A/N: Alright, so I decided to write an epilogue for this story. It's funny because I woke up this morning and this idea popped into my head. Anyway, I think it's rather sweet and I realize I wrote 'I love you' like a million times, but why can't Harry and Draco express their love for each other a million times? Also, I started a new story called Changes. It's a creature fic and of course it's Draco and Harry so if you're interested, check it out. Thanks again for reading my story! You guys are the best!

Epilogue: Two Years Later

A package sat on a table next to where Draco was sitting. He was staring at the robes that were hanging on a hook, his stomach turning over and over with his nerves. He took several deep breaths. His mind was racing. He was about to take the biggest step of his life and he wasn't sure if he was ready for it or not. He looked over at the package. There was a card sitting on top that he hadn't read yet. He took another deep breath and reached over to it and opened the card.

Put this on as soon as you hear my knock.

It was unsigned, but Draco didn't have to think to know who it was from. Harry. He lifted an eyebrow as he opened the box. His other brow joined when he saw a blindfold in there. A blindfold? He thought as he pulled it out and looked at it. There was a knock at the door. Draco stood up quickly and walked over to the door. He stood there staring at the handle for a moment and then he looked down at the blindfold in his hand and sighed before he placed it on. He reached for the knob and turned it, pulling the door open.

"Do you have it on?" Harry asked from the other side.

Draco instantly felt his stomach warm at the sound of Harry's voice and he suddenly felt a lot less nervous. "Yes, now why do I have this on?" he asked in a questioning tone. He felt Harry reach out and touch his hand. They instantly linked their fingers together and Draco pulled him inside.

"I'm wearing one too. Its bad luck for the bride and groom to see each other before they get married," Harry responded knowingly.

"We aren't your typical bride and groom though," Draco pointed out. Harry had moved closer and placed his hands on Draco's hips. Draco's hands rested against his chest. He could feel the texture of his dress shirt beneath his fingertips. He smiled.

"Well, if you'd like to test our luck, then take off your blindfold," Harry retorted.

Draco lifted his head and knew that his eyes had widened in fear. He couldn't possibly take that chance. He couldn't risk losing everything that he had ever wanted. "No, no that's alright. I wouldn't want to ruin tradition or anything like that," he replied assuredly.

"Good, so how are you feeling?" Harry asked. He was smoothing his thumbs over the hem of Draco's shirt which was sending chills up his back. He shifted with the chill.

"Honestly, I was very nervous before you knocked on that door. I was afraid too. What if I'm not good enough for you? What if I can't be everything that you need? What if five years or ten years or even twenty years down the road you figure out that I'm not the person that you fell in love with? What if-" Harry cut Draco off when he crushed their lips together. He pulled at the buttons of Draco's shirt and slipped it off of him quickly. Draco started fumbling with Harry's buttons as well, as Harry left his lips and kissed a trail down his jaw line and to his neck. He kissed and nipped at his neck earning several quiet moans from Draco in response.

Draco pulled Harry's shirt down his shoulders and arms and threw it to the ground. He pushed against Harry and he stumbled back into the door with a loud bang. Harry groaned and pulled Draco against him, their bare chests pressing together, smooth skin against smooth skin. They rolled along the wall trying to dominate the other, but Harry gave up and stayed against the wall with Draco pressed against him.

Draco started fumbling with Harry's belt and pulled it apart before he unbuttoned his pants and slid them down Harry's thighs. He let out a groan of pleasure when he realized that Harry was not wearing anything underneath his pants.

"I wanted there to be little that you'd have to remove when we arrived for our honeymoon," Harry said breathlessly. He continued to kiss Draco's neck.

Draco chuckled. "Are we already on our honeymoon?" he asked in a teasing tone.

"I couldn't wait. You were talking such nonsense. I just had to show you that all your fears are understandable, but babe, you couldn't be any more wrong. You are good enough for me. You are everything I need and five, ten, twenty years down the road you will still be the man I fell in love with. I love you so much and I have never been so sure about something in my life. Don't be afraid of all the what ifs because they won't happen, I promise," Harry assured him.

Draco leaned away for a moment, feeling tears coming to his eyes. "You never promise something unless you can keep it," he said in a small voice.

"You have my word," Harry replied quietly. He pressed a gentle kiss to Draco's lips. Draco returned the kiss and reached out to stroke Harry's member. Harry nearly crumbled at the touch, but maintained his upright position as he reached out and started to undo Draco's pants as well. They slid down his hips and he too was not wearing anything beneath them. Harry started to laugh as did Draco. He lifted him off his feet and Draco quickly placed his legs around Harry's waist. He wrapped his arms around Harry's neck and pressed his lips against his again.

They were so lost in their kiss that they didn't hear the door open. They only realized it had opened when they heard two gasps and hands slapping against faces.

"Are you bloody kidding me? Couldn't you two wait?" Pansy demanded from the doorway.

"Draco! Harry! Have some decency. Get your clothes on!" Hermione cried.

"Haven't you guys heard the old wives tale that it's bad luck for the bride and groom to see each other before the wedding?" Pansy questioned loudly.

"Pansy, if you'd open your damn eyes you'd see that we are both wearing blindfolds and aren't technically seeing each other," Draco responded in annoyance.

"We don't want to see you two like this!" she cried.

Hermione peeked out from behind her fingers and blushed deeply. "It's not really bad though," she commented quietly.

Pansy gasped loudly and turned her head towards Hermione. "Granger!" she cried in shock. Hermione shrugged, but peeked to the side and saw Pansy looking out from behind her hands as well. "Nope, not too bad at all," she replied.

"Oh for Merlin's sake! Get out of here you two!" Harry cried.

Hermione and Pansy sighed loudly and stomped out of the room, slamming the door behind them.

"Love, I think we'll have to finish this after we get married," Draco said sadly as he unwound his legs from around Harry's waist and settled himself back on the ground.

"Yes, you are probably right. Okay. I'll see you in a few minutes. I love you," Harry said as he bent down to gather up his pants and pull them back up. He found his shirt and put it on leaving it unbuttoned. He reached out for Draco again and found him easily. He wrapped his arms around him and pulled him against him. He hugged him tightly and then kissed him carefully.

"I love you too and I can't wait to marry you," Draco replied into the kiss. Harry grinned against his lips and stepped back. He squeezed Draco's hand before he walked towards the door, feeling along the wall until he found the knob. He opened it and then left, closing it quietly behind him.

Draco removed his blindfold and looked around the room. He leaned down and pulled up his pants and buttoned his shirt. He glanced at his robes now with confidence and not with apprehension. He walked over to them confidently and put them on. He looked at himself in the mirror and gave a satisfied nod and walked out of the room without a glance back.


"I now pronounce you, Misters Potter-Malfoy. You may now seal the bond with a kiss," the officiate announced. Draco and Harry grinned at each other and closed the distance between them, pressing their lips together and officially bonding to one another.

The crowd erupted in cheers as they broke apart and turned to face them. They glanced at Hermione and Pansy who were both blushing deeply, their dates looking at them in confusion. Draco and Harry glanced at each other and started laughing as they walked down the aisle.


After spending the evening at their reception and bidding all their friends good-bye, Draco and Harry caught their port key and landed tiredly in their hotel in Germany. Harry and Draco collapsed on their bed and laid there in silence for several moments, their fingers linked together.

"I love you, Harry," Draco said finally. He lifted their hands and pressed a kiss to the back of Harry's hand.

"And I love you," he replied lovingly as he too lifted their hands and kissed the back of Draco's hand.

Draco propped up on his elbow and looked down at Harry. He placed his free hand on his chest and started to fiddle with his buttons. "So I was thinking that maybe we could take up from where we left off earlier," he whispered.

Harry looked over at him and grinned. "Oh yeah? But we don't have the blindfolds," he pointed out.

Draco reached into his pocket and pulled out the two blindfolds and hung them on his finger. He twirled them around on his finger and gave Harry a playful look. Harry's eyes widened and he smirked at Draco. "You know, this might be even better if we had some ties," Harry suggested.

Draco grinned. "Lucky for you, I packed a few Slytherin ties for that very reason," he replied with a smirk.

"No Gryffindor ties?" Harry pouted.

Draco narrowed his gaze and smirked at him. "There might be a few of those as well. I think you would look brilliant with Gryffindor ties binding you to the bed and a blindfold on," he teased.

Harry's eyes darkened at the thought. He scrambled up the bed flicking his hand and vanishing his clothes. Draco's eyes turned to their molten silver shade with his own need and summoned the ties and vanished his clothes as well. Harry looked on at him with a heated gaze. "It's about time you returned the gesture," he joked.

Draco smirked as he crawled up towards Harry, he flicked his hand and Harry was instantly bound to the bed and the blindfold was placed over his eyes. Draco slid up next to him and lifted one corner of the blindfold to reveal one of Harry's bright green eyes.

"I love you, you know that right?" Draco whispered.

"Yes, I know," Harry replied quietly. "I love you."

Draco grinned and dropped the corner of the blindfold. "Good. I want you to remember that because I am going to have my wicked way with you and you're going to want to kick my arse in the end," Draco responded teasingly.

"Oh, I won't be kicking your arse in the end. I'll be doing other things to that glorious arse of yours," Harry replied cheekily.

Draco looked down at him with widened eyes and then his eyes clouded over in lust as he pressed a passionate kiss to his lips. This was going to be a brilliant marriage and it all started with a secret crush that turned into a love of a lifetime.