A few nights later, the pack was at the moonlight howl. Humphrey and Kate were howling together along with Garth and Lilly on their own private ledge on howling rock. Not very far away, on another ledge, Shakey and Janice were howling together along with Salty and Reba.

Humphrey's new, silver fur had completely grown in. Kate, along with a lot of other girls, thought he looked very dazzling with his shiny new coat.

But down at the foot of howling rock, all by himself, sat Mooch. He was looking up at all the other wolves on the mountain. They all looked so happy, howling with their mates.

He sighed sadly to himself. 'Who am I kidding? I'll never find a mate. Not looking like this.' He looked down at his paw and stared at the blue fur on it. The same blue fur that covered his entire body.

"Why the long face?" he heard a female voice say behind him say.

Mooch spun around. A young female wolf was standing there, smiling at him. He didn't know her, so he guessed she was originally from the old eastern pack. She had reddish fur with a white underbelly, and bright blue eyes. She was a bit plump, though not to the same extent he was.

"Oh, no reason," he said sadly.

"Couldn't find a howling partner?" she asked.

Mooch nodded slightly. "Well, it's not like anyone would want to howl with a blue beast like me."

"You know, blue is my favorite color," she said with a smile.

"Oh," Mooch said. Then something occurred to him. Was this girl hitting on him? He looked back at her. She was still looking at him with a smile on her face "Oh!" he said.

"I'm Petunia," she said.

"Nice to meet you," said Mooch. "I'm Mooch.

"I believe there's something you want to ask me?" Petunia said as she batted her eyelids.

"Um... would you like to howl with me?" he asked, nervously.

"I'd love to," she said.

Mooch smiled and the two started walking side by side up howling rock. They found a nice spot to themselves, and the two began howling and dancing together, enjoying the feel of their pelts pressing against each other as they swayed together. After only five minutes of howling together, Mooch knew for sure. He was in love.

And so, all the wolf couples howled together long into the night.

The End

A/N: Well that's it for this story. However, my partners and I are planing on writing a sequel. So stand by for 'Alpha and Omega: Super Wolves 2: The Next Generation'.