Kurt. Kurtkurtkurt. KURTWHATAREYOU.


Blinkingly, he looked away and cursed under his breath. The boy next to him shifted in his sleep and he froze, his whole body tense and tingling slightly. With a murmur, Blaine shifted closer until their legs would have been touching, had Kurt been under the covers. His hand stretched across the distance between them and fell just short of touching Kurt's arm.

Breathe, Kurt. Just breathe.

He counted the seconds, waiting for agonizing minutes before he could slowly begin shifting away. Far enough he wouldn't disturb the other boy, he finally turned to look at his clock. It was five-seventeen am.

'BALLS,' would have been Finn's likely response. Kurt only glared at the clock, as if doing so would make it change to a more palatable hour. It didn't, but he felt a bit better for being angry at the clock. It was better than being angry at himself for this.

He turned to look at Blaine again, appreciating how sleep relaxed the boy's features. His mouth was open slightly, but he didn't drool (which was super classy of him, in Kurt's opinion), and occasionally whatever he was dreaming about would cause him to smile into the pillow. Into Kurt's pillow. In Kurt's bed. In Kurt's room. In...


Reluctantly, Kurt closed his eyes and counted to ten. Then twenty. Then fifty. How long had he been in this bed? How long had he been resisting the urge to slip under the covers? How long had he been-


It took a moment for him to realize that the voice he was hearing wasn't in his head. He turned and saw that Blaine was still asleep. So how...?

"Kurt," Blaine said again, closing his mouth and swallowing. His brow was furrowed and he was frowning, but he was still asleep. He shifted again, his hand searching, fingers curling. "Where..."

Tentatively, Kurt stretched out his hand where Blaine could find it. Their fingers met and instantly became tangled. Amazingly, the lines in Blaine's forehead smoothed and his body relaxed again. His mouth moved, but no sound came out, and he settled down into soundless sleep again.

When Kurt's alarm went off two hours later, their fingers were still entwined.