Hello whoever may be reading this. I have practically no writing/story skills at all. XD I'm trying to improve the flow of my essays so... I thought I might as well do some fun writing as well and …. this thing happened. w

Characters are OOC purely because I don't have the time nor have I really ever watched/read Hitman Reborn. It was just random what I came up with. I hopefully will have time to add more to this soon, college permitting.

Please be kind? ;w; I don't have beta and I don't have the time to go and get one (my number one fault is placing ",").

Anyways, I am Emisck and I hope you have fun reading this. It's filled with love and silly string! /w/;

0w0(+} +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ + + + +


A year after the war Harry really felt like his life had truly begun. Free from Hogwarts and away from the wizarding community with their expectations, Harry simply felt at piece. The position he took up on the grass was relaxed and practically boneless despite his long knobby legs. Warm light from the sun overhead mixed perfectly with the light breeze drifting around him and practically right though his body.

There was no place he would have ever liked to be than right there at that very moment. Japan was like his dream come true! All the seasons stood out vividly against a lovely backdrop and made him feel alive as he watched the world change dramatically from month to month. Springtime was his favorite season of the year by far. The air temperature was just right and the shade brought cool earth and soft leaves to lie on (plus all the flowers that bloomed). Having no real allergies Harry didn't worry about sneezing on everything or other reactions to pollen. He had been building up his immune system since Aunt Petunia's crusade in the back yard that, naturally, he had to tend to all the time. But that was then and this was now and wow did it feel nice out here… that was until just now.

'OUCH!' Harry cried silently in his head.

Green eyes began to water in pain as a small fist yanked his large pointed black ear a second time, obviously trying to garner a reaction. God it always smarted when the little ones got a hold of him but he took it all in stride only because he had too. Oh, did he forget to mention? He wasn't exactly human at the moment. Nara Park in Japan was famous for the sacred deer herd that milled about the place. As tourists, both Japanese and from off the island, came to see the ridiculously large herd of dear, the animals got completely desensitized towards humans. So, since his animagus form was a medium sized black fallow deer with dull hazel eyes he naturally went there. Granted Harry was bigger and had a different color then the rest of the herd but the Japanese population simple accepted him as a fantastic anomaly. Currently the *park manager had three deer specialist trying to study him. Harry snorted out load.

Shaking his head to gat back his ear Harry turned his head to the little toddler who was dressed in a customary yellow hat and blue shirt with white shorts. The uniform for his school, Harry gather. There were about a dozen other brats clustered together around a slightly plump women with glasses some ways off. The little boy before him had black hair and narrowed black eyes that watched him rather intently as if he was going to do something "magical".

Harry simply blinked and entered a staring contest with the kid waiting for the teacher to realize a sacred deer was being bothering and call the kid back. Technically, visitors were not to touch the deer so once the chaperone slash teacher realized what was happening the kid was bound to be grabbed and taken away. Unfortunately it looked like that might take a while since the teacher was currently consoling a crying three year old with a scraped knee and large fat tears rolling down the little girl's face. Harry didn't look away from the contest but saw other people milling about out of the corner of his eyes.

Three different schools with varying ages were visiting today. In the four months that Harry had stayed in Nara Park about twelve dozen schools had come and gone. At first Harry had kept his distance instead of following the screaming kids around like the rest of the deer but after a while he got lonely. Now the young wizard just played the slightly older, oddly colored deer that sat and let people pet him in secret. Harry got his quota of human contact and the humans in question got to pet the new addition to the Nara Park grounds. Seemed to be a rather nice agreement as far as he was concerned.

Still staring at the kid, who had yet to even blink, Harry mused on what drove him to hide in Japan. After Voldemort's disposal Harry collapsed in exhaustion due to the last dual and the removal of the horcrux from his soul. With his magical core's drastic depletion he went into a slight coma and only came out after a month of sleeping. During what would later be called his "nap time" by friends, his core tried to stabilize itself and regain power. However, at the same time it opened up channels in his nerves in order to heal the magical damage to his body, letting small amounts of power leech into his muscles and skin. The medi-witches and wizards who were overseeing his recovery were surprised. Usually extensive training was required to open magical channels in just a wizard's hand, thus allowing wandless magic to occur. However, Harry's magic was opening the channels without any training and without any resistance from his body.

While this was good for Harry's body it wasn't good for his magical core. Since his core was trying to stabilize and exert healing power to his body at the same time, the large pocket that held his magic shrank, eating itself. Biologically, the depletion of the pocket made sense to both his core and his body. Magic was now running through him instead of being held separate. So there really wasn't any need for such a large reserve chamber. There was a problem with this though. The power he could once call upon had shriveled. In most areas of magic he was below even the most average of witches and wizards, but in things like Defense Against the Dark Arts, Transfiguration and Charms he seemed to be doing better then ever before as if he still had Voldemort's horcrux inside him. The new ability to "eat" magic was new and frightening as well but Hermione guessed it was because his body now processed magic like an enzyme, or sugar. The fact still remained though, his body and magic hand merged.

Concealment charms and other feature altering spells and potions were unable to function due to the unification of the physical and magical aspects of himself. With Harry's core and physical forms meshed together any magic done to him would have either harmed him, been eaten by his body, rebound away, or harmed the caster. So a "keyed down" life as an auror would have been disastrous. Unable to wear any magical disguise would have put him and his teammates in danger and he was way to famous to go without a disguise. There was talk of using muggle means of changing his looks but what if it rained? What if someone touched his face or grabbed his hair and took off the wig? Or better yet what about his voice? It was hopeless as far as Harry could see, he didn't even WANT to remember the long discussion he had had with Hermione over blond hair dye.

Harry had taken the loss of a possible future job hard; the life he wanted after defeating Voldemort was taken away almost indefinitely. It didn't matter that he could do wandless magic or that he already possessed an animagus form, without being able to change his identity Harry would most likely be pushed into a diplomatic or desk job (both of which he did not want to be stuck with). After further thought Harry realized that what he really wanted instead was a quiet life, one where he could feel secure and relaxed. Both were a luxury he never had as a child. So he researched the art of disappearing from the magical world with his friends' help. Unsurprisingly Hermione's help had been the most helpful. He had wanted someplace were there was rich history and a culture different from British society, someplace were he could watch the world go by, someplace he could still get into the magical world if anything happened, someplace that had enough people where if anyone came looking for him that person would have an extraordinary time of it. He found Japan that way and fell in love with the country.

So, what better place to hide than in plain sight and in the muggle world as an animal? Didn't take much thought to come up with. Harry didn't have to use his wand for much since he could do everything the muggle way, and considering his odd appearance in the herd tons of people took his picture and displayed them. Nobody would think to investigate a deer in Nara Park as Harry Potter.

Back to the kid though, Harry finally saw him blink. God this kid was creepy and somehow reminded him of a Dementor. Harry shuddered, those eyes were almost lifeless. Ah… the kid was drooling!

Ok that was it. Harry shuddered. The soulless child was no longer entertaining AT ALL. He was going to go somewhere else and relax, maybe think about what he was going to eat that day because he most definitely was not going for the grass or those feed pellets. Getting up was still awkward for Harry and embarrassing. First his hindquarters had to be lifted and then his front legs. For the three seconds that his butt was in the air he felt exposed and embarrassed beyond belief. If he could blush his face would be bright red but as it were his face was covered with black and cream fur.

Straightened out at last Harry took a quick look around. One of the schools had left leaving the toddles and what looked like a 13 to 17 year old group. The older kids were clothed in a tan shirt with a white under shirt. A red crest was sown onto their right breast piece and the boys had black pants while the girls had black skirts. They had stationed themselves in a lose blob formation with groups of giggling girls on the inside.

'Well they are older and I can probably get one of the girls to pet my ear. Bloody kid gripped it so hard it still smarts.' Harry twitched his abused ear.

Walking in the group's direction Harry aimed for a small brown haired boy with gravity defying hair reminiscent of his own messy human fluff. The boy was the right height to look at in the eyes and reach the soreness and if he didn't there were always the others. A pair of flustered girls hid behind him in an attempt to avoid a large male Sitka deer. The boy had wide eyes and was fidgeting as the deer continued to press at them.

'Maybe I'll joust with the deer first and make him shove off.'

It might be odd to act that much like a deer but at times it made life funnier. As a deer, Harry could try new things and get away with stuff that his real form probably could not. In the back of his mind Harry could hear Ron's voice encouraging him to go bite at the girl's skirts and make them shriek. Harry gave a little dear smile* and began to move faster, watching as one of the girls who had black hair pulled into a pony-tail and was the tallest of the group, used her bag to shield her smaller, short, light caramel brown haired friends. The particular deer the group of three was contesting with Harry had nicknamed Bruno. Bruno thought he was suave and debonair, always approaching both female deer and high school girls with a puffed out chest. Why he did it, Harry didn't know but it was entertaining to watch.

As Harry neared the group he raised his head and squared his shoulders trying to look like his proud patronus. Ears straight up and pointed forwards, head held high, back bowed and steps light. The show always garnered him attention. Just as he got to about six feet from the group a laud bang and bright flash of light lit up. The two girls screamed and the boy shrieked out a "Hiiiiiiiiii!" sound. Bruno reared up and jumped away in surprise eyes wide and tail pointed straight up, running with a few other deer that had gotten spooked as well. Harry, still with DADA instincts, froze and stood still looking around for the threat.

'What the heck was that!?'

Slightly dazzled and disheveled from the blast the brown haired boy Harry had been walking towards took an unsteady breath. Tsuna put a hand to his beating heart and sagged down as he realized what had gone off. At least it was only his second in command's bombs and not something even more dangerous trying to end him. The 14 tear old thought he had told Gokudera to leave them behind in the hotel room but he had obviously taken a few with him. To his left Tsuna could hear Gokudera yelling about the deer harassing the 10th to Yamamoto and 'why did the baseball nut ruin his aim, he could have made the bomb hit the 10th!' Laughing nervously Tsuna turned to the two girls behind him trying to block out Gokudera's ranting and fix his clothes.

"Kyoko-chan, Haru-chan are you two ok?" He asked.

"Ya we're fine, so is Reborn-san!" Haru said moving her book back from in front of Tsuna as well as cupping the side of a small figure resting on her shoulder.

Tsuna did a double take and saw his tutor was on Haru's shoulder, as cool as could be. The infant hitman was standing on the girl with his legs put a bit sideways and crossed, leaning on Haru's head. Despite the explosion Reborn's pitch black fedora and suit were impeccable as always and not a hair was put out of place. Even the curly sideburns hadn't moved as far as Tsuna could tell. Tsunayoshi leaned back and pointed a finger at the little figure.

"Wah, Reborn? What are you doing here!?"

Oh NO! When his school had announced the spring vacation trip Tsuna thought he might have a real vacation from Reborn and his insane training. There was supposed to be no bombs, no guns, no mafia family out to get him, and definitely NO training. But this was Reborn he was talking about, he should have known better.

"Dame-Tsuna." The little hitman said in that 'you are so stupid. Have you learned nothing from me' tone. "Even hitmen need breaks from time to time, and I wanted to go deer hunting." The infant said holding Leon in gun form by his waist, the barrel giving off a sharp glint.

Taking this as a joke Kyoko chuckled behind a hand "Reborn you're so funny!"

Tsuna on the other hand knew Reborn was positively serious and began to panic. Who knew what the Nara Park officials might do to them for allowing what they would think was a harmless baby to kill the sacred deer with an m45!

"Reborn you can't! These deer are sacred, protected! We'll get in trouble if you do anything like that!" Tsuna flailed his arms trying to get his point across before anything happened.

"You can't tell me what to do Dame-Tsuna. Besides, there are enough deer here that nobody would notice if one or two disappear."

Reborn silently enjoyed the one whole minute of Tsuna hyperventilating and pleading for him to rethink his deer-hunting escapade.

"Whatever," Reborn cut in "I'm only taking one deer anyways so stop your whining."

At that Tsuna looked like he might faint. Gokudera having seen this was marching straight for his boss and looked like he wanted to rip Reborn a new one, infant hitman of great killing ability or not. At least with Gokudera, Reborn would get some great faces instead of the no-good-Tsuna's over reactions.

As he watched Gokudera draw nearer Reborn felt something make the hairs on the back of his neck stand up. This had nothing to do with bombs being lit right in front of him. The infant hummed in slight interest until he felt a more insistent pressure from his instincts. Broken from his musing and anticipation of a fight with Gokudera, Reborn straitened up and turned slightly on Haru's shoulder, gripping Leon near his waste. Some sort of presence was right there, to the left of the group and slightly hidden from sight by Haru's head.

Completely ignoring the oncoming Strom Guardian the infant turned and spotted a large deer. Of all things setting off alarms in his head an animal was not high on his list. It had more chest muscle then the other deer around and looked like it might not even be the same type. While it looked full-grown there were still the baby fawn spots on it's hide like the Sitka deer but it had longer legs and a longer, slimmer neck. At the base of the left antler there seemed to be a white scar. Since he was looking at the deer head on it formed a lightning bolt with the base of the left antler. What struck Reborn the most was it's silky black fur and wide, watery doe eyes the shade of green hazel. A mix that mother nature usually did not approve of unless it was on a feline. The presence was emanating from that strange deer and it seemed to scream poise and precision as if it was expecting something.

'Like the king of a forest.' Reborn couldn't help but muse.

Kyoko seemed to be interested in it too because she turned herself towards the deer with eyes lit up giving Reborn a better view. The girl's face split into a wide smile as she took in the deer.

"Oh look at it! How cute! It's black!" She chirped, holding both hands to her chest in excitement.

Just then Gokudera showed up with his face red and grabbed Tsuna while muttering apologies about how he had to touch Juudaime without his permission. He had to get him away from the mobster deer everywhere. Yamamoto came by with Gokudera, said hi and then left again following the bomb thrower and Tsuna. Noticing the people it had been watching leave, the black deer seemed to go off as well but, it made only slow movements and was looking directly at Reborn and Haru. Still board and wanting to provoke Tsuna some more Reborn took up his current options and decided some investigation was in order. Even if the black deer was just pretty it would look well as a new rug or a trophy in his section of Tsuna's room plus he was bored. He could just imagine the mounted deer head staring at Dame-Tsuna all night. The hitman could definitely turn that into another lesson for the future 10th boss. What that lesson would be? Well, he'd think it up later.

"Hey Haru, go left." Reborn ordered leaving no room for question.

Blinking once, then twice, Haru looked at the infant in confusion. Tsuna-kun and everyone else was going in the other direction.


Reborn didn't even look down to answer her, he just kept looking at the slow moving deer.

"I want to pet that deer." The infant stated and tried not to seem suspicious considering he did just declare hunting season on the immediate wildlife.

Happy smiles, no resistance. Silly girl.

"Oh ok!"


0w0(+} +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ + + + +

Seeing there wasn't anything attacking him, Harry released most of the tension in his muscles. He needed to calm down after that. There were perks of being a deer and setbacks; one was heightened sense, another was speed. Unfortunately the drawbacks were a state of CONSTANT VIDULANCE that would make Mad Eye proud and twitchy nerves tantamount to a seizure every time something started him. Taking a deep breath to steady himself, Harry expected for his nose to register the sweet sent of flowers and grass but he got something else. The ebony coated deer nearly gagged at what he inhaled. The sent of cursed magic permeated one of the girls and drowned her real sent under a spattering of stench. She couldn't have been older than 16 years old but the sent smelled as if it had existed for hundreds of years. Her features were youthful and full of energy with two clips on her bangs and her hair in a small ponytail. Earthy brown eyes turned out to be the same exact shade of color and her completion was more tan than the girl standing next to her. Her clothes were the same uniform as the others but her knee high socks were just a bit longer. The energy she had seemed to be getting restless because she bounced on the ball of her heel from time to time. Harry didn't know how she functioned under that smell.

When the girl shifted again Harry saw the strangest baby he had ever seen, not that he'd seen many. Dressed from head to toe in black and white with a yellow pacifier, the infant seemed fine with his perch on the girl's shoulder while she moved. In fact the baby didn't look like it minded being held in place only by her hand. When the girl (Haru, the brown haired boy had called her) moved again he got another whiff of the magic. It seemed to be emanating from the girl's right side, the side pointed away from him, and the side the little baby was resting on. Was the girl the baby's mother?

Wow… they got younger and younger.

A commotion that looked suspiciously like the brown haired boy and the baby were arguing (which Harry thought was ridiculous since the baby looked to young to talk properly) started and ended with the older having a conniption fit and being dragged away by a silver haired male. For a second Harry thought Malfoy had shown up and found him but Harry mentally sighed in relief as he saw the uneven cut hair and muggle clothes. There were two things Malfoy wouldn't stand for at all.

Wind blew a bit stronger for a second sending a third wave of cursed air at Harry again. This time the wind blew right up his nose, a great extra snout full. Inside the sent was the girls smothered underneath but also … he could smell the baby's sent stronger that the girls. This was odd because the baby also didn't smell anything like his mother …er sister… babysitter, whatever. Her sent was light and airy, probably just like her brain was, and it was almost like smelling popery. The baby's sent was stronger, MUCH STRONGER, like Old Spice strong. Coffee and cigarette smoke wasn't exactly what he wanted to be around almost as much as the magic's smell.

In short the baby was the one infected!

What witch or wizard could do something like that to a baby? Granted, Voldemort had tried to kill him multiple times as a child and the Death Eaters were not nice to children either. Still, this was something complex and very powerful. Someone took the time and energy to super charge whatever this behemoth of a pile of sludge was. Could this child have been affected by the war? The little guy was muggle, albeit very strange and eccentric like witches and wizards were, so maybe muggleborn? But then wouldn't the baby be in some way fighting the curse? Looking at the girl and her baby again Harry's own magic couldn't feel a basted thing from her other than the curse. Gilt washed over Harry because that meant the baby was muggle and attacked viscously.

He hated to think about it now but another reason why he had wanted to leave wizarding society was the responsibility the community felt he still had to them. The ministry wanted him to go attend fundraisers for pompous politicians instead of fundraisers for children hurt during the war. No matter what job he would have entered there would have been pressure to use his face for anything and everything marketable. Harry didn't want his fame to be used now, plus the wizarding community was starting to rely to heavily on him again. However, with a child that was most likely hurt from the war he failed to stop sooner right in front of him, Harry felt obligation help.

He had to get the girl to follow him. Most likely he would have to separate the baby from the mom in order to handle the baby properly and not scare the mom when the curse was taken off. The baby seemed to be interested in him at the moment if the blank stare he was getting from the kid was anything to go on. If he could just get the mom to move into the trees near the center of the park he might be able to lure the baby away while she was distracted by something else.

With hastily put together plan in mind Harry slowly started to walk away, hoping to gain the baby's attention and make him react, thus getting the moms attention and hopefully leading her away from her group. Sure enough, both the presumably young mom and the baby fallowed him a split second after he started walking away. Trying not to look interested at all, Harry stopping from time to time near the lake and then near Bruno.

Harry slowly made his way to a line of trees that had grown together kind of tight. Inside there was a clearing the raven-haired wizard used to portkey to his temporary home, a small "castle" he bought from a wealthy Japanese "mahō shōjo" who didn't want to take care of it anymore. With all the money and magical items Harry had cleaned out of his vaults right before leavening he had enough money to buy the run down castle two times over. If push came to shove he could just portkey the baby and himself to his home in human form, remove the curse more comfortably and then have him back there in about three hours. Not his best plan B but it would have to do.

Actually, at the thought of turning back into a human Harry's skin started to itch a bit. Harry's real form was dressed in a simple white embroidered yukata with a blue layer underneath. A Japanese wheal design surrounded by what looked like fish scales and ivy reached up from the hem of his outer yukata and ended at his thy. His feet and part of his calves were wrapped in bandages since it felt great to feel the earth beneath his feet. Harry's hair had grown out as well, not by much but enough so he had to put it in two ponytails at the base of his neck held by two flat lengths of crisscrossing metal.

With all the legends about deities and creatures called Tenshi, Harry figured if he ever got caught changing from his animagus form whoever saw him would think he was a forest god or demon. So far he hadn't had to use that excuse yet, plus it was fun to dress up like this and the clothes were perfect for spring weather.

Walking in between the plants Harry noticed the mom and baby sitting down on a near by bench. As she sat there she talked animatedly to the baby and put him down on the ground. Instantly little hands went into pockets after putting the pacifier in his mouth.

'What a little gangster.' Harry mused.

Seemingly satisfied with himself the baby turned in Harry's direction and walked with sure steps. One more odd thing the infant did must be a prodigy. Oh well that didn't matter now, what mattered was that he could get the baby away from his mother.

Moving further into the small grove of trees Harry finally separated the two. He didn't think it would be this easy to separated the baby from his mother but there it was, toddling along with that little fedora and suit. It was actually quite cute.

0w0(+} +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ + + + +

After pushing the bush out of the way Reborn saw the deer again. It had stopped in a clearing and was turned to face him directly. Obsidian colored fur shined in the bright light that went though the trees and the cream colored undercoat and spots along its sides reflected the green grass in a pastel tone. The hazel eyes that previously looked dull seemed to have brightened to an almost emerald color to the point where it swallowed the black center. The fallow deer's head was curved gracefully towards him and it was then that Reborn realized that one antler, the left one, was a lighter color then the other as well as longer, the right antler looked like it had simply grown short or fallen off later then the other.

Reborn squinted, cautiously getting closer to the large creature. The little hitman could definitely sense a dyeing will flame emanating from the animal, but why would it? While Tsuna, Gokudera, Hibari and the rest of the Vongola did have an animal it was never their animal that had a flame, the creature simply represented the person who's flame brought them to life.

'Come on baby, juuuust a little closer and I can get that nasty curse off you.' Harry said softly knowing that the baby couldn't understand him. *

Reborn held out his hand for the deer to sniff. If he wanted to see what kind of dying will the animal had he needed to get closer and shoot a bullet into its mouth. As the black deer lowered its head Reborn looked into its eyes and realized there was intelligence behind them. It looked old and slightly pained beyond its years but shone in the strangest vivid color of green he had ever seen. Just as the deer's cold wet nose was about to touch the center of his little chubby palm it turned and struck.

Harry was glad when the little guy had stretched out his hand politely asking if Harry wanted to get to know him better. He must have watched his mother do that earlier and was now copying her. A hair's breathe away from touching the little guy with his nose, Harry changed direction and licked him from chest to forehead all over his tuxedo and pacifier. The motion of his head carried a bit of saliva up into the air and made his nose point to the sky. Harry heard the baby gasp and knew he had gotten what he wanted.

On his tongue like a living pulsating glob of black flesh, was the curse. Its pungent rotting smell wasn't the worst he had ever dealt with but it still burnt his sensitive nose. Harry realized he would probably have to eat some raw chamomile buds and other herbs to settle his stomach after this.

Quickly capturing the curse in his mouth Harry slammed it down onto the ground, using a hoof to rip it apart and dismantle the magic into ineffective parts and then one by one the raven colored deer ate it.

Reborn on the other hand looked and felt sick. At first he had shivered because of the unexpected warm liquid, then he started getting angry. How the heck had he not noticed the deer was going to lick him? He was a trained hitman, the best, baby version or not!

Wiping his face Reborn pulled out Leon and pointed it at the deer as his vision cleared and felt his jaw open slightly letting the pacifier hang a bit loose. The large raven colored deer had something … living… in its mouth and was ripping it to shreds and devouring it like a mad dog. The cloven hooves were digging into whatever it was and pierced it right thought the mass and dragged backwards, gouging out dirt at the same time. Piece by piece the thing was ripped asunder and then swallowed, whole. Reborn stared in sick fascination. What the heck was that that thing in its mouth, better yet what the heck was this demon deer!?

"You, deer, what are you?" Reborn asked calmly having completely regained his composure.

He watched as the deer simply stood back up in its regal pose and watching the gun he held in his hand.

Swallowing the last piece Harry lifted his head and reared back his head. The baby had a gun pointed at his head, plus it just talked perfectly in Japanese! He really hoped it wasn't a real gun but considering his luck it might be.

'That baby is no longer cute! The curse should be deactivating right about now since I just finished absorbing it. Hopefully that will knock out this guy.'

Sure enough the baby's eyes lowered in drowsiness and his little hand with the gun started to wobble back down to earth.

God what was happening to him? His body felt tired all of a sudden like when he came back from an extensive mission. His limbs started to feel like they were filled with lead and so were his legs. Unable to keep himself upright Reborn collapsed onto the grass crushing the new sprouts under his little form. Losing his grip on Leon, the chameleon turned back into animal form and slithered onto his master's lowered shoulder looking at his face in concern.

Harry watched as the baby began to glow, his little form swallowed by the bright orb of light. He had expected lethargy and maybe some wooziness and puking. Not this. Harry decided to change back into a human just in case he had to help the baby. Feeling his limbs shorten and his back straighten into a regular spine Harry enjoyed the silk robes that flowed over his human limbs and around his feet.

Fully human again Harry watched in puzzlement. The light around the little one didn't dissipate, yet flared out at five different points. These five points began to take shake and long limbs emerge from them. White almost alabaster skin covered the silhouette emerging from the ball. The figure was littered with scars, some obvious, some almost completely faded, but there were definitely a few bullet holes. As the light began to subside back into what used to be an infant Harry realized that the baby wasn't there anymore. Instead, lying on the ground was a six-foot man obviously older then 25 with sculpted black hair and two curly sideburns that displayed near either cheek. His body was sculpted into a lethal weapon and his hands looked large and callused, but strong.

… and the fact the man/baby no longer had clothes on…

Well, he guessed you could say dressed only in his "birthday suit"…

Harry shrieked a very high pitched, unmanly shriek, face burning red and feeling off center. But at the moment he didn't care how girly he looked with his hands in front of his mouth and his eyes bulging out of his head; a naked MAN was NOT what he was expecting. AT. ALL!

Shaking, the raven-haired teen grabbed his silver bracelet firmly and pressed onto a large blue gem shouting the activation words and popping out of existence.


*I'm not sure if that's the real person who is in charge.

* "Dear" "deer", get it? … no? Ya I agree, it was lame w;

* I imagine deer "talk" silently so Harry isn't making any noise but small movement we humans don't normally notice.