I'm finally getting around to editing/reuploading this story. I'm excited to get it all done and hopefully the changes won't upset anyone. I'll upload chapters as I get around to finishing them. Shouldn't take too long to get back to where I was with it. As always, everything Harry Potter related belongs to J.K. Rowling and I'm just playing with it. This hasn't been beta'd, other than my own edits.

In Dreams We Enter A World...

Chapter One: Confusing Whispers

"Amelia..." Hermione let out an exasperated sigh and rolled over, punching her pillow and trying desperately to rid her mind of the annoying whispers. The same voice had been disturbing her sleep since she left Hogwarts and took up temporary residence at the Burrow a month ago. Hermione had no idea what the name meant, but the voice was oddly familiar. Well, a little too familiar. It sounded like the silken whisper of her Potions Master yet the murderous traitor was the last thing Hermione wanted to think about much less dream about.

Resigning herself to yet another sleepless night, she climbed out of the bed and pulled on her dressing gown. Glancing over toward Ginny's bed to make sure she hadn't disturbed her roommate she headed for the door. She paused on the second floor landing and stared at Ron's closed door. She knew he would listen, even if he didn't understand. Yet she couldn't bring herself to share her dreams with him. They were too new, too fresh, and too private to share. Not only that, but in the wizarding world dreams took on a whole new meaning and Ron was sure to tell Harry. Harry had enough to deal with without having to worry about someone invading one of his best friend's dreams. No, there was really no other option. Hermione would figure this out herself.

Ron was a very possessive boyfriend and thought he alone knew what was best for her. Hermione rolled her eyes at that thought. She wasn't sure if she could survive staying at The Burrow until Hogwart's future was decided.

September 1st was a date she was quickly coming to dread. Professor McGonagall, the new Headmistress wasn't even sure what stance to take. Re-opening Hogwarts with Professor Dumbledore gone was a huge risk. Even if it did reopen and Hermione was able to finish her 7th and final year, Harry would not be there.

Hermione sighed and attempted to clear her mind. Whatever would come would come and dwelling on it was something she did not intend to do. She could not however get Ron's face out of her mind. She didn't want to hurt him but couldn't think of a single reason they should be more than friends. On the other hand she could think of about a million reasons they shouldn't be.

Hermione quietly crossed into the family room and took a seat on the couch in front of the fire, lost in thought.

Inside Voldemort's fortress, miles away

"Severus," spoke an extremely handsome man from the doorway of a large, extravagantly decorated study. His wavy raven hair flowing into the sharp emerald eyes that at this moment were pinned to the man reclining on the floor in front of what appeared to be a gilt edged mirror. "Tell me, my loyal servant, have you made any progress?" asked the man as his stiff body leaned against the open doorway.

His body was rigid, each muscle held taut in what was unmistakably constant control. He held himself as a King would while addressing his court, his eyes never leaving that of the man on the floor. This was Lord Voldemort. This, the Dark Lord himself, his sinfully handsome features returned to him courtesy of the man in front of him. The Potion Master had wasted no time researching and brewing any potion possible to help his Lord reach the immortality and endless youth he so craved. Coupled with endless transfigurations, charms, and several dark arts rituals, Lord Voldemort appeared to be no older than 25.

Severus as the Dark Lord called him hurriedly gained his footing and bowed low to his Master. "My lord, I accessed her dreams tonight. She is becoming very curious. I keep whispering to her. Also, I could tell she is afraid to mention this to anyone else. I'm almost certain she recognizes my voice, her friends would believe her insane." he said while staring at the floor and awaiting the Dark Lord's permission to rise.

The Dark Lord smiled an honest smile born from actual happiness. "Rise, Severus. This is indeed good news." He stepped into the room and walked slowly to the bar resting beside the large marble fireplace. "Firewhiskey?" he asked as he filled two snifters with a flick of his wand, not waiting on his servant's reaction. If the Dark Lord wished you to take a drink with him, you did.

Settling in one of the high backed chairs in front of the fire he stared at the young woman in the mirror. She appeared exhausted and he knew it would only be a matter of time before sleep claimed her. He spoke again, his voice lower in what was clearly an order to Severus. "You will step up the efforts. Begin telling her the truth. We have 16 years worth of Dumbledore's lies to rectify and I want my daughter with me."

Severus' eyebrows jumped up in surprise at his Master's impatience but he quickly cleared his facial expression and bowed his head in clear subservience. "Of course, if that is your wish Master." Severus watched the know-it-all he had taught for six years begin to drift off and readied himself to enter her mind.

The Burrow

Sitting on the couch in the living room of The Burrow was not a good idea Hermione decided as her eyelids began to droop. She stood up so quickly she pitched forward over the coffee table and had to plant both hands on its cluttered surface to keep from tumbling into the middle of the floor.

Fighting sleep was cowardly, she knew. The rational side of Hermione's brain kept telling her these dreams were dangerous. Yet, the part of her that always won out, the adventurous side was so curious she could hardly stand it. Flopping back onto the couch she drew her knees up to her chin and stared into the fire. As the hypnotizing flames danced back and forth her eyes drifted shut and her cheek came to rest on one cotton covered knee.

Hermione knew where she was. It was the small courtyard at Hogwarts she walked through numerous times to get to Care of Magical Creatures. It was beautiful, with the sun shining brightly and the birds singing to her from every direction. Hermione felt safe. She felt comfortable. She also felt as if she were being watched but it wasn't an all together unpleasant feeling. She sensed no hostility.

The petite witch sensed rather than heard someone approaching her from behind. Instead of turning around she waited until someone stepped between her and the sun and cast her back in shadow. She was determined to be acknowledged first. After all, she was drug here not the other way around.

Severus Snape knew she sensed his presence. A low throaty chuckled escaped him at her stubborn courage. He quieted immediately when he saw her stiffen and slowly turn to face him.

"Ah Professor Snape, I would ask if you have come to kill me but we both know you can not kill a person in a dream. This leads to a very important question. What ARE you doing in my dreams?" She asked with her head held high and tilted slightly to the right so she could stare into his eyes in defiance. If she hadn't recognized his voice, she would never have believed this man standing before her was Severus Snape. Apparently, his aversion to shampoo and healthy food were only while living in a dungeon.

His obsidian eyes were alight with something akin to glee as he nodded his head and spoke in that silky whisper that never failed to give Hermione chill bumps. "Always the Gryffindor aren't you, Miss Granger." It wasn't a question.

"I do not believe you went to all of this trouble to insult my house, Professor." she said very softly as her eyes burned with barely controlled rage. Here in front of her was the man that betrayed Albus Dumbledore. He betrayed them all and for what? A shell of a wizard who himself believed Snape wasn't good enough to hold a wand, being half-blood. He made her sick.

"I believe I am not your professor anymore, Hermione, please. Call me Severus. And to answer your question, I believe you already know the answer to that. You no doubt received word when your parents died that you were adopted?" His smile melted into a smirk as he saw her cringe. Some things never changed and if it was one thing Severus Snape took pleasure in it was hurting a Gryffindor's feelings. No matter if said Gryffindor was the Dark Lord's daughter or not.

"What do you have to do with my parents? Come to clear your conscience? It was supposed to be an accident but I wouldn't be surprised if you and your Death Eater mates were involved." She practically spat at him. Hermione's parents were both killed in a car accident exactly 2 weeks after the attack on Hogwarts which resulted in Dumbledore's death. Hermione couldn't get rid of the guilt of not being there.

Severus Snape simply stared at her for a moment, it might have been her imagination but there was something close to compassion in his eyes. "I did not come here to upset you more than you already have been. I simply thought you might want the truth." He was practically purring at her. Hermione couldn't help it, she was visibly shaking. A combination of his voice and the painful reminder she hadn't been with her parents nor seen them in years was almost too much.

"For once in your life someone is willing to tell you the truth. Albus Dumbledore lied to you from the moment he took you from your true parents." Severus leaned close to her ear, with a deep silky whisper... "If you must know, Miss Granger, all of the harassment you received, the cute little pet name I know you so love: Mudblood. All of it could have... NO, should have been avoided."

He paused and stared at a point above her left shoulder for a moment before saying, "Don't you see, you were tormented for years, denied the truth, and why? Because Albus Dumbledore was afraid of what power you possess. You, my dear are purer..."

Hermione's eyes popped open in disbelief and flew to a concerned Mrs. Weasley staring down at her. She couldn't believe it. What was Snape about to say? And was he telling the truth? She knew she was adopted but there's no way her parents were magical. She had been raised on the word Mudblood. Not good enough for Hogwarts. But then again, the sorting hat did suggest Slytherin...

"Hermione! Earth to Hermione. Gracious, where are you this morning, child?" Mrs. Weasley was staring at her with concern evident on her face.

Hermione blushed and looked down at the floor. "I'm sorry, Mrs. Weasley, I was just thinking."

"That's all right, dear, why on earth were you down here on the couch?" Mrs. Weasley didn't wait for an answer. "Well, up! Time for a spot of breakfast. Run along upstairs and get dressed. There's a good girl."

Voldemort's Fortress

"AAARRRGGGHH!" Severus Snape threw his crystal snifter into the fire and watched as it exploded into the magical green flames. "Master, I was so close. That bloody Weasley cow woke her up!"

"I saw, Severus, as soon as she knows the truth we will... rescue her from those insufferable idiots and I will be able to speak to my daughter myself. Finally." A wide grin was spreading over the Dark Lord's face as he stared at the vision of his only child in the mirror on the floor. He hadn't been face to face with his daughter in 16 years and it was past time that was rectified. "Severus, go inform Bella. She has been beside herself."

Severus bowed deeply to the Dark Lord and said, "Of course, My Lord. Amelia is all that kept Bellatrix from going completely insane in Azkaban. She will be most thrilled to hear any news of her daughter I'm sure." With that said he backed out of the room in search of the woman called Bellatrix.

The Dark Lord took a deep drink of his firewhiskey and sighed. True, part of him was excited, elated, and happy even. Yet Hermione as she was called had been part of the "Light Side" and friends with that bloody Potter boy for years. There had to be a way to… convert her. Convince her that what she was fighting for wasn't necessarily the right thing.

Voldemort laughed loudly at the memory of Lucius telling him of the "Mudblood's" idea of saving house elves. Clearly, his daughter was a very stubborn young woman.

His laughter died abruptly at the realization that his daughter was raised as a Muggle. It never failed to infuriate him when he thought of her childhood.

That bloody idiot Dumbledore died thinking he was keeping the one thing that had ever mattered away from him. Dumbledore hadn't counted on Severus' loyalty actually lying with someone else. Over confident old fool signed his own death warrant. As soon as Severus informed Voldemort of the Headmaster's involvement in his daughter's disappearance, Albus Dumbledore's death was guaranteed.

Draco Malfoy could have launched himself into the Inner Circle, but no matter. The boy would prove his loyalty elsewhere or die. His loyal servant had stepped in when it mattered most and proved himself not only to The Dark Lord, but to his comrades as well. The Dark Lord couldn't be more pleased. Now all he needed to do was release Lucius from Azkaban. With Severus, Lucius, and Bella he had a team that was near unbeatable. They worked better than "well" together. They always had.

As soon as Amelia Hermione Slytherin Black came home the war would be as good as won. Harry Potter wouldn't be able to stand the blow of having the Dark Princess as one of his best friends. Voldemort smiled that cocky smile that lit his emerald green eyes and leaned back, relaxing for the first time that day as he watched the image of his daughter eating breakfast in the mirror. He was imagining how it will feel to have the brilliant witch by his side, as she should have been since birth.