I stared into the mirror, looking at my reflection that seemed like a stranger to me. I looked almost unrecognizable, my changes proving to be effective. My now light brown hair was neatly tied into a side braid, while my dark brown contacts effectively covered my once green eyes. The outfit I wore of light blue shorts and a ruffled, white top replaced my once yellow top and red suspender-jean short combo. I didn't think it would be possible for me to change my physical appearance, but once again, I had managed to surprise myself. Now all I needed was a new name and to tweak my personality enough to go unrecognized. This was just the first step in my crazy plan.

I had first come up with this plan when my sisters had given me the okay to start traveling again if I wanted. Jumping at the chance to get back into the swing of traveling on the road, I had raced to the phone to call Ash and Brock and tell them the good news, when my sister's thoughts initiated my extravagant plan.

"Like, slow down baby sis. I know you love this kid and everything, but I, like, just said you could go," Daisy had teased.


"Don't deny it, Misty. You talk about him all the time. You even freaked out when you saw him on the T.V. It's rather obvious. I would just tell him you love him while your calling him now. You know? Kill two birds with one stone?"

"He probably doesn't even like me back. He's probably forgotten about me. It's been three years you know? I bet he never even talks about me."

"Like, how do you even know that?" Daisy asked.

And that's when I started thinking. Did Ash ever talk about me to his new traveling companions? Did he miss me like I missed him? What if I started traveling with him, but he wouldn't know it was me? With Daisy's help, I concocted the most brilliant plan to date. I would join Ash and Brock on their journey without them ever knowing it was me. I could find out all the things they talked about when I was gone. What they really thought about me, but could never say to my face. This would be fun. And within days, I had arrived in the city of Slateport where I would await the arrival of Ash and Brock in the Pokemon center.

Grabbing my newly acquired backpack, I went to the lobby to collect my Pokemon from Nurse Joy. With a simple thank you, I received my Pokemon and sat down in a chair, pretending to read a magazine while I waited for Brock and Ash to arrive. As I flipped through the pages of the magazine, I heard the ding of the bell as new people waked in, followed by some all to familiar voices.

"Oh, Nurse Joy! Please be my love," Brock begged, proving to me what nothing about him had changed.

"Uh," Nurse Joy replied, unsure of what to say. I was about to stand up and pull him away when I remembered that if I did do that, I would be giving myself away. I had a feeling this was going to be much harder than I thought.

"Pikachu," I heard Ash sigh. The next thing I knew, Pikachu had shocked Brock out of his daze. "Sorry about that."

"Don't worry. Can I help you with anything?" she asked.

"Just need to heal my Pokemon up."

After he handed over his Pokemon, Ash started to walk over to the couch where he could wait until his Pokemon were ready. As he walked by me, though, horror spread across my face as I saw Pikachu leap from Ash's shoulders onto my lap. Shoot! I had completely forgotten that I couldn't fool Pikachu. I may have changed my identity, but my scent would never change. So much for my amazing plan. Apparently it was going to end even before it began.

"Pika!" Pikachu cooed as he sat on my shoulder rubbing against my check.

"Hey, cutie," I replied as I scratched the spot behind his ears that he loved the most.

"Pikachu!" Ash yelled at his Pokemon. "I'm so sorry miss. He's usually not like this. I don't know what's gotten into him." I had to laugh a little as Ash's face turned red in embarrassment from Pikachu's actions. He frantically tried to call Pikachu back, but was left empty handed.

"Don't worry about it. He's adorable. He's welcome to sit here as long as he wants," I tried to assure Ash. I truly had always enjoyed Pikachu's company.

"He really likes you, you know? I can tell. He doesn't usually treat strangers like this. It must be because you found his favorite spot to be petted," Ash concluded.

"Ha ha. Maybe that's it." I laughed. Turning back to Pikachu, I continued to scratch and pet his little ears.

"So what's the name of your lucky trainer?" I asked Pikachu.

"I'm Ash Ketchum from Pallet Town. I wouldn't say he's very lucky, though," Ash explained, scratching the back of his head like he always did when he was nervous.

"Pika!" Pikachu yelled in protest leaving my shoulder to go back to comfort Ash.

"Hmm. I think Pikachu feels otherwise," I pointed out to him.

"I guess so," he sighed, patting the little Pokemon on the head. I don't know why, but looking at the two of them made me remember how much I had missed them. "So what's your name? Are you a trainer, too?"

"I'm Madeline, but you can call me Maddie. And yes, I am a trainer."

"Really? Awesome. Want to battle?" I should have known that would be his first question.

"No thanks. I just got my Pokemon healed up, so I think I should let them rest."

"Oh. Okay. I guess you're right." He really looked disappointed.

We both sat in silence waiting for the other person to say something. Pikachu continued to sit on Ash's shoulder because he just wanted to be petted. Thankfully, Ash wasn't so keen on noticing the sudden liking Pikachu had taken towards me was because he already knew me. As long as I could keep Ash convinced I just knew how to befriend Pokemon, I was good. In addition, I was somewhat lucky that Togepi wasn't around because he would have gone nuts when he saw Pikachu and Ash. Aside from me, those two were his most favorite person and Pokemon in the whole world.

"Hey, Ash, did you get the key?" I heard Brock ask him. He must have walked over when I wasn't looking.

"Huh? Oh, yeah," he replied, breaking away from the daze he was in. As Ash went to give Brock the key, though, Brock took the conversation into a whole different direction.

"Your beauty! It's unseen. Never in my life have I seen such beauty and such a personality. You no longer have to search, for I'm Brock, your true love. And it would make me the happiest person alive if you were to accept my request of dinner with me." It was one thing to stand there and watch Brock hit on girls, but it was another thing to be the one he was hitting on. Never in my life did I ever think that I would have the unfortunate experience of being hit on by Brock. At the same time, though, this proved that my plan was indeed working.

"Brock, leave her alone," I heard Ash plead. He must have seen the horror on my face because the next thing I knew, Pikachu had shocked Brock and he was now sprawled out on the floor. "I'm really sorry about that. He.. he can't control himself sometimes."

"It's okay. At least someone thinks I'm pretty," I said.

"Well, you could look at it that way, I guess."

We both sat there and watched as Brock slowly began to get up from the floor. Recovering from his love daze, he sat down next to Ash and carried on as if nothing had happened before. "So, who's your new friend, Ash?"

"This is Maddie," he explained.

"Well hello there, Maddie. I'm the one and only Brock. I'm the former Pewter City gym leader and an aspiring Pokemon breeder." Wow. Quite the introduction I might say. "And how about yourself? What's your story? New trainer? New region?"

"I'm the one and only Maddie from Cerulean City. I've been at this Pokemon training thing for a while now. I decided to check out Hoenn because I've never been here before. I've traveled all over Kanto and Johto, though."

"Cerulean City?" Ash asked his eyes lighting up.

"Yep." I could see Brock smirking at Ash as he to saw the boy's eyes light up in surprise.

"I've been there before," he added casually.

"Ha ha. I'm sure. Many people have. It's a really great city."

"Yeah it is.. " He trailed off.

"Our friend Misty is the gym leader there," Brock explained.

"You know Misty?" I asked, pretending to be a big fan.

"Yep," they both answered. "She traveled all over Kanto and Johto with us. She had to leave before we came here, though."

"I love Misty. She's one of the nicest gym leaders I've ever met." At this Brock and Ash started to laugh hysterically. I just stared at them not seeing what exactly was so funny. "What's so funny, huh?"

"Misty? Nice?" Ash asked, trying to suppress his laughter. "Yeah right. She's never nice. You must have the wrong Misty then."

"What do you mean I have the wrong Misty?" I asked, my anger rising. "I don't know what you two are on, but she is really nice."

"Holy cow. She has a temper as short as Misty's," Brock whispered to Ash.

"Is everyone in Cerulean this temperamental?" Ash whispered back.

"Maybe I should call Misty and tell her what her two best friends really think of her?" I threatened them. If they took me up on the threat, I had no idea how I would call myself, but I was counting on them saying no.

At my threat, they both stopped laughing immediately. Waving their hands frantically, they begged me not to call Misty. Apparently my notorious temper had struck fear into them. Thankfully, though, I wouldn't have to try and pull off calling myself. That would have been almost impossible. I think Pikachu thought I was crazy because the whole time I was pretending to be a big fan of Misty, he kept looking at me with these confused looks. When Brock and Ash started laughing, he just shook his head as if to comment on their failure to notice me.

"Well," Brock sighed, standing up, "I think it's about time to grab something to eat. I'm starving. You're welcome to join us if you would like."

"I would love to. Thank you very much," I said, standing up to follow them.