Disclaimer: I own nothing, Alucard, Seras and the others is owned by Kouta Hirano.

Couple: Alucard x Seras

Warning: This story contains a lot of blood, sexual innuendos and sex. Can't you read about those kind of things, do not read this story. You have been warned.

Blood. Blood everywhere, where does it come from? Is it from me or the person lying next to me? Is it from the dead zombie that I shot in the head with my gun, is it his blood? No, it can not be... The zombie is dead, right? It can not bleed, or... can it?

My name is Seras Victoria, and I am a police officer. I've just been hired, and my colleagues are nice, or no, it is wrong to say "are". They were nice. They are scattered around me, their bodies are cold and lifeless, just like everyone else.

I had to kill them, I must... otherwise they would have killed me, and I had been... one of those zombie-things that they are now... I do not understand; why is this happening to me? Why, what have I done to deserve this horrible thing?

Mom, I want to go home to mom! No, I can't, I realize. I have no parents, they are dead, both of them... I have only myself, but it will not be enough, not by a long shot. What should I do? I wish that this is a horrible nightmare that I will soon wake up from, but no matter how much I wish I know deep within me that this is not a regular nightmare.

This is reality.

A sound reaches my ears and my eyes turns towards the altar, where everything seemed to start. It was from there all the zombies rushed at us, how many they were I do not know. Too many to count, that much I can say. They came as a barrage of death against us, me and my comrades. Before I had time to shoot the first shot two of my friends was down. It all went so fast, and before I knew it I was standing there alone and shot for dear life.

I can still hear the sound of gunshots that echoes in the otherwise quiet church I am in. Not a sound the zombies seemed to outcast from their throats when they came towards us, they were like a herd of animals that had caught sight of a pray as they to each price had decided to kill.

Somehow I solo managed to kill the rest of the other zombies that were left after my partners had fall, but the problem was not over then, no. My companions got up and looked at me with... empty eye sockets. The persons they once had been were not there anymore, they had been washed away by those… zombies that so bestial had feasted on their flesh. Some were missing an arm, some had large holes where they had been bitten and the guts could be seen.

I did not want to, but what kind of choice did I have? I shot them, I shot my friends. Just like that, it was so easy, even if it felt terrible inside me. Something broke inside me as soon as I lifted the gun and took aim against those who had before been so close to me.

Those who once were my closest friends.

Before me, he stands. The priest, who told the zombies to attack us. Why did he do it? What does he want, anyway? I do not know, and now that I know what he has been doing for such a long time, I'm not sure I want to know it anymore.

He looks at me with a smirk on his lips. Without that I know how it happened, he suddenly appears in front of me and takes a firm grip on my chin. I can feel how strong he is, he lifts me up from the floor with such ease, as if I had been a little ragdoll. His laughter fills the church and it makes my blood chill, where it flows in my body. He has a hungry gaze who inspects me from top to bottom, he wants to... do things with me that I cannot even in my wildest dreams imagine. He licks his lips and that smirk refuses to leave his lips. He strokes with his thumb over my lips and I have to struggle with the impulse to bite his finger. Why should I? He is still too strong for me to beat him, plus that he probably would not even blink if I succeeded. He seems made of stone; he is so... unshakable in some way.

"Ah, it was long time since last I got to taste such wonderful blood as yours. Not only because you are young, you're probably a virgin too, I can imagine?"

I do not answer, because I've just realized what kind of creature he is. I've never believed in zombies, but it turned out to be true. I have never believed in vampires either, but here is a living one in front of me. One that also just don't intend to drink my blood, but also something else, which I do not want to think about right now. I have heard stories about what happens to vampire victims, and I do not want to end up like one of them.

Unfortunately, it seems as if this vampire priest has something different in mind...

My thoughts are interrupted by that his hand is lifted up towards me and start to stroke my cheek. He continues to grin; it's as if it has always been there on him, as if it is a part of him. I understand what he is going to do, but it is as if I do not want to understand. This is not happening, I'm dreaming, I lie in my bed!

"Shh, my lady. Just relax, I will not hurt you. That much..." he laughs scornfully and evil right in my face. My whole body is shaking with fear and I'm crying. The tears are flowing down my cheeks as a quiet spring rain on a beautiful summer day.

I can see how my short life passes me by as magic. A strange feeling embrace me and make me smile. The realization hit me like a punch in the face and it makes my body relaxed. Maybe it would not be so stupid to end my life this way. I haven't had such a good life after all, with my parents' death and orphanages alternately. Foster parents who did not really want me, because I have a little... different look.

I have ice blue eyes, pale skin and my hair is one big mop of blond hair that never wants to co-operate. It has its own will; it never really put itself straight but, like "stand" itself up. I have often noticed how people who see me in the eyes shrink from the gaze that I give them. Do not misunderstand me; it's not that I give them a hating gaze, but more because of my eye color. Most of them have never seen such a pair of blue eyes that I have, and as you probably know, we humans mostly back of when we see something new.

It may be dangerous.

I once again get interrupted by the priest's hand that strokes against my skin. This time, his thumb wanders down to my neck, where he feels my pulse. I see how the desire really radiates out from his eyes when he thinks of the blood flowing inside me and that soon is to be his own...

A sound from the door opening catches our ears and makes us both turn our heads. In my case, it doesn't work so well, because the priest still keeps a firm grip on me. I do not know how much time has passed since it all started, but it feels like days. Actually, it maybe has only been a few minutes, who knows?

Suddenly, I feel how the priest stands behind me and changes his grip of me. Instead of holding me by the collar he holds one hand around my stomach and the other around my throat. "Stand still, otherwise you know what happens."

The figure in the door neither says anything nor moves. It just... stands there, like a shadow that brakes away and comes to life. I do not know who the figure is, why it is here or where it came from. The only thing I really wish when I see it is that it will save me or at least give me a chance to escape from this nightmare that I now find myself in.

"Why should I care about her?" I hear the figure speak. "She is nothing but an ordinary human, right?"

The hope that had build around me like a protective bubble as soon as I had caught sight of the figure, now burst with a big boom. My whole body seems to give up and become very dull in the priest's arms. In that moment I gave up, and I mean really gave up. If this figure did not consider it worthy enough to rescue me, who would then save me?

"Do it", I say. My voice is clear in the quiet church and I myself is surprised that it manages to hold and how strong it is heard through me. "Just get it over with, I'm still just 'a human who is not worthy to be saved', right? So why not make me one last favor and put an end to my miserable life once and for all?"

Neither the priest nor the figure says anything for a long time. It is as if they have not heard me, as if everything I have said is only inside my own head. Just when I am about to open my mouth again, the figure speaks in the doorway.

"Bravo, human. Maybe I misunderstood you a little, you are not like the other people who always ask for help and say they are innocent. May I give you a round of applause?" The figure did not wait for my answer, but clapped his hands slowly back and forth before he continued. "You know what, I have changed my mind. It seems like it's your lucky day today, I will let you go."

I was about to say thanks, but the figure cut me off before I could say anything. "I'll let you go, after I have taken out the trash."

This made the priest react. He takes a tighter grip on me and the smile that had disappeared from his face when he discovered the figure, found itself on his lips again. "If you're going to kill me you must first kill this young woman. You make your own choice, vampire hunter."

The word makes me flinch. Vampire hunter? What does he mean by that? Does the priest know the figure in the corner? Does he know who it is? Have they met before, somewhere else?

What then happened, I will never ever forget. The figure took two steps forward and I got to see him for the first time. He wore a red hat on his head, had long black hair that hung like curtains down his face. On the body, he wore a red coat with black boots and pants. In his hands he held a giant gun that was bigger than any other gun I've ever seen before. And believe me, I have seen many during the short time I have been a cop.

"Woman, are you a virgin?" I hear him ask, and the question makes me blush deeply. What does it have to do with anything, really!?

The priest, however, reacts strongly to what the figure says. He takes a hold of my left breast and squeezes it hard. A small cry escapes me and I can see in the corner of my eye how the figure stiffens. "Do you need to question, vampire hunter? It appears long way on her, just look at how she reacts! I saw it immediately when she came in here. I felt it in her blood, the smell it radiates."

Nothing I could do to stop the priest's pervert hands from going on a treasure hunt on my body. He is everywhere, and for each new scream that escapes me, he seems to just become more and more bold. Tears pours down my cheeks again. I do not want to be here, I do not want to be part of this, take me away!

"I ask you again, woman!" says the figure a bit higher. "Answer me, are you a virgin?"

"Yes!" I yell as loud as I can. "Yes, I am a virgin!"

I have hardly have time to pronounce the sentence before I hear a gunshot be shot by the pistol in the figure's hand. A sharp pain hits me like a punch and when I look down I see a big hole where my left breast once has been. All that is left now is a giant hole that is smeared with blood. A darkness begin to surround me and I notice how I fall. Just a second after I have noticed that I fall, I can feel my body hit the stone floor below me. I am so shocked by the realization that I have been shot and now have a giant bullet hole in my chest that I don't notice the pain that flows through my body, or the thud that came when I landed.

Behind me I hear the sound of the priest who is screaming in pain. With my last ounce of strength I manage to turn my head and see how the priest is carrying an equally large bullet hole in his chest as I. The figure goes up to him and for the first time I can catch a glimpse of a small grin in his face. The sight causes me to see him as more human, even though I knew he is not in the slightest human.

Without that I understand what is happening the priest is suddenly gone. Everything had become so quiet you could have heard a pin drop. I have completely forget about the wound in my chest, I had been so amazed at how a person could just disappear like that. When I tried to get up I yelled at the enormous pain that cut through me. I start cry again, but now it is of pain and not out of fear.

"Hurts... it hurts so much..." I whisper, barely audible. Yet it seems that the figure can hear me perfect, as if I had been standing right beside him, for he comes up to me and bents down in front of me.

He says nothing, just looks at me. He takes off the yellow glasses which he has had to cover his eyes and looks at me. I gasps, but soon I bite my lip because of the pain that gasp gives me.

"Do not talk, you will only die faster", I hear him say. I look up at him and into his bright red eyes. Surprised, I feel a kind of affinity with this human, yet inhuman, person.

His eyes are the same as mine, just that his is red. I have never seen such bright red eyes before, which in itself perhaps isn't so surprising. Now I understand how those who have seen me in the eyes before have felt. It is no wonder if they have gotten afraid, I almost got it myself. But at the same time I am scared, I feel a joy in the body when he looks at me in that special way. As if I... mean something special to him.

"Who are you? What's your name?" I manage to get out of me. Before I die I want so desperately to know my saviors name.

"Alucard", is all he says.

"Are you also a vampire?"

Alucard nods. "I'm a vampire, and I hunt other vampires. What I do not do is to kill vampires who do not deserve it."

I nod slowly and close my eyes. The darkness has almost got me completely under its power and I feel such an incredible relief. Finally, I will come away from this place that is called "my life" and that haven't given me nothing but crap.

Before I can join the darkness I hear Alucard's voice as in a fog, it is weak. It is as if it comes from far away, as if it is a filter between me and him. "Seras, do you want to die?"

I do not reply right away. I just don't know how to answer him. Do I really want to die, just like that? If I do not want to die, it is not because I want to be separated from friends, relatives or parents. I do not have anyone that would grieve over me or come and visit my grave anyway, so why would I want to live on in a place where I was not desired?

Somehow I manage to muster enough strength to open my eyes and look at Alucard. I become amazed at how close his body is against my own, where he is bending over me. In his eyes I can see something that looks like... sorrow.

Alucard feels sorry for me.

In that moment I make a decision. I am not going to give up, I will try to live as long as possible, which in this moment does not seem to be long. "No, I do not want to die, Alucard. I want to live. I want, no, I'm going to show people that I really aren't someone who just lies down and let go of everything just because..." There my voice stopped and I spit blood.

Alucard looks at me with those eyes. Those sad eyes... Why is he so sad? Have I done something, or have I brought up something that has lying dormant for many years in his memories? Something sad that he doesn't want to remember?

"Please, Alucard", I pray and reach out my hand against him in a last, futile attempt to return to the world that always have hated me. To the world that absolutely did not want me there, but which I thought was better than nothing. Within me I know I have made the right decision, I have taken that step out of the darkness that I have always waited to do. The question that now remained was only:

Was it too late?

To my delight and surprise Alucard takes a firm grip on my shaking hand and holds it next to his own heart. Tears of joy streams down my cheeks and I can feel how whole I smile. Alucard see on me what I want and know I am going to do everything in my power to live as long as is possible.

"Actually, I should not do this, but it's something with you that make me realize that you, after all, is worthy a new life." Alucard smiles a little smile that is more like a grin, and puts his free hand under my head. He lifts me up slowly to not hurt me even more, which would not have mattered in how he had done. Although he picks me up so softly and gently it is as if a thousand knives is stuck into me.

I scream of pain and bites so hard in my lip that blood begins to drip down my chin. Without me having time to react Alucard is there and licks up the blood drop with a single motion. He looks at me and I do not know if I am imagining it or not, but I seem to catch a glimpse of a bit more red tint in his eyes now that looks like... blood.

"Seras Victoria, if you want, I can turn you into someone like me. If not, I will have to kill you. You will not be able to survive with that wound, believe me. I can see how the life seeps out of you for every second that passes. Your only chance for survival is if you let me bite you and drink your blood so that I can transform you."

My eyes become big as saucers. Transform...? Would I also become a... Vampire, with a big V? I did not know how to answer, what could I say? I know I have to make up my mind soon, because time is running away from me. Alucard is right, I can feel how my strength slowly disappears from me and how much weaker I am now compared to before, when I just had been shot.

Would I really fit as a vampire, it went through me. Do I not need to drink blood then, and kill other people, as it was said that vampires does?

As if Alucard had read my thoughts he said: "No, Seras, you will not have to kill people unless you do not decide to do it. We are not as bad as people write and say, believe me. If it were true, would I not already have killed you and sucked you dry by now?"

I nod, because I can not do much else. Apparently it is enough for Alucard, because he smiles at me. This time it is not a grin, but a real smile. Somehow I manage to smile back at him. In that moment I realize that if it is someone who would bite me, it is Alucard. He does not do it for the pleasures sake, but more to save a life. He know that he has to drink my blood so I can transform.

Our eyes meet and I can see how Alucard's smile disappears when he see the decision shine in my eyes. "Are you sure, Seras? You know you can not change your mind once it's done?"

I just smile and lift up my head while I twist my neck so that the most vulnerable part of my neck become visible to Alucard. In the corner of my eye I see how his fangs seem to grow and become more oblong. Before I know what really happens, I feel the fangs dig into my skin. A gasp escape me before I feel how Alucard starts to drink my blood with hungry gulps.

If I did not know better myself, it was a while ago that he last had a meal that consisted of blood. A pleasant drowsiness begin to fill me and I welcome it. I let it sink into me and embrace me while Alucard continue to drink my blood. The combination makes me happy, I feel better than I have for a long time. No, I feel better than I ever have done before.

Before I pass out of blood lust, I look into Alucard's red eyes that is now filled with my healthy, fresh blood. The sight does not startle me, it probably would have against any other human that Alucard would be willing to put his teeth in. The realization that he has specifically chosen me as his victim lit a fire in me that I never have felt before, and it scares me a bit.

I have no idea what is happening with my body, or what kind of changes it will undergo when I wake up. What I did not know then was that I hadn't had to worry, I would soon find out...

Voices speak around me. I can not see them, but I hear them loud and clear. Everything around me is dark, as if I am in a pitch black room and the voices speak to me from the walls. I realize they are talking about me, but why I do not know. Where am I? It sounds like an underground room, considering the voices seems to echo when they speak. Perhaps a basement?

A light hits my eyes and it feels like someone has sprayed several liters of pepper spray into my eyes (believe me, I know the feeling). I close my tired eyes again and feel the tears running down my cheeks. What has happened to me, why can I not stand sunlight anymore?

My thoughts are interrupted when I hear a door open and close, and footsteps that departs. It proves that I have been right about the voices; there has been several people beside myself in here just a few seconds ago. The only question is whether there still is someone with me here, or am I alone? I did not have to wait long before I got the answers to those questions.

"Seras Victoria, are you awake?" Hears a voice next to me ask. Slowly, slowly I open my eyes again towards the direction I thought I had heard the voice come from and look into a pair of bright red eyes.

Everything came back to me. The zombies, the priest, the blood, the gunshot that spurt up my left breast and... the bite. Especially the bite I remember clearly. Without that I know what I do, I lay my fingers on my neck where I know that Alucard has bitten me. Strangely I feel no scar, nothing that can prove I have been bitten.

"Alucard, is that you?" I whisper and do not let go of his gaze for a second. I can't, I don't want to either. There is something in his eyes that makes me... melt. I don't know how to explain it in another way. When his eyes meet mine it is as if he could see into me, as if he knows exactly what I have been through and why I acted like I did over there in the church.

Alucard nods and smiles at me. "Yes, it's me. How do you feel?" He strokes my cheek slowly with his thumb and looks me more deeply into my eyes. I really feel how I fall. The only thing that exists is those eyes.

Alucard's eyes.

"Alucard", I whisper, and feel more than see how he approaches me. I do nothing to prevent what happens next. I simply do not want to. I want it to happen, and I don't know if it is because of my transformation, or something else. Maybe a confirmation that I am worth something better.

When I feel how Alucard's lips meet mine in a tentative kiss, (I would think that he isn't sure if I would allow it or not, and don't want to push myself to do something I would regret later), it was as if we became one. My whole body seems to react to the kiss that Alucard gives me. My heart pounds, my lips burn and I get butterflies in my stomach.

The kiss broke and Alucard continue to stroke my cheek slowly while he has a little playful smile on his face. It makes me fill with a joy that I never thought I would experience.

There is much that I experience with Alucard that I never thought I would be experiencing, I thought to myself as I lay on a soft bed in a strange room with no windows and only one lamp in the ceiling that are barely sufficient to provide enough light in the big room.

"Where am I?" I manage to get my voice to say during the cloud that lay around me that is called "happiness". "How did I get here, anyway?"

"I brought you here, how else would it have happened?" Alucard looks amused at me, as if he has just come to think of something funny. "It was not you who walked here anyway; you could not even stand up when I last saw you. You could barely talk..." He pauses and something sadly flies through his face again.

"Why are you sad?" I stroke Alucard's hair which lay around his face like a black blanket of protection. "Have I caused you this pain that I have been seeing more then once in your face, Alucard?"

First, Alucard does not respond. Not for a long time, actually. The only thing he does is looking at me with that sad face and continue with his stroking of my cheek. It is as if he can not get enough of feeling his skin against mine.

"Yes, partly it is because of you, Seras. Partly, it depends on myself. I still do not know if I did right when I transformed you. Perhaps it would have been better if I just had... let you die there in the church and then made sure that you received a proper burial instead of letting you be in there in the church and rot away."

Alucard sighs and shakes his head. Before he continues he resumes his eye contact with me. "Actually, maybe I should have drunk all your blood and let you die like that, so that at least you could feel an ounce of joy before you died. However, it is too late to change my decision now, but I wonder if it really was so wise... My boss is also skeptical about the whole thing."

"Your boss?" I look puzzled at Alucard. It was hard to imagine that he had someone who decided over him, like any normal soldier. Because Alucard is truly not a normal soldier.

Alucard nods. "Yes, my boss. Integra Hellsing is her name. By the way, it is actually here in her headquarters that you are currently in. This is the basement, which we usually use as 'guest room', as you humans probably would call it. My room is not far from here either, just in case you're wondering."

Integra Hellsing… I taste the name and found it was a name which inspired respect. As soon as I heard Alucard mention her name, I felt a deep respect towards the woman that I still had not seen or met. "If I am now also a vampire, does it mean that... she is my boss now also, Alucard?"

"Yes, Seras. That's right; she is your boss from now on if you decide to live as a vampire. We could really use a person like you in our team, to fight the other vampires and zombies who want to access our skins."

I could not help it, I shuddered. Something in Alucard's voice gave me the feeling that "the other vampires and zombies", as he talked about are no ordinary vampires or zombies. Probably they are worse than those I had met at the church, and it made me downright terrified.

"Don't be afraid, Seras. It is these weaknesses that kill you. If you show any of your enemies that you are afraid of them, it will cost you your life. You must be strong and see death in the eye, as you did over there in the church. You need to defy death and do not let it take you and let it capture you too early, you hear that?" Alucard takes a firm grip of my hands and stares deeply into my eyes so the message really will sink into me.

And it did, it really did. I know exactly what he is talking about, and I also know that I will do everything in my power to keep this promise to Alucard, the vampire who saved my life.

When Alucard realized I was serious he relaxed a little and smiled at me as he had done a few minutes ago, after he had kissed me. When the kiss once again played in my mind the fire that I had felt inside the church before I passed out, came back. I began to understand what it meant, and I'm pretty sure Alucard also saw it.

We say nothing for a few minutes, just look each other in the eyes and holding hands. We both have a little smile on our lips that mirrors what we feel for each other. Never before have I felt something similar. It is as if my skin is on fire just by looking at Alucard, to look into his deep gaze and lose myself in it.

I want him, and he want me. There was no doubt among any of us.

Within a few seconds I have Alucard's body lying next to my own on the bed. My hands stroke his hair slowly while Alucard stroke me over the arm. I do not know why, but in some way it was as if once we had understood what the other wanted, we did not want it to go too fast. Every second should count, which in its turn meant that to be able to enjoy all those seconds we have to take it slowly and really take in everything that happens.

I lay with half-closed eyes and let the fire that burns within me spread out through my whole body. The whole I am hot and I feel how a tingling found its way from my stomach down to between my legs. It is unexpected and a little shocked gasp escapes my lips.

Apparently Alucard has understand what has happened because he grins playfully and puts his hand on my hip while the other hand stroke my hair. "Do not worry; I will not hurt you, Seras. I'll be careful. However, you must promise me one thing."

"What, Alucard?" I ask, looking at him.

"That you tell me if I do things against you that you consider unpleasant. I do not want to make you feel uncomfortable. Since this is your first time, I would like to make it special." Alucard kisses my forehead tenderly and the movement make me blush.

I can not utter a word, but instead I just nod. This is enough for Alucard, since he the second after kisses me, and this time it is no tentative kiss. No, now he gives me a real kiss that makes my body explode when the tingling surges through me. I am not so stupid that I do not understand what it means, I'm not completely inexperienced, if I say so.

The kiss gets hotter the more and longer we kiss. I can not get enough of Alucard's lips against mine and in the way he kisses me, I realize that he feels the same.

Small moans escapes me as I lay with Alucard's body over me in the bed. We have barely begun, but it feels as if my gender at any time will burst with all the excitement that slowly but steadily rises within me. If Alucard makes me feel like this just by kissing me, how will it not feel when he begins to walk down...? it goes through my mind and I can feel how my cheeks once again becomes red.

With one last quick kiss, Alucard breaks away from the grip of my lips and looks at me with his red vampire eyes, now full of desire. His breathing sounds much like mine, exhausted. He strokes my lips before he says: "Seras, what do you do with me?"

Strangely enough, the question makes me laugh. What I do to him? What is he not doing with me, is what I would like to ask him. Instead of asking, I just shake my head and smile. I put my hands around Alucard's shoulders and pull off his jacket. Under it he wears a white shirt and under it I can catch a glimpse of his muscles.

Slowly I let my fingers stroke along Alucard's chest and stomach. He shivers, but does nothing to stop me. I take that as a good sign and slowly begin unbuttoning the buttons that is in the way between me and his gorgeous skin. I close my eyes and pull in Alucard's smell. He smells sweet and the odor awakes something inside me. It is as if I just by being able to smell Alucard's divine fragrance turns me to someone else.

There is something inside me that wants out.

"Exactly, Seras. Let it come, you have nothing to fear. This is something you have to get used to as a vampire. From now on you will always be able to smell the scent of blood, and like it. So is the vampire law, and will continue to be." Alucard lays down his head in my hair and pulls in my scent, as I have done to him just now.

Without that I know how it happens, or how I even dare!, I begin to lick Alucard's naked chest around his heart, where the blood smell is strongest. I do not dare to bite, because I am not sure where it is safe to bite Alucard without him dying of blood loss. Above me, I notice how Alucard shivers of pleasure and a small moan escapes his lips. It is one of the most beautiful sounds I've ever heard. It is beastly, but at the same time so filled with longing and desire. The combination gives me courage to continue with what I do, and soon I am up at Alucard's neck. His pulse is pounding like a hammer when it strikes against a nail, and it sounds... lovely.

"Do it, Seras. I know that you want to taste me. Here I am, take me. Make me yours, as I made you mine." Alucard's voice has a strong desire. It makes me stop my licking and look up at Alucard. He looks back. Not a word, I manage to get out of me. His eyes are... changed. Now there is only a strong desire for something that only I can, and is allowed, to give him. It both frightens and excits me at the same time. Should I do what Alucard asks me about, or shall I ignore everything and see what happens? I am not quite sure; all this is so new, strange and frightening at the same time.

"Alucard, I'm sorry", it escapes me. "I do not think... that I can..." I stutter, but Alucard interrupts me with a kiss. He puts his arms around me in a hug and just holds me there for several minutes, with his lips pressed against mine. When he finally release his grip of me it is with a sad look.

"Forgive me, Seras. I was drawn into the feeling of what it would feel like if you drank my blood… I don't want to force you into something that you are not okay with, do you understand?"

"Oh, Alucard, of course I know that! It is I who should apologize; I was also caught by the feeling of what it would be to... drink your blood. Now I'm not so sure if I will be able to do it, because everything is so new..." I shake my head and lay my head against Alucard's naked chest. "I'm not really sure if I was right when I asked you to turn me."

"If you want, I can get out from here so that you can get a chance to think through all this." Alucard is about to stand up when I put my hands around his back and push him closer to myself. "Seras, what...?"

"Don't go, Alucard. Please, don't go..." I beg and feel the tears run down my cheeks. "There is one thing I am sure of, and that is that I don't want to be separated from you. I know it sounds silly - we don't even know each other - but there is something with you that I find comforting. As if you have always been there for me, but it is only now that we meet and I can thank you for everything you did to me even though I have not realized it myself."

All is silent around us in what seems like forever, but in reality probably is not more than a few seconds or a few minutes. Finally Alucard relaxes again and looks down at me. He has a smile on his face and strokes away my hair so he can see my face clearly. "You're right, Seras. I feel the same way. Who knows, maybe it's true. Perhaps we are meant for each other, or it is just a very strange coincidence. It does not matter which one, I'm just happy to have been able to meet you."

After that had been said, everything went fast. Suddenly, without knowing how it happened, I find myself lay naked in the bed with Alucard's body on top of my own. Alucard has one hand on my belly, while the other is on my left breast, which I had previously been shot. The funny thing is that there isn't a single trace, no scars or anything at all that can prove that I have been shot. It scares me a bit, but I am glad that I do not have to remember it every time I look at my chest. Without a scar, the less chance that I think about it.

Alucard slowly begin to stroke my breast as he bends his head down towards my neck. I know what he wants to do and I welcome it more than anything else. So that he will understand the hint, I lean my neck so that he easily can taste me. A small groan escapes me when Alucard's lips meet my neck and begin licking it. Soon I can feel the fangs slowly stroke my wet neck before being slowly buried in my flesh and my blood system. As soon as Alucard starts to drink I can feel the fire that I previously thought was so strong, explode inside me.

It is difficult to describe the feeling, but the closest I can come is that whole I find myself in a sea of pleasure that has put its hands around my whole body. Especially I feel it in my neck where Alucard now is sucking my blood, and between my legs where it feels like something is about to burn up. It is pounding heavily and burns with a passion I never thought possible.

Alucard seems to know exactly how I feel. He continues to drink my blood slowly while he strokes my breast with one hand. The other hand he lets go exploring on my stomach and down to my hips. It is obvious that he knows exactly what he is doing. I can't do more than shake with desire and moan loudly with each new wave of pleasure that washes over me. Sure, I have imagined that the first time would be something special, but not this special. Nothing exists except me and my pleasure. I probably will not even notice if we are under attack, so deeply rooted I am in the lust swamp.

"Alucard, more..." I manage to whisper between some waves of pleasure.

Without pulling out of my neck, Alucard lays his hands against my legs and pulls them apart. Before I can move, I can feel Alucard inside me. Without that I can stop it I explode in an orgasm that I never have experience before. I tremble like a leaf while the orgasms wonderful spasms courses through me, again and again. Alucard pulls out his teeth from my neck and licks his lips. "Oh, was it a bit too much for you, Seras?"

I gasp out of breath and tries to get back to a proper breathing. "Yes... that was... wonderful, Alucard. I have never felt... something like that before."

"Oh, wait. There will be more, if you want me to continue", Alucard replies and grins a smile that is a mixture of animal-like and playful.

If I want more? Did he really just ask that? Of course I want more, I can feel how my body is all but exhausted. Still there is a lot of energy left to do both this and that.

"Take me, Alucard."

For a second I can catch a glimpse of surprise in Alucard's eyes, but it disappears as quickly as it has come. "With pleasure", he says instead, and catches my lips in a passionate kiss as he pushes himself deeper in me.

While we kiss I can feel Alucard's fangs against my tongue. They are soaked with my blood, and when I lick it up, it is as if I am hit by an insight. If it is this nice to me when Alucard drinks my blood, will it feel the same for him?

I break the kiss and cling myself to Alucard by lying my legs around his back and my arms around his neck. Then I bend forward and bite him in the neck, at the exact same spot he has bitten me. Between the gulps and enjoyment that conducts me when Alucard presses against me, I can hear him groan. I suspect that he feels something similar to what I feel and it spurrs me to suck more blood. The feeling it gives me to suck Alucard's blood is approximately the same as being bitten myself. The difference is that Alucard's blood is much stronger; it tastes more wonderful than my own. It is strong, but at the same time satisfying. Wonderful, yet dangerous.

"Seras, drink. Drink plenty." Alucard's voice brakes through my haze of pleasure and I do as he asks me. I drink deep gulps and the more I drink, the better it is for me and Alucard.

After a while I pull myself out of Alucard's neck and look up at him. In his eyes I see a mirror image of myself. What I see that is different is that after I have drink Alucard's blood, my eyes are… red. They are identical with Alucard's and that's when I realize why vampires are said to have red eyes. Of course it is so, what other explanation could there be?

Vampires have red eyes because they drink blood.

I feel how Alucard starts shaking and I know what is going on. I smirk and push harder against him. At the same time I pull my tongue around the wound on Alucard's neck and licks up the blood that has leaked out. It is not long before Alucard gives out a shriek, which consists of my name before I feel how my insides turns warm from his semen. I lean my head back and moan out his name in a way that I hope shows Alucard how nice I think it all has been.

Soon I have Alucard's massive body lying against mine. Both of us shakes off fatigue, coldness (it is quite cold in the basement, and since we are sweaty...) and pleasure. I kiss Alucard's forehead tenderly and then put my head against his. My hands slowly stroke along Alucard's back and I let my eyes close.

"Seras", I hear Alucard say. I do not open my eyes to see what is wrong, but just nod in anticipation of what Alucard is going to say next. "You were right, that was wonderful."

A laugh escapes my lips and I shake my head. "When will you learn that I am always right, Alucard?"

A laugh escapes Alucard's lips and it makes me feel all warm inside. His laugh is as wonderful as the sun is a real hot summer day. "Well, I hope I will have time to learn it in the future."

Now, I open my eyes and looks at him. Does Alucard mean...?

I smile a smile that not only appears on my lips, but also in my eyes. "Of course you will. Did you think I would disappear, or what?"

"I really hope not, Seras. I really hope not..." Alucard whispers and our lips meet once again in a kiss.