuck hesitate for a moment to touch her, she quickly grabs his hands and place them on her and says, "Don't you dare think your gona hesitate to do anything tonight. Remember nothing's changed." Chuck throws her his famous Bartowski grin and swallows fast.

He lowers his head to gently kiss the valley between her breasts. The heartwarming notion causes Sarah to tilt her head back and sigh in relief and at the same time her body arches upward, allowing Chuck more access to her ample body. He nibbles her nipples and gently bites at each breast. Sarah is so taken by his movements that it only occurs to her, after a couple minutes that she needs to get in on the action.

Chuck places her flat against the bed and towers her with his somewhat intimidating new form. He swipes his hands over her arms and enjoys the feel of her silken smooth form. Sarah suddenly comes to proper realization and affectively turns them around so that she's on top. The quick movement takes Chuck by surprise and an adorable pout pops up on his face, including the puppy dog eyes that Sarah so desperately missed. She watches him and instantly caresses the sides of his face saying, "Don't worry babe. I know you wanted to do everything this time but I promise this will be worth your while." She moves in closer to his ears and whispers her last few words.

All Chuck can do is smile and be to a certain extent, afraid of what she's got planned. Sarah kisses her way down his body, slowly licking all the new crevasses edged into his body. She stops at his abs where she decides she needs to take her time. She kisses each of the abs so softly and gently. Whilst doing that she looks up at Chuck to find him with his eyes tightly shut.

"Hey, how exactly….. did this happen. I mean….. its soooo defined." Chuck can't believe she chooses now to talk about this but he has no choice but to try and comprehend an answer.

"Well, you know…. lots of push… ups and running….. and… and activities." He barely gets much out as Sarah begins a slow descend to his belt buckle. She teases the skin just above his waistline of his pants. Sarah unbuckles and buttons the belt and jeans. She slides down the pants along with his boxers. She is kindly welcomed by Chuck's erect member. A huge smile breaks across her face and all she can say is, "Well, thank God that has not changed."

"You damn right about that babe!" Chuck retorts by pulling her up onto his body and gripping her panties with his thumbs, and pulling them off her with precision. Sudden laughter rips through the both of them as they welcome each other's naked forms on one another. Chuck lifts himself up into a sitting position with Sarah straddling his lap. She slowly grinds against him. Sarah is so taken with her movement that she only realizes after a few seconds that Chuck is reaching into the drawer next to them for something.

"What are you doing?" she asks him quizzically.

"Condom babe," he says deftly. Sarah stops her movement all together and grabs his arms harshly. "Sarah, what's going on?" Chuck asked. She stared at her hand that was wrapped around his arm. For some reason she could not look into his eyes. Chuck tensed for a while, and then turned her to look at him.

She stuttered out, "I….I don't want….. I don't want to use that." Chuck laughed a little whilst saying, "Sarah what do you mean. C'mon what if something happens and we both can't control ourselves." Sarah was a little in shock, and could not form words. Chuck used his other hand to caress her body and keep her calm. He said, "Hey, it's okay. Tell me why you want to do this. I mean, you do understand the consequences right?"

Sarah let out a sigh and said, "Look, I do know the consequences and what it would mean for us. But over the past six months I really had time to think. You know, about us and where we're going. I just…. I just feel that I don't WANT to care about, or rather I don't want to worry about the ifs. And the might happens. I just want to be here with you now. Completely and utterly. Nothing between us in any way possible, ever."

Chuck looked at her with wide eyes as Sarah finished her little speech. He stared deep within her eyes and a small smile crossed his face. He slowly brought his hands out of the drawer and placed his fingers on her face. Caressing her face he said, "As long as you're sure Sarah. You know I also thought about you every single day of the last six months. Every moment I would think about what you were doing. How you would be sleeping alone in this bed. And you know they taught us a trick of how to withstand torture. You know, think about someone or someplace that makes you unbelievably happy. So basically all I thought about was you."

Chuck slowly caressed Sarah's body from her waist to her arms and her stomach. He placed his forehead against hers and closed his eyes.

"Sarah, you are my life. My everything and I'm going to do anything possible to make you happy. I promise. I'm never going to leave you again!" Sarah took in a breath and whispered, "I now you will Chuck, I know it." Then Sarah placed herself, awaiting Chuck's entrance. With her knees placed at the sides of Chuck's thighs, he raised her body up to make her sit on him.

But before he could do that she called out, "Wait, wait. I need you to do something for me. Look at me, Chuck. Do not close your eyes. I want to see them at this moment between us. I just want to have this to remember." Chuck's mind suddenly recalled the last time those words were uttered. He could not believe she remembered that from the last time they were together.

They both smiled at each other as each realized the last time those words were spoken. Sarah brought her knees around Chuck's back and locked her ankles. Chuck looked up at her and asked, "You remembered?" Sarah gave him a sly smile and said, "Of course I do. You honestly think I will ever forget anything about that night?" Chuck let out a small laugh and asked her, "You ready?" Sarah smiled and just nodded.

She slid down easily onto Chuck. Their breaths were caught as each tried to swallow for air. Chuck looked into Sarah's eyes and saw a mix of love, lust and pleasure all wrapped in one. She held onto him tightly as he filled her to the hilt. Chuck picked Sarah up from under her arms and exited her. The sudden feel of not having Chuck in her, caused Sarah to release a sudden moan. Chuck laughed and then lowered Sarah onto him. He re-entered Sarah in one swift movement causing Sarah to take a sudden breath inward. She grinds against Chuck causing him to release low guttural moans from deep within his throat. Sarah swallows Chuck whole as he buries himself deep within her womanhood.

Their eyes were trained on each other. Chuck felt like he was swimming in a sea of crystal blue waters, as he continued to look in Sarah's eyes. He flipped them over and placed Sarah safely on the bed in between his legs. He was still attached to her. Chuck continued to pump in and out of Sarah, occasionally kissing and biting her lips. Sarah's body arched upwards and her hips bucked forward as she urged Chuck to go further and faster.

Chuck lowered his hand on Sarah's body. He brought it to her clit where he slowly massaged her, whilst still pumping in and out of her. Sarah's eyes opened wider at the sudden feel of his finger. She screamed out, "Chuck. Oh my god, Chuck. Don't stop. Faster." Chuck did not need to be told twice he hastened his movements. He pulled her leg from under her knee, sliding deeper into her. Sarah screamed out more.

Chuck could see that Sarah was reaching her point of release. At the sound of her moans Chuck found himself breathing heavier and heavier. He suddenly popped out of her and then entered back in one swift movement. Sarah could not contain it anymore. She fell over the edge with a mind blowing orgasm. It overtook her body as she convulsed, screaming out Chuck's name.

Their eyes still locked on each other, only caused the orgasm to be more severe. With one final thrust Chuck's own orgasm overtook his body entirely. He screamed out Sarah's name. Then fell against her, his head nestling on her shoulder, tucked in her neck. Sarah held onto him, her hands were tightly gripped in his hair at the edge of his neck. Their breathing was so ragged. She held on closely to him as their breathing seemed to regulate.

For some reason Sarah felt afraid to let go. She thought to herself that it all may have been just a dream. Then Chuck picked his head up to look at Sarah from the corner of his eye. He just stared at her. Somehow he knew what she was thinking and the look he just gave her, to some extent, reassured her that he was real, that what had just happened was real.

Chuck smiled at her and said, "Now, that's the way to welcome your husband. Good job Mrs. Bartowski." Sarah laughed and responded, "No problem, Mr. Bartowski. Anytime! You know I love to see my husband get exactly want he wants." Chuck's famous grin fell upon his face. To him, he loved it when Sarah addressed him as her husband. He detached himself from her, placing his hand under back to lift her up to lie on his body. Sarah draped her leg over his torso and curled her hand over his broad chest.

"Chuck. I've got to ask you something." Chuck looked down at her and nodded. "So, I sort of captured what you said before. About the torture technique, they taught you."

"Yeah, what about it?" Chuck asked.

"Well for them to teach you the technique means that they had to actually torture you, right?" Chuck suddenly realized what Sarah was getting at. He placed his hand on her cheek and then moved her hair over her ears, saying, "Sarah, don't worry about it. I had to go through that. It was part of the training. Don't worry yourself. I'm fine."

Chuck suddenly felt his chest become wet. He looked down and picked her head up. He found her weeping against his chest. Chuck brushed his thumb over her cheek to wipe away her tears.

"I'm sorry. I just can't imagine you in any pain what so ever." She said through tears streaming down her face.

Chuck pulled her chin up with his index finger and said, "I was in no pain at all. You want to know why, Sarah? It was because I was constantly thinking about my wife. I closed my eyes and there she was." Chuck rubbed his nose against Sarah's and said, "YOU helped me get through it. I don't know what would have happened to me if it weren't for you."

Chuck reached over her body to the dresser on Sarah's side of the bed. He effectively covered Sarah's body at the same time. She breathed in his scent and kissed his chest at the same time. Chuck came back to lie on his back and curled Sarah up against his body. In his hand he held her wedding ring. He held it in front of them in between his index finger and thumb. He picked up her left hand and slid the ring smoothly down her wedding finger saying, "The best love is the kind that weakens the soul, that makes us reach for more, that plants fire in our hearts and brings peace to our minds. That's what you've given me. That's what I hope to give to you forever, Sarah. I promise to love you with forever."

A single tear streamed down the cheek of Sarah's face. The words he had just spoken eased her heart and made certain that he was never going to leave her again. She brought his lips down to meet hers for a soft, sweet, sensual kiss. Sarah new that now her heart, soul and body could rest in the safe hands of her husband.

Thank you

Please review and let me know if I should continue… yes there's more.